Many hobbies/activities are in decline because younger people today are more interested in modern activities or more ready-to-use than construction oriented.
If the number of modelers decline to the point where the market is too small to support the number of venders we have today, modelers will have to scratch build more as modelers did in the 40s and 50s (look at MR article titles from those years). Modelers will have to scratch or kitbash locomotives, rolling stock and structures. Hand lay track and turnouts. Build there own electronics (e.g. C/MRI). Many modelers do this today.
greg - Philadelphia & Reading / Reading
HaroldA Now without revealing my take on the topic, I am interested in getting some feedback on what the forum thinks without getting into heated debate. So my questions are, where are heading as a hobby?
Now without revealing my take on the topic, I am interested in getting some feedback on what the forum thinks without getting into heated debate. So my questions are, where are heading as a hobby?
Oh yeah, like that's not gonna happen. LOL
Model railroading, as a hobby, is dying !
Alton Junction
Ha, I would bet the RR that this will get into a heated debate!
IMO - the number of participants is and has been on the decline. Gone are the days where a toy train circled every Christmas tree and was on every boy's (and some girls) list.
But while the numbers of participants have dropped, the hobby will always be around, for there are many folks attracted to "running something" - be it model trains, cars, boats, or planes.
The hobby components have improved significantly over the years, but of course this has come at a cost - and the "entry fee" for the hobby has gone up significantly. Thus, the cost alone will drive out some newbies, but perhaps that will be offset by those interested in the electronics aspect of the hobby.
The LHS is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. There will always be a few, but nowhere near what was in the past. Of course that is offset by the online shops, which allows the hobbyist to sit in his armchair - be it in Chicago or somewhere in the wilds of west Texas, and buy most anything at fairly reasonable prices.
Another trend (I find it disturbing but that is just me) is the decline of kits and "do it yourself" aspects of the hobby. Of course this goes along with the general trend of our society, whereas the theme is "I want it all, I want it now, and I want it done for me - and I'll charge it"......
Hey, the above is just my opinion - and I'm only giving it because the OP asked. If you agree, fine. If you don't, that's fine too. ENJOY !!!!
Living in southeast Texas, formerly modeling the "postwar" Santa Fe and Illinois Central
Overall I think the hobby is still strong and I've notice a lot of young faces at the last three train shows I went to.
I believe we will see some hobby shifts in the coming years some good and some not so good for some.
At the current rate Bachmann locomotives may become the new "Blue Box" locomotive for those with limited budgets.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
A few days ago I got into a discussion about the future of model railroading. There were several postions on the topic which ranged across a broad spectrum of opinion. Now without revealing my take on the topic, I am interested in getting some feedback on what the forum thinks without getting into heated debate. So my questions are, where are heading as a hobby? Are we healthy and growing or heading for life support? I would really like to hear what you think.
There's never time to do it right, but always time to do it over.....