Doughless They can have either my labor or my money, not both.
Ours is a labor of love and the only "paycheck" we get is the enjoyment of building,painting,decaling,detailing etc.
Our hobby time is worth diddly squat.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
csmincemoyer All I have to say is please don't purchase a wood kit. You will be greatly disappointed that the parts look like, well, wood and not the picture on the box.
All I have to say is please don't purchase a wood kit. You will be greatly disappointed that the parts look like, well, wood and not the picture on the box.
- Douglas
I don't care what color anything in the kit is. Most of my structures have very little of the original color, and what there is is weathered. Even some of the window glass gets fogged, or replaced with Canopy Cement so it's clear, but so lens-like that you can't see through it. There isn't a roof on my layout that looks like what was in the box, either.
I buy kits because I like to turn each of them into my own unique model. I take great pride in taking a simple 4-walls-and-a-roof kit, with the window frames molded on in a "plastic" color, and turning it into a one-of-a-kind building.
For this Cornerstone kit, I used 5 basic colors for the front wall alone, in addition to 2 or 3 trim colors.
The "accessory" from that car ad may be seen in the third floor turret window. (I put in window shades, but I can't get her to use them.)
If this building came out of the box that way, I wouldn't buy it.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
Gravely's huh?
Those are for kids
Here's what I use
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein
Oddly enough sometimes the wood kit is painted though the detail parts need painting.
One of my first kits was the Atlas Lumber Yard. Nice kit, one end wall had some cast tools on it which looked really nice with a little paint.
I always assume the kit needs some painting, although in my younger days I sometimes skipped painting in my hurry to finish the kit.
Old Professor,
I won't get into the deceit vs that how it is debate. Other than to say its all marketing designed to get you to bite. Women have been doing it for years with makeup and padded bras, nobody is screaming at them.
I've been doing this modeling thing since I was young. Ho building kits, 125th scale model cars, and even farm equipment models. Personally I kinda hate pre-colored models. Building the pre-colored models guarantee that somewhere, somebody has one exactly like it. So does his co-worker, cousin and Pastor.
Here's an IHC kits, which was molded in colors just like the picture on the box,
Now here's the same kit, painted as MY minds eye saw it.
In my mind, its much more realistic and believable. And my co-workers, cousin and Pastor all have a different version of it.
Don't be afraid to take some of the masking techniques to supplement your unsteady hands. Try some different techniques. It's never too late to learn something to gain the result you want.
After all, I built and painted this structure 4 weeks after having a stroke. It became part of my therapy.
NCE über alles!
I agree about requesting a refund. No way.
It just impacts whether or not I want to buy another Walthers kit or, more importantly for Walthers, how much I am willing to pay for one. Considering that I might or might not have to use my painting skills, I try to look for dirt cheap deep discounts on ebay, and get the hobby shop or previous owner to take the hit.
I just assume I have to take time to paint all Walthers building kits, like a lower priced DPM, RIX, or City Classic product.
BATMAN Well I'm going to go get on the John Deere and cut my acre of leaves. They say nothin runs like a Deere! I just hope lawn tractors aren't in season yet. We move pretty slow.
Well I'm going to go get on the John Deere and cut my acre of leaves. They say nothin runs like a Deere!
I just hope lawn tractors aren't in season yet. We move pretty slow.
I just finished cutting my acre of leaves, but as you know, it was not with a Deere.
I can not believe the OP thought that a response from Walthers was in order.
Based on the substance of the gripe, I thought it was from a very young, someone new to modeling.
Well,there is two Walthers buildings that comes as the box shows Bob's Trucking and the shipping company..Both comes in shiny blue. Both can be built several ways.
DSchmitt Doughless Old.Professor Is there any way I can determine what the box contains? No, not without buying it first. BTW, what is the MSRP for those two kits, together? Besides being a Model Railroader, I an also a 1/35 scale Armor modeler. There are many web sites where reviews of Armor models can be found . ....... It seems it would be quite easy for interested persons to do "in Box" reviews and post them on this forum.
Doughless Old.Professor Is there any way I can determine what the box contains? No, not without buying it first. BTW, what is the MSRP for those two kits, together?
Old.Professor Is there any way I can determine what the box contains?
Is there any way I can determine what the box contains?
That's a good idea....
And in the old days of AHM and TYCO and all of those train set type of kits, the picture on the box showed what would be built after you assembled the separate colored contents of the box.
Maybe Walthers should just skip the artistry, and just show an assembled kit on the cover, as boring and as grey or brown as it would be.
Basically, the contents of the box assembled by following the instructions in the box.
I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.
I don't have a leg to stand on.
BATMAN I recently ordered this online. When it arrived all that was in the package was the car. Talk about getting ripped off! ">
I recently ordered this online. When it arrived all that was in the package was the car. Talk about getting ripped off!
And if you did order the car from this picture...the car was probably painted.
Brent, I hope your JD Mower has the extra Lighting, it is pitch Dark in Iowa now...I would really like a JD Multipurpose, but I would have to add Ditch Lights & a Strobe light on to it...Oh, and too bad about the Bugatti order, that offer was just for the first 5 customers, like the Catalytic Warranty..Good Luck.
All seriousness aside. To the OP. I hear you about not having the steady hand anymore. I had brain surgery last year (no joke) even before that I couldn't thread the eye of a needle to save my life. What now works for me is mask and spray to get to detail spots. In the follow pic of the Walther's Power House kit, everything that is now painted grey was molded red. The grey areas, ie the window lentils, door caps, and caps to the roof where impossible for me to paint free hand.
So after first painting the entire wall sections a more pleasing to me brick red, I used automobile masking tape (available at Wall Mart) because it produces a sharper edge than regular painters tape, to mask off the kit so only the sections to be painted grey where exposed. I then sprayed with a rattle can, I use mostly Krylon as it is cheaper than Testor's.
Although I understand how you feel, with all due respect I do not think Walthers will even respond to your request for a refund.
Mask and spray some stuff, you will find you'll end up with a better looking model, Derek
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
So, you are the guy?
Guy(s) btw, your out of Cheerios!
richhotrain Brent, you have no right to post a photo of my wife without my permission. Rich
Brent, you have no right to post a photo of my wife without my permission.
So did you get the car too! Or just the girl?
UPinCT richhotrain Brent, you have no right to post a photo of my wife without my permission. Rich Uh Oh, That's my girlfriend!
Uh Oh, That's my girlfriend!
Alton Junction
Wait a minute. We're joking, right?
I have two sets of those kits, the Freight House and the Freight Office. They are beautiful kits.
Nowhere on the box does it say that the kits are molded in various colors.
And those are not the only Cornerstone kits where the window frames are molded into the brick walls.
Plus, how could you work on the kits for several hours only to wake up and realize that all of the parts are the same color on the sprue?
And now you want a full credit from Walthers for the cost of the kits?
Tell you what, send me the buildings and I will paint them for you.
Press some masking tape firmly over the wall with the windows. Cut the tape from the wall section around the frame with a hobby knife and new blade. Spray in a well ventilated area the color of choice and peel tape from wall when dry.
Washes of white or light grey will get your mortar lines decent enough.
One of the reasons it is called model railroading.
I pray every day I break even, Cause I can really use the money!
I started with nothing and still have most of it left!
I don't think I have a steady enough hand (any more) to paint a large number of cast-in window frames. Nor do I think I would find that enjoyable. If the window frames had been on separate sprues, I could have painted them.
It seems that buying a kit is a gamble concerning the colors that parts are cast in. Experience is not useful. Sometimes you'll get all parts one color; other times there will be multiple colors, and there's no way to know until you've paid your money and opened the box.
It varies by kit. I recall the cement modern coaling tower was cast in a 'cement' colour, except for maybe the chutes, but I believe even they were the same colour. I am pretty sure I built the Atlas three stall roundhouse. It's components were in various colours. For example, the sills at the bottoms of the windows were a light 'cement' colour, whereas the wall into which they were set were a reddish-brown brick colour. Window frames and roof, and the doors, were green.
The Valley Cement by Walthers is all one colour. Everthing, the roof-mounted ductwork and blowers/cyclones, the conveyor, the rotary kiln/dryer...all the same 'cement' colour as the modern coaling tower.
Nope. And a dealer isn't going to remove the shrink-wrap because others will demand that the price be reduced because it's not sealed. (Unless he has a shrink-wrap machine in the back somewhere.)
Is there a problem with painting the windows a different color? Or, are you adverse to painting? Just askin'...
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.