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Posted by kbkchooch on Thursday, July 25, 2013 7:47 AM
Good Morning all!
Flo, Can I have some Blueberry pancakes and some Scrapple fried crispy? Large OJ too? Big Smile
Awesome outside right now, 58F with low humidity,,going up to 81, then tonight back to 61! WOW! Just last week we were melting here! Big Smile
Stopped by "the other" LHS yesterday, and was inquiring as to when they were going to get the Tru-Color paint.
"Oh we got it, want to try some out?" the gentleman said.
"Sure" I replied.
So after he rang up my purchase he disappeared into the back and came back with a bag with Tuscan Red, Brunswick Green, Gray Primer, thinner and an Athearn Trainmaster shell. After showing me a few other customer painted shells, he told me to have fun and return what I didn't use with a full report on how it worked!!
So now I am trying to come up with a workable scheme for using all the colors, should be fun. Now I will say this much. If anyone has used the old Accu-paint by SMP, the Tru-Color bottles look the same, the paint smells the same too,(acetone based). I'm thinking it will spray the same,. I'll let you know! Big Smile
Time to get crackin, catch y'all later!Cowboy


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, July 25, 2013 7:47 AM

Good morning. It's 74° with 98% humidity. The high will be 95° but will feel like 108°.

Tried getting to sleep before 11pm last night but my body apparently had different ideas. So I was up until 2:45 this morning when for some reason I finally went to sleep. Woke up just after 6am so I'm not feeling my best this morning.

Yesterdays bad weather left quite a bit of damage in it's wake. There are some pretty good sized branches down in my yard. Maybe someday I'll be able to get the tractor in there and drag them out. No trees down, in my yard at least. I know somebody close by has at least one. I heard it fall. I haven't heard any talk of injuries or worse from the local gossip mill so that's good news so far.

Today I'll change out a few more chips in the IIe and move it further along to becoming an enhanced IIe. That'll allow me to use more of the Apple IIc and IIGS software on it with fewer compatibility issues.

No word back from the docs office on the results of my last cardiac stress test. He said they'd call if there were any concerns so for now no news is good news.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by galaxy on Thursday, July 25, 2013 10:01 AM



I haven't been on as I have been tracking donw info  on health insurances and costs with out the supplemental for me after Madicare. Seems the fees I was paying, and the grossly over-inflated tripled charge they now want is acutally far more than the out-of-pocket would be, at least for general Drs visits/services, so it appears to be a rip-off. Will stop it Sept first, and try to go without. Will have to get MOH coverage to compy by Oct 1 with the new laws, but I think we cna do that, too and still br cheaper than the new tripled rate cost for me alone.If I pay for august, it will cover my new bottom partial plate and will be cheaper than paying it myself out of pocket, but barely.

Changed the car insurance, we are insured to the max under an alternative plan that is for those with squeaky clean records and super high credit ratings, so we actaully get the higher full coverage at a lower price than we were paying! Had to pay up today and wait for a refund for balance of old policy in 2.5 weeks.Could have made it cheaper IF i let them do everything policy wise via email and computer, bUT I want everything in the good ol'e mail box, as I still don't even trust electronic deposits yet. As much trouble as we have had with things getting compromised all over the place and such, I don't trust not having hard copies somewhere. Only a $13 differnce anyway. I may change my mind in the future, but we will see now.

Went to do some grocery shoppng this morning, stopped at the pharmacy, and the insurance agency and the credit union,SO I have been around already!

 Now to relax as yesterday's migraine is still working onme, but dull ache now. Stress added to it, I am sure, but the changes in the weather sure don't help,, and it was 51F this AM, now 55F. Posta warm up some.

TOmorrrow is the dentist for both of us, me for filling and the impressions for the partial, then in 3 weeks, I should have it. MOH has a fillling to do, too. The FIL has a Dr appt. in the afternoon he is trying to get moved to the AM so MOH can sit with MIL. FIL asked If I could sit with MIL, bUT did NOT understand that BOTH of us have dental appts one right after the other! Dunno he hasn't called yet to say it is changed.

Well, that is about all the news from these here parts...


have a great afternoon...



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by pascaff* on Thursday, July 25, 2013 10:07 AM

 Morning All,

    Currently it is 70 with an expected high of 98. Pretty much same story weather wise here.

   Another w**k day for me, then Skype with my son tonight. I did get a lot accomplished yesterday. Dentist really needed to take that around the head x-ray, so they said they would bill the insurance, who will probably decline it, then send me the bill. Glad I did it though. The regular x-ray looked suspicious but the fancy one showed there was no problem. Went to Costco, then to Wal-Mart, for a few things and picked up a prescription. Stopped at Lowes and Home Depot, looking for some 6 conductor flat phone cable, neither one had it, so I ordered some from Tony's. Also w**ked on a few building kits, and cooked some meals.

   Prayers to all in need.


Living in Fernley Nevada, about 30 miles east of Reno, also lived in Oregon and California, but born In Brooklyn NY and raised on Long Island NY

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Posted by JeremyB on Thursday, July 25, 2013 10:28 AM

Ray : Those cookies look delicious, would be perfect with a large cold glass of milk Yes

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Posted by kbkchooch on Thursday, July 25, 2013 11:51 AM

Just a quick comment to my earlier post. 

8:47 was the last post, now it's 12:33 . I've managed to hang up a new cabinet in the garage to hold kitty food and other "stuff" that was finding it's way to my workbench,, apply clear poly to a new sillplate and some molding for the master BR, and completed a 3 color paint job on the FM trainmaster shell using the Tru-color paints.  Yes, 3 colors in 1 day! Wow, I'm all giggly happy about this!!

Remember, they gave me samples of gray primer, Tuscan red and Brunswick green. So the best "fake" scheme I could come up with looks like a cross between the Southern Railway and the Pennsy,,,,,,I know, the Southern Pennsylvania!

Gosh, I love this stuff!!!!!!!!!!!Big Smile


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Posted by howmus on Thursday, July 25, 2013 12:25 PM

Afternoon folks!

Chloe, I'll have a toasted tuna and cheese sandwich, some potato chips and a big dill pickle (yeah the way they usually come...) and a glass of iced tea for lunch today.  yep, put on the politician's tab for me.  Thanks Ulrich!

I think the Ulrichmobile is going to look pretty good, BTW.

The contractor is here and has a good start on the fence.  One of the guys working for him was also one of my students.  We just had a nice chat.

Looking good, Karl!

Had a group of preschoolers out at the museum this morning.  Cute little kids!  I made my explanations fit for the little ones with some extra explanation for the adults with them.  There was supposed to be two separate track cars full to visit (one after the other) but it ended up being just the one group.  They only stay 15 minutes at our end, so it was a short tour and then I closed up shop and came home.

The big yellow thing has made an appearance today.  Hope the little wheel down cellar is spinning a bit faster than it has been most of the month.  Another month of little sunshine, and June and July should be the best months.  So far May was the best.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, July 25, 2013 12:49 PM

Good Evening Gang!

Another day of fighting and fussing is coming to an end. I am dead tired - no wonder after 14 hours of party work. Too early to go to bed, though, somehow I have to manage to keep my eyes open.

Tomorrow is our 29th wedding anniversary - and I won´t be home to celebrate it with Petra. It´s the first time in those 29 years! I have to go to Hannover to get the final verdict on the list of candidates from the election board. Some (beep, expletive deleted) offspring of a female canine has challenged the list. Probably a guy being paid by one of our political enemies. If he succeeds, that´ll be the end of my political career. I will have three of our most adept lawyers with me, so I hope it´ll turns out right.

Although I miss doing some MRRing, my mind is not really set on it. Too bad I have not yet started on my new layout - I am getting second thoughts about it. Maybe I have to rethink my approach to model railroading completely. There are too many unanswered questions.

Well, I shall be retiring to the sofa to watch a stupid movie on TV. I don´t care what it is - they are all stupid these days.

Have a good night & see you soon!

P.S. Time to send out a roll call - the list of MIAs is getting too long!

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, July 25, 2013 1:19 PM

Looks like that new paint worked very well for you Karl.

Sir Madog
Well, I shall be retiring to the sofa to watch a stupid movie on TV. I don´t care what it is - they are all stupid these days.

Hear, hear! You'll get no argument from me!

Well it took a bit of work but Apple IIe #1 is now an Enhanced Apple IIe. It now has the CMOS based 65C02 processor, a new character set for the text modes and the required firmware chips. Of the character ROM that was added thirty-two are 'mouse-text' characters, not that I'm going to be adding a mouse anytime soon. Back when I was using this computer for my business a mouse was something you killed. Some old text and speed problems with 80-column text have gone away as well. I now have the capability of running most if no all of the software developed for the Apple IIc and some of that for the IIGS as well more backward compatibility with the old Apple II software. I just checked and yes, I now get the Apple //e at the top of the startup screen instead of the generic Apple ][ that I was getting just this morning.

That right there makes all the work worth it.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, July 25, 2013 2:01 PM

Karl - I think you should consider assigning your engine to the New Haven....

The nose of this EP-5 even has the colors in the same order you do.

What????   Me at the top?  Oh, well, eat hearty, but you're responsible for your own cholesterol meds...

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Packer on Thursday, July 25, 2013 2:15 PM

Afternoon guys

well that auction for some Amtrak passenger cars I want went to stupid-high levels. It's up around $270 for 4 cars... Geez. The auction was a sleeper, diner, observation, and an RPO... I'd like to have a streamlined baggage car, but I'm probably going to wind up with a friend's brass MHC... So far the train is 1 F40PH, 5 sleepers, 2 coaches, 1 lounge, and 1 amfleet. I may be getting a second F40PH and that brass MHC... As for an Observation, I might stick some red LEDs in the amfleet and use it to mark the tail.

Karl, Todd, and JaBear, thanks for you're guy's input. Looks like I'll be looking at yard sales later. (who knows, maybe I'll find something I can use)


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, July 25, 2013 4:45 PM

Good Afternoon

A nice cool day here, sunny out but the air has a certain nip to it...

Got a fair chunk of work done today on those files but I found more that needed some work done on them...mmmm...wonder where the fellow who was responsible for this went...mmmm home in reasonable time to have some train time I'm going off to do just that....

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by Lehigh Valley 2089 on Thursday, July 25, 2013 7:58 PM


Just got back from a day at Knoebels. While there, I decided to pick up two freight cars from a series that was being offered. When I mentioned that I didn't want to be added to the mailing list for the series, my mom looked and sounded as if she was considering adding us to the mailing list. 

Today was basically a day to relax. Also, that huge rock I mentioned earlier is no longer a problem. Walter (my older brother) and I make quick work of it with a sledge hammer and a pickax. 

The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.

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Posted by JeremyB on Thursday, July 25, 2013 8:31 PM

Another ride today on the bike. Planning on doing close to 20 miles tomorrow.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, July 25, 2013 8:41 PM

Well by now you know I've upgraded IIe #1 into an Enhanced IIe. If I can get the pieces I need I'll upgrade it further to a Platinum IIe. No great change for that. Just a platinum color case with a IIGS keyboard and a couple of internal pieces. Then I can get started upgrading the other two IIe's. Talk about a long term project. Found another game in my collection that I haven't played in many years. Moonmist. I couldn't find the box that has the book and map so I downloaded the map and associated letters from the internet.

No news on the layout other than that it's a mess. There are a few items on Ebay I'm looking at getting.

Well that's all for tonight. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by kbkchooch on Thursday, July 25, 2013 10:03 PM

Good evening all!

Flo, how about a cool glass of milk and some of Ray's cookies,,,Surprise...wazzat?? Barry ate them all! Surprise Ok, then got any Oreo Double Stuffs?? Big Smile Oh good,,,,that will do just fine!!

Just got back from the viewing for our senior club member who passed last weekend. Several club members showed up in our dark blue club shirts. Charlies daughter got a big kick out us showing up in the uniform Charlie saw us in frequently. He was a great man and will be missed.Sad

Tomorrow, it's lawn cutting day, plus maybe painting the chassis on the Mikado I am currently working on. better get some shut eye. Get to sleep with the windows open tonight,,,,61 degrees predicted.Big Smile 



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Posted by howmus on Thursday, July 25, 2013 10:08 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie a cup of decaf would be great at the moment...

Been a busy day.  My son and his daughters came over for a few minutes this afternoon.  They were sent home with a bag of fresh broccoli, a couple peppers, a zucchini squash, and a bag of toll house cookies... 

Fence is done!  These guys worked very quickly and several times stopped to ask me how I wanted the job done.  He will get more business from me I think. 

And from my side of the fence...

Tomorrow I have to finish getting everything ready for the NMRA Division Picnic on Saturday!

Have a good one.  Prayers for all in need.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by galaxy on Friday, July 26, 2013 3:39 AM

mroning coffee in the diner...


Today is Friday, July 26th, 2013!!

I will keep the prayer candles for those in need  lit as long as I am home...


Politicians or we  all say we have/need ot have a "slush fund", SO:


Money put aside to be used to bribe or influence, especially in a political context

Origin: the Short version:

Back in sailing days, a ship's food supply was stored in a lot of salt pork. After frying or boiling, a lot of fat (aka slush)  was left over. Some of it was used to grease timbers. But, they had LOTS of this stuff! So, most was just put into storage. When they got back to port, they sold it. (We're not sure who buys this stuff and why?) Anyway, the money from selling their slush was used to buy extras for the crew.  Soon, the term "slush fund" was used to represent money that was taken from a normal budget and used for extras. More commonly, the extras meant to pay bribes for corrupt purposes, etc


The longer, in depth version:

The word 'slush' was coined in 17th century England as the name for half-melted snow and is first referred to in print with that meaning in Henry Best's  Rural Economy in Yorkshire, 1641. Of course, that's where the name  Slushies, the part-frozen flavoured drinks, came from.

A century later, there was an alternative meaning of 'slush', or 'slosh', which was  the  fat or grease obtained from meat boiled on board ship. That invaluable guide The Gentleman's Magazine, 1756, referred to it like this:

He used much slush (the rancid fat of pork) among his victuals.

William Thompson made it sound even less appetising in  The Royal Navy-men's Advocate, 1757:

Tars whose Stomachs are not very squeamish, can bear to paddle their Fingers in stinking Slush.

Despite it not being the apex of culinary delight it was considered a perk for ships' cooks and crew and they sold the fat that they gathered from cooking meat whenever they reached port. This perquisite became known as a 'slush fund' and the term joins the numerous English phrases that first saw the light of day at sea.

The author William McNally didn't think much of the practice and included a description of it in Evils & Abuses in Naval & Merchant Service, 1839:

The sailors in the navy are allowed salt beef. From this provision, when cooked nearly all the fat boils off; this is carefully skimmed and put into empty beef or pork barrels, and sold, and the money so received is called the slush fund.

In the same year, The Army and Navy Chronicle suggested that a ship's slush fund would be a suitable source of money to buy books for the crew:

To give men the use of such books as would best suit their taste, would be to appropriate what is their own, (viz.) the slush fund for the purchase of such works.

This is the beginning of the meaning we now have for 'slush fund', i.e. money put aside to make use of when required. The use of such savings for improper uses like bribes or the purchase of influence began in the USA not long afterwards. The Congressional Record for January 1894 printed this:

[Cleveland] was not elected in 1888 because of pious John Wanamaker and his $400,000 of campaign slush funds.

Slush fundInto the 20th century and we head straight for one of The Simpsons' many cultural references and back to the original meaning of 'slush fund'. In the 1998 episode Lard of the Dance, Homer and Bart instigate a scheme to make money by collecting and selling grease. They try to siphon Groundskeeper Willie's stashed vat of rancid fat from the school kitchen. A fight breaks out over what is clearly Willie's slush fund or, in 20th century cartoon parlance, his 'retirement grease'.





-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, July 26, 2013 5:35 AM

Good Morning!!!

Coffee and an order of biscuits and gravy and could you put 2 or 3 scrambled eggs on top please? Thanks.

A 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms after 7am. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 78. Looks to be in the mid to upper ‘70’s thru Tuesday. Open windows time!!!

Gee, I was contemplating hitting the ‘Bay for an Amfleet or two, but after what Vincent just reported, I might as well just buy new. Normally I’d go to my FLHS, but it seems I can’t get there anymoreSigh. Maybe later in the fall. I might just as well consider train time a winter hobby ‘cause good weather sure ain’t  conducive to inside play it seems.

Fence looks great Ray, though the garden looks betterWink. I know it's the way it's done with that type of fence, but I always wondered when a home owner pays for a fence to be put up, why they always put the best looking part for someone else to see and they sit and admire the less attractive side.

I’m waiting for my neighbors to put up fences so I get to look at the good sideLaugh. Two to goYes. One keeps saying he is, the other well, he doesn’t seem to be too thrilled with a fence. It sure would be nice just to let the dog out without having to tie her. Other than that, I wouldn’t care about a fence. More to trim. Of course we have no windows that open into someones house either.  Indifferent Oh! I see you just stepped out of the shower. Embarrassed

Well things went well with Brenda yesterdayYeah.  She felt good enough by 5:30 that we went to the Stockholders Dinner /Meeting last night and the food was great. I was happy, she was tired.

Today, I’ll wo*k on the kitchen part of the apartment as the counter tops came in yesterdayYeah. I won’t be in the way of the carpet guys. Besides, not sure when they’ll be there. Hopefully early but at the duplex they didn’t show til like 3 in the afternoon which is fine, I have to w*rk in the restaurant tonight, so I suppose it don’t make any difference. I can get the tops down and the sink set....stuff like that. Hope to get the toilet set as well. The 1st is coming fast.

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Friday, July 26, 2013 6:44 AM

Happy Friday morning!  It's cool and drizzling here in New England.  I had hoped to go for a bicycle ride myself yesterday, but the weather didn't cooperate.  Tomorrow should be nice, though.

Our state legislature is about to give us a "sales tax holiday" weekend, where the normal sales tax on most stuff goes away.  It was just announced by the Speaker of the House, and in Massachusetts he is actually more powerful than anyone else, including the Governor, so I'd consider this a done deal.  In preparation, I've pre-ordered a U28B locomotive in Milwaukee colors, which won't be available until October, but I will pay for it on the sales tax holiday weekend.

And today I get to leave work a bit early and have a tooth pulled.  Joy.  It's a wisdom tooth, and I won't miss it.  It will probably be soup and other soft food tonight for me, though.  Hey, this is an excuse to eat ice cream!  I'll be back later for some cherry vanilla.

Penny is still in Florida taking care of her parents.  It looks like her Dad will have to spend a few weeks in a rehab hospital while his elbow heals up.  They need to change the dressing frequently, and it's a job for the pros.  Her Mom is mobility-limited, and can't get down the stairs at the condo by herself, so she's essentially shut in.  Their doctor, whom they get along with and trust, has joined the chorus of telling them they need to be in an assisted-living facility now, so it looks like Dad's medical issue will finally push them to do something they should have done years ago.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, July 26, 2013 7:24 AM

Good Morning

Sunny and getting a little humid out -- 77 feeling like 88F this afternoon. This morning a bit clammy and 70 out now...

Not much on this one's plate today except that of even more filework...oh well...more cash in my pocket. lol!!

Have a good day!!

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, July 26, 2013 7:45 AM

Good morning. It's 76° with 95% humidity. It already feels like 84°. The high will be 95° and will feel like a mere 105°.

I feel rotten today. I've been awake since 2am and no matter what I did I couldn't get back to sleep. The hours of sleep I've gotten the past couple of days can be counted on one hand.

What's bad about that? Today is mowing day! I really don't feel like doing it but I promised my niece it would be done and I don't make a habit of breaking my promises. Yeah, I can do the job but I'm going to be completely wasted for the rest of the day. On the brighter side I should be able to get some sleep later.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by tcwright973 on Friday, July 26, 2013 8:58 AM

Morning everybody,

Ray - The raised beds turned out very nice. Did you do anything special for drainage? The fence turned out very nice as well. I especially like the transition to a pickett type. Lots of possibilities for landscaping there. And speaking of the cookies. I'm pretty sure if you turn that big one over, it has my name on it. Feel free to FedEx it at your earliest convenience. Laugh

We did make it up to Conneaut, Ohio on Wednesday. Could not have asked for a better weather for railfanning. Temperatures in the low seventies with a gentle breeze. Met another fellow from Pennsylvania and had a chat with him. Saw 7 trains while we were there. I had some trouble with my camera (Canon PowerShot) most of the time. Finally tried changing out the batteries and that seemed to solved the problems. I put them (4 AA) last week so they should have been okay. Maybe one of them was bad, I don't know. Anyway, the highlight for me was an ethanol train powered by 2 Canadian Pacific ES44AC engines. It's the first time I've seen any CP power. We also saw 6 or 7 gondolas with covers that I've never seen before. They had hazardous placards which indicated they were filled with "solid enviromentally hazardous substances".

I have been taking photos while railfanning since 2007. When I get home I download them to folders named for the date taken. Needless to say, finding anything is just about impossible. One night a couple of weeks ago I started a spreadsheet which listed the engine number, type of engine, railroad name, location, and date of photo. I was very surprised to see a total of 1,213 seperate locomotives to date. Now some I have seen many times, but they are only counted once. Some interesting entries too. For example, a CSX engine I saw on Wednesday, I also saw once before in 2007. As I don't usually see much in the way of CSX, the odds of that have got to be high. By using a spreadsheet I can sort on any of the fields to find things.

Ysterday I trimmed the hedges which got away from me again, now the yards need mowed. So I better get goning and get something constructive done. Take care and have a great day.


Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by pascaff* on Friday, July 26, 2013 9:07 AM

 Morning All,

   Currently it is 67 with an expected high of 96, we did get a quick downpour yesterday afternoon, but nothing sustainable.

    W**k again today, but my oldest daughter is coming by this evening with some catfish for me to fry up for us, so that should be nice. She probably will not get here till around 8:00 PM, so she may spend the night, which is fine with me. I don't like them making that drive in the dark, and I enjoy their company.

  Prayers to all in need.


Living in Fernley Nevada, about 30 miles east of Reno, also lived in Oregon and California, but born In Brooklyn NY and raised on Long Island NY

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Posted by howmus on Friday, July 26, 2013 11:15 AM

Mornin'.... Uh....  Ok, Afternoon folks!

I've already been hard at w@rk here printing up some flyers for the handicapped troop to hand out during a service project they are doing tomorrow.  The printer ran out of ink but didn't notify me so I ruined about 15 of them...  Grrrr!  

Todd and Tom, thanks for the comments.  Tom, that cookie already disappeared into my tummy...  Sorry!  You can have tow of the other virtual ones though.  The raised beds have hardware cloth on the bottom to keep out rodents, but no special thing for drainage.  Where they sitt is on well drained soil that was my garden for 30 years, so I doubt there should be any problem.  The nice thing is I don't have to crawl around on my hands and knees to weed or harvest these.  they can also support a much higher density of plants than a standard garden.  With the fence, my next door neighbor suggested I should put the "good" side on my side, but I told her that could be a problem when we sell the properties.....  I plan to put some solar lighting on the fence to give a bit of glow back there for security and to enjoy in the evenings.  I can also start the "Sunbathing" now the dermatologist wants me to do.  All I have to do is find some time!

Currently 71°F outside with a predicted high of 76° this afternoon.  Another day without the air conditioner sucking up the solar power on me.  have to ready the electric meeter this afternoon and turn in the reading.  So now the sun comes out....  Yesterday and today should be good ones for the panels.

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by alexstan on Friday, July 26, 2013 1:20 PM

Just dropping in, I am still alive...sort of...fighting depression...

Modelling HO Scale with a focus on the West and Midwest USA

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Posted by galaxy on Friday, July 26, 2013 4:53 PM



Had LOTS of errands to run this Am-Credit Union, Get MOH's check adn schedule, CPAP mask insert, returned cans and bottles, GO t me a replacement Cell phone for emergencies, etc, got those done and then dentist for both of us. A filling for me, a filling that turned in to 2 for MOH and impressions for a bottom partial for me. The partial won't be here for 3 weeks. Then stopped to activate the cell phone on the way home at verizon.

SPeaking of Verizon, they are NOT replacing land lines in the areas of NJ or NY where the Storm Sandy took ojut the old lines. This is to cut their expenses, and force all to a cell line only. This IS a problem for and causibng havoc for those with phone-connected security systems, for those with\ the "I've fallen and can't get up" medical alert systems! The cell connected systems don't function well with those systems. ANd they would have to have a separate cell line just for the house and those systems, besides the one cell they carry with them IF the systems played well with cell communication systems.

 We still insist on having a land line WITH a hard-wired phone connected to it for power outages. WHen the power is out for 5 days at a time everytime the substation gets flooded, we are the only ones who have good phone service! Those with cordless battery systems don't have phones, and those with cells can't charge them And often the power to the cell towers is either off due to power outtage, OR cut off to avoid overload on the system. We on;t, if we can avoid it, loose the hardwired land line!

FIL is *** at us as we told him many tiems to reschedule his Dr.s appt this afternoon, and if he couldn't get it this AM {in which case we would have stalled errands of ours} We COULD NOT DO it {sit with MIL while he went}. He FAILED TO understand this adn called on the emergency cell while we were driving to ask if we could do it this afternoon. I told HIM 3 times MOH was driving and couldn't talk, that I'd relay messages, did he get it? NO. MOH pulled over and they boht exchanged unprintabel words. Now EVERY DAY this week, MOh has been over there for one stupid reason or another, and every day MOH told FIL to CHANGE HIS Appt! But we think his memory is really slipping and senility setting in as he DOESN'T comprehend thngs anymore. He also waits til last minute to get help from MOH for such things, can't ask in advance, now can he. SHeesh. GRR. I HOPE I don't get that way as I age.

Subway sub..Orchard Chicken foto long split for dinner, so I din't have to cook, just have to wait til we both are un-numbed!

well, that about how my day went. Hope yours went well!

JEFFREY- I rarely sleep well, or for more than 3-4 hours at a time at night without at least getting up for the facilities, and often that makes me wide awake for a couple of hours, sometimes I am successful at getting back to sleep often not, hence the reason I post the AM greeting at anywhere from 2am to 4:30Am! No sleep is no fun, I know, tired all teh time, dragging.

ALEXSTAN-Hope the depression improves, if you don't already, see a DR. I am Bipolar, so I know Depression all to well.I'd say "cheer up, chap" but I know it isn't that easy!

Ray- I hope that spinny-thingy downstairs was spinning away for you, here it was nice and sunny.I know you get great mileage with the PIP, but how many miles do you usually put on per week? and you get what? 60MPG? With MOH's new job of drivining clients around, we are thinking newer high MPG cars.. reimbursement won't quite cover all gas cost at about 18 MPG in the Gr Caravan. Now to afford a new car is the thing...



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by alexstan on Friday, July 26, 2013 5:27 PM

G- I did get taken in to see a doctor a couple weeks ago, stress-caused work-related apparently...long story behind why I got taken in...


Modelling HO Scale with a focus on the West and Midwest USA

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, July 26, 2013 6:09 PM

I've been on the go all day and I'm just about dead. First there was breakfast with my father and step mother this morning. Then my father said we had to go to the pharmacy to pick up a few things the hospital called and said I needed. Things like Betadine and Cipro then over to Wal-Mart to get some things he needed. By the time we got back it's 12:30pm. The whole morning was shot! That meant I'd be mowing the grass in the afternoon sun in near 104 heat. Oh but it gets better! Now he wants help getting his tractor out. It has a dead battery and won't start even when jumped due to the fact gas isn't getting to the carb. So I help him push it out and set the jumper cables up. Finally I can my tractor out, gas it up and get to work. So for the next two and a half hours I cut the grass. No interruptions. I finish and put my tractor away and by now I'm dead on my feet. He wants me to help him with his tractor again. So far all he's been able to is get it to pop by priming the carb. It wouldn't stay running after that. To me it's the same old song again. Fuel filter or carb. I checked the fuel filter (had to take a bunch of stuff off the side of the engine to get to it, a Kohler naturally) by giving it the blow test. I got resistance so the filter was suspect. So off we (me, him and my step mother) go to Riverside Logging to get a new filter and he unbolted and disarmed his wallet and got a new battery for the tractor. It's been dead for two years. He just kept charging it with a battery charger when he wanted to use the tractor. I told him this new filter may fix it, it may not. The problem may be in the carb meaning the possible expenditure of more money that'll be wearing sunglasses due to not seeing the light of day for decades. Can anybody say cheapskate? He make Scrooge look like a drunk sailor. An upside to the trip to Riverside Logging was we stopped by Sonic for strawberry shakes. I finally got back home and I'm about to break into a pile of assorted parts on the floor.

Oh yeah, I got some info on the upcoming surgery. I go in on Aug 8th to have the prelim work done the back on Aug 12th for the surgery.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm wiped out and I am going to go crash somewhere, preferably on the bed.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

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Posted by rdgk1se3019 on Friday, July 26, 2013 6:18 PM

Hey True Line Paint water based acrylic?


Just a quick comment to my earlier post. 

8:47 was the last post, now it's 12:33 . I've managed to hang up a new cabinet in the garage to hold kitty food and other "stuff" that was finding it's way to my workbench,, apply clear poly to a new sillplate and some molding for the master BR, and completed a 3 color paint job on the FM trainmaster shell using the Tru-color paints.  Yes, 3 colors in 1 day! Wow, I'm all giggly happy about this!!

Remember, they gave me samples of gray primer, Tuscan red and Brunswick green. So the best "fake" scheme I could come up with looks like a cross between the Southern Railway and the Pennsy,,,,,,I know, the Southern Pennsylvania!

Gosh, I love this stuff!!!!!!!!!!!Big Smile

Dennis Blank Jr.

CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad

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