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Elliot's Trackside Diner....JUNE 2013!!!! Locked

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:15 AM

Been to the VA and back. Nothing accomplished except learning that government paperwork STILL moves slower than the advance of a glacier. Later I have to go to my fathers place and wait to see if a cable TV repairman shows up. Sounds like a boring way to waste an afternoon. No layout work again today.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by mbinsewi on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 9:50 AM

Hey folks!  Remember me?  Smile  I know, It's been a while!  Sorry, Summer time is out side time.  I'll have a HUGE glass of sweet ice tea please, and set everyone up with a drink and sweet roll or donuts of their choice, and, as usual, keep the change.

This constant rain in SE WI has wild!  What a difference from last year.  The yard was paper bag brown at this time last year.  We've been getting about 2" a night !  If this keeps up, I'll be back in the basement working on trains, instead of tractors.

Speaking of tractors!  I have a couple of projects in the works.  Do you mind looking at my pics?

Picture #1, a Simplicity 725, will look as good as or better than the one behind it.  This one is going to our place up north.

Picture # 2, Simplicity 738, engine and mower deck rebuilt, and now being used as the son's lawn mower.  Simplicity has a great roller set up on their decks, and makes the awesome strip patterens in the yard.

Picture #3, a match to #2, a 738, currently under construction, motor is done, waiting for the rain to stop so I can continue painting.

Bored yet?  Oh yea, this is a model railroad site!  Speaking of which, my bulk pack of IM wheel sets came the other day, now I'm waiting for Micro Mark to get in a shipment of truck tuners, so I can get mine !  They are on way....way...way back order.

So I did some reading back, trying to catch up with every one.  Glad to see every body is hanging in their.  Just a quick comment on what Jeffery was saying about Medicaid / Medicare, 99% of the wife's clients are saying that they are loosing a lot of coverage they used to have, and with doctors not providing what they used to, and they say it is expected to get worse when obamacare kicks in fully.  I won't say another poly....tickin from me.

OK, I better get moving!  Have a great day, and week !


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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 9:24 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have one of those large corn meal muffins with real butter and a cup of dark roast coffee to start the day.  Oh, yes, my R&GV RR mug would be fine.

Don, I bet you will be going to the Credit Valley Railway Company in Mississauga.  I was there a couple months back...  You will love the place!

Ulrich, so sad to hear what is going on with your Mother still.  Only thing I can say is to keep every piece of paper from both your mom and your brother on the subject! You may have need for them.

I will be taking my son, Matt out to dinner tonight as Wednesday he will be working with my SILs on some family genealogy on his Mother's side of the family and will spend the evening with his Aunt in Canandaigua.  That is a good thing as she is convinced that Aunts are far more important than Fathers...  No kidding!  Therefore I won't have to hear about how she didn't get any "quality" time with him this time....  Thursday he heads out to Rochester for a meeting for "Work" and then flies out to Chicago Friday morning.

Best get myself moving.  lots to do around here!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:48 AM

Good morning. It's 78°, 88% humidity, high of 92°, partly cloudy cloudy with a 20% chance of rain.

Going out this morning to check things out with the VA. Be back later.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:29 AM


Ulrich, I am worried about my mother-in-law.  She's in better shape, as my father-in-law is still there with her, but she's 92 and he's 96.  Her mobility is limited and she really should be in a wheelchair, but the condo they live in would be awkward as the doors are narrow.  It's on the second floor, and there is no elevator.  She has not been out of the condo since last year, and I'm thinking that she would need someone to carry her down the stairs.  They should be in assisted living, and they have discussed it, but she is very set in her ways and doesn't want to move out.

She's still mostly a happy and cheerful woman, though.  But, she gets upset easily.  My wife is  visiting them now (they live in Florida) but by the end of her 2 week visit they will both be stressed out and ready for her to fly home.

We are 66.  We should be retired ourselves.


My inlaws are a hassle too.

I certainly HOPE that after all our parents put us through, we make the smart decisions to take care of US in our older age! I have 0 children, nor does MOH have any, MOH is an only child, and my Bro is childless, too  so we will be strictly on our own!! With not even a niece or nephew and NO children, we will HAVETO rely on assisted living! WE are ALREADY looking into it! MOH will be 55 next year, and me 4 years later,so we can qualify.

We have NO doubt we will need assistance in later life, though we HOPE desperately to retire to assisted living in Hawaii. {more expensive than NY here} so doesn't look promising..but one never knows, If we work at it, it might just happen.

But, in the meantime we are looking 5 years we would be IN, unless they allow with only MOH being 55. They rent by % of income that will be  a boon in later life when the SS is not so hot at paying the bills.

So we are looking!!!


EDIT: I got TIPPY-TOP! SO eat up guys, is my credit card! Put a big fat TIP on there for yourself, too!

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:22 AM

Good Morning!!!

Thank goodness no strippers. I'd be questioned about this place.Laugh

Isolated showers and thunderstorms. Mostly sunny, with a high near 89.  Chance of precipitation is 20%.  Locals say 91° could feel like 100° or better.

Coffee and a short stack of buttermilk flapjacks with real butter and maple syrup from…Hmm..oh let’s make it New York.

Tongue in Cheek. Yup, that just about sums me up. The base and facts of stories are true...., just embellished in the wording to make for a more dramatic relaying of the events without actually crossing into falsities. Just like the news media.

Welcome Don!!! I see you’ve already been informed about the Rivet Counter.  Funny story how it got it’s name. Well, not funny.  We’ll have to tell you sometime if only just to keep the story alive.

Gotta do that you know, tell the stories once in awhile. If somewhere down the road someone asks “who’s Elliot?”…., or “What’s up with this Ed’s OJ and what is this place really supposed to be?” the other diners  won’t just look at each other blankly and say…”you know, I wondered that myself”.

Garry- I’m glad all are ok from the lightning strike. A Senior’s building in Lincoln, IL just north of here, got hit with lightning caught fire and burned Friday. Luckily all got out ok. Oh and I am doing something with the layout. Not much directly, but I am doing some cleaning up of the room a bit as I get the few minutes. I did get to spend a little time on the interior of the restaurant yesterday though not much. But hey! It was some time so I was happy.

 JR- Good to see you!! I’d repour by the way.

 Ulrich- Good luck and be mindful of the health. Sorry to hear things are going backwards with your Mom. Again. Sorry to say this, but I think your Brother should be questioned on willful neglect and endangering the welfare of a senior for allowing your Mother to go home. He sounds like a vengeful (?? Not sure if that's the right word....but close) man and I hope he doesn’t try to sabotage your campaign by using your Mother.

Well, got a lot of odds and ends to do today, none of which involves the choo choo’s, but does involve outsideness. It got hot quick around here, when it finally did, with little acclimation time.

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:14 AM

Good morning. I can hardly wake up. ....... I need some of Bill T's coffee. Where is Bill T when you need him? ... I may need to sleep in booth near Duke's booth.

Also, Where is Lee? ..... and Sue? .......... Bama? .... Der John?

John Boy .... Good to see you. Maybe I missed it, but did you tell about your long road trip?

Galaxy .... Interesting about "tongue in cheek" ...... Have you done "on the lamb"?..... Reason for asking: The TV news was reporting about the red panda that escaped from the DC zoo and was later re-captured. They said "The red panda was on the lamb.", and that was funny to hear.

 Don .... Have a good trip!

Karl .... I like the C415 project you showed in the "Show Me" thread.




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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:03 AM

Good Morning..

Another sticky one today...and, of course, one gets to go and continue the process of getting all the crud out of the lair of doom...hopefully we will see some progress here soon....

Anyhow...better get cracking here and get this dog and pony show on the road...have a good day!!

Ulrich:  I wish there was a way to get your brother to actually really look after her but...Sad...these situations are always sadSigh

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 7:52 AM

Ulrich, I am worried about my mother-in-law.  She's in better shape, as my father-in-law is still there with her, but she's 92 and he's 96.  Her mobility is limited and she really should be in a wheelchair, but the condo they live in would be awkward as the doors are narrow.  It's on the second floor, and there is no elevator.  She has not been out of the condo since last year, and I'm thinking that she would need someone to carry her down the stairs.  They should be in assisted living, and they have discussed it, but she is very set in her ways and doesn't want to move out.

She's still mostly a happy and cheerful woman, though.  But, she gets upset easily.  My wife is  visiting them now (they live in Florida) but by the end of her 2 week visit they will both be stressed out and ready for her to fly home.

We are 66.  We should be retired ourselves.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 7:00 AM

Good Afternoon!

Boy, am I tired! My eyes are half-shut while I type this. Will go for a snooze in a moment...

last mountain & eastern hogger

Ulrich my Friend,

Learn to delegate some of that work and you get some better sleep  Zzz  or you might never make the election.

Johnboy, I do need a rest, but there is no time for it. If we had the money to pay them, I could easily keep 2 assistants busy. But without money to pay them, the w*rk stays with me to do. Petra is helping me as much as she can, and that´s a big help. No meeting today, but lots of them ahead of me ...

The mail brought a letter from my Mom to me. It is filled with hate and accusations. She is back in her house, but ha, as I expected, refused any help other than a lady coming once to see after her. She does not eat properly, she does not take her medications properly. Her neighbor, whom I called today, told me, that she had fallen and got a bad cut in her face. I feel bad not being able to do anything, but even if I tried, she would not accept that help. my brother has succeeded in filling her heart with more hate. He is supposed to take care of her, but apparently is not doing a proper job. House and yard are a mess, she does not have a telephone to call help if needed - I could go on for hours. Where is my bother? He should have stayed with her until all things are settled properly. In spite of all what I head to bear, I am still worried about my Mom.

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Posted by EMD.Don on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 6:50 AM

Morning all! 

Irish oatmeal and a big old cuppa joe (milk and splenda) please. 

Hectic day today. My wife, kids and I are off to Canada to visit friends and family for a few days. Should take us about 4 to 5 hours to reach Buffalo and the border with Fort Erie, Ontario. Crossing into Canada and then back into the United States is so nerve racking nowadaysIndifferent. I really don't look forward to it much anymore. My friend, his Son and my Son plan on doing some railfanning while we are up there. He's also taking us to a model train store in St. Catharine's I believe.

Anyway, hate to eat and run all, but the sooner I put rubber to the road the sooner I can kick back and relax. 

Take care fellow diners...and happy modeling! 


"Ladies and gentlemen, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that both engines have failed, and we will be stuck here for some time. The good news is that you decided to take the train and not fly."

N Scale Railroader.
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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 6:44 AM

I hate to say it, but I think the better team won the Cup last night.  So, congratulations to the Blackhawks and their fans.  And - see you next year.

Just hot here.  We did have some rain last night, but it didn't help much.  My excitement for the day was catching a woodchuck in the Have-a-Heart trap and relocating him to an unpopulated area down by the river a few miles away.  Those things are a constant problem, always trying to get into the vegetable garden and eating flowers, too.  Legally, I'm not supposed to "transport a wild animal" in my car, but what else can I do with them?  The trap is larger than any water container I've got, so I can't drown them, I don't own a firearm and poison is kind of cruel, too.  So, I figure he'll be happier after a 10 minute ride in the trunk to find himself in a peaceful wetland.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 1:23 AM

Morning Coffee in the diner..


Today is Tuesday, June 25th, 2013!

I will light the prayer candles at 9 AM for those in need....


Just for TODD:

Tongue in Cheek:


In an ironic manner, not meant to be taken seriously


This phrase clearly alludes to the facial expression created by putting one's tongue in one's cheek. This induces a wink (go on - try it, but may not work for you), which has long been an indication that what is being said is to be taken with 'a pinch of salt'. It may have been used to suppress laughter. 'Tongue in cheek' is the antithesis of the later phrase - 'with a straight face'.

The term first appeared in print in 'The Fair Maid of Perth', by that inveterate coiner of phrases, Sir Walter Scott, 1828:

"The fellow who gave this all-hail thrust his tongue in his cheek to some scapegraces like himself."

It isn't entirely clear that Scott was referring to the ironic use of the expression. A later citation from Richard Barham's The Ingoldsby Legends, 1845 is unambiguous though:

He fell to admiring his friend's English watch. He examined the face, And the back of the case, And the young Lady's portrait there, done on enamel, he   Saw by the likeness was one of the family; Cried 'Superbe! Magnifique!' (With his tongue in his cheek) Then he open'd the case, just to take a peep in it, and Seized the occasion to pop back the minute hand.




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Monday, June 24, 2013 11:51 PM

Sir Madog

Got home a notch before midnight and I am up since 4 am again. There is just too much w*rk right now to fit into a somewhat regular 12 (!) hour day. I won´t bore you with all the details, but there is good news - we have collected those 2,000 support signatures necessary to be registered for the general election. Each state has to submit 2,000 signatures. I never thought it to be that difficult to enlist that small a figure of supporters. I actually had to do a lot of campaigning to support our members throughout the state. There is only a little amount of red tape necessary and I will be officially able to run for "Bundestag". The coming waeeks will be filled by drafting up our campaign, get all those flyers, buttons and posters and make a tour plan.

I could sure use one of those for my campaign:

I guess I´ll be putting quite a lot of miles and kilometers on my new little car. Speaking of which - that GPS I got with it, has a glitch. I´ll be taking it to the dealer/garage to get it fixed today.

Have a good one!


Ulrich my Friend,

Learn to delegate some of that work and you get some better sleep  Zzz  or you might never make the election.

First and foremost take care of yourself, for you and Petra.  Don't try to be a Hero only to make yourself much sicker.  You have came through a lot and you probably are in a delicate state that needs to be cared for in an on going manner.

This out of the "First Book of John"...............I don't mean to sound like a "know it all", but I am concerned for you and want you around to share your RR. wisdom to some of these young "whipper snappers"..

Johnboy out....................and of course, wishing you the best.Thumbs UpThumbs Up  Smile, Wink & Grin

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, June 24, 2013 11:20 PM

Bill T ..... I haven't seen you here in several days. ...... I like the photos you post, and that coffee is great in the morning. ..... I hope you are okay! 




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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, June 24, 2013 10:34 PM

Good evening, everybody.

Mr. B .... Sorry your Bruins did not win for your sake. ... But ... I am happy for the Blackhawk fans. That was an exciting end of game 6 and an end of the playoffs.

Ulrich ... Congrats on the 2000 + signatures. Now, don't do too much. Your heart proceedure is still recent.

Ken .... Uh oh. You are thinking of taking down the layout (or part of it). Ouch.

JR ... I'm glad you took time from a busy schedule to visit the DIner.

Ray ... Thanks for sharing your sisters 70th b'day with us.

Rob .... Glad to hear you are making progress with the layout room.

Karl .... Actually, that is good news. the diner is fine w/o a stripper.

Jef ... I like the photo of the switcher.





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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 24, 2013 9:55 PM

Has anyone heard from Ulrich? Hope he is just busy!

He is right here, folks, right here!

Good Morning Gang!

Flo, dark roast in an IV bag, please! Thank you - you are my life saver!

Got home a notch before midnight and I am up since 4 am again. There is just too much w*rk right now to fit into a somewhat regular 12 (!) hour day. I won´t bore you with all the details, but there is good news - we have collected those 2,000 support signatures necessary to be registered for the general election. Each state has to submit 2,000 signatures. I never thought it to be that difficult to enlist that small a figure of supporters. I actually had to do a lot of campaigning to support our members throughout the state. There is only a little amount of red tape necessary and I will be officially able to run for "Bundestag". The coming weeks will be filled by drafting up our campaign, get all those flyers, buttons and posters and make a tour plan.

I could sure use one of those for my campaign:

I guess I´ll be putting quite a lot of miles and kilometers on my new little car. Speaking of which - that GPS I got with it, has a glitch. I´ll be taking it to the dealer/garage to get it fixed today.

Ray - my gosh, those kids are growing faster than grass in Spring!

Have a good one!

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Posted by howmus on Monday, June 24, 2013 9:39 PM

Evenin' everyone!

Janie, just a tall glass of ice cold lemonade for me right now.

I spent this afternoon out at Boy Scout Camp.  I got the microphone input all soldered up, did a mic check with the new mic, and a couple other small things involving the sound system.  The Camp Director happened by when I was finishing up and he was ecstatic about the new sound system...  All grins and happy as can be.  Yesterday was the first day of staff week and he said he put on some music and went out through camp.  As I said, all grins!  The Program Director is equally happy to have the second mic added in the dining hall.  Those of you familiar with Scout Tradition in the Dining Hall know that there is always a song after each meal.  Sometimes there is a banjo or guitar to accompany songs at our camp and just one mic doesn't really do a great job for both the guitar and the song leader....

Then I set to w*rk trimming around the tents in the largest tent sight.  I now have 6 batteries for the  small string trimmer I use so I can keep going considerably longer between charges.  The battery one is great for getting in close to the tent platforms and much easier to handle than the camp's big gas one.  I was able to finish all but 3 platforms in the largest site before I ran out of battery and energy myself.  When I come out to w*rk the Ranger lets me charge the battery in the PiP while I am there, so the trip home got me 124 mpg.  About half the way home can be driven in EV before the gas engine fires up....  I left the camp site driving the PiP and was able to sneak up right behind a group of about a dozen young staff members going back to Staff area from the pool after afternoon swim...   Got within about 5 foot of them before one turned his head and saw me.  He jumped about 5 foot straight up!  I leaned out the window grinning and said...  EVs do tend to be quiet...  Several of them stared at the car with very big eyes while letting me go by.  We don't see many Plug in Hybreds or any Electric cars around here, so for some it was the first one they had actually seen in person...

Will be heading back out to camp mid morning to trim some more of the high grass around the tents.

Have a great night everyone!  My prayers for all in need of them!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, June 24, 2013 9:32 PM

Went to the bank this morning to make a deposit then to the post office to send a package on it's way. From there to the doctors appointment. Doc says all's good for now. I'll take any good news I can get. From there my father and I went to Wal-Mart to get a bit of shopping done. He had accompanied me to the docs office to ask him some questions about my foot. Docs answer was the same as I've been telling him for over a year now. Not his job. He's not a podiatrist. There's not one in this area that will do anything on Medicaid. The Medicaid plan is OK if you're upper middle class or higher but for those with no private insurance like me it really stinks. I'm lucky I have the level of care I'm getting. No work on the layout today or anything else.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, June 24, 2013 8:53 PM

Jeffrey, I don't remember the Colt...Lucky me, my 1st PC was a Pentium. I skipped over a lot. That PC served me very well, lasting 15 years. It was too slow for todays internet, but handled JMRI just fine. When it died my Athalon replaced it, and I  got this AMD 64 bit beast. My how things have changed!

The Commodore Colt was a rebranded Commodore PC10-III. (scroll to the bottom of the page) IBM-XT compatible, Intel 8088 processor, 640k RAM, dual 5.25" floppy drives, composite and color RGBI. There were three variants. One had floppy drives only, a second had floppy drives and a RAM drive and a third had the floppy drives, a RAM drive and a hard drive. I picked one up at a flea market for $30 in the early 90's. The hard drive was long gone and the board was toast. I used some of the parts from it to repair an IBM-XT I was using at the time. I sold off the XT in 95 when I got a 486 with a 100 mhz processor. That knocked the XT's 4.77 mhz through the wall, slammed it on the floor a few times and chucked it out the door!

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
Space Mouse for president!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's
Running Bear Enterprises
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beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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Posted by Lehigh Valley 2089 on Monday, June 24, 2013 8:40 PM

***Jake, sorry I wasn't paying attention so have to ask, is the hay for cows, horses, or do you bale and sell it?

I go and help my grandmother bale hay. She is just getting too old for this kind of work (said so herself finally) and the hay goes to cows. 

Good evening. 

Got some detail paint on the Spit this evening. Looking sharper and sharper the more detail that's added. Can't wait to see it with it's RAF markings!

Night everyone. 

The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.

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Posted by kbkchooch on Monday, June 24, 2013 8:20 PM

Evening y'all! Cowboy

Flo, How about a thick steak, some salad, and for desert some cherry pie ala mode? Dinner

Hot and sticky in the Mid-Atlantic today,,looks like all week!Stick out tongue Oh Joy~! Thank goodness Blackie has an A/C unit that will make ice chips on a humid day!Smile   

Jeffrey, I don't remember the Colt...Lucky me, my 1st PC was a Pentium. I skipped over a lot. That PC served me very well, lasting 15 years. It was too slow for todays internet, but handled JMRI just fine. When it died my Athalon replaced it, and I  got this AMD 64 bit beast. My how things have changed!

Todd, Now YOU have a good day, ya hear! WinkWinkWink MischiefStick out tongue

EMD.DonWelcome make yourself at home here, just keep your feet off the cushions....Drives Flo & Daisey nuts!

G, you crack me up! LaughLaughLaugh

ONR Fan Cool Deal on the wheels! Can I adopt your wife?Whistling

Garry, No I will not be the stripper of the diner. SWMBO doesn't like to share her toys! Smile, Wink & Grin Oh, and whats this about 15 inch nails?? That kind of girl must be a real delight for her Vietnamese manicurist!!Surprise

Ray, Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh about Vinnie. I like to see a good chase now and then!Wink

Tom, cool pic of the tank cars. Nice to hear about the little engineer.

Ken, You could always cover the layout in plastic, and suspend it from the ceiling til the Roadrunner is done, right??? (always thinking always thinking!) Smile

Prayers for those that need em! 

Ken's right,,,,wheres Ulrich??Confused


NCE über alles! Thumbs Up

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Posted by GMTRacing on Monday, June 24, 2013 7:39 PM

Good Evening All,

          Between thunder storms just now. No worries as we're wireless and on battery power just now. Rupert dog on the other hand is trying to wedge himself in the smallest space possible. Ratty is sound asleep on the CFO's lap.

   No progress on the layout save for some ballasting. I finally got Scenic Express iNvisble scale ballast in dark grey and cinder (one each) and have rediscovered how tedious it all is. And of course I devoted a full third of the layout to a yard and loop track so massive ballast needed for that.

   The other tedious bit is the second river I poured. After 6 months, it is still soft. I used bar top two piece epoxy same as last time but now need to decide do I pull it all out of try to work more hardner into it? Any ideas?

   As far as life is concerned, I'm between trips to Mosport and  Mid Ohio so little time off from the job.

   Hope you are all doing well, catch Y'all later, J.R.

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Posted by cudaken on Monday, June 24, 2013 7:36 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer Pleases

 Has anyone heard from Ulrich? Hope he is just busy!

 Train / Road Runner Front. Half way thinking of tearing down the layout so I can get the Road Runner inside! While I still love trains and will keep most of the train stuff if not all of it. I still have feels about the Road Runner, I have only owed the car for 40 years!

 Plus, lets faces it, while my layout is big and runs well it looks like a 10 year old was given $10,000.00 and he went nuts. Only a guess on the 10K, but I would not be shocked if I have spent that.

 Have thought about doing both, it is hard to serve two masters! Confused Getting her running will be the easy part! (well I hope) But one thing I do know, is Body Work and electric HO stuff do not like each other! If I am doing bodywork, there will be a ton of dust! Even with covering the layout remains (K-10 Mining) I would spend more time cleaning than running trains.

 Not ready to break out the saw's-all just yet, but I am thinking about it. Whistling Once the body work is done and she is painted I can build a better layout around her!

 Ken, thinking about his first love again!]

I hate Rust

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Posted by Curt Webb on Monday, June 24, 2013 6:41 PM

Evening All,

Had chicken for supper tonight.

Yesterday we got the tree trimmed without destroying anything elseYes and got the pressure down in the pool system. Never made it to the dishwasher since our daughter and the grandkids came over. Today ran several errands, cleaned house and shot a short video of the layout.

Tomorrow my son and I are going to see World War Z at the movies. The book was great and I hope the movie is a good representation of it.



Hope everyone has a good night and prayers for those in need.

Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by Cederstrand on Monday, June 24, 2013 5:26 PM

Chips with salsa, please.

***Jeffrey, nice layout scene.Thumbs Up

***Jake, sorry I wasn't paying attention so have to ask, is the hay for cows, horses, or do you bale and sell it?

***Tom, perhaps a future model railroader from that experience?

My goal tonight is to paint the patched walls in the Train Room. Will have the windows open to cool the house anyway, so may as well take advantage of that. Need to bushhog the front pasture soon. I see weeds trying to stage a comeback.

Have a good evening all.

Cheers! Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Lehigh Valley 2089 on Monday, June 24, 2013 5:01 PM


Lehigh Valley 2089

Got the camo paint on the Spit, hope to have a photo of it possibly up tomorrow at some time. 

Night everyone. 

What Mk of the Spitfire are you modeling? My favorite is the MkV clipped wing and MkIX (favorite WWII era pilot was Johnnie Johnson).  I've built a few Airfix , Tamiya and Academy 1/48 Spitfire kits in the past. Can't wait to see your progress.

Happy Modeling!


It's an MkII Spit. Like the looks of it. It's camo scheme is freelanced and is rather hard edged, but I like it.

Hello everyone.

Hope to have progress made on the Spit sometime this evening. Mowed lawn at work today and MAN it was brutal. Next few days don't look promising.

The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.

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Posted by tcwright973 on Monday, June 24, 2013 4:50 PM

Good evening from a hot and humid Pittsburgh. There is a possibility of pop up showers this evening, and I hope we get them. Everything is starting to get pretty dry around here. We have had a nice time this weekend. Busy with some of our favorite activities. Saturday we railfanned for close to 3 hours and caught 8 trains. One westbound was an empty crude oil unit train with new tank cars, most, if not all, with a build date of May, 2013. The wife counted 101 cars. With a capacity of 31,760 gallons each, that works outto 3,207,760 gallons total, or 76,375 barrels altogether. With my math skills, if this is wrong, I don't want to know about it. Let me bask in my ignorance.

One train caught a stop signal in front of us. While sitting there, a couple pulled up in their car and got out with a little boy about 3 or 4 years old. The little guy was really excited to see this train up close. Then the crew played a short litle tune with the horn. Did a really good job with it too. This tyke was absolutely beside himself. I'm pretty sure he's going to be talking about his experience for a long time. The wife and I usually always get a little toot or a wave from passing crews. In return, we wish them a safe journey.

Sunday was a performance of "Phantom" at the Civic Light Opera. This wasn't the "Phantom of the Opera", but a different musical based on the same story. While the cast had excellent voices, there wasn't any great or outstanding songs in my opinion. We enjoyed it never the less. Afterwards, we went to a nice local restaurant we like for a Bourban Glazed Pot Roast with Smashed Garlic Potatoes. Had a nice Chardonnay to go with it.

Today we had breakfast at Bob Evans, then did some grocery shopping. Came home and I did 5 loads of laundry. Between loads, I got the hedges ttrimmed, and both the front and back yards mowed. Proved to be too much time spent in the hot sun, as I haven't felt up to par this afternoon.

Ray - The girls are growing up fast, aren't they? Staying cute too. By the way, a couple of pages back you mentioned about calling someone about dishes and such you had. It reminded me that about 20 years ago the wife called a guy to see about selling some old dishes, bowls, etc. that were her Mother's and Grandmother's. I though it would be a big waste of time. Wow, was I surprised by the size of the check he gave her. Turned out a lot was from well known sets and there was a big market for replacement pieces. It took months for her to stop gloating about that one.

Well, I need to water the flower beds now, so everybody have a great week.



Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Monday, June 24, 2013 11:57 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q
Mr. B. ..... Just for fun would you like an image to use as wallpaper on your computer screen? I was thinking you are a hockey fan and might like a team photo of the Chicago Blackhawks.

I'll say one thing for the Blackhawks, their guy who sings the Star Spangled Banner does a great job and he's got the voice for it.  I'm sure you'll all join me in being happy to hear him one more time on Wednesday night before Game 7.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by EMD.Don on Monday, June 24, 2013 10:02 AM

Thanks for the hearty "welcome" fellas. You sure make it easy for a guy to sit right down and feel like a part of the group Smile

Is it too early for a cold one...? It's been a day already...

Had to take my car into the garage this morning. It's a 2006 Mercury Milan (think Ford Fusion with more bells and whistles...pun intended Laugh). She's been a great car, never had any issues. But...the AC went on her this weekend. I did what I could but no luck. Took her to the garage that I use and trust (these are good old boys who live and breath cars and I have never felt " taken" by them). Anyways, they hooked it up to their fancy pants diagnostic machines and traced the problem to a sensor. Problem is, to get to the sensor they have to rip the entire dash board out...everything (gauges, name it). They said they could do it but didn't advise it as it would be very time consuming (read: expensive), and once you start ripping into the dash boards of modern day computerized cars the affect on other components could be not so good. *SIGH* Sigh. Wouldn't you know it, the misses and I are headed North to Canada tomorrow to visit friends and family and do some railfanning Sad. Well, considering it's age and the risks associated with the possible remedy, I told the boys at the garage to not bother. They didn't charge me for anything.

Now, I remember not having AC in any of my cars, right up into the mid 1990's. So I have lived without it. But it will take some getting used to. I am thinking about heading to Autozone, NAPA or Pepboys to see if they have any external cooling systems. I see them online and they range between $25 and $100...which is far less then risking the fix to the cars internal AC system. How they work...? I have no idea...? 

So that's my day so far. I really hope that everyone else here at the Diner is having a better day!

Happy Modeling!


"Ladies and gentlemen, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that both engines have failed, and we will be stuck here for some time. The good news is that you decided to take the train and not fly."

N Scale Railroader.

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