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Elliot´s Trackside Diner - December 2011 Locked

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Posted by yougottawanta on Saturday, December 10, 2011 8:22 PM

Wow what a birthday for the oldest girl! Today a couple of ladies from our church "borrowed" our two girls for the afternoon and took them shopping. We also had a Sunday school class party this afternoon and the church ladies met us at the party with the girls loaded to the gills with presents and stuff ! Filled up the trunk of our car ! Then our sunday school class filled up a bag with gift cards for the girls and my wife. They put movie cards, grocery cards, prepaid visa, gift cards to a clothes store etc... They really lifted our spirits and loved on my wife and children. Chocked me up,sniff , sniff excuse me for a minute.....ahem okay.

Guys thanks soooo much for the happy birthday wishes and Prayers. I just cant tell you how much we covet your prayers and well wishes. It means a lot. Thanks.

 Chloe can I buy a round for all ? Yep load em up tonight its on me !

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Posted by Curt Webb on Saturday, December 10, 2011 8:51 PM

Evening All,

Back from the club. There weren't many members that showed tonight but we did the dinner thing anyway. One of the members ran a Santa Fe named passenger train and it was gorgeous. It was the one before El Capitan that Walther's released.

Tomorrow I think I'm going to do switching at the meat packing facility. I haven't operated there a lot.

Jim- It's actually a J1 2-10-4. It's hard to tell from the angle.

YGW- Your wife and family continue to be in my  prayers.

Ray- I need to get a pair of magnifying glasses like yours for close in work.

Barry- Where is that picture from?

Everyone have a good night.

Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, December 10, 2011 9:38 PM

Chamomile tea, please.

***Jim, the trees are all gone. Those not sold previously, I let the timber company have after the tornado knocked them over. There was such a glut of trees going to the lumber mills, you couldn't sell them. I'm painting all the stumps and big roots left behind so they can be spotted from the cab of a trackhoe. Hiring the neighbor to do that. There will be hundreds of stumps to be burned, too. The new tractor will be used to prepare the land for seeding. Already have a root rake and a few other implements, so will only need to buy a box blade which aren't much. Looking forward to that work. Not so much fencing it all in though. Looked at used tractors and haven't seen anything cheap, at least that looks OK. Plus, you never know how it was taken care of. Although new isn't cheap, at least I know (at this stage) it will last me the rest of my life.

***Ray, you always look like such a kind soul.

Good Night y'all. Rob

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, December 10, 2011 11:36 PM

Well it was a busy day for me. I WAS going to weather my well car today but suddenly life started getting in the way. First my father calls and wants me to go check on my mother because he can't get through to her on the phone. So I go check on her. She's fine. Sitting up in bed watching TV. I check out the phones. Nothing. No service. There's ten phones in the house and two more outside making for an even dozen and not a one of them works. So I go back to my place and call my father and tell him she's fine and the phones are all dead. Well then next he wants me to call Suddenlink and set up a service call. That took up the next forty-five minutes which I'll never get back. Got that done. Now I'm going to start on weathering the well car. Phone rings. It's my mother. Somehow she figured out how to dial out on her cell phone. She wants to know if I'm available to take her to town. First to Buffet City for lunch then to Stage then Lowe's then Ivan Smith Furniture. All this in a car I have never once driven. I didn't even know if I could get my five inch wide boot to the gas pedal without hitting the brake in the process. Well it turns out there was a little over an eighth of an inch clearance. I had to be careful that my boot didn't hook under the end of the brake pedal. Before I drive it again I'll have to lope off half an inch of the brake pedal to make the car safe for me to drive. Oh, what kind of car is it? Nothing much, just a Pontiac G6 with a retractable roof and the ability to take off from a dead stop like a Camaro Z28 running on nitro methane. A very sporty little car and very fast! So we go to Buffet City and have lunch. A very big lunch. Then we went over to Stage so she could sort through some clothes that had been picked out for her. That took longer than she expected. Somehow I wasn't surprised. Good thing was she was wiped out by that time and wanted to go home. On the way back we stopped at a furniture store (not Ivan Smith) so she could look at a new couch. Too late! Somebody else had already snatched it. We got back to the house sometime around three. My father was home by then so I talked with him for a time. He was going through his mail. Most of it was junk. To hear his comments about it is like having a comedian in the house! He comes up with some one liners that put Archie Bunker and Fred Sanford to shame. One of those was about his electric bill, which hadn't come yet. All the others had come. Mine, my sisters, my niece, my nephew, but not his. Well, it was probably so big they needed more time to print the extra pages then worship it in hopes of getting a dividend or a revocation of a volume discount. Maybe they were trying to figure a way to bill him for the extra paper. By that time I was a quivering pile of jelly on the floor. I had to get out of there. I bade them goodbye - see y'all later and I was out the door. I had other things to keep me busy at home for a while and I never did get to weather the well car. Oh, my electric bill is the smallest one. A mere $55.

See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 11, 2011 2:36 AM

Good Morning Gang!

Sunday! I hope a day to relax a little, as the last week was VERY busy and tiring. Still fighting to get the company´s finances straightened out. The situation is pretty bleak, as we have to get three banks into buying our ideas. One of them is moving along with us, but I am not sure about the remaining two. My only hope is that they don´t need more write-offs in their books this year, so they´ll accept our request for re-financing and prolongation. On the business side the future looks promising, but without the necessary funds to finance the growth, this ain´t worth anything.

Coming Tuesday will see the show down at the OK coral with the banks.

YGW - I am saddened by the news about your wife´s health situation. Your family is in Petra´s and my prayers. We have lit a candle in our little church for your wife.

I hope to be a more frequent visitor to the diner soon. It´s those little daily issues that keep me from posting in this forum. Additionally, I have to start to worry about my parents again. We were supposed to see them today, taking them out for lunch, but yesterday my father called in, canceling today´s reunion on the grounds of my mom feeling to week. I haven´t spoken to her for weeks now, as my dad always answers the phone. He appears to be screening her off from the outside world. There is a certain queasy feeling in my stomach...

Chloe, it´s Sunday, so I´ll go for a big breakfast, with all the works, please.


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Good Morning...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Sunday, December 11, 2011 2:49 AM


Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.







Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, December 11, 2011 6:03 AM

Good Morning

Sunshine and a high near 33F forecast ..get a chance to go pick up a few things out'n the back yard today...right now it is 14F...feeling like 4F...

JimRC:  Well(not so deep but murky) does appear that the issue was the new pipe they laid last year had a crack develop hence the geyser..the foreman there told me that he expects that this one should not do the same as that..Confused

YGW:  What they done with your daughter sounds great! We put your family on our church's prayer list as well...Angel

Ulrich:  Hopefully there will be some sort of resolution to that situation...

So, everything is all up in the air here as we had a small incident wherein my back decided to go all spasm on me here I sit with a heating pad on my back while I work away at this weekend on-call was taken by my supervisor as she could not raise our secondary...yay.Tongue Tied

As to what gets picked up at the backyard...two lonely petunia mums that are still stubbornly blooming...

The next big bout of something will be in the form of raining kind of day....with the temperatures going up and then down..with nothing falling out'n the sky...

Flo, I'll have a coffee for now please...I'll be at the RC for a bit.

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, December 11, 2011 8:12 AM

Good Morning!! Coffee and the Sunday Buffet please. Thanks.

Sunny, with a high near 43.

Head is so full of congestion, I feel like a…..oh, I don’t know. Head is just full of congestion. I think I may be getting sick. First time in bettern ten years. Maybe fifteen or more. Sinuses yes, but actually sick, hardly ever. This time feels different.

Jim- Laugh No I doubt that will happen. Shoot the carpet we have now is over 15 years old and she really never pushed to have it changed out until I started talking. See the problem is, if I had just kept up on some things, she would not have so many things that need done to look at all at once. Once something is done, she usually doesn’t revisit it again until it actually does need re doing. Being wood, I doubt if we will ever see it needing redone save maaaaybe a refinish. I will probably be old enough by then that it will be a hire out.

Stories of Mothers and cell phones/remotes got me chuckling. Mom didn’t have too much trouble with the basic cell phone. The voice mail, well that was a bit tricky (snicker). But the cell she had down. Now, talk about remotes. She had Dish Tv or Direct, can’t remember which, but the two remotes for the TV and the Satellite thing, plus the ability of one remote working two things….now that got me a weekly call because the Dish was out and only would show one channel or the thing is broke and won‘t change channels. She would sit on or bump the “input” button or something else, or have the wrong remote. Plus she couldn’t get that just because you’re watching the TV, and you want to change channels, changing channels on the TV won’t work. You need to change the channels on the Dish. “But I’m not watching the Dish” she’d say. I’m watching regular TV”. By that she meant the regular over the air free (local) tv stations we all get.

Well, gotta get a few thongs put up/ straightened up for the big Puttin’ Pampers on a Chef party this afternoon. HEAR THAT RYAN???! If’n you’s HERE…. Ah the things women do to Chefs in the name of fun in this neck of the woods. Anyway, I’ll probably scout for more of the flooring she wants. Gets me out of the house.

Ya’ll have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by gear-jammer on Sunday, December 11, 2011 8:38 AM

blownout cylinder


Flo, I'll have a coffee for now please...I'll be at the RC for a bit.

Chloe,  I will have a coffee in this back booth with Barry.  We will see who shows up this morning.

Nice photos Curt & Jeffrey.

I will add to Curt's & Ken's stockyard photos with my corrals at ranch.


Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.

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Posted by Curt Webb on Sunday, December 11, 2011 8:40 AM

Morning All,

Just sitting here reading the posts. Plan on running trains for a while today and maybe some shopping (depends on MOH). I don't go back to work on  Tuesday so I guess it is clean house tomorrow and maybe a haircut.

Ulrich- I hope things go  well for you on Tuesday.

Todd- Your "party" reminds me of a Tupperware party I was dragged to right after I got married. There was another husband in the same situation, well we started drinking beer and before you knew it we were laughing at the catalog pictures of cabinets full of Tupperware. Needless to say MOH was not happy but I was never dragged to a "party" again. 



Everybody have a goood day.

Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, December 11, 2011 8:41 AM

 Morning Folks!

 Flo, Coffee Please.

 Have to be at the ZOO (work) today at 11:00 AM till closing which is at 6:00 PM.  This shop in the parking lot of our largest mall in the area, so I better count on extra traffic.

 Ulrich Hope things have not gone total bad for your Mon.

 See you all after work!


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, December 11, 2011 8:43 AM

Good morning. It's 35° and cloudy with some sun. The high will be 53°. The weather guesser is making noises about rain and snow. Personally I don't think he knows what he's talking about.

I'm hoping to get a chance to weather my well car sometime today but the way things have been going lately frogs may sprout wings first. Here I don't even have my morning post done yet and my father already wants something. He won't say what so I'm fairly sure I won't enjoy it. I guess since I'm the one who has all this free time I must have time to do things for everybody.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, December 11, 2011 9:01 AM

While we are posting stock yards. There is more of that at the other end of the meat packing plant, too.

Ulrich ... Good luck with the banks. I think banks are being very tight with lending all over the world right now.

JimCG ... Great to see you. Our Imac has absolutely no problems. However, I'm downstairs with the Dell an XP at the moment.

YGW ... I can tell each of the diners can feel some of your emotions and we all care. Prayers continue.

Lion ... We don't have lions here. This is Wildcat country. Last summer I posted these pictures of bison about 15 miles from here.

A couple of days ago we watched a large eagle high in a tree very close to our house. The eagle then flew down to the lake to get a fish.  The eagles are huge birds.





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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, December 11, 2011 9:02 AM

Columbian coffee in a BURLINGTON NORTHERN mug, please.

How do you know if particular floor joists will hold a wood stove plus the heavy base it will sit on?  

Looks like the-bayer will be sending a replacement part for the problem item. We shall see. Still anxious to show it off here, but not until it's on my (N) layout.Whistling


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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, December 11, 2011 11:04 AM

What friendsGrumpy. One tries to get me to have to build an addition and another tries to get me living in the doghouse by getting a snoot full at the wifes party. Bad influencesLaugh. I'll remember thisWink.

Rob- It depends on the size of the floor joist (2X8, 2X10, 2X12), the span from the supported ends of the joist, and where within that span the weight is placed, and depending on how old the house and the builder, and the spacing of the joists. The thickness of your subfloor will also play some also. The only sure way is to set the weight and see if it falls through. Probably not your first choice I wouldn't think.   



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, December 11, 2011 11:51 AM

Well I finally got some spare minutes to rub together and I was able to weather the well car. Next in line are the containers. They look way too clean.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, December 11, 2011 2:20 PM

Good, I'll just have a coffee for now please....

Finally got to work on the Pike Stuff warehouse for Blue Circle it is my suspicion that the yard at Williston could stand a bit of a re-organization has just hit...grumble grouch mumble snort like the corner booth with the padding around the corner will be will I am going to be for the next little while..think I'll come in with a crash helmet for the real headbanging sessions...MischiefGrumpyWhistling

The issue with Williston is that it sits at the end of a long stretch of benchwork ...and serves, supposedly, as the terminus and interchange with CP at the southern end of the imaginary, if only I can find my photos of my plans here..such as any existed...WhistlingHuh?

So, off to the corner booth I go....Wink

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by hectorgonzales on Sunday, December 11, 2011 5:03 PM


Good morning. It's 35° and cloudy with some sun. The high will be 53°. The weather guesser is making noises about rain and snow. Personally I don't think he knows what he's talking about.

I'm hoping to get a chance to weather my well car sometime today but the way things have been going lately frogs may sprout wings first. Here I don't even have my morning post done yet and my father already wants something. He won't say what so I'm fairly sure I won't enjoy it. I guess since I'm the one who has all this free time I must have time to do things for everybody.


Missed your weekly photo fun posting on Classic Toy Train forum. I don't want to be the only HO posting over there. 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, December 11, 2011 6:39 PM

Went to town today to do some clothes shopping for myself for a change. Got some new t-shirts, briefs, a couple of sweat shirts so I have something besides my heavy coat and a couple of pairs of relaxed fit jeans. Kinda hard to find those in 46x30 for some reason. Why relaxed fit? I need a big pants leg to get this deformed foot of mine through without pulling it on inches at a time. I spent close to $90. Glad somebody else was buying.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Curt Webb on Sunday, December 11, 2011 6:42 PM

Evening All,

Ran trains today for around 2 hours, actually it was more switching and positioning to make up a train than just running. I find that since I have my own layout that I enjoy switching more. MOH and I went out to a local Italian place for dinner.

Sue- That scenery looks real. Excellent modeling skills.

Ulrich- I think I would make a surprise visit to my Mother to make sure she is OK.





Everyone have a good night.

Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, December 11, 2011 7:26 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, I'll have a Hot Roast Beqst Sandwich again tonight, a trip to the salad bar, and a slice of the apple pie with vanilla ice creame on it to go along with a cup of decaf...  Thank you Ma'am.  I'll go sit in the corner booth and harass Barry for a while.....!

I don't often double post anything here, but tonight I put photos of the RIT Train Show today in the WPF thread and figure I might as well share them here as well...  So.......

This years RIT Tiger tracks Train Show is now history.  I got a bit of modeling done but spent more time talking with other Model Railroaders aging from about 5 to in their 80s....  I did finish the turnout I started yesterday, and got about half of another one done.  Here are all of the ones I have done over a 3 week period (Batavia Show and the RIT Show):

What I should be doing most of the weekend is telling people why they should join the NMRA...

Dave and Ned were there today (Ned is an MRR, Dave was a former Superintendent of our division for several terms.  Both are incredible modelers!)

One other gentleman was helping out at the Modelers Corner both days.  He is assembling a brass locomotive kit.  He doesn't like to have his photo taken and doesn't want to be named but he is an MMR and is making the loco using the directions and drawings in an ancient article from a Model Railroader Magazine he has saved for many years.  BTW, he is the author of the article................

Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, December 11, 2011 7:54 PM

 Hello? Is anyone here?

 Flo, are you back there?

 Hum, guess it is self services tonight. Free Beer, that will work for me! Whistling

 It was just as slow at work today as here in the dinner. While we had a fair day, all the the customers came in between 9:00 and 10:00 AM. I came in at 11:00 AM and had 4 customers all day? I was pretty much bored silly.

 Took the Wife's Town Car into work today. She said it cranked slowly the other day when starting. Tested the battery, it should have 850 Cold Cranking Amp's, it only pulled 188 amps. Sigh Time for another battery, my cost $77.00. List was $120.00 and I get a free install, like that is a big deal. Going to check on the 650 Amp battery Monday, but I rather have the 875 amp one. It all so needs a oil change, should have checked to see what my cost would have been today, I am guessing $20.00.

 See anyone later? Boy the dinner is dead lately?


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Posted by JimRCGMO on Sunday, December 11, 2011 9:10 PM

Evening, Flo - oh, sorry, you were napping. I'll get my coffee myself. Smile

Peeked in the window and saw Ken talking to himself, so I figured he needed some company (especially after his 'nap' of a day at w**k today). I wouldn't have expected that slow of a day with it being close by the mall - guess everyone around was too busy doing their shopping for presents, eh?

Jeff, your Dad sounds like a fun guy (until your sides hurt, anyway).Laugh

Rob, another option would be to see how close in the basement that your support columns (if any) are to where you'd like to put the stove. On the weight, I would think the wood stove dealers might have had such a question about the weight at least a few times before. That, or they might be able to tell you of what things to avoid that others have/haven't done that helped/hurt the installation's holding up. I was wondering if the marking the stumps was for that kind of reason, and yeah, it makes perfect sense about used tractors, now that you explain it that way...Dunce

Nice stock pen photos you all are posting Thumbs Up - I've saved some (for my sheep pens that I have at times considered for my layout).

I got the lights on my Christmas tree today, only to find when I extended the string of white lights (to go around the window that's next to the tree) with the colored lights strand, that the first light in the strand was missing. Oops But the colored non-light strand makes a decent extension cord for the other strand that does w**k. Couldn't find any bulbs in the box for the colored light strand, so I pulled the other bulbs out of the non-functioning strand and saved them. Might try changing out and have white-and-colored-alternating bulbs in the next couple of days.Still have to put the ornaments on the tree. Eventually... (Hey, I celebrate 12th night, all the way to January 6th, so plenty of time). Smile, Wink & Grin

I was reorganizing some of the MRR tubs (ones with scenery, figures, misc. items in them this afternoon too. Think I'll have to buy another of those magnetic gluing jigs, though. Went through all the possible boxes it might've been in (but wasn't) in my bedroom. Will double-check some boxes in the rest of the apartment and see if it's in them, but I think the gremlins took off with them.

Ray, sending you an email...

Prayers continue for those (and their loved ones) in need of comfort, good night's rest, bank meetings, and healing of other kinds. AngelAngel



Jim in Cape G.


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, December 11, 2011 9:13 PM


 Flo, are you back there?

Flo's been busy at the Progressive counter. She had to put out some pants fires.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, December 11, 2011 9:21 PM

Time for me to end a long day and call it a night. I'll see y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Good Morning...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Monday, December 12, 2011 3:47 AM


Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.







Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by fec153 on Monday, December 12, 2011 4:01 AM

Good morning from mid Florida.

Blessings and Prayers for all.


I owe,I owe, so its off to work I go.                       lol


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, December 12, 2011 5:34 AM

Good Morning

We be getting lotsa sun today, high of 39F is forecast for us'uns...

Got some exams to cover tonight then it is off for the Xmas break..which will give me more time to run trains it is all the decorations are now up, we did our Xmas shopping early so the only thing I have to contend with is the turkey getting...

Flo, I'll have a coffee and a breakfast bagel please...I'll be over at the corner booth ...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by thortenney on Monday, December 12, 2011 5:43 AM

Good Morning!  Well It's Monday time to leave my comfort zone and hit the mean streets again dang it!! I had a pretty good weekend. I did the usual things chores etc.I also worked on my layout quite a bit. A new friend of mine named Scott Perry came over on Friday night he is one of the best railroad designers in the country. He just moved to Utah from Atlanta, Luckily for me.. We discussed my wants and did some measurements of my bench work. Now he is gonna start some track plan, He has also started a blog about the project that will show the progress and give others a chance to share ideas and make comments and suggestions. If any of you are interested let me know and I will post the link to the blog, I hope you all are doing well. See you tonight!


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    November 2008
  • From: Williamsville, ILL
  • 3,698 posts
Posted by TMarsh on Monday, December 12, 2011 6:28 AM

Good Morning!! (plops down at the RC) Coffee and eggs overeasy, hash browns, sausage patties and a couple buttermilk biscuits with oh…..Blackberry jam please. What? Oh yes of course butter thank you.

Increasing clouds, with a high near 47. All in all not too bad for Central Illinoyz in mid December. No complaints.

Welp, the PC party went ok I suppose. I have no idea what she ended up buying, I’m afraid to ask. She did casually mention that two people booked a party off hers. I take that to mean she has to attend those two and support them as well. Here I thought her request a few years ago to switch to All-Clad pots and pans was scarySurprise. THAT conversion is still ongoing.

Curt- I like that Pennsy 4-4-0. Or so it appears. Who makes it? Does it behave? I have a Bmann “Jupiter” that I am gonna repaint, but not real happy with the performance. Not at all. I need to w**k on the pickups.

I like the wood burning stack of mine. Or should I say I prefer that for my lil dream world.

Jeff- I’ve been told two things. One is you do not have a sense of humor to speak of and 2, you have a somewhat dry and sarcastic sense of humor similar to mine. (This was from the guy who lives kinda catawampus from your parents.) With your description of your Father, I don’t see how you could have made it without having a sense of humor. I’m leaning toward old number two. Kinda gotta know you to realize you’re not just some crusty guy. Like me.

Thanks for all the pics on the Cattle pens. One feature I will have in Phase two will be a cattle pen since in Toddland (of which I’m king) cattle is still regularly transported by train. Prototyp….prototy….what’s that Vinnie? Ok….ok…I’ll go set in a booth. Yeeesh, my world, my rules.

Speaking of Flo and pants fires, have you seen the new Messin with Sasquatch comercial where he skips th guy like a rock down the stream….Now THAT was funny the first time I saw it. Which was admittedly just last night.

Brenda is not decorating inside for Christmas save the tree and a few things. With the flooring going on, I told her it would be a waste of time due to the disruption and moving of stuff. Won't be decorating outside either due to me w**king inside. She says no more distractions than necessary.Whistling

Speaking of flooring, Phase II of Floor Wars Williamsville is commencing today. The bathroom floor will be taken up to be replaced with Ceramic tile. Er, Porcelin I guess it is. It’s a full bath, but rather small, only about 36 square feet. Not counting the tub of course. Will also order the other 600 square feet of wood for the living room dining area. I should be here next Monday if I get it ordered by Wednesday which I will. It is on sale fo $2.99 and that ends Wednesday. Though the guy said if we missed it by a day or two he'd give us the price anyway, BUT I have to get it ordered by Wed if I want it by this Monday, which we do. Naturally the color we used from Menard's for the hall and entrance is no longer ah-VAIL-uh-BULL! But a Spice stained version from Lumber Liquidators matches real close and with the variations among pieces within each color, Brenda don’t think you would be able to tell. Me….I can’t.Blindfold

Welp, as usual gotta do the books for the Church first, then I'll start on the floor. Since the room is right outside the office here, I may pop in from time to time. So I best get a move on could be a bit touchy for me to be here between the time when Jeff shows up and wonders how I know his neighbors and what I'm doing nosing around checking on him, and when he realizes I made that upLaugh.

Ya’ll have a Great Day!!!

(two blasts on the whistle)


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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