Garry and Curt: Nice work there!!!
Good Evening.
Had a few things that needed done I is bushededed....
Chloe, I'll just have a coffee please...I'll be in the corner booth for now....
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
WOW!!! Gary And Curt Very nice work!!!
Garry- Great Job on the station and the surrounding city area.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
David Parks got all A's except for one B+.... Bravo, David! ... ... Time to celebrate with lots of RBF's. (Root Beer Floats)
Rob .. Thanks for the remark.
Chris.. Thansk fro teh comment. I like your CNW chop nose GP9.
Jeff ... I like yours, too. I know the Alaska Railroad had chop nose GP7's with Alco trucks similar to your unit. I rode on the engine when I was in Anchorage.
Ray ... Your shop is a classic, and I really like it. I hope you continue posting pictures of it.
Curt ... The stationary tank is a great idea. It looks nice.
I'll have the Bratwurst & Sauerkraut tonight, please.
Excellent layout pics being posted in here.
***Bama, check your "conversations" please.
If I fall asleep in the corner booth, just let me be. Thanks!
Here is my Union Station that I have been working on in recent weeks. Of course, the building is the popular Union Station kit made by Walthers. The kit is based on the Burlington Route station in Omaha, Nebraska.
I placed station at street level above the tracks. The streetcar line runs between the station and downtown. A future project is to install trolley wires.
Currently, I am building the downtown area, and I have completed several buildings.
Evening All,
Well I got everything done that I wanted to today. I also gave a white wash to the brick walls on the roundhouse. I decided to pre paint the parts before assembly this time, so it will probably be a couple of weeks before I am ready to start gluing, but that is OK since I won't be actually placing it on the layout until January sometime.
I decided to use the tank car as a stationary tank on the layout. I took the tank off the frame of the car and mounted it on wood planking, painted the base and did some weathering. I really enjoy little projects like this.
Trainmaster- Congrats on the grades. It sounds like you are doing really well in school.
Chris- Good to see you back.
Jeff- I think I am like you. I have problems telling jokes/teasing from a serious post a lot of times, I think because I can't see the talker and I am usually a more serious person.
Have a good night.
Thanks Ray, you will have to be a little patient with me my English and computer skills are not to good. Too many years in the cab of a truck I guess? I also would like to tell you Ray I am a big fan of yours. I have followed your posts for a long time, I think that you are a very interesting. I wish I had a friend like you here in the Beehive state.
Thanks, Thayne
OK, Thayne.... Sorry about that. i just couldn't help myself!
To post a photo here or anywhere else at the Kalmbach site, you first off have to get yourself a photo hosting site to put your photos on. i use Photobucket, although there are many other places as well. photbucket and many others offer free hosting (as long as you want some very questionable ads promising a good time on your site... I personally pay for a membership which avoids the ads as i used to also put up Boy Scout Activity Photos and wanted to know what the people were going to see when they visited.) You download the photos to the site. After they load you will see a bunch of choices of how you can have the photos load to other places. For here use the [ IMG] tags There will be no space in the tags, I put one in so it will show correctly here. just copy the line that has the correct tags. Then you can just paste the location into your reply here. Here is what it will look like (again i put spaces in to be able to demonstrate.
[ IMG][/IMG ]
When you post the reply, you will get the photo in your reply, like this:
Pretty easy actually.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
Evenin' folks!
Hot decaf coffee please and thank you!
Cold, chilly, and very wet this morning out at the museum. The pot bellied stove in the Depot was nice and warm when i got there this morning. Several of us tried to light the stoves in the cabooses. We got the one going in the PC caboose without too much problem once we put some kerosine into the fuel tank on it.... We spent much longer fiddling with the stove in the Erie Caboose..... There was ample kero in the tank, all the valves were set the proper way, everything should have light in about 5 minutes of letting the fuel soak into the wicking in the burner...... I was left to light it before the loco was brought up and coupled on.... used up a whole lot of matches, I did! Never lit. We figure there is a clogged fuel line somewhere between the tank and the stove.
Oh, guess which caboose I was on??? Luckily the sun came out for most of the afternoon and it was a bit more comfortable. Had only a few riders today. By far the lowest turnout of any day this season we were running diesels.
Got home a little over an hour ago, and I am still thawing out.
Seems to me we do have a number of folks on the missing list....... Hope all of them are doing well.
Oh! Hi Thayne..... You post pictures here in the diner exactly the same way you do in the rest of the forum.
Have a good evening!
Good evening every one! Quick question, How do you post pictures in the diner?
Thanks! Thayne
Well hi there MR. PARKS,
Front Range...before your time young grasshopper. Front Range and McKean started out making stuff nobody else was making in the late 80s/early 90s. wasn't always the best stuff they were making. They cranked out a good ACF 4650 cu ft. Center Flo...but it takes some w**k to get it to go together well and look good. They made a 60-something foot center beam lumber flat. I read a review of it in a magazine once, saying the kit was a good reason NOT to have a firearm at your w**k bench. The GP-7 and GP-9 they came out with was, I think, the first scale-width hood version of those locomotives. But, there were some dimensional goofs THAT gave the Rivet Counters of the day fits...and still do since Athearn allegedly used most of the same tooling for their "brand new" geeps.
Front Range went belly up, McKean went belly up. LBF (Loads By Fred) was a last-ditch attempt to resuscitate the business... but some of the old Front Range stuff lives on in the Accurail line (the 50' outside braced boxcars).
There, more useless model railroad industry trivia than you, or anybody else, probably ever wanted! I've got a bunch of the Center Flo hoppers, and am looking for more. I have one GP-9. I chopped the nose on her to model CNW 4547, a chop-nose Oelwein Shops rebuild. I didn't have any trouble with the shell breaking, so maybe I lucked out on THAT one??? It looks to an Athearn wide-body geep though.
Front Range GP-9
Front Range ACF 4650 cu ft CenterFlo
The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!
Hi guys. I got a B+ on my history test last week and it is bothering me a bit. I did good on the other tests. All A's.
Ken: How goes the job search?
Rob: A big bear told me you have car probs. I am like you. When it comes to engines I am lost!
Jeff: Front Range? I never heard of them. Sounds like a good job you are doing on it. Front Range/Proto 2000/Walthers? GP9s? I stopped trying to figure out your creations when your IQ left my IQ in the dust at the start line. I like the crack about having to lose 40 IQ points to be as smart as Sheldon. He says he would have to lose 60 IQ points to be smart.
For those who wonder, Jeff does not have a sense of humor though he has been known to tell a joke once in a while.
David Parks I am the terror that flaps in the night!
cudaken Never built (or rebuilt) any Dash-9's, Santa Fe or otherwise. Jeffery, that was me kidding a round nothing more. Ken
Never built (or rebuilt) any Dash-9's, Santa Fe or otherwise.
Jeffery, that was me kidding a round nothing more.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I hate Rust
cudaken Jeffery I don't have a clue to why someone would even care. But feel free to tell them to contact me scene I sent you the engine in trade. Couple of reason I never did anything with it besides being lazy. You could see the light through the shell, and did not like the looks of the trucks insides. But they sure used a good motor!
Jeffery I don't have a clue to why someone would even care. But feel free to tell them to contact me scene I sent you the engine in trade. Couple of reason I never did anything with it besides being lazy. You could see the light through the shell, and did not like the looks of the trucks insides. But they sure used a good motor!
AmanaMedic JEFF: So, let me see if I understand this...some guy gets his knickers in a twist over you calling your obviously Front Range locomotive chassis a Front Range locomotive chassis??? Where do these twits come from? A line from "Backdraft" does come to mind: "These moments do try me..." Sounds like the Sundown Shops are going to have another Rivet Counter's Nightmare by the time you finish up THAT Front Range/Model Power/Walthers/Proto Frankenstein Geep!
JEFF: So, let me see if I understand this...some guy gets his knickers in a twist over you calling your obviously Front Range locomotive chassis a Front Range locomotive chassis??? Where do these twits come from? A line from "Backdraft" does come to mind: "These moments do try me..." Sounds like the Sundown Shops are going to have another Rivet Counter's Nightmare by the time you finish up THAT Front Range/Model Power/Walthers/Proto Frankenstein Geep!
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood (Guten?) Afternoon/evening. A fine German bier, beir, beer... please 'n, should THAT be "danka?"
ULRICH: Thanks but you can light the prayer candle for someone more in need than me... just haven't stopped in lately, but have been hitting the take-out window and sticking my head in to keep up on things. Hope your mood improves, but its understandable.
THAYNE: Welcome Pally!
ROBBY P: Good to see you back in here, good luck with the new job.
GARRY: Loved the shot in MR...very nicely done!
DER JOHN: Liking the church photo!
I might get to get back to w**king on a Walthers Trainline, Trainman, Train-something GP-15. I'm in the process of rebuilding it. It was first acquired in 2004 or 2005. It has been dismantled, stripped, re-painted, and had missing details added. It will retain it's CNW 4422 identity. All THAT is left are some decals and final detail painting (white railings and step ends). Photos soon, perhaps.
Some have mentioned "Dr. WHO." I never got hooked on it, but the Wife sure has...she's more into the latest seasons of the saga. I caught part of one with Spitfires flying into outer space, said some bad words and flipped the channel. THAT said, to me there is only one "true" Doctor: the one played by Tom Baker (the dude with the hat and the scarf). And...I really, really, really want a Dalek.
I like them.
I think it would be really cool to have one in the back of my truck in my travels.
Best wishes to those in need, seems like quite a few in THAT category again...
Afternoon Folks.
Flo, yep and but it on my new best friends tap, Thayne!
Train Front I did get everything done I wanted to do to a degree.
1 Fit the Athearn F7 A power pick up problem, wire broke on the rear truck.
2 Found the noise problem in my Santa Fe Dash 9. Jeff, did you build this engine? Model Power Chassis and Shell, Mashima Motor (whole reason I got the Front Range) and Athearn BB Trucks. But she has been a good Engine. Racket was from a lead tire weight the fell and stuck to rear truck tower gear?
3 Installed a longer shank coupler on my UP Dash 9 so I can run it with the Santa Fe Dash 9
4 Sort of fixed the Flywheel Puller. I can not pull flywheels off Athearn's motors, but see know way of pulling my PK 1000 flywheels at this point.
5 Re-motored my Athearn RTR SP SD-50, but there is a hitch.
If you remember a few months ago I posted that I was getting real odd readings when I was testing the replacement motors I have? Well Simon came over and we used a different DC power supply and the readings where normal? Well Today I tested the replacement for the SP SD 50 using the same power pack and started to get the same stupid readings! Would start out at around .50 amps and started climbing up and up and up till it hit 13.0 amps!
Went a head and installed the motor. While it is some what loud who knows how long scenes it was last ran. Going run it with the DC plug and see in the motor quiets down, if not I have other motors.
All so going to Harbor Freight and get a new meter.
See you all later.
Afternoon y'all. Just checking in from w**k.
Rob: Hey, on the wiring information. The wire that you need to chase is purple in color at the starter (remember, its the small terminal), it runs from the starter to the Neutral Safety Switch on the driver's side of the transmission. Coming out of the NSS the wire becomes a yellow wire that runs from the NSS through fuse number 8 (should be a 10amp fuse) located in the interior fuse compartment. From the fuse panel, then the wire goes to the ignition switch. So you should be able to see if you have power going through fuse number 8 with the ignition turned to the "start" position. If you do, then you know that you have a good electrical portion of the ignition switch.
Not doing a whole lot today just kinda hanging out. Have to close tonight, so I won't be free again until 8-ish. Tomorrow is a busy day, I have to install a steering gear box on a Chevy truck, and then possibly drive up to Birmingham to pull the Camaro home.... Once it gets home I'll be diagnosing the PassLock anti-theft system and find out what i need to do to it to fix the issue.... If we don't drag the Camaro home I'll be changing a strut on a VW Jetta tomorrow afternoon. Gotta love days off and side jobs that net a little extra funds in the wallet...
Welp, guess I'm going to head off for now we've gotta get things started on shutting down.
Later taters!
Coffee refill, please.
So is this (or some part of this) thew Neutral Safety Switch and how exactly do I test the wire from the starter, providing I can identify it? Do I remove the plug it's in and stick a tester probe in it and have wife turn the key?¤t=NeutralSafetySwitch.jpg
Finished setting the last of the posts. Well, still need rain to actually "set" the remaining quikrete. Have one huge tree trunk squishing a section of fence still to chainsaw out. Other than that, I'll be in fence stringing mode this week.
Wife has been called off a few times recently and with zero art sales, this month is going to get tight. She's stressed, which gets me stressed. Could always be worse though, not that it cheers her up any.
Robby P. Good morning. Well I start 3rd tonight . I have to work at Sears for four hours then go to the next job. Going to be a rough night. I hope everybody has a good day
Good morning.
Well I start 3rd tonight . I have to work at Sears for four hours then go to the next job. Going to be a rough night.
I hope everybody has a good day
Good luck witht eh new job, Robby!
Good to see you back in the Diner, hope you come by often!
Jeffrey- Just to declare my innocence, I am NOT THE ONE who posted the anonymous email to you! I couldn't tell a Studebaker from a Fjord Fjairlane {thanks ROse} or a Packard if they didn't have name tags on them!
Good thing my locos are all Bachmann...!! But i have put a sticker with the name on each one under it so I know which is which as I can't exactly tell my GP38-2 from my GP40...maybe most of you can but i am not so good at sorting out diesels YET. LOL
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
Today I decided to convert the Front Range loco chassis to DCC. I had a Digitrax DZ143 decoder laying around with nothing to do so I got it ready to be installed. Something very important was going to have to be done first. The TAPP trucks are OK for display but if this were to become an active runner the worse than bad TAPP trucks would have to go. I replaced them with a pair of Proto 2000 trucks from a FA2. Yes, I know those have AAR sideframes but when has that mattered to me in the past. Never I think. Besides, it puts my personal signature on the job. How many GP9's have AAR sideframes? Not many I would think. I got tired of looking at the BNSF GP9 shell so I put the patched Soo GP9m shell on it. What does all this make it now? A DCC Front Range/Proto 2000/Walthers GP9s?
Although it was windy, chilly and raining, it was still Sunday so a little railfanning was in order. So down to the "Strip District" in Pittsburgh we went. Caught 3 Norfolk Southern in about 1 hour. I was hoping to catch the Allegheny Valley, but apparently my timing wasn't very good. Anyway, 2 mixed freights westbound, and 1 of my all time favorites, the Sunday trash train headed eastbound. Well, time to grab a Vernor's Ginger Soda and watch the Steelers. By the way, I also wanted to welcome Thayne to the diner. Tom
Pittsburgh, PA
It´s only 7 pm and it´s getting dark already !
Just a little remark on our tour - of course we will see Heidelberg and spend time in Berchtesgaden.
Rob - the MIA list is a mile long. It´s Jerry, Chris, BJ, Keith (missing for over a year now), Sawyer and lots of others whose names don´t come to my mind at the moment.
A prayer candle for them!
Strong coffee in a UNION PACIFIC mug, please.
***Garry, CONGRATS!
***Barry, the way cats do everything on their own time line, it's no surprise to see one have it's own Tardis.
***Ulrich, very nice pics!
Anyone seen Jerry lately?
Have a good one y'all.
Jeff: Methinks the 'anon.' person-who is too chicken to post who they are/were-just wants to be a 'knowing subject' who thinks they know more about those things than you do. They are just like the clowns that show up at car shows to flex their knowingness about what engines were installed in what cars...when they do not even have a clue about what the ---------- they are talking about.
Jeff- I can't believe that someone feels so strongly about it to act like a idiot. Scratch that, I guess I do. You do great work on almost no budget so keep up the good work. The problem with the internet is that it is pretty anonymous with little or no consequences for one's actions.
Hello Diners!
Barry... The cat in the police call box looks very much like Shelley's cat that died last year.
Galaxy ... More rain? .. You've had enough.
Jeff ... Don't let the critics bother you at all. You are doing great work in your Sundown Shops. It's always interesting to see your creativity. ... Well, I admit when I saw the GN GP30 changed into an ugly ducking, I did cringe a bit but not for long. ..... By the way, Galaxy is getting too much rain. Can any of your good friends do an un-rain dance. Just asking.
Ulrich..... Your photos are terrific. I like the German 4-6-2. A very long time ago, I had a Fleischmann 4-6-2 that my Dad brought to me from Germany. I was really young at the time. Shelley and I have thought about another vacation in GErmany, but too much other stuff keeps happening. By the way, are you including Heidelberg in this trip? I like that city. The castle there is remarkable. .... Ulrich, I'm concerned about your health. Doctors should be able to control your heart rhythm. I hope they will do that for you soon.
Thayne ... Thanks for coming back. UPS, eh... Can we call you "Brown"? UPS has quite an operation in Louisville. They always have several cargo planes at the airport there.
Robby .... Thanks for checking in. You really are busy.
Curt ... Biscuits and gravy sounds like good Southern cooking.
Todd .... How was the strudel? I arrived here in the diner too late for it today.
To those who did not see my picture in November Model Railroader yet...... Here it is. I'm very happy with it
Hello Every one, I guess i am in charge of buying the drinks today. So everyone belly up to the counter. Go easy on me Ken! I only have a few hundred dollars and I know you are as thirsty as I am, [I've seen your post's] I got a good laugh at the "keep Utah brown" joke. I will look for the signs but I have not seen any lately. I'll bet someone stole them for scrap....... I went to a great clinic yesterday on making trees and also different landscaping techniques for your layout, The guys who did the clinic did a super job, I need to get busy with some bench work so i can start making some trees! see you all in a while time to get moving,