The diner is now closed!
Moved here:
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
Sir Madog Thanks, Jeff, for the warning I hope I´ll be able to make the move to the November location before the close-down. Any ideas on where that shall be?
Thanks, Jeff, for the warning I hope I´ll be able to make the move to the November location before the close-down. Any ideas on where that shall be?
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Afternoon All,
Well it took a lot longer than I expected to complete the Tichy water tank. I was again not impressed with the instructions (numbering of parts or clear pictures in instructions). This was fairly straight forward so I was able to figure it out.
I wonder how many Trick-or-Treaters we will get this year, we usually don't get many.
Take care.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Trick or Treat...Afternoon all..Its sunny and 54 here..nothing for much candy out of the Grand Kids bags...Wired a switch this morning but that has been just about it..Had Kids and Grandkids all week-end..You all have a good one...Jerry
After a month on the road, err, tracks, i think we should stay put for some time. Not another "if it´s Tuesday, this must be Belgium "-tour
On the health issue, I am still pretty much worn out, but no time to get a rest. Petra´s aunt and uncle are moving into the assisted living place intended for my parents. They will arrive on Thursday evening, the truck with their belongings coming on Friday morning. Going to be a busy weekend for us. Petra´s aunt is tied to a wheelchair and her uncle does not know how to handle an electric drill or a screwdriver. guess who´s carrying the load
Good to see some of the MIA´s are back, though there are quite a number still on the list.
I am glad you all liked the tour. Maybe next year we can spend some time in Switzerland - there are lots of place I´d like to show you.
Happy Halloween!
This site will be down for 2 hours tomorrow morning. See more HERE.
I got a start on the weathering of a few cars this morning.
Coffee in a UNION PACIFIC mug, please.
***Ray, that would be one heck of a funny way to keep the little rascles away. Many years ago I could have donated a large dragon head from one of my many giant dragon costumes with glowing red-orange eyes and C02 belching over a fang filled mouth, just for added fright effects.
***Todd, as a kid I covered many a neighborhood to nearly fill a pillow case full of treats. I was seriously devoted to the cause. Do agree with you on older kids who show up with only a smear of makeup on their nose or something stupid. Living out in the boonies here, there are no trick-or-treaters.
***Jim, the kudzu died.
***Lee, I would gladly try it, especially if it comes with a new hat.
***Barry, that's a funny video.
***Curt, excellent video. Wow!
Have a good one all.
Trick or Treat, everybody.
Thayne ... A few days late but happy b'day.
Ulrich ... Thanks again for the tour. You will be a tough act to follow.
James ..... Qantus is resuming operations according to new here. Does that mean you care to host the diner in November? Don't forget it includes turkey for the US Thanksgiving.
Fergie! ..... Good to see you. do you know the price for 2-10-2's has dropped significantly during you absence?
Good morning. It's 60° and sunny. The high will be 75° and it will be partly cloudy.Maybe today I'll finally be able to apply the L&A decals to the Front Range hopper. I also have a very glossy Tyco Old Dutch Cleanser reefer that needs dirt, rust and grime added. There's a few hoppers that have the same problem.
Mornin' everyone!
Happy All Hallows Eve to each of you. Ah yes, the night before All Saints day, and 2 before All Souls Day. Two of the great feasts of the church (or they used to be). I see someone got Barry already........ I have the candy all ready to give out to the little monsters tonight. I actually enjoy it. I use to get a couple hundred kids here years ago when I was teaching. Used to go out of my way to scare the living daylights out of them as well (Even got the blessing of the local police dept. to do it....). One year I set up my front end sound system in the shed out back of the house, ran mic cords from the mixer here in the office, and using a DAT tape with a recording of what scientists think T-Rex sounded like, had it set to go off 3 seconds after I pushed "play". THAT gave me just enough time to get to the door with the bowl of candy. GRIN! At one point about 40 middle school students all showed up at the same time and were knocking at the door and ringing the doorbell.... Not just ringing the doorbell once, but, "ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong" and "Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam" on the door. I let loose with the "entertainment" and just watched! Kids flying all over the place! I still have scratch marks in the glass on the storm door from it.... Not doing anything like THAT anymore, but it sure was fun. One parent and a couple kids followed the sound for close to 2 miles to visit my house. The city council was going to issue me a "special permit" to house a T-Rex on the property (never happened as a couple days later the whole bunch got voted out of office....).
Well, I've already written a book I see. I'll just have abreakfast bagel and my dark roast coffee and be gone for a bit.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
Todd: Thanks for the sinus clearing....sheeesh . Flo, can I have a refill of my coffee please?
Oh..btw...Todd...there is a Hallowe'en card in your future....
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
Morning All,
Not much going on here besides rain. I'm going to build my Tichy steel water tower and play with the camera for awhile. I love days off during the week as they are usually mine. The people out there with significant others know what I mean. I have a Abdominal Ultrasound next Monday to check out some things.
Everyone hae a good day and a Happy Halloween.
BOO!! gotcha! Oops, sorry Barry. (I didn't know you could shoot coffee that far out of your nose.) Good Morning!! Coffee please. I’m hungry but for what, I don’t know. I guess I’ll take the breakfast surprise platter please. Um….hold the muskrat thanks.
BOO!! gotcha! Oops, sorry Barry. (I didn't know you could shoot coffee that far out of your nose.)
Good Morning!! Coffee please. I’m hungry but for what, I don’t know. I guess I’ll take the breakfast surprise platter please. Um….hold the muskrat thanks.
Sunny, with a high near 58.
Not much has happened since last night other than a lot of snoring. So not much to say. EDIT: (wrote that before the next subject came up )
Tonight is the night when I usually find a place other than home to be. Except tonight, Brenda has “expressed her desire” as only a wife can do, for me to be here. I don’t get to hand out candy because I figure one piece is sufficient. Hey, if everybody gave just one piece, they’d still have more candy than they can eat. Apparently I’m stingy. So I am only called to the door, after the candy is given out so I can give the phony vote of approval for the costumes. A few are cute for the itty bitty kids, like the dinosaurs, or the little bunnies or fairies and the occasional pumpkin. Those kind, but mostly I just get annoyed at the little beggers. So I don't see why I need to be here. Oh I don’t mind the Tiny Mites from the town showing up, and I especially don’t mind those of friends and family. It’s the van loads that show up from Springfield and surrounding areas that annoy me and super duper the ones that look to be 15 or 16 showing up just in their regular clothes to get candy. This year I made up a can to hold out asking for donations to offset the cost of the candy that I was giving away. Brenda nixed that idea quickly. I said I wouldn’t put it out to those I knew. That didn’t matter. I could tell by the look on her face and the familiar way she quietly turned and walked away. It was nice of her to let me know I am still number one in her book though, so I decided to watch her rearend as she walked away. Missy will however, be on cloud nine. She likes seeing all the costumes. You have to let her look or she whines. ( shakes head) Crazy dog.
Well, enough of my annual ranting over Halloween, besides, Lee’s got me thinking about my outlook on food now, so I’ll be lost all day.
Ya’ll have a Great Day!!!
Central Illinoyz
In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.
I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk.
Happy Halloween
The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.
Here there be cats. LIONS with CAMERAS
I was actually thinking about taking the European thing and going through Switzerland into Italy ....
Good Morning...
Dull dull dull and 40% showers for us'uns.
Have a few things need done today then it is orf to do the evening classes thing
I'll have a coffee for now please, Chloe..and I'll be at the RC .....
Good Morning All,
Block heater cord decided to ground itself to the frame of my truck and burn itself out, lost a nice 50’ extension cord, one wall outlet, and some hair from the back of my hand, but I got it all fixed this weekend.
I haven’t been able to get into the layout room, but I bought the drawer fronts for the rolling stock dresser and all the screw holes are plugged up. I bought 2 quarts of LS&W yellow. Tonight I don’t have anything to do but sand and paint.
Sue, I’ve been doing plaster castings for a couple years now. Mostly box, crate, and scrap loads. Jeff, Rob, and a couple others have some of my castings in the dinner. If anyone wants a quick lesson its easier than you think.
Rob, you haven’t lived until you’ve eaten smoked muskrat! You can have lunch and a new hat all in the same day…
What if we have it all wrong??? What if Chicken tastes like frogs legs, or Raccoon, or…
Teen-Steam, Congratulations! HAM it up!
Fergie, glad you enjoyed it, I thought it was well done. Nice seeing you in the diner, so do you have an ice breaking bow? Looks like you may need it pretty soon.
BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret) L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes
Good Morning Guys and Gals!
Back in the States - just in time to see the Great Pumpkin rise over the pumpkin patch! It´s Halloween and that means pesky little critters trick or treatin´ over here, too! More important - it is Reformation Day, commemorating Luther putting up those 95 theses, which changed the world on the portal of the Wittenberg Palace Church in 1517.
Any idea where we will be coming month?
Have a good day!
Happy Halloween!!!! I had a great week off.I got my bench work pretty much prebuilt in my garage. I have a little more sanding to do then I will start assembling it in my new layout room. I got the paint and drywall finished in there last week also. Well it's time to shave and head back to w$%k, Hope you all have a great Monday!
Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.
Bill Tidler Jr.
Near a cornfield in Indiana...
Today is Monday, October 31st, 2011!!!
Ghosts and Goblins and Hoogely boogelies!!!
Enjoy your Halloween!!!
IF you celebrate it, WE don't!!!
But get caught "tricking us" and we report you for vandalism!!!
uummmm...a little ticklish are we?
Ken- It came with a CD that looks to be able to do anything except maybe take the picture for you. Here is a example of a photo I took last night
Here is a short video I shot yesterday with it last night
Hope this helps
Good day! Flip and Fergie showed up!
OK Ken, because it's you, I'll let bygones be bygones. I don't know much about the Northstars. Never had to w**k on one. I did go to the NAPA site and look up a starter, it said $214. At least for the one I looked up, it did not look like it was any different than any other starter and appeared to be externally mounted. My son has a Caddy with a Northstar and it is a very good engine. I don't know how many miles he has on it though, and I'venever done anything to the engine, not even change the oil. He has grown up a bit and has someone else do it for a cost. I don't have any hard feelings about that. I have heard nothing but good about them though so I would not be afraid of the cost. Like you said, even the best breaks from time to time. Even a Mopar.
Time to hit the hay.
Time for me to head for the bed. See y'all tomorrow.
Evenin' folks!
Yawn...... Oh, cup of decaf please.
Been a looooooooonnnng day around here. Fun day as well. I now have 15 Scouts in the troop doing the RR Merit Badge. They got us all on the 1:30 run of the trolley from the NYMT and we packed the cabooses on the train as well. The conductor and engineer decided not to allow cab rides today as there were such large crowds and other had asked for cab rides and told no. It would not be good for some who just asked to find others were allowed. We spent an hour at the R&GV RR Museum as we missed our train going back up the line. We were all in the depot at the time with all the doors closed. THAT made a problem for transporting people back up the line the next trip. They were very accommodating and they all had a great time. Got quite a bit done on the merit badge as well. Looked at my watch after they were in the model train room at the NYMT and it said 4:10.... I was supposed to be at my son's Birthday Party by 5PM and had an hours drive to get back home to grab the present, get my evening meds, pet the cats, and head out the door to his house. Got there around 5:30.... After dinner I almost fell asleep on the couch watching the group play games on the Wii thingy.
Fergie! THAT you in the back booth? Good to see you again! Hope you stay dry and warm, sir!
Galaxy, well.... THAT explains it... I just like to pull your leg at times. I have somewhat the same schedule, but don't turn on the computer when I make the "early morning" run. Lucky i don't get out of bed until 9:30 or so most mornings.......
Catch you all later!
Decaf and apple pie cheese melt please~
Lee: Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for the video sent earlier today as it was a gem!
Well he we sit after enduring our 1st Nor'Easter of the season (oh Joy)
Later all
If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
Morning all, last day of October for me here... I've enjoyed the tour once again Ulrich.
I was going to suggest a tour of Australia for November, but with Qantas grounding their fleet no one could get here!
I'll leave you with a photo or two of what I was up to yesterday.
In the back ground you can see two locos and two freight cars, the two freight cars I weathered and the two locomotives are waiting for decoders. To the left you can see a stack of packages containing kits, you can see three partially assembled stacked up on the right hand side. They turn into this :
I also resurrected this wagon which hit the floor about two years ago. :
James, Brisbane Australia
Modelling AT&SF in the 90s
Good Evening, Flo - I'll have a hot fudge brownie sundae and a Santa Fe mug of coffee, please. Thanks!
I have way too many pages to hope to catch up (think it was about 17-20+ pages of posts since I was last in). Ulrich, from the few more recent pages I quick-scanned, you've been doing great on the tour updates (sorry I missed some of those days). As for the emigration museum, I probably could find some ancestors' info in there. Had some of my Dad's predecessors come over from Hanover in the 1860's or so.
Jeff, sorry to see your Mom took a fall. Did they say if the fall was likely caused by her low blood sugar? Liked your photo of the little car there that Ezekiel used to own.
Curt, your layout pics show that you keep on improving things there - keep it up!
A belated for you, Thayne! One thing better than having the day off from w**k, is to have that day be the start of some vacation time. (Oh, yeah!)
Garry, I like how your power plant is coming along - keep the photos coming as you progress on that! I thought about that DPM kit, but as others said, wasn't sure my layout would (ever) have the space for that to fit. Instead, I'll be using the Edison St. Powerhouse, which is a bit smaller in size (I'm thinking about 3" X 5" footprint for it (or close).
Rob, it's good to see you back in the Diner. As for your car, how long has it been in Washington? I had one summer (back in my married years) that was parked in a garage at the in-laws' farm because we didn't need to use it, and when the summer was about over, we noticed that a small vine - maybe honeysuckle - had wound its way up between the radiator and front grill of the car (maybe more, we didn't spend a lot of time looking for sure). Did a bit of 'weedeating' on THAT. Coulda been worse - they could have had kudzu... How is Kudzu Valley, by the way?
Chris, did I read it right, that you've started on your layout? Cool!
On-call this Sat./Sunday (and calm this afternoon), but I got some more done on my trees, plus started painting some of the W-S (white metal) pine trees. I got out one of the big ones (6-8" tall), and I think W-S can stand some cleaning up of their molds - had a couple of places where four branches were semi-together. I'll need to do more cleanup on the big pines, I think. Have some photos of some progress, but still need to shrink 'em down some and post on my Photobucket account yet. It may be Tuesday or Wednesday on that, since tomorrow I have training for w**k during the day, and on-call Monday night.
And Todd, how are you doing after Friday night? I had one officer I saw (for an on-call matter) last night say that he thought the Cards-Rangers game on Thursday night was more stressful than when he was in Iraq(!). I think Friday might have been a close second to Thursday. I really think that if the Rangers pitcher (forgot his name) who had the 98 mph pitches had been able to pitch on Friday, the outcome might've been different. As it turned out, I figure St. Louis might get back to normal about Tuesday or so (perhaps)... Ol' "Cardiac Cardinals," yep...
I'll see if I can get my progress on the trees (and other stuff) ready for a Tuesday post. Don't hold me to that, however...
Prayers for comfort and healing, and for power to come back for those who got the white stuff dumped on them by the East coast storm(s).
Jim in Cape G.