Hi Gang, RBFs all around tonight, on me Chloe,
Tomorrow morning we are going back to Branson for the second time to take in a couple more shows. Also we start the day with a ride on the Ozark Zephyr, so that should be fun.
Quite like Springfield, where we are staying with our Son, very nice and friendly city.
Did a few odd jobs on my Son's trailer this afternoon after some shopping with the wife in the morning.
Later this week-end it will be time to set off for home as work beckons on the 14, but this sure was a well needed break.
Will stop back in before we head home.
Love the work you folks are doing, great stuff...
Nice tour Ulrich, I am enjoying it as well. Especially the food. Petra, it is a wonder that Ulrich isn't 450 lbs.
Off to bed to dream about the Zephyr. Sleep well.
Johnboy out...........................................ZZZZZzzzzzsssss.
from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North..
We have met the enemy, and he is us............ (Pogo)
Hello every one, I hope you all had a good day? I got a lot done. went to the doctor, petsmart, costco. got a oil change in my old gmc, went and got a new radiator cap, the check engine light came on the other day, I got the codes checked and I fixed it myself (the gas cap was loose) I got lucky for a change! I also had a rock chip repaired, came home and gave my dog a bath and mowed the lawn. that's it for me I'm relaxing now.
Curt, Utah is a pretty great place. I like it here. Plenty to do and see what ever you are into. you can be in the mountains, desert, Vegas, Denver,Yellowstone, the Grand canyon and many other National parks in only a few hours. People come from all over the world to see it here.
I am glad some of you like UPS, I like working there, I am what they call a feeder driver. (The semi trucks) I just started my 27th year at buster brown. I have had a pretty good life thanks too luck.hard work and a great Union & company.
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
GMTRacing Jeff - so I suppose you could say you got your latest project one piece at a time? Did you sorta go to the factory and pick it up?.
Jeff - so I suppose you could say you got your latest project one piece at a time? Did you sorta go to the factory and pick it up?.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Coffee in a UNION PACIFIC mug, please.
More great pics being posted I see.
Evening All,
Well I went to the doctor today and I got some good news and some that may not be good. He is willing to keep me off Statins and see if I can get the Cholesterol lowered, He burned off 2 spots on my face (pre-cancerous) and I have a appointment in about 10 days to remove the cysts, the possibly bad news is he is concerned about my liver enzymes and I have a liver ultrasound the first week in November. Beyond that depends on what is found. Obviously in my job Hepatitis is a real concern. Fingers crossed.
I painted the wood framing and doors for the round house. MOH dragged me to Wally World where I found little pre mixed paint sample bottles for $3 each so I picked up a bottle for window frames, concrete floor and roof.
Thayne- I have only been to Utah 2 times, one time as a kid and once with my kids. We saw the usual SLC and the Great Salt Lake. We also went to Dinosaur National Monument and then went further north to dig fish fossils. It was a really good vacation.
Jeff- You never fail to amaze me with your ability to fix something from so many different parts. Great Job.
Barry- I am sorry to hear about the return of your tumor.
This is a 15 second video of my FP-7
Have a good night all.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Guten Abend meinen Herrs und Herrin,
Wie gehts es ihnen? Also got to Newark too late to catch the flight but hopped a C5a out of Stewart and here I am after a crate ride. (Flew from Okinawa to Beale AFB on crates stacked in a KC-135 but for free was good.)
Weekend went well and CFO had a seniors softball tournament in Delaware where her team won gold (playing down in the 50's bracket even.
Galaxy - sorry to hear you're getting more rain and flooding again. Maybe you should move by Paul - he could use it.
Garry - the latest MR was waiting when I got home last night. Nice pic and gorgeous bridge.
Welcome Thayne. Buster Brown is my favorite company! Couldn't build race cars without ya.
Loved the 427 pics. The Ford Thunderbolt was the big block 427 stuffed into a Fairlane chassis and was made for drag racing as was the 428 in the Mustang. PIA to change plugs on though without undoing the motor mounts and jacking up the motor. No big block Mustangs in SCCA as the A sedan displacement limit was 5 Liters (302c.i.).
Finishing up paperw..k and off to the house. Catch up some chores and noodle some on the next steps on the layout. Actually have no race to go to this weekend. Catch y'all later. J.R.
JimRCGMO Galaxy, did you ever hear PP&M's introduction to "A'Soalin' (think it was Paul who did the intro on their record)? You and he apparently are on the same page about the "Trick or Treat" as it seems to be in some parts of the country now (but I'll stop with that, since I see the soapbox sliding this way)....
Galaxy, did you ever hear PP&M's introduction to "A'Soalin' (think it was Paul who did the intro on their record)? You and he apparently are on the same page about the "Trick or Treat" as it seems to be in some parts of the country now (but I'll stop with that, since I see the soapbox sliding this way)....
No, I don't think I know to which you refer...
Well, I never really was into Halloween. I was done by age 10 with the "trick or treat" thing, except to take my younger brother around so my father was home with my mother {who was losing her faculties to Multiple Sclerosis} to pass out the candy. I usually still had trick-or-treat candy at Christmas! Never really did like milk chocolate...
MOH USED to be big on it, but now coudl care less like me...aminly because MOH noted that the SAME KIDS were repeatedly coming around, sometimes in the same costumes!! Or changing costumes!! AND that the kids who were "too old" were the biggest repeat offeders. That kinda ruined it for MOH.
Anyway, i look at it this way, the little imps come TRESSPASSING on my property to EXTORT candy from me based on the premise that that will "guarantee" they will not commit the further crime of PROPERTY DAMAGE and VANDALISM To My property...and STILL Some {usually Teenage IMPS} will STILL perpetrate harry-carry upon my house EVEN WHEN I DO give into their demands and pay A RANSOM!!!!!
Now if it was an adult who trespassed and extorted something from me as a payment to prevent personal property damage...then He/She would most likely be in the MAFIA, and I would be the victim and He/SHe would spend some years in jail!!!!
But because it is "for the children", aw com'on!!!!
I do have to say though that at least around here the newscasters warn not to go to houses you don't know, not to go to houses that don't have lights on, and to have the candy inspected by the police at the firestations....We leave all lights off and have a slider door on our porch we keep LOCKED so they get the picture...and fortunately we have not been vandalized because people HAVE been warned that the "pranks" really ARE CRIMES.
Afternoon, Zoe - I'll have a RBF please. Thank you!
Rob, thanks for clearing that up about the boxes (red vs. blue). I noticed on one of the photos of the blue ones, that it said something about it being for the use of the public (as well as the police?). Was that accurate, anyone know?
Ray, after hearing your story about that gal, for some reason I thought of the old saying about "pride goes before a fall..." Wonder why that happened?... Hope you got your rest last night, as sometimes those of us who never have w**ked on a RR (museum or otherwise) forget how trying on a person's body it can be.
Ulrich, those (trams/trolleys?) in the Bochum light railway museum look a lot like the PCC streetcars that (when I was a wee little lad...) still ran in the St. Louis area in the 1950's (or so). Thanks for posting the photos.
Hey, Sue, it was late when I got into the Diner, and I usually have the RBF's in the day (especially in the afternoons). Plus, I like RBF's when it's warm (or hot) outside (and it's starting to cool off around here). Is this climbing trip the coming weekend the one that got postponed when it was too hot? And how about some still photos of your and Larry's layout progress (or some 'old' shots of the logging branch)?
My doctor's office called me this morning to set up a follow-up on my labs that the Dr. had done after my previous appointment with him. Must not be anything really, really drastic, since they were okay with it not being until next week. (I'm on-call next weekend, so Tuesday I'll be off from the office). We'll see whatever he and the lab found then.
Todd, how about "The Eggplant That Ate Chicago"? Oh, wait, I think that was just a song one of my college buddies used to sing - never got made into a movie... As for Brenda catching on, I think she did, but she stays with ya anyway.
Jeff, I'm gonna keep in mind your trick about keeping the wires 'out of the way' (for future use).
Garry, my new MR issue was at my P.O. box, and I've already seen your photo - and bragged on you to somebody...! I can even recall about where you took the photo, too (even if the Memphis Belle didn't show in the MR photo...). Great job - the person I showed the photo to, thought it was a 1:1 RR photo until I told her otherwise.
This morning, I spent some time on the budget (not sure if I needed to use asterisks for that word or not...), cleaning up some of the data I've downloaded from the bank. Such fun! Yesterday after church, I'd vaccuumed the carpet in the apartment, and today on the TV I saw one of those air cleaner/ionizer thingees. Dunno about the ionizer part, but I debated about getting an air cleaner to cut down some on the dust. My apartment seems to attract dust (or maybe it's the old-and-cracking concrete in our building's parking lot).
Also today, I took a couple of CD's back to the library on my way to my mailbox. It's really nice out - temp reached 77 F (25 C) this afternoon in Cape G. Had to get out one of my short sleeve shirts that I'd put in the back of the closet over the weekend. Bit of 'Indian summer' for us; I was beginning to wonder if we'd have the usual warmer spell in October as we usually do. Even with a light frost Sunday morning, eh?
DerJohn, I think Woodland Scenic's been peeking in the window at your layout photos. I saw in the MR issue that they are coming out with a community church building (in HO scale, with the sign for out front - couldn't read from their photo if the sign had Rev. Good's name on it...).
Think I'll kick back for a while with another RBF please, Zoe. And read my new MR issue. Hmm, MR wants us to modernize our RR's? (Not on my layout, thankyouverymuch!Always the 1950's on the CAW. )
Jim in Cape G.
Hallo, wo ist jeder? Muss auf einer Sightseeing tour wit Ulrich?
Evening, where is everybody? Must be on a sight seeing tour with Ulrich I guess?
Flo, hätte ich ein kaltes Bier bitte?
Well looks like the SP SD-50 might get a new motor. While it runs fine with the shell on it is so darn loud. Speed matched it to 2 Dash 9's and run well with them, but don't think I will be able to stand the noise.
I hate Rust
Good Evening
Had the doctors appointment...new meds, yay...and new issue to deal with...seems that a certain tumour needs taken out...again
My way of telling jokes is just by being me...I'm weird enough as it is....
Actually, my sense of humour is pretty dry..a lot of people find me hard to read that way...sort of along the lines of my dad..who..could turn an ordinary conversation into a weird wonderland of ideas...
Anyhow..I went after that wonderful piece of news to the LHS and found a couple of modular building kits that I can cobble into a storage warehouse or something for Eric's layout...
Chloe, I'll just have a coffee and a bagel with creamcheese please..I'll be at the RC for a bit...
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
G one way that I found that helps some is to track your salt intake and keep it balanced with your calories IE Mg sodium, 1500 calories. its not what you put on thats the problem but what comes in it already. i can tell you that it helps. this past weekend I spent in the hospital, getting my gallbladder removed. THAT was a shock, i had no warning before the first attack. then a week later i saw the doctor and 2 days later i was in surgery. feeling better now. in a couple of weeks i should be able to get back to railroading.
Guter Nachmittag Kollegen Abendessen!
Flo, Ich möchte ein Schinken Sandwich mit Käse und ein Bier bitte.
Just picked up a new meter and tested the SD-50. With the motor in the chassis and me holding it on the track the motor pulled .60 amps. Engine stalled at .80 amps so she is good to go! Motor is quieter so I am going to install a decoder and the shell and start speed matching.
Next engine up will either the PA, SD40-2 or my Rio Grand SD-50. Time to break out decoder pro.
. Bis später. Ken
Doing some more work on the Front Range chassis. Well a complete rebuild really. The Front Range shafts were too short and had a nasty habit of sliding apart on turnouts. The new shafts have much more slip travel and won't come apart. This did however require some restructuring. The motor has been changed out. The replacement is a Mashima with smaller flywheels from a Proto FA. The mounts didn't want to play so the motor is held in with super glue. Quite securely too I might add. The trucks are from the same Proto FA the motor and flywheels came from. The drive shafts are a mix of pieces from Athearn. The hollow shafts connected to the flywheels came from an SD9 and the worms and spline shafts came from a PA2. So let's see, what does that do to the pedigree? Front Range frame, Proto motor, Proto flywheels, Proto trucks, Athearn worms and shafts, Walthers body. Ah ha. I have a regular mutt here. It's definitely worth the nomenclature of GP9S, the 'S' of course denoting the Sundown shops. I also made a m9odification on the Model Power GP9 chassis. The shaft couplings had a habit of snatching the wires coming from the trucks. I fixed that little problem by gluing in two pieces of stiff wire that arc over the shafts and hold the wires up out of reach of the shaft couplings.
OK, Ok, OK!!!
I think it is time to remind everyone to watch their language in here!!! I never saw such a bunch if ill gotten foreign words spewed forth my others! {THAT would be MY sense of humor.}
My sense of humor is Like Bob Newhart...for those who know him. I tend to dead-pan something that is "serious" yet totally funny and off the mark but right on the money!!! Remember "hi I'm larry and this is my brother Daryl, and this is my other brother Daryl. The other Daryl don't talk much. He doesn't like to step on Daryl's toes."
I AM afraid my sense of humor doesn't always come through on the net,. so I often will put in a LOL after my dead-pan serious joke jsut so people get it.
Even in real life, people often are left standing when I make a joke...sometimes I have to explain.THEN they get it and laugh hysterically!
AS I told one of our newest user-mods "we will make your life a living hell. make you tear your hair out, give you sleepless nights and ulcers, make it *sweet as candy* and as enjoyable as *sunshine on your face on a cold winter's day*" OR something to that effect!!! Even Ulrich picked up my sense of humor and said he was glad to see I still had it.
Well, I went shopping to wally world and found some real nice clothes that will actually fit me...very few places bvut he Big and TalL {and EXPENSIVE} Stores carry my size...3XL on top and 2XL on bottom. Wally world does, but they can go fast! Even found some marked down to $3.00-$9.00. Was pleased as punch to have some winter stuff that actually will fit me! Even go new PJs, and some what I call 'around the house comfy clothes" that are PJ type bottoms and long sleeve shirts- regular material or light weight flannel. Iguess I will have to visit the Big and Tall store to get some new dress pants as I tried on a pair fo 46's and they were about 5" form closing the button gap! I am about at Diabetic stage and it's been dificult to loose weight. The less I eat, the more I gain. The mroe I eat teh more i gain,,,,adn with excersize abilities about nil, I don;t get that much of that eihter. *sigh*. I've become another ;Fat old man". I rate my re-patronage of a restaurant by how much room there is for me in the booth!
Well, I need to go take a nap am about falling asleep here on the keybrad...uscle relaxer and heavy duty pain killer will do that to you.
Later guys
Mornin' everyone!
Since I got up late, I'll have the Zweites Frühstück this morning and a cup of dark hot chocolate.
Not raining outside for the moment. Even had a little slice of sunshine a few minutes ago... A chilly Fall day here in the Finger Lakes. Currently 54°F with a high later of 58°F...... Yep, time to put away the air conditioner for the year.
Todd.... Now, now a good joke takes time to pull off! Can't rush things you know.
Ulrich, such a wunderbar tour you have put together for us!
If I am to get all the list of things I need to do done today, I best get moving.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
Happy Monday everyone! I have the day off of w*%k for a doctor appointment. So it was nice to sleep in a little more than usual. Thanks for the warm welcome to the diner! The pictures of Germany look great!! Last night I was going to try to post a picture of my garage/mancave. I have been working on the garage for a while and I am pretty proud of it. Even with all of Rays help I decided I better wait until my wife is here to help me. My wife went to California last night to Meet a brother his wife and some other family she has never met before. She was adopted when she was a new baby but over the years she has tracked down some of her family. The brother she met last night is in the Navy and has been out on the sea keeping us all safe and free so she has only been able to email,facebook,etc until last night. I have not talked to her today I hope things went well for her? Todd I am with you on the shorts thing.... I live in them while I am at home but you wont see me wearing any of those goofy brown ones at w*%k! (don't even own a pair) Any way I better get going I have a lot of stuff to do today, I will see you all later!
cudaken Jeffery On your BB motors, do you cut off any of the brush springs? I have read that cutting them down makes the motors work better?
Jeffery On your BB motors, do you cut off any of the brush springs? I have read that cutting them down makes the motors work better?
Guten morgen Kollegen abendessen!
Flo, HABE ICH Rührei, Speck und englische Muffins bitte.
Well, I think I asked for scrambled eggs, bacon and a English Muffin, guess we will see what Flo brings out on the plate?
Have some running to do and get the oil changed on the Town Car, we are about 60 to 90 miles pass do.
Running the SD-50 with out a shell to see in the motors quiet's down any. Makes more racket at slower speed. Sound sounds like it is coming from the commuter (what the brushes ride on) and the brushes. Later I think I will polish the commuter with 1500 to 2000 grit sandpaper.
Must remember to pick up a new Meter at Harbor Fright! After I make sure the motor is not pulling to many amp's I will install a decoder.
Sehen sie Leute später!
TMarsh Jeff- I know all about the difficult to catch the humor thing. I have a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor. You need to see me and actually hear me, and, in some cases know me, to catch that I’m kidding. Not easy at all to convey with the written word. That and this little quirk I have of saying something that just “pops” into my head without thinking first, has gotten me into a bit of trouble over the years.
Jeff- I know all about the difficult to catch the humor thing. I have a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor. You need to see me and actually hear me, and, in some cases know me, to catch that I’m kidding. Not easy at all to convey with the written word. That and this little quirk I have of saying something that just “pops” into my head without thinking first, has gotten me into a bit of trouble over the years.
Good morning. It's 46° (8°C) and sunny. The high will be 81° (27°C) and partly cloudy.Only thing on the schedule today is to get then second half of the grocery shopping done. Later I'll see if I can get some of the layout cleaned up.
Good Morning!! Coffee and some more of that strudel please. Thanks Patchy frost before 8am. Otherwise, sunny, with a high near 75. Did you notice Jeffrey never sits at the RC? That’s ok. Jeff really is one of those guys who makes me feel comfortable with my modeling. Not my skills, those I need to work on if I ever get time, more like my outlook I guess you’d say. If I like it then that’s all that counts. Like I said, he was the main one who got me brave enough to join the forums.
Good Morning!! Coffee and some more of that strudel please. Thanks
Patchy frost before 8am. Otherwise, sunny, with a high near 75.
Did you notice Jeffrey never sits at the RC? That’s ok. Jeff really is one of those guys who makes me feel comfortable with my modeling. Not my skills, those I need to work on if I ever get time, more like my outlook I guess you’d say. If I like it then that’s all that counts. Like I said, he was the main one who got me brave enough to join the forums.
Galaxy- You and me hoss. I can not tell one loco from another. Well, that’s not exactly true, but you get my drift. Shoot I’ve got the two pictures Jeff posted showing his additions and still don’t see what is different. Guess I’ll have to look up swing hangers.
Ray- You ornery man you. You let Thayne sit for 15 minutes on that crack about posting pictures!
You’d think at least my wife would know better by now.
Curt- Telling if someone is joking or serious in here is not that difficult. In the diner, if it sounds like someone is sniping at you or insulting, they are joking. You just misunderstood the way they meant it. Outside the diner, good luck telling.
Cape Jim- No, not really a fan of the Chuckie movies. I’m more of a “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” kinda guy. Now That’s a goodun!
Thayne- If you have any trouble, post what shows up. (if anything) Someone can usually look at what happened and tell you how to fix it.
Not knocking other carriers, but I must say I have had the best luck with UPS. Everything always shows up on time and in good shape. I just feel sorry for them in those brown shorts. Speaking of that, does anyone else find it difficult to find a Police officer intimidating when he’s wearing little shorts. I know our State Troopers wear shorts of the length from the eighties. Now that’s tuff to look at this big burley Trooper wearing micro shorts and dark socks.
Ya’ll have a Great Day!!!
Central Illinoyz
In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.
I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk.
Morning All,
Like Barry I have a doctors appointment this morning. I have a couple of spots on my face that need removed and a cyst on my neck that also needs to go.
Later I need to vacuum the house and I want to paint the interior wood supports for the roundhouse.
Everybody have a good day.
Good morning, Chloe. I think Brats with my biscuits & gravy sound very filling. Oh, yeah, coffee, please.
Dispatching went well yesterday. We have a great bunch of guys that we operate with.
Garry & Curt, You guys are photo posting madmen. Thanks for always sharing your progress.
Thayne, Everyone here is so helpful with photo posting. They are very forgiving with mistakes, too.
Jim, I can't believe that you had coffee instead of your usual RBF.
I need to get packing for my ladies rock climbing trip this weekend.
Later, Sue
Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.
Good Morning...
It is all cold and rainy out here...supposed to get to all of 55F later on today..under the rainy skies...again.
Got an early doctors appointment this morning as well as some runnin' 'roun' doin' stuff..then on to classes in the evening...not much mrr stuff today....
Flo, I'll just have a coffee please..I'll be at the window booth...
Wake me up when we get to Neuschwanstein. I was last there 34 years ago. The name literally translates to New Swan Stone. Beautiful castle. It was less than a hundred years old (end of construction) when I was there. Construction started in September 1869 and ceased in 1892 though it was still unfinished. It was intended as a personal refuge for the reclusive King Ludwig of Bavaria and as an homage to Richard Wagner. Ludwig paid for the construction of the palace out of his personal fortune and extensive borrowing, not with public funds. It was opened to the public for paid tours immediately after Ludwig's death in 1886. Neuschwanstein was the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty castle and other similar structures.
Good Morning Folks,
time to get going on our tour throughout Germany!
Our train will take us to Dortmund on the eastern edge of the Ruhr Valley industrial area. It is the most densely populated area of Germany and clustered with heavy industry.
We will leave our train in Dortmund and board a tram to tour the world´s largest network of light railways.
More than 10 million people are linked with this system. In Bochum, we will visit the light railway museum and explore the history of light railways, from the early beginnings in the 1880´s till today.
This tour will pass the towns of Gelsenkirchen, Bochum, Essen, Mühlheim and finally hit Duisburg, where we will board our train again, taking us to Cologne (Köln).
It will be dark by the time we have reached Cologne, so this picture is more appropriate:
Dinner will be served in this place:
Tomorrow, we will be taking a tour of the town, take an elevator back into the Roman times, visit the cathedral. Construction began in 1248, and it took more than 600 years to complete the building! We will also visit the Cologne Main Station, where we can watch trains arriving and departing every 2 minutes!
I hope you´ll enjoy the day!
Today is Monday, October 3, 2011!!!
Boy, even October seems to be going by fast!!! Soon ghosts and gobblins and batman and robin will show up at your door begging of on candy in exchange for not doing damage to you property,,,Dern little extortionists!!!
Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.
Bill Tidler Jr.
Near a cornfield in Indiana...
Chamomile tea, please.
***Jim, British Police boxes were usually blue, except in Glasgow, where they were red until the late 1960's. Telephone boxes are red.
Evenin' again!
I could use a refill on the decaf coffee Ma'am! Danke! Just can't seem to get warmed up tonight (maybe it's because the temp in here is 68°F at the moment.
Tomorrow one of the two air conditioners come out of the window and put away for the rest of the year. I will leave the other one set up for a couple more weeks just in case....
thortenney I also would like to tell you Ray I am a big fan of yours. I have followed your posts for a long time, I think that you are a very interesting. I wish I had a friend like you here in the Beehive state. Thanks, Thayne
I also would like to tell you Ray I am a big fan of yours. I have followed your posts for a long time, I think that you are a very interesting. I wish I had a friend like you here in the Beehive state.
Thanks, Thayne
Thank you Thayne! If you are anything like the folks I know THAT w*rk for the Brown Truck Company here in this area, I would be most pleased to be friends... One guy lives just a few houses down the street and is very much of a gentleman and always has a good word for people. The same is true of the folks down at our warehouse in town.
Garry, congrats on yet another of your great photos of your superb modeling published in MR!
Think i will call it a day soon. Didn't get as much as i should have and train crew always wears me out. You spent most all day on your feet, do a lot of walking on rough stone and have to be alert for the safety of other people at all times. I am amazed at the stupid things people do out there at times. Had one lady, after being told twice to please turn around and get off the caboose backwards (like a ladder), and please hold onto the railings, looked at me, smiled, and walked down forward without holding onto a railing..... She tripped of course! Luckily she was able to grab a railing and didn't fall. Somehow I would have been to blame if she ended up in the hospital with some broken bones..........
Hope you all have a great night!