Hi Dusty,
to the best diner in the world. This place is being moved to a new location each month, and after many stationary locations somewhere in the US and a tour throughout that NOB country, I´d thought it to be nice to invite you all over to a tour throughout my country. The best of it - you don´t need any passports, tickets and, foremost, no $$$ to enjoy the trip.
So, hop on board and follow me to some spectacular and thrilling places.
This morning I did a little work on ex-PRR GP9 7270. I removed the horns from the cab roof and relocated one to the center of the end of the short hood. The other one was relocated to the left side of the long hood just forward of the dynamic brake. Later today I intend to start on the job of wiring my two Bachmann GP7's together in permanent consist.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Welcome Dusty,
And no worries mate. Since it's virtual Germany your virtual passport will do just fine. And if that still doesn't comfort you, just click your heels together and repeat three times "There's no place like home, there's no place like home.....". J.R.
blownout cylinder Good Morning Gonna be sunny today with a high near 78F..heat index of 90F...getting into a/c territory here.... I had a pretty good on-call weekend. Not much happened, except for a couple of events that mae it interesting to get any real sleep...this morning I am now officialy off for the week.... Well(lots of fishes swimming abouts)...I started the walkin closet workshop for the trainroom...my basement empire will soon be a little less cramped as I now have a walk in workshop being put together...heeheehee Flo, I'll have a coffee for now please..I'll e at the RC for a bit...
Good Morning
Gonna be sunny today with a high near 78F..heat index of 90F...getting into a/c territory here....
I had a pretty good on-call weekend. Not much happened, except for a couple of events that mae it interesting to get any real sleep...this morning I am now officialy off for the week....
Well(lots of fishes swimming abouts)...I started the walkin closet workshop for the trainroom...my basement empire will soon be a little less cramped as I now have a walk in workshop being put together...heeheehee
Flo, I'll have a coffee for now please..I'll e at the RC for a bit...
Mr blownout cylinder, that photo reminds me of were I was raised and still live close by. All that dust on the cars is because we didn't get paved roads around here until going into the 1970's.
I'm a new fella in this these parts and I've never seen you all before so I'll order up some coffee, grits with a side of bacon and read my newspaper while I peek around to see whats going on in here. Oh my goodness, some of the boys here said we are in Gemany, this breakfast place is in Germany? How the heck did that happen. I don't even have a passport or any traveling papers so if I get caught I think I'll be in a whole lot of trouble - darn, how do I get back home again and not get noticed or in any trouble here with the local deputies. Oh, man this is too much for an old fella to bare!!!!!
So long (I hope)
All these photosof Germany bring back many pleasant memories for me. I spent many years there.
Good Afternoon,
back from the job interview - without a job! Overqualified - how many times have I heard that before! I am angry and desperate at the same time.
Back to our tour.
Tomorrow, we will be going to Konstanz, which is located on the biggest lake we have in Germany. We will take the train from Basel to Schaffhausen, where we will be able to look at the Rhine Falls. Not as big and spectacular as Niagara Falls, be pretty indeed.
We will continue by train to Konstanz, where we will, after a tour of the city, take a boat to Friedrichshafen.
By the time we arrive at Friedrichshafen, we will have to check into our hotel.
For those of you familiar with German geography, we have now reached Bavaria, so there is some hearty food waiting for us.
Better wash it down with plenty
Have a good one.
Guten Morgen meine Freunde.
Ich werde die Frühstücksbar heute. Oh, und vergessen Sie nicht die dunkle Röstung Kaffee.
Another warm Fall day here in the Finger Lakes today. Currently 63°F with a high around 77°F this afternoon. Hoping to find some time to finish mowing the lawn and do a bit of gardening. Much of this afternoon is shot as I have a allergy test.... Takes a couple hours while your back becomes a pincushion for the day.
Ken, I hope the Vet can help Tiff. She is an old girl!
Looks like Galaxy is doing the "good" meds again.........
Barry, we are having an Indian Summer here as well... Only problem is THAT is supposed to happen after a killing frost. I'm still bringing in produce from the garden. Usually I am cleaning up the remains of the garden by now.
My son called a couple more times last night. He found he had a trailer wiring set sitting in his tool box. I gave some directions on how to make it into an extension cord for the trailer wiring. he called back a half hour later to let me know. "It Worked!" Guess the old man still can be of help at times........ he should be out fishing in Seneca Lake right now.
I best get doing some chores around here and getting ready to go the Allergists Office this afternoon.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
Just a quick coffee please, Chloe. We had a great weekend.
JR, I thought I would post a photo.
Jim, Mowing under and around the trees, not over the top.
Later, Sue
Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.
Morning Folks
Flo, Lemonade please.
Glad you folks enjoyed the pictures. I was somewhat inspired by the fine job Ulrich as done this month.
Curt The video was darn good, one of the best I have seen.
Taking Tiffany to the vet today. Tiff will be 17 Dec 20th, for a American Eskimo (heck any dog) that is old. Last year her rear legs where giving out, we changed her food to Purina 1 for Seniors with Glucosamine. While they are not as strong as before it sure has helped.
Last week the started favoring (is that the right spelling) her right front leg. Sue stated giving Tiff her (Tiff's not Sues) Arthritis medication everyday. It is all helps inflammation, but Tiff has gotten no better. So off to the Vet we go. Hope they can do something for her! Far as eating, she still eats like a horse if she like what you are giving her. She is getting picky in her old age.
Well, got a few things I have to do before we go to the Vet. I drop by later.
I hate Rust
Morning All,
I am just reading the forums trying to get motivated to do something besides sitting on my rear end. I think I will sit at the R.C. for a while drink some coffee then continue with my day.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
Good Morning!! Just coffee please. Thanks. Today…., well, I don’t know. I need to get some stuff out of Mom’s and of course the Church books. I say book w**k, but all I do is count the offering and make deposits, then pay the bills. Anyway, I’ll take a break from the old “fitty six Fowd” and do some other stuff. I need some brake hoses anyway and a couple pins. Changed my mind and decided to go ahead and replace the rubber. No issues in the future that way. They’ll probably have to be ordered. I did get the gas tank out so he can get it boiled out and lined. Empty my butt, but I did manage to get it out. Luckily I didn’t destroy the old king pin bushings so I was able to put the old pins and bushings back in the truck and is now, what three days later, back in the same condition it was. At least it will roll to the shop, or drive off the trailer and into a shop instead of towed. Wasted three days. Could have been done with the thing by now. As it stands, I have the front two wheel cylinders and the charging system to fix. Thayne- That sounds like a Gravy Run as we call it. Not that the same scenery doesn’t probably get old, but once someone’s been with a company long enough they get to have the better runs. Some let them pick their routes. Did you? Or did you just luck draw it? Home every night is a GIANT plus at any rate.
Good Morning!! Just coffee please. Thanks.
Today…., well, I don’t know. I need to get some stuff out of Mom’s and of course the Church books. I say book w**k, but all I do is count the offering and make deposits, then pay the bills. Anyway, I’ll take a break from the old “fitty six Fowd” and do some other stuff. I need some brake hoses anyway and a couple pins. Changed my mind and decided to go ahead and replace the rubber. No issues in the future that way. They’ll probably have to be ordered. I did get the gas tank out so he can get it boiled out and lined. Empty my butt, but I did manage to get it out. Luckily I didn’t destroy the old king pin bushings so I was able to put the old pins and bushings back in the truck and is now, what three days later, back in the same condition it was. At least it will roll to the shop, or drive off the trailer and into a shop instead of towed. Wasted three days. Could have been done with the thing by now. As it stands, I have the front two wheel cylinders and the charging system to fix.
Thayne- That sounds like a Gravy Run as we call it. Not that the same scenery doesn’t probably get old, but once someone’s been with a company long enough they get to have the better runs. Some let them pick their routes. Did you? Or did you just luck draw it? Home every night is a GIANT plus at any rate.
J.R.- Yup, I have everything to R&R the bushings and to remove the pin was ok, it’s getting it in straight that’s my undoing. I have done it at w**k a few times ( and like you was one of my least favorite jobs) and been ok buggering a bushing and the second time went ok at worst. I went through two this time on the top bushing and saw the writing on the wall. It’ll cost him more in labor, but they’ll getter done in a day where’s I could dink around for 2 weeks and still not get it. Besides, at this rate I’d spend more than I will make on parts I messed up. I’m finally old enough to say I can’t instead of trying to prove I can. Maybe I’ve finally smartened up.
Maturity, ain’t it a good thing.
Restrung my guit-fiddle Saturday I think, or was it Frid--doesn't matter. I play until the strings are flat out dead. No one listens 'cept the dog and she don't seem to mind. Ting is back (I use Martin 80/20 Bronze) and I can fret without changing the tuning again. Actually, I've never let it go quite that long before. Usually just about the time I start to notice the fretted notes are a bit off. This time it was baaaad. I mean reeeeal bad. I tell you what though, old C.F. Martin builds a pretty good guitar, that thing can sit in a case for what, 7 months or so and pull it out and it's still in tune.
Best get going, the folks who have Mom's house on lay-a-way are getting antsy and I'm thinking they'll want that closing just as fast as they can and I'll run myself out of time again.
Funny thing. When my parents bought that house back in '76, they bought it in Oct. we moved in...October and November. And now, 35 years later, these folks are hopefully closing and moving in Oct and Nov. Almost to the day you could say. I hope that is a good sign for them. I know it was a great house for us. (sniff)
Ya’ll have a Great Day!!!
Central Illinoyz
In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.
I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk.
Good Morning All,
I'll have a regular and a short stack blueberry pancakes please. Syrup and butter? Yes, please. Some of the good maple stuff from Quebec se vou plais. I see Ulrichs' tour of Germany and Switzerland has inspired Ken to start a tour of his own. Nice pictures both of you. Got a lot done or at least started on the HD list Saturday and Sunday. Had to fit a water pressure regulator to the main feed for the house as it was way too high and starting to make everything leak or fail prematurely. Dropped to 50psi (the as delivered setting) the regulator was a noticable improvement and the pressure sensitive stuff like the shower heads still operate correctly. Lots of cleaning and sorting as well and we're trying to get the last of the garage sorted out and emptied now that the weather has moderated a bit. Not that we're going to use the garage, the missus wants her wood shop in there so we'll empty, insulate and refloor it. The big problem of course is the garage was GMT Racings" first car shop so it is still chock a block stuffed with parts and stuff just to good to get rid of if you can relate to that.Did get a couple of hours laying some more track on the layout so a busy but productive weekend.
Todd - kingpins eh? Not my favorite job and darn near impossible without the correct bushing tools and reamers. The fit of the pins in the bushings makes or breaks the job and we see them all the time with new pins in old bushings. Just doesn't cut it. You did the right thing bailing on it if you don't have all the tooling.
Rob - are you trying to remotely trigger the solenoid and bypass the Neutral safety switch? If so you shouldn't need a wire bigger than the stock solenoid wire (usually rigged from the battery + terminal through a push botton to the little wire on the starter). Now some cars have two small wires on the solenoid so you want the one that triggers the solenoid, not the wire that supplies full voltage to the coil for start up only. If you hook up to the wrong one, no harm as it won't activate without the solenoid engaging. Usually the starter solenoid wire is the quick release one (usually a 1/4" spade terminal). You can PM me if you need to.
Hope the rest of you are doing ok and I hope G's migrane meds help. The CFO gets those on occasion and I can almost feel her pain from across the room.
Oh, and Thayne - WAKE UP! I know how hard it is to get going some Mondays. Usually once the motor fires and I'm in the cab it's ok, but a nap at the rest area usually fixes the problem when it doesn't. Unless of course they GPS you and call to find out why you've ceased moving.
Speaking of Mondays, it's time to stroll out to the shop and pick up tools. CUL, J.R.
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
Good morning Diners, I'll have some coffee and a red bull, I cant wake up today.... I got a lot done this weekend. it was busy. I washed my car and old truck mowed the lawn and cleaned out some flower beds. it was not as fun as Kens day but I am proud of myself. I also went and bought my wife a new office chair and put it together for her. She works from home and the hydraulics on her cheep old chair went out. My friend stopped by and helped me carry my table saw out to the garage. I need the saw to build my bench work and also I am building some nesting boxes for the wild birds in our area.My layout should start taking shape soon! I took a window out that was behind where the bench work will be in my layout room. the siding is fixed and painted on the exterior and the drywall has the second coat of mud on it on the interior. So i am making some progress. I also Wanted to give you a update on my w#$k, I run from Salt Lake City, Utah. to Carlin, Nevada. I usually take a set of triple trailers. I start at 5:30am - 6:00 pm Mon-Fri It's about a 500 mile trip and I am home each night. I Better get rolling! See you all tonight.
Today is Monday, October 10th, 2011!!!
This is your Captain speaking...please return all trays to the full upright position and fasten your seat belts please it's bound to be a bumpy ride!
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
Sounds like a good day Curt. I do like how you phrased that certain W-word! It is a four-letter word after all and I have that tomorrow from 6am-4pm (at least I think I do).
On the railroad front, I initially cringed at the thought of checking out all these old freight car models I'd built in my teenage years, fearing the worst it had been a pleasant to discover that aside some easy to replace parts (I'll fabricate some of my own) and some over-weathering, big deal, all but one car is usable (one side had the lettering obliterated when I did a wash using paint thinner). On the plus side, as a teen I'd had the foresight to put on KD#58s on all of them and Intermountain semi-scale wheels on most of them so boo-yeah! They're all the closer to being usable with my current fleet.
I spent some time working on two Intermountain tank cars replacing parts (thankfully there are still left-over parts) to get them "refurbished" if you will, a step here, brake-staff and wheel here... but once the details are painted, they'll be better then ever! I also spent some time working on a PRR/REA X29, adding air, steam and signal lines and coupler boxes (Kadee of course). The silly flimsy plastic brake staff snapped so I replaced that with .020" brass wire. I don't love mixing up touch-up paint, I've never been good at it, but the piece will at least last now! Lastly I had to buy an Atlas 11000 gal. tank car for "Bottled Gas Corporation of Virginia" for the N&W freight train I'm building up.
Evening All,
My Dad came over today and we had an operating session. Everything went very well so I was pleased about that. After this we (Dad, Mom & MOH) all went out to a small local Italian eatery and had a great meal. So I had a very nice day all in all.
I painted the concrete floor sections today so all the parts are painted. Tomorrow I am off w**k so I plan on gluing in the window frames to the walls then spray a Matte finish on all the painted parts. Next weekend I would like to glue the track to the floor sections and attach the glass panes to the frames. After that then the roundhouse will be ready for final assembly. I will post pictures when I finish.
Ken- That was a great video. It sounds like you had your own excursion today. Oh, by the way those of us that live in the south also have changing leaves. Ours turn brown and die. It is very festive.
Todd- About 9 months before I started the layout I started putting together my buildings. That way they were ready for planning and it made me feel like I was actively working on the layout. This is why I am building the roundhouse now, the interlocking tower is done, then on to another coaling tower and maybe a Tichy steel water tank.
Hope Everyone has a good night.
Evenin' Folks!
Nur eine Tasse koffeinfreien heute Abend für mich.
Busy, busy day out at the museum. One of the busiest we have had all year. Beautiful weather for the day with the high in the mid to high 70's and lots of sun! I was doing my depot guide thing today. next week I get to be on train crew!
Ken, sounds like you had a great day also! Nice photos.
Would have been on here earlier this evening except for several interruptions.... My son came and got the truck today do he could haul the boat trailer to get in some fishing tomorrow.... Hooked up the trailer and realized my truck has the 6 prong round electric hook up and his trailer has the 4 prong flat type. He calls and tells me, so I said oh yeah the adapter is on my little trailer, pop over and get it. He and the wife arrive a half hour later, bring cake as a peace offering..... He takes the adapter home and calls again.... "Dad the wiring doesn't reach the outlet on your truck! Me, "I vaguely remember telling you you were making the wiring harness too short when you redid your boat trailer...." (he had about 3 foot of wire extra on the old harness on their old car). He wants to know what to do. I told him to pick up a wiring harness at the Auto Parts store tomorrow and I will make and extension for him.... He, of course didn't like THAT idea because he wants to hit the lake early..... Life is rough sometimes, you know!
Hopefully all is set for the meet in 2 weeks... The couple that told me last night they couldn't watch the upstairs of my house for the open house, called this morning just as I was going out the door to the museum and said they can do it! YES!
Hope all of you have had a great day!
Evening Fellow Dinners!
Yep Flo I will take a
Like I mention earlier Sue want to go on a little trip today up in Alton IL. I was not enthusiastic about the idea, but other than doing the dishes I don't do much for her so I kept my mouth shut and drove.
It can be amazing what things you have around you that you did not know about or never bothered to visit. While I know a lot about Alton ILL and never been through Grafton IL. Well drove through but never visited.
First we stopped at the Grafton Visitor Center.
Picked up some pamphlets and Sue started looking through them. When we hit the Town of Grafton instead of going down the main drag, I hit the river front. I was just a little surprised when I saw this!
Drove over for a closer look. Life sizes replicas of the Nina and Pinta. Santa Maria was on a cruses. While I knew they where only around 62 feet long, boy they sure looked small up close. They want $8.00 per person for a tour. But after being on the USS Constitution why waste $16.00.
Yep, this is Cuda Ken, should have tuck in my shirt.
Next stop Pere Marquette State Park.
Another places I have heard of, but never been through. When most people here Illinois you think flat and cornfields. Well Todd and I can attest to the fact we have plenty of that. But we do have some good sizes hills. While I am not crazy about the tress changing colors (means find the rake) there where soe good looking colors.
Then up into the hills we go.
On the way out we found the Pere Marquette Lodge. Rates, well pretty cheap if you ask me. $79.00 a night for 2 people. Might take a look if you will be in the area.
Well that is it for me right now. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Afternoon, Fraülein Flo - I'll have a RBF, please. Thanks!
Gorgeous weather out this afternoon, just a bit different to see the white stuff in August..[ ("It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..." Usually, when I need sunglasses in August, it's for another reason than for sn*w.
Jeff, your Sundown shop is quick; that's fasssst turnaround in your paint shop!
Thayne, I sorta recalled you saying something about having a road job not long ago (or was it one of them other truckers in the Diner - not to be confused with the mother truckers...?) Hope you got a little MRR time in last night. And as Ken kinda said, feel free to bug us - we bug each other a lot, so join in!
Besides, as Todd kinda said, some DIners like the longer posts (like Duke over there, 'ing away in the back booth... - beats the heck out of any higher-priced sleep meds..)
Ulrich, that streetcar looks like a distant relative of the Pennsy's GG-1's!
Galaxy, hope your second med kicks in to "dull" your migraine.
Started on some industrial signs on the iMac for a few of the CAW RR's businesses today, after measuring about what final size each needs to fit within. However, I may have outfoxed myself - was going to make them about double size and then print at half-size to the printer so the final result would have fairly sharp edges to the lettering. But it seems like even my iMac (which is plenty fast) was taking extra long to draw a simple 'empty' rectangle. Not sure if I need more w**kspace on an external drive or if something else is slowing things down. Most puzzling.
Think I'll sit at the RC and think about that a bit.
Jim in Cape G.
Coffee in a AT & SF mug, please.
***Jeffrey, wonder how many little folk signatures it will take to make that happen? Curious, what's the population of the town?
***Ken, I just drilled a hole, three times in fact, until I had one large enough for the wires. Made a double sleeve for them which (once I know this works) will be gooped over with JBWeld to secure it. Everything is now hooked up except the switch itself. Need to pick up a couple wire end connectors for that, as the wire is a bit to thick to twist around the small screw. So close.
***Galaxy, hope your headache goes away soon.
***Ulrich, I borrowed that little steamer pic for our desktop screen.
Last night for satellite TV, for tomorrow I cancel our account.
Ezra Johnson's son Ryan is the local chief of police but he's also the local practical joker. Last night he got into the Sundown shops paint area and switched the paint diagrams. This morning the first shift brought ex-Soo GP9m 2403 in for painting and now don't know if they should complete the job and label it Ryan's Folly or re-do it. Luckily they caught the change and corrected the diagrams before ex-BNSF 2760 was brought in. Ryan's daughter however is quite taken with the 2403 and is amorously infatuated with it. She's started a petition to leave it as it is. The paint crew were willing signers as the last thing they want is another loco added to their seemingly endless list.
Ulrich: Pretty pictures.
I've got a migraine going..since yesterday and its getting worse. SO I WON'T be cleaning off the porch today. Maybe tomorrow.
I jsut took the second kind of medication fo the migraines...hope it works. It "dulled" it yesterday. I feel like I'm gonna be sicks o that is NOT a good sign with a migraine.SO I won;t eat anything so it doesn't have to come back up on me.
LAter guys
enjoy your day. Mine sucks
Good Evening!
Well, the snow was a bit of a surprise this morning. We will be heading back to the "low" country tomorrow, so snow should not be an issue any more.
Tomorrow, we will leave Germany and enter into Switzerland. We will go to Basel, just right across the border and, I bet you have guessed it, tour the city by streetcar. Not a regular one, again a very special one:
Our tour will take us to Waldenburg later in the day, where we will hopefully be able to take a ride on Switzerland´s one and only 750 mm narrow gauge line.
With a little bit of luck I´ll be able to book the steam train for us!
We will stay overnight at the "Three Kings Hotel", located on the banks of the Rhine river.
The day´s highlight will be our dinner on board a streetcar, where we will be served a variety of Swiss dishes.
Good Morning!! Coffee and a couple eggs over easy and fried potatoes and a slice of that hickory ham, toast and some apple butter please. Thanks.
Mornin Jeff..., Um, no offense, but I think I’ll refrain from a handshake until the muscle spasms pass. Hope it’s soon.
Have you noticed Germany doesn’t have any litter?
If I EVER use the words “Kingpin” or “Kingpin bushings” and the word “yes” in the same conversation, you all have my permission to just punch me as hard as you can in the side of the head.
J.R.- Not sure if it’d work to get something out. I’ve always heard about the rope thing. Dates at least as far back as the cowboys. Old thing was they’d lay their lariats around them to keep the snakes from finding them as warm spots. Whether that's true or not I don't know. I was just was curious and decided to try it out. Some things have a bit more truth than you’d think. But like I said, that was just one mouse and he may have just been checking out the rope and not unwilling to cross it at all until he was bored with his investigation. Sounds like you and me have the same issues with heights. I remember well not having any problems at all. Now it’s almost embarrassing. I’m thinking of getting low heeled boots.
Curt- Sorry to hear about the news. Maybe it won’t occur often or at all. Boy your layout really has come a long way in a very short time. Seems like just last week you were laying track. Did you have a lot of stuff bought already or has your LHS made you their favorite customer of the year? LOL. Looks great too. You’re doing a good job. Like I said though, I don’t think I’d run right out and get a rope, but hey, if nothing else works or you just want to add that to the arsenal, or….are just bored like I was, why not I say. I was surprised when I got older to find out there really is a bird called a Snipe.
Garry- Nice scenes. My favorite is the second one. Both are nice, but for some reason, I prfer the bottom. In case you’re thinking of making it a three peat with Trackside Photos.
Oh if money were no object we could all just hop a flight to Germany and let Ulrich give us the grand tour. And I tell you what, I don’t think ANY of us would not have a great time. Wouldn’t that be something.
I have no idea what Ray’s been eating, but he sure seems to like it.
G- Extremely familiar with the sudden increase in generator prices when we have ice storms and power outages around here too. I’m going to do the same thing with the electric flyswatter. There is a video how to on Youtube also. Yes I read all your posts. Well, maybe not that one 4 or 5 months ao, but I was in a hurry that day and skimmed most anyway. (chuckle)
Yeah sometimes I wonder if my ramblings are read too. I will admit they get long and actually…..don’t expect most to make it through the whole thing. I mean, really, sometimes I can’t make it through the whole thing and I wrote it! Seriously, some will read everything, some won’t. Some like chocolate ice cream, some don’t. It’s there for those that do and have nothing else to do, and if they don’t want to, at least the diners just politely and quietly skip over without making a big deal about it. I never could understand why out in the forum, all the complaints by some because the posts are long or not of interest to them. I mean really. It’s not like you’re actually sitting there forced to listen and can’t get a word in edgewise. Just skip it and move on.
Thayne- None of us new anybody well at first. Jump in anytime and as often as you like. You may not get a response to everything you post, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t interested.
Well I’ve decided (started this post oh….3 hours ago now) to just put the old kingpins and bushings back in and tell the guy “sorry, beyond my abilities with what I have.” In the words of the immortal Harry Callahan “A man has got to know his limitations”.
Thanks for the information Jeffery. There is one at K-10 I had my eye on.
Been watch the Users Video's here at the site. I was truly impressed with this one. Round house all most looks real!
Well, wife wants to do something today, so I got to go.
cudaken Jeffery How does the Train Line engine run? Flywheels, no flywheels and have you installed a decoder yet?
Jeffery How does the Train Line engine run? Flywheels, no flywheels and have you installed a decoder yet?
Ulrich? Snow? ...... and it was such a beautiful trip until now ........
Curt... Your layout is looking great. You mentioned Jeff's changing a Pennsy engine. The Sundown Shops has no mercy. Did you see what happened to the GN GP30?
Where's Paul? ... I heard TX finally has had rain.
JR ... You do seem busy all the time, but it's good when you stop in for a while.
Johnboy .... The early CB&Q diesel passenger locomotives such as the E5 had names. After WWII, they did not name E7's, E8's, and E9's.
JimCg ... Thanks for the remarks.
Happy Model Railroading.
Flo, Lemonade Please.
Thayne If you don't bug us, we will never get to know you! So feel free to join in and bugs us all you want!
Rob You might try pulling some of the rubber grommets in the fire wall and see if you can get the wires in that way. That is how I have done it in the past.
Plan for today? Well not much at this point. Hope to get some lights working in the Athearn SD-50 today.
Well that is it for right now.
Hello everyone! Ulrich, I am not ready for that white stuff yet!! How is everyone/where is everyone? Guess I will do some surfing around. while I wait for the sun to come up.