Well, you are right!! At 6 PM, today, it will all be over. The GREAT NEWS is that Brass Trains is having a 10-30% off sale on over 900 brass items!! Going on now!! Buy and charge all you want, the bill will never arrive before THE END!!
Craig North Carolina
Here we go again, right on schedule.
Since today is supposedly the beginning of the end of the world, the "problem" should disappear shortly.
I have been fortunate to have a good job and make a deceit amount of money. So, I can afford most of the items that I need for my modeling hobby. But, what about the average, say young individual who is married with a few kids and is just starting out in life? Locomotives are NOT cheap!! Although there are some cheap locomotives. And what about rolling stock? Looks like most offerings these days are about $25 a piece. Then, there is the electrical component. Certainly seems like DCC is the only way to go these days. You factor in lumber, tools, paint, scenery material and structures, well that is quiet an investment!!
It is no wonder that the hobby is getting to be one dominated by older men (40's and older). It may also be the reason why attracting younger individuals or families is a problem. What is going to happen to our great hobby when we take "the last train west"? I am in my 50's and am one of the younger folks in my area. I do have a 6 year old nephew who loves trains and his parents are supporting him to a limited degree in the hobby. I do what I can. Bring him to local train events, given him my old copies of Model Railroader and Trains magazines, buy him some rolling stock, and help HIM build a few simple structures for his small layout.
Something needs to be done to keep our hobby growing and bring in new people. Remember, the more model railroaders buying items, the more items there will be and the less expensive they will cost to the rest of us!!
Just my 2 cents worth. What is your opinion or ideas on the subject??