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Elliot´s Trackside Diner April 2011

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, April 25, 2011 5:29 AM

Morning all

Hope you all had a nice weekend even if you don't believe HE IS RISEN!

I mananged, with my back grumbling at me the whole way, to fix a nice glazed ham with cloved pineapples, asparagus, and buttered garlic noodle dinner. Was gonna do Potato but didn't feel like baked and didn;t want to stand there and cut them on the cutting borad for mashed. Noodles quicker.

My back has been really killing either because fo the rainy weather we have had for 2 weeks, or because the injections may nto have removed 100% of pain, but they certainly reduced 50-75% of it I guess. Now I;m getting the run-around from the Dr.s Maybe I go back to my regular Dr adn see if he has somehting stronger that may work.

No house hunting as was a holiday weekend. No new house in email today either. I went through the listings in the area we are looking in and instead of adding listings, looks like listings are drying up as theyare sold! It IS a buyers market, but inventory is very low! At least in our price range. and it must stay our price range. We still have one house to look at this week, but we don;t expect much.

No work will take place on trains at all except to pack them up for moving sometime. One box will be left out for use under the xmas tree if we are still here next christmas {we hope not}.

I need to see what I can get rid of and post it for sale on another forum...mostly cheap stuff, or duplicate expensive stuff and a 90' turntable.

If my back could do it, I wouold have a yard sale, may just do that in MAy anyway..pushing through the pain! I'd rather give somethiong to someone who can use it at a cheap price and make a buck or two myself than just throwa away stuff we don't need anymore! 12" color remote control analog TV {buy yourself a digital decoder} for say $5-$10 bucks...who could pass that up?



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Monday, April 25, 2011 12:42 AM

Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.

Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 25, 2011 12:25 AM

Good Morning,

the sun woke me up this morning - what a nice feeling. Going to be  a beautiful day again here in northern Germany.

We spent a nice day at my parents place. My mother is doing fine, although she still does way too much in the household. She is still fairly weak, but her spirit is back to her old fighting mood. I am quite confident that her surgery will go well and that she and my father can enjoy a few more years.

Christian went home yesterday evening, leaving a slightly saddened mother behind. Petra likes to spoil him (why not me?), so there is always a feeling of emptiness when he leaves. He brought enough Styrofoam for me to finish off 3 of my layouts and also a hot wire cutter. I will try my hand at scenicking the bridge module in the next days, but I need to buy a mask before I do that - the fumes of that Styrofoam are quite toxic.

No plans for today, other than running my little loco around the loop and do a bit of daydreaming.

Have a good one!

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Posted by Curt Webb on Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:09 PM

Evening and Happy Easter all,

Just got back from Easter dinner at Mom & Dad's, So Iam stuffed from dinner. I spent about 4 hours earlier today and finished the yard so all the track has been laid. It has taken 4 full months from start of benchwork to this point. On Friday I will go to Lowes and buy fascia board and paint. I am thinking of a deep Tuscan Red color in keeping with the PRR.

Are there any suggestions for drawing lines on a control panel? My hand is not steady enough to do it freehand, maybe some sort of tape?

Jeff-    I hope your ankle heals quickly.

LSWrr- You do amazing work. I have made it thru the 2008 pictures. I saved your site as a favorite. In the future I want to put in a turntable and roundhouse. Can you tell me what size module you used for yours?

Healing thoughts to all of us that need sleep or medical healing.

Here are a couple of photos from the layout today.

Everyone have a good night.



Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:24 PM

blownout cylinder

Yes, I be spending my day at the emerg...and ...I now have a walking cast on me foot. ...they didst find that I broke a bone in the ankle so they slapped this thing on to me I get to walk around in circles like Wiley E Coyote did when he nailed himself to the ground...

Welcome to my world.Black EyeDead


GE U25B (Stewart/Kato) #192 with cab number, road name and tags.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:20 PM

Good Evening peoples...

Yes, I be spending my day at the emerg...and ...I now have a walking cast on me foot....  ...they didst find that I broke a bone in the ankle so they slapped this thing on to me I get to walk around in circles like Wiley E Coyote did when he nailed himself to the ground...  ...what a lovely way to spend Easter.......btw...thanks for the encouragement to get it checked out...

So, Chloe, I'll have a large rib roast dinner with all the fixin's and a coffee please..i'll be at the corner booth with the leg up...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:00 PM

Tall glass of cool water, please.

Not doing particularily well here presently (health issues) so will make this a short stop. I know there is a package at the PO. Hope to pick it up in the next couple days.

Hope y'all are doing well.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:16 PM

Afternoon, Janie - I'll have some cheesey fries and a RBF, please. Eating a little lighter today...Oops A'feared that my Dr. might say some harsh words to me next time I visit him. Sorta like UGW mentioned about those dratted scales. Hey, I think at least we ought to be able to slip off our shoes and not have to wear our coats when we step on those dratted things!

Yep, more Storm this afternoon, after getting almost woke up by some thunderboomer last night (but it was far enough away that I didn't fully wake up). We're supposed to have Storm today, Storm tomorrow, and I think by Thursday we might get a chance of sunshine. Bang Head Fed up with the local TV station's weather app (s-l-o-w-w-w), have deleted it and will see about getting another one.

Johnboy, watch out for spells like that one! Do get yourself checked out by your Dr. in the morning, okay? At least make sure whether there was something serious that caused it, and to rule out concussion after-effects.

Barry, you get that foot/ankle checked out too, y'hear?

Chris - we have 'Hoffa' at the bottom of the 'Well...'? Smile, Wink & Grin Glad to hear you got your 'bush-hogging' done on the yard! Whistling That window display at your area library sounds really neat (the specific one, as well as how the lady usually does them up for the window displays). Thumbs Up

Welllll (speaking of said skeleton w/those special shoes)... nobody was really an idiot with a death wish to get out into the storm last night and swim around in it, so I didn't get any calls out. S'posed to be more of the wet stuff tonight, so I may have another calm night. (I'm gonna hope for THAT, anyway). Now, if I could get some dry days later in the week when I'm off duty.Yeah

Garry, is that Frankenmuth place one of those crafts-type thingees? Good luck, if it is! Our one vacation (near the last of my marriage), on our way home we stopped at the "Precious Moments Chapel and Mall" (somewhere close by Joplin, MO, I think) - major overdose of sacchariny/cutesy stuff....'Nuff said!  (I should have had a couple or three MR mags with me - but I didn't...Sigh Never again.) I wish you the best, though! Maybe this is one of those 'once-a-year-to-be-endured' things.

And I figured Duke would wake up, but after Garry had finished talking about Berkshires. Hi, Duke! (Now, if we could transplant some of Duke's sleeping genes into Rob and Jeff, things might even out better! Hmm, now how the heck could we do THAT?)

Galaxy, I'll just chime in with the others who commented on your house-hunting; skip the ones that are "iffy". Keep looking, and try to get your best house (and best deal) this time around. Better than rushing things and then regretting a choice. (My two My 2 Cents, anyway)

Jeff - nice 'night' shot there! Thumbs Up Heck, I bet you could take night-surveillance shots if a local possum or raccoon started rattlin' through your garbage can in the night. Wow

Ulrich, I'd say your weather is making up for some of those grey and cold days you had earlier this year. Hope you, Petra, Christian Cake and friends have a great and blessed Easter. Big Smile Will you and he get to 'run trains' before he heads back home? Hope so!

Todd, about that scythe, it's a Mr. Murphy thing - if you had kept it, you wouldn't need it, right?Wink

Ken, sounds like your connection there is just not up to snuff at all. Deep breathing, Ken, deep, slow breaths..(Watch your blood pressure, remember)

It has been raining for about the past hour or more here, so I'm going to head for home and see if I can get something MRR-related done at home before it's dinnertime (and afterward, too). Will see you all tomorrow (likely morning, after I take my problem child of a TV converter box by the guy who I think could fix it). AngelAngel for comfort, healing (of head, ankle, and other body parts as needed), and a good night's rest and sleep.


Blessings on your Easter,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, April 24, 2011 3:00 PM

Easter Blessings to everyone!

Heavy rain here now with thunder & lightning. ,,, I am wondering if it will ever quit after so many days of it.





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Posted by bjdukert on Sunday, April 24, 2011 2:21 PM

Normal 0 false false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

Betcha you don't ride that sickle with feet that dirty DukeSurprise
  She would probably refuse to start if I tried.Tongue TiedCrying

"Don't take a wooden nickel,because it isn't worth a dime" by my Dad

"There are only 3 things you need out of life:A gentle grade,the wind in your face,and cinders in your hair.....But keep an eye on the water glass!" Jack Evans

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, April 24, 2011 1:19 PM


 OK, has the site been really slow today, or is it my cable? With all the site problems it is sort of hard to tell. I could not get on Saturday after I got home and today it has taken 3 tries to get the message box to open?

It was slow last night but I still managed to get on. Reading was OK but posting was definitely hit and miss. The speed picked up a bit after midnight my time but eventually the forum just ground to a halt.

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Posted by GMTRacing on Sunday, April 24, 2011 1:19 PM

Happy Easter All,

     Back in the shop waiting on the truck driver to show so we can load the Audi (yes, even with a lift gate it takes 3 people to load it). Did get the plumbing finished on the 44 Tonner in the museum yard on the way in. Went fine though I still need to machine a clamp block for the pipe where it goes through the radiator shroud.

   Good to see Duke drop in - must have been sleeping in the tender again - I see a trail of coal dust footprints across Janies' nice clean floor. Betcha you don't ride that sickle with feet that dirty DukeSurprise

   Spent some time on the foam sheet for the layout again last night. Actually I got tired of looking at a vast expanse of pink and started with the brown latex over it (not sure what shade, just some ancient leftover latex from the house or apartment or one of the previous shops). So far I can recycle all the factory buildings though I need to make at least one new backround building and one to start the row where i want to hide the entrance to the incline to the elevated section. Oh and i started laying out one side of the bridge abutments for the 0 2 large bridge over the river. Time to push cars, CUL, J.R.

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Posted by cudaken on Sunday, April 24, 2011 1:06 PM

 Hello Fellow Dinners and Happy Easter!

 OK, has the site been really slow today, or is it my cable? With all the site problems it is sort of hard to tell. I could not get on Saturday after I got home and today it has taken 3 tries to get the message box to open?

 Charter, we all know I am not a fan. But today, and it being Easter to boot I got so mad at one of there representatives that I started cussing at her. She would not let me explain what problems I was having and kept talking over me. I was trying to explain the problem just started (not just this site) yesterday and no hardware, soft ware or connections had been touched. I was all so tried to explain the last time I had this problem it was a line issue.

 She explained (turns out she was wrong after I got hold of a supervisor) that there where no problems in my area. I asked her to send out a repair person, she said NO! Grumpy That is when I went off, I have never been told they would not send out a repair person!

 Told her after using a few ill chosen words that I wanted to speak to a supervisor. She then proceeded to lecture me about using profanity and would not transfer me to a supervisor till I promised not to cuss? 

 OK, I agree I should not have lost it and using profanity never helps. I am sorry I did. But, she is not my Mother and should have just transferred me! I finally got so mad, I hung up, called again and got transferred to a supervisor. 

 They have a repairman coming out Wednesday (they could have had one out today) and was told there are problems in m area. He all so did not understand why she would not set up a repair order either?

 So if you don't see me for a few days it is because I cannot get on line.

 I hope to see you folks later today. I need a nap so I going to bed.


I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:30 AM

Good morning. It's 75° and cloudy. The high will be 85°. It will be breezy and clearing.

Only thing on my schedule today is to get the other U25B (Stewart/Kato) decaled. I'll be putting on the cab numbers and the road name. I'm toying with the idea of adding a little graffiti to the long hood.

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, April 24, 2011 8:17 AM

HAPPY EASTER!!!! Beautiful looking day out there so far.

The Easter Egg Hunt went as well as can be expected and was actually better than in years past in some ways. New Queen Hen in the Foundation (Brenda)is not making all decisions. She's letting other members get involved in planning and suggesting changes. They really are liking being involved again.

Johnboy- DOCTOR!   

Today, we are going to make our return to Church, then we’ll be heading into town to have dinner at my MIL’s. Don’t know what the rest of the day will bring I know the yard needs mowed and if it doesn’t get done today….good gosh…it’s suppose to rain sometime later today or evening and heavy rain tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night followed by some rain Tuesday too IIRC. I think until at least Thurs. Grass will be to the roof by then.

I knew I shouldn’t have got rid of that Scythe in the auction. See? And they thought I would never need it.

Ya’ll have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, April 24, 2011 8:16 AM

He is Risen Indeed!

Morning everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a bowl of hot oatmeal w/ brown sugar and a cup of dark roast coffee in a FGLK mug to start this day.

Packer, yep the W is cut out of the sheet steel.  The LV had 2 ways of doing THAT.  Mine is nibbled away using a machine called.....  uh...  A Nibbler.  Many of them just were cut with a cutting torch.  A bit rough but worked.

Today will be a busy one as I'm sure it will be for most of you).  Church, then home to feed my kitties, then to Canandaigua to feed my sisters cats, then the rest of the day I will be at my son's house for Easter Dinner and a Birthday Party for his SIL.  Most likely no MRRing today.

YGW, "73" is the old telegraph code for Highest Regards.  My name is Ray......... Big Smile

Have a great day out there!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by LSWrr on Sunday, April 24, 2011 6:30 AM


Curt, go to my web site and there are links to my Web Shots pages.  The layout progress pictures are in groups by year

Or here:

It hit 73F yesterday so I was able to paint a few sky boards and take care of some outside maintenance chores.  Not to mention some indoor projects.  Latter today we will travel to my Dad’s house for dinner.  On the layout I finished laying the track for the ore docks and casted a few scrap and lumber molds.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Packer on Sunday, April 24, 2011 6:13 AM

Happy easter morning guys

Went to a friends op session after work yesterday. Definately needed the break after this week.

I did ask the "new" (we used to work together before; everyone would joke we were married) girl out. I'm still par for the course as I got a no. But it was kind of weird cause she took close to 20 seconds to answer and she was really quiet about it. After that she was still messing with me like she used to. Weird...

JR, I'm actually tempted to turn her in ATM. Just a bit of payback (I did consider blackmailing; but that's just not me) cause I found out from other employees she had been playing and lying (various things) to me the whole time. Me getting on to other employees about the texting has already made me unpopular; so I don't she how being a narc would really change anything.

Chris, heck, every one else at work does the hounduran guy thing

Johnboy, hope you're alright. But you should get your head examined (for concussions mind you Stick out tongue)

Ray, Nice looking sign. Although kind of unusual because of the W actually being cut out of it.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:53 AM

Happy Easter!!...He has Risen!!

I got the turkey all done I've got the time to sit and go through the stuff we got to do today...Confused

Have visitors coming this morning, then have sister and BIL coming this afternoon with niece and nephew, the neighbourhood family block do tonight....Whistling

Flo, I'll have a coffee please..I'll be at the RC for a bit...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:28 AM

Happy Easter!

If you believe, The LORD is RISEN!

Have a great day y'all!

MOH has to work and I must go in seek of a ham to buy for Easter Dinner, with pineapple and caramel glazed brown sugar with clove pokes! I will go about an hour its  now 5:25 Am so as to beat teh crouwds at Wally WOrld. Then we will have glazed carrots and asparagus and noodles...MOH loves noodles!

Whew! I am tired just looking at teh menu let alone cooking it! Hard part will be timing MOH may get asked to stay to work later.

Have had the hick-ups for the last three days {not all al;t once}. Thrid times the charm so maybe now I get rid of them?

WEll, I will sign off here...


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:04 AM


Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.




Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 24, 2011 2:13 AM

Happy Easter!

Good Morning,

yesterday went by in peace and quiet. Christian arrived around noon, in time for a tremendous birthday lunch Petra made. Hard to believe that the little one already turned 24! His high school GF showed up in the afternoon, much to our surprise. She is the one we´d rather give the job as our DIL, but, alas, it is not up to us to decide!

We will be driving up north to see my parents today - at $ 8,75 for a gallon of a gas, this has become a costly undertaking.

Those of you who are annoyed by tornados, storms, snow or rain on this very special day - it is sunny and warm over here, with temperatures hitting 78 F or 25 C and not a cloud to be seen Smile, Wink & Grin


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, April 23, 2011 11:38 PM

Though it doesn't look like it this is a night shot. I used my Nikon L20 on it's night setting in a darkened room with a small light in the kitchen as the only light source. The camera is 10 megapixel but I has it set for 5. f4.8, exposure was eight tenths of a second.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Curt Webb on Saturday, April 23, 2011 10:20 PM

Evening All,

Just got back from train club. Had a good time tonight. Hopefully the wife won't mind me laying track in the yard tomorrow. We aren't going to Mom's until about 1700. I then need to do a good cleaning with a dustbuster on the track. After some testing of cars I figure to install facia, install the UP-5's and the UR-92 and make a control panel with DPDT switches for turnouts then do the basic wiring and finally on to switch machines. Lots of work left to do.

LSWrr-    Where is your photo alblum located? I tried finding it on photobucket with out any luck.

Everyone have a good night, 

Curt Webb

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Posted by yougottawanta on Saturday, April 23, 2011 9:35 PM

Good evening all. Busy day today. Up early off to DMV to renew drivers license, then off to the church to borrow the van so we can take a family to the big service sunday who dont have transportation, then back home, clean up in preperation for our daughters 6th birthday next weekend, off to my fathers house to have lunch with them and my sister who is up from NC. The tornados did some damage around her home town. Flattened a nearby Lowes, guess they wont be given out free trees for earth day . Then off to wally world , home, more clean up , get kids off to bed and finally time to get on the forum. Phew !!

Galaxy  I agree with the others skip first house . An unstable fdn is e x p e n s i v e to fix.Its not hard to drop 10 to 20 k just solving that problem. Dont go there. I have 35 years in the construction industry that is one of the worst and hardest problems to fix. Block are almost never used in fdn any more.

Johnboy I agree with everyone go to sawbones asap. You must be cut from the same cloth as my father. He started to pass out while driving home one day. He pulled over, passed out , woke up, drove home. A week later he told me about it. I asked him if he went to the doc. He asked why ? When he came to he was okay and didnt need a doc anymore ! Bang Head I nearly had a coniption ! I told my mom either she was takening him or I was. Fortunately dad told me he had already made an appointment. I love my Dad and even though he is in his 70s I want him around as long as Heaven will leave him with us. Please go see a doc asap.....

73 - man ! nice sign Yes

Barry - if I might offer some advice. Elevate the ankle above your heart, alternate hot and cold. Switch every fifteen twenty minutes. Hope it feels better. How is it doing now ?

Rob you know I bet that coffe taste great in a UP mug. But I do believe it will tatse better in an M&W mug Whistling

Chris THAT sounds like a great plan on THAT article about THAT store front veteran display. I bet THAT will end up being an article THAT is read widely and enjoyed by one and all THAT read it. Wink

Bedtime all. I hope you all have a great Easter for those that believe REJOICE ! HE IS RISEN !

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Posted by LSWrr on Saturday, April 23, 2011 8:23 PM

Garry, I’ll be in Toledo, OH tomorrow, and then on May 13th and 14th I’ll be in Utica, MI.  Findlay is about 2.5 hours from me. 

Frankenmuth, MI, home of the year round Christmas Store wahoo!

Curt, feel free to flip through my progress pictures.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, April 23, 2011 8:19 PM

Duke ... Good to see you in teh diner.... I'll be in MI soon, but not sure exactly when Are yo there for a while?




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Posted by bjdukert on Saturday, April 23, 2011 7:17 PM

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

Ok, Ok     I have been in the back booth and as usual,not much to say.

Best to all on sick call and those recovering


"Don't take a wooden nickel,because it isn't worth a dime" by my Dad

"There are only 3 things you need out of life:A gentle grade,the wind in your face,and cinders in your hair.....But keep an eye on the water glass!" Jack Evans

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Saturday, April 23, 2011 6:27 PM

Goooooooooooooooooood Evening,


W**k continues on the article for THAT Editor. I'm probably way, way, WAY over-cogitating on this one. Here's the deal: a lady in Solon makes a display window every few months for the Solon Library. Last year themes included motorcycles, 2-lane highways and Harry Potter. With Memorial Day coming up, she just finished one to honor the vets. Solon has ties to WW1, having lost two brothers (Stinocher family) in the war. The Legion Post is named for them. Plus, a man lucky enough to survive the battles and return home to Solon brought home poppy seeds from Flanders Field....yes, the one in the poem. Several flower generations later, they still grow in Solon. So, the lady decided to emphasize the WW1 connection while honoring all of our vets from all of our wars; leaving anything/everything political about them out in the parking lot. Half of the "window" is set as the parlor of a Civil War vet on a Memorial Day in the WW1 era. His son is fighting in the war, and home on leave. Posters of the era, WW1 equipment, some Civil War stuff, and other period pieces dominate the "room." The other half is set in a WW1 era cemetery with veterans' grave markers and a picnic lunch recalling the days when families piled into their car to visit other family members and then go to the cemeteries. Instead, today, they go to mattress stores..... ***JUST KIDDING CUDAKEN!***....or fire up the grill for the "official start to summer." She has artifacts from the "War between the states," WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam. The current conflicts (except for Libya) are represented by selected books. Featured books (it is a library afterall) focus on stories about the wars, as told by the men who fought them.

She put a LOT of time, effort and thought into this display...and I felt what I write should reflect THAT care and dedication to the vets on her part. I told THAT Editor, I felt it deserved better than just slamming something together. She agreed. Mr. Boss said "just slam something together." I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. THAT usually does the features on the gal's displays. I got the job this time since I cover a lot of the veterans/military/public safety (fire/PD/EMS) stuff.

RAY: issues with THAT Editor. I just though YOU GOTTA WANTA and any other newbies might wonder why there is so much emphasis on "THAT" around here....

Hmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe if I take what I just said above about the display, tidy it up a bit with some newspaperese....

I'll be in a corner booth trying to hammer this out!


A big THANK YOU to our veterans...

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, April 23, 2011 5:48 PM

Afternoon folks!

Janie I'll have the Chicken BBQ special with salt potatoes, coleslaw, and all the trimmings please.  Cup of decaf would go well with THAT too I think.  I'll be here at the Rivet Counter for a bit.

Barry, hope the ankle get to feeling better (you should probably go see a doc you know...).

Johnboy.....  Not good!  Not good at all!  You really need to get to the doc ASAP!  Nothing to play around with whether it was just you blacking out, or if you got zapped......  Take care of it!

Berkshires???  What's a Berkshire?  Hope it ain't one of them diseasally thingies!  (THAT ought to get Duke in here... heh, heh, heh....)

Chris, THAT editor still giving you a hard time?  Or, is THAT the other way around....???WinkWinkWhistling

A couple days back I mentioned I finally picked up my Christmas present from my sister in Canandaigua.  The guy she bought it from stopped by while I was feeding miss Monét Marie and Gus the feral cat.  Got a quick photo today of it.  I will wire brush (maybe sand) all the loose paint and repaint with rustoleum flat white before mounting on a heavy piece of angle iron set in concrete near my deck on the house. 

It is from the LV ROW nearby.  The guy who had it told me his grandfather worked for the LV and was killed when a train somehow got onto a section of track they were working on.  The train hit the handcar and sent a tool flying.  It hit his Grandfather in the abdomen and he died from peritonitis a few weeks later.  Said That happened in the 1920's.  His Father also worked for LV and used to tell him that the best fishing in the creek by the tracks was just below that particular sign.  When they took up the tracks after LV became a fallen flag, he managed to get the whistle sign....

Hope you are all having a great day!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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