QUOTE: Originally posted by grandpopswalt If you have a strong negative opinion regarding this matter you owe it to yourself to keep on "bashing" the UP for it's actions. They have the Legal right to do this but what's being questioned is the ethics of their decision. Where else can you voice your opinion about this matter that will have an audience that is as in tune with the issue as on a railroading forum? What we're doing is trying to mold public opinion by presenting our side of the argument. If we're persuasive and persistent enough we may be able to get the UP to reconsider their decision. Walt
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QUOTE: Originally posted by gbailey It's time for the forum moderator to BAN such threads. And/or the people who start them. People think the ATLAS FORUM is bad about such threads ??? This forum takes the prize ! At least on the Atlas forum the arguments usually have some INTELLIGENCE behind them. And moderators who DO THEIR JOBS. But I don't care. This forum is not worth my time. I have outgrown it. First, I want a forum that is a good resource for learning new things about this hobby. That resource is not here. Second, I want a forum that makes me enjoy the hobby, not one that turns me off to the hobby like this one. And thrid, I don't have either the time nor patience for the childish behavior allowed to continue ad nauseam on this forum. When (if) some of you grow up and realize you want to grow in the hobby, you might try some of the more advanced forums, such as the one on the Atlas website. If you do, I'll see you and the other Atlas castaways there in August. But I won't be back here. Goodbye. - Dr. George Bailey
QUOTE: Originally posted by cacole Absolutely -- I think it's time for the forum moderator to step in and delete or lock these topics. Enough is enough, and this topic has been beaten into the ground over and over. I don't even bother reading them anymore, since no one has anything new to contribute.