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Elliot's Trackside Diner September 2010 Locked

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Posted by LSWrr on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:16 AM

Good Morning,

, make some business cards and set up a table and I think you’ll do fine.  I know you would make a killing out here in North East Ohio.

Todd, well I guess we have to make one more sacrifice for our country.

I saw and advertisement today for home loans; “no SSN required” doesn’t this sound like how we got into trouble in the first place?  You know in all the other countries I’ve visited (21 to be exact) I couldn’t buy much other than food or tourist items without one of their “SSN’s” or citizens ID.  Kuwait made an exception on cell phones if you were in the military.

Garry, I provide some Federal oversight on the railroads in my job, and I’ll tell you what some of them are a little shady.  I do see they get almost every waiver they ask for as I have to read the Federal Register weekly.  Shady meaning they want less employees and more freight and are willing to bend and break a few rules to do it.  Some of the railroads really take their jobs seriously and really care about the towns and people that live along the tracks others ignore the people and do what they want.  I think the most responsible RR I’ve worked with this year is the oldest in the country with their original name.  Not a MRR fan of them, but I like their safety practices. Oh and they still have steam engines on their regular locomotive rosters.

Jeff, nothing worse than poor gas station etiquette, ok maybe eating frosted flakes with your mouth open is worse.  I have a diesel and people will pull up to the only diesel pump and fill their gas tanks.  Had one lady walk over to me as I waited and point out the other 7 or 8 vacant pumps.  Thanks go fill your car I need diesel.

Ken, I bet you have a battery rebuild place close to you.  $68 isn’t bad; my 18v for lithium is almost $90 new at Home Depot.  I totally understand the limited budget, I would have a super hot layout if it wasn’t for a divorce and two kids in collage, LOL!

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Wisconsin Railfan on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:21 AM

Good Morning Folks!

Cup of coffee and sausage biscuit w/cheese and some fried taters please.

Have a good all!

The train came by and I got on, that’s when it all began
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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:45 AM

Good Morning All,

     We're at a small break in the action (one rig to Atlanta today and I'm in N.J. next week, so I'm trying to get back to some sort of routine. 22 different cars at two tracksin two weeks was a bit much but it went well.

   Spent time at the museum last night putting down the new N scale track for the two main loops on the display. We're using Peco code 55 and I must admit I'm impressed. It's easy to form and keeps the shape readily. As small as N is, the joiners are a pain but they solder readily and using latex to bed the track to the base makes smoothing curves and final placement easy. I'm using a mass quantity of round model paint bottles and sockets to hold the track in place while the caulk sets and that seems to have w..ked well also.

   Still no progress on the home layout front but I keep picking at the job lists and there is hope.

   Todd, I think a stock of weathered cars will go in a hurry. The trick will be to plow any profit back into additional stock and material so you can expand your offerings. That makes the initial outlay a long term investment.  If you plan on doing multiple shows and can scratch out the capital to start with you can be in good shape in a reletively short time. Do understand the other requirements as from previous swap meet experience, Pa. is pretty strict about permits and sales tax collections  to the extent of sending officials around to the shows to check. You may find that the occasional causal vendor is ok, but it's easy to run afoul of officialdom and get in a jam. The organizers of the shows can frequently help with information on what is and isn't ok. Hope I haven't just reatated what someone else has done, but I just haven't had the time to catch up past posts.

   Jeff, it's  good to see you mobile again. Amazing what refitting a few "unecessary" parts can do for reliability isn't it?

   Gotta run, still lots to do to catchup jobs. At least the weather has broken a bit and we're in the 60's with no rain for now.   Catch y'all later, J.R.

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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:45 AM

Robby P.

 Galaxy.........I was going to spend about $300 - $350 on cars, which would be about 15-20 cars.  My wife doesn't think that will be enough to sell.   She thinks more cars.  Plus I have to buy couplers, detail parts, weathering powders, etc (that will be about $100 or so).    I was going to sell some weathering powders also, but I have to buy them (I'm getting  a good deal on them).   I've had people offer me cars to sell/demo with, and I am very happy with that!!!    I guess it's the $500+ that has me rethinking it.    I've had people tell me I will do good at the show, but the way my  luck has been.......I will be lucky to sell two cars!!

Hi Robby P.

That is why I suggested providing the paints and weathering powders, but charging say, $30.00 {25 labor 5 for supplies???}JUST  to weather the clients RR cars they have purchased at teh show. If they need to be taken apart, have the tools necessary to take apart and have client take apart for you and put back together, or if they bought a kit, easier yet for you to weather for them...And any self respecting show should have a Kadee coupler dealer so they can even change out couplers if they want. If you can manage to weather a car nicely in just a half hour, then your fee of $25 for labor would be $50/hour for you pure profit and in a 7 hour day, you could walk away with $350.00 in your pocket for your labor, $35.00 towards costs fo supplies, and have $0 or little cost for RRcars except a few to start demos on until you get first client. Even if supplies and fees cost you $185.00 you'd still walk away with $200. in your pocekt rather than spending that amount!! Geeked You could charge that this time until you get a reputation then perhaps other shows charge more per car, or figure out how much you average making for your time weathering a car over the cost of the cars taht you sold on EBay to guage your prices.

 I can send you some of my "cheapo cars" {train set type and other "cheap" Bachmann cars.} to just weather and "gussie up" if you'd like. I could even possibly donate some of them and you could sell them for your profit, though they are not special cars like I said and pay Shipping to send them back if necessary.. .If you are interested. I could send my better cars too, but not for sale to public! just for display I would pay to have them sent back to me.

Just a few thoughts, Robby my boy!

Got to go to the dentist to get partial adjusted this AM. Dermatologist yesterday said any skin growths I have are benign and of no concern though they may be bothersome visually or "in use" {getting a skin tag caught for example} That is good news I wanted to hear, though I have a lot of skin tag type bumps all over that ARE annoying.

Got to do some errands today also. so a busy day ahead.

One of the LHS's owners ran for NYS Assembly and won the {R} primary by 75% of vote. I will have to stop by to see if they close the shop, sell it, or if the wife will contimue to run on her own. They carry trains and other hobby stuff. MAybe he can help effect change in Albany. Hes a nice guy, but I am just out of his district. I may dabble in politics and see if they need campaign help I can do for him behind the scenes. Iam not good with a bunch of people in a large rally, but can paste and sort mailers prior to the final election for him. I am independent of party. Out with the old, and in with the new, I say!

well I guess that's aobut it for this morning.

Oh, we have a friend- the train nut friend we took with us to Steamtown who was bitten by a brown recluse spider 2 days before Railfest on the 4th of Sept. and had a red dime sized spot on the 4th he showed us on his leg. It turned nasty on him and developed into a MRSA {pronounced Mersa} staffalococcus {sp?} infection and is in the hospital to get an artery pick line installed to administer heavy duty antibiotics. MRSA is a very dangerous infection, but eveyone is supposed to carry it and they know better how to aggressively treat it these days. It can still be deadly. He will have the pick line in for about 6 weeks with home nurse vistis to administer the drugs. SO,please add Chris to the Angel lists! TY




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Robby P. on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:17 AM

 Good morning. 

 I took the wife to school yesterday, and got some more "street running" shots.   Only two trains in 2 1/2 hours is pretty bad!!  

 The plan today is to work in the basement some.   Maybe mess around on the layout.

 Ray......The county fair back in NC had a RC (can of course), and a Moon Pie for a dollar.   Now that was a sugar rush.

 Jim.......I always change the couplers out, but I might skip this time.   I agree with you and let them change to what they like.  

 Lee....... I'm sure I will do good.   I have a feeling that I will have over half the show at my table when I give a demonstration.

 Galaxy......The thing about weathering the cars at the show is...I won't have any power.  Its $45, and I don't want to pay that.   Plus the dullcote will go all over the place.   I was going to use hair spray instead (to take place of the dulcote).  Now if they want me to do a car for them I normally start at $30 a car.  Since its a show, I will probably cut that to $20.   I will keep you in mind for some cars.  The owner of a LHS said he would help me out when I need to get some things.     I know $500 sounds like a lot (and it is), but I do have eBay to fall back on when the cars don't sell.  

 Here's a couple of picture.




 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:34 AM

Good Morning. Just coffee again please. Running late as usual. Hey! The dogs gotta poo-poo before I leave or it’ll be a long long day for the poor girl. Give her a break. YOU hold it in til about 2pm when Brenda gets home for lunch. Oh Sorry Flo. Tempers been a little short lately.

Robby- You sound like me. Cautious. I’d rather sell out than be stuck with too much. That amount sounds like an aweful lot of cars in addition to what you will display and demo. That is a lot of shopping and a lot of upfront cash. Of course your train shows probably are a lot bigger than ours. Maybe if you sell out you’ll still have the demos and people will request more work on their cars. That way you won’t be out but the weathering supplies. Well, you’re right. I forgot about the eBay.

Jeff- I got a good chuckle thinking about “fat broad” and her eardrums. Hope she didn’t have to “tinkle” when she arrived! By the way, don’t assume the gage is equally inaccurate along the scale. If you haven’t paid attention to the sending unit, it’s just a rheostat thing. If part of the windings are crudded up from lack of use, usually the top of the scale on the gage, from lack of use because large vehicles have a tendency to be expensive and many people don’t fill the tanks all the way up, the windings could, and, trust me on this, read accurate on the low side. Of the gage. Of course the sending unit is usually backwards from that. Anyway, just don’t test your theory without a five gal can of gas in case.

Did you hear that? Did Bill say something? Oh, sorry it was only a recording of the Kentucky Headhunters…. I think.

Welp, best get going, Ray has used a word I don’t know and the dictionary is too far away to reach. I assume it means “wordy“ or “talkative“, but you never know. So I’ll just be heading out.

Y’all have a Great Day now ya hear?!!!

(walks out whistling Dumas Walkers)


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:52 AM


Jeff- I got a good chuckle thinking about “fat broad” and her eardrums. Hope she didn’t have to “tinkle” when she arrived! By the way, don’t assume the gage is equally inaccurate along the scale. If you haven’t paid attention to the sending unit, it’s just a rheostat thing. If part of the windings are crudded up from lack of use, usually the top of the scale on the gage, from lack of use because large vehicles have a tendency to be expensive and many people don’t fill the tanks all the way up, the windings could, and, trust me on this, read accurate on the low side. Of the gage. Of course the sending unit is usually backwards from that. Anyway, just don’t test your theory without a five gal can of gas in case.

The gauge is a factory rebuilt replacement and the sending unit is brand new, so until I know different I have to assume the reading I'm getting is accurate. I'm not sure but I may have bent the end of the sending unit a little when it was installed in the tank (large sending unit, small hole) and it could be resting higher than it's supposed to. The sending unit, fuel pickup tube and screen and the return tube are all built into one unit an dit measures out at about 18 inches in length. If the thin support arm holding the float were bent upward slightly this would cause the float to be somewhat higher than it should be and it wouldn't start floating until the gas got high enough. I know the tank had 7 gallons in it when the fuel gauge was reconnected and read under 1/8th.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:54 AM

(flings door open) WAIT! Dumas Walker is "Slawburger fries and a bottle of Skee". RC Cola and a Moonpie is........ Great. That'll bug me all day till I remember. (leaves again singing "RCCola and Moonpie..." shaking head) 


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:58 AM

(Comes in again) 

Quote Jeff- The gauge is a factory rebuilt replacement and the sending unit is brand new, so until I know different I have to assume the reading I'm getting is accurate.


Really leaving this time.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:43 AM

So ok, An RC Cola and a Monpie was originally by Big Bill Liston and later covered by NRBQ (a local band when they were the Wild Weeds in the 60's).   J.R.

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 11:02 AM


Lets see....  Breakfast or lunch?  Breakfast or lunch???  OK, Zoe cool outside today, so I need a short stck of buttermilk pancakes with a side order of bacon, and a mug of dark roast coffee in a R&GV RR mug.

I have been emailing several people about several items for the last hour, so I am a bit late.  Have a chance to go to the York, PA Large Scale Show next week.  Had to move some items around to be able to do THAT.  The guy who invited me has been every year for the last several.  He is a G scaler so it is right up his alley.  Turns out his wife has a meeting at w*rk the day they were to leave so she can't go with him this year. 

I best get moving.  I want to finish the wood cutting and stacking before I leave for the Southern Tier for an operating session late this afternoon.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cederstrand on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 11:57 AM

Strong coffee in a  CSX  mug, please.

Have a good day y'all.

Cheers! Cowboy Rob

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 2:07 PM

Good afternoon. Not much going here today. I have so much pain in the lower bones of my right leg that I'm just taking some pain killers and going back to bed.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packers#1 on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:36 PM

afternoon folks, scchool's going pretty good.

The next step in planning my layout is the operating scheme. I'm fairly certain I have a good one, now to fine tune it.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

Building a protolanced industrial park layout


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Posted by teen steam fan on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:51 PM


TSF, I think - given what your sister did to you at the show - it's only fair to attach those plywood sheets/signs to your trailer and haul them around. Of course, you want to be able to use the wood later for your layout, right? Smile, Wink & Grin

Sure, layout, lets go with that. Wink 

Actually in all reality, I'm not going to use it on my layout. The trailer needs a new floor anyways. When ever I use it, the floor bows under my weight (181 lbs, I'm not a small guy) much less my quad. There is a hole in the floor I punched through loading a hood into it for scrap. The quad covers it, but I really don't need a ticket from the DOT for that, so that plywood my get reused. And then theres problems with the planning board (Mom and Dad)

If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

If it moves and isn't supposed to, get a hammer

If it doesn't move and is supposed to, get a hammer

If it's broken, get a hammer

If it can't be fixed with a hammer... DUCK TAPE!

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Posted by cudaken on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 5:56 PM

 Evening Madison IN!

 Flo, I will take 20 Butter Fly Shrimp, Hush Puppies,Greek Salad and a Pitcher of and a straw!

teen steam fan





The trailer needs a new floor anyways. When ever I use it, the floor bows under my weight (181 lbs, I'm not a small guy) much less my quad.

  I wish I was 181 pounds again and I bet 3/4 quarters of the people at the dinner wish the same thing!  Far as your trailer floor, I can help. I am getting good with floors!

 Speaking of Floors I bet you folks will be glad when I am done, tired of me posting about it. Boy I have laid a lot of tile. I have put down 98 squares, each one is 18" X 18". I have two left and need 3 to 4 more. Then on to the hallway which is 3 X 21 foot.

   Cutting Jig I used a 3/4 inch thick section of plywood, a 1/4 inch thick section of pine. Stapled the pine on the side of the plywood to hold the square while I cut the tile. Worked Great Till I tried to move it!   I managed to staple it to the New Kitchen Floor!

  No harm done, but I figured you folks might get a chuckle out of it.

  Time to watch some more NCIS and sand more base board.


I hate Rust

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:14 PM

Good Evening, Chloe - how about the roast beef platter, medium well, with the asparagus, side salad, baked potato (sour cream, cheese and butter, since it's fat-free in here...), and a Rio Grande mug of coffee please. Thanks!

Robby, is that a local switcher on your 'street run' shots, or do they run the mainline through town there? Wow Looks way more powerful than the motive power I'm used to seeing going down a street. Yeah, on the train show, I could see that it may be hard (without a porta-spray booth) to actually do many there. I'd figure on whatever the max you could cover (with any LHS owner's financing), and have some ad templates for eBay made up ONLY for the possible one or two you might have left. As Todd said, supply and demand - better to sell out (and give the later-arriving folks your biz cards (Take along photos of your previous w**k). I really doubt, if you have the finished product ready for them to see at the show, THAT you will have much (if ANY) left. Just talk with the show people about how to handle the sales taxes (maybe price 'em so you can deduct that and still get your rightful wages for your time spent). (My My 2 Cents..)  I really expect that once they see your artw**k, you will have little problem selling all that you bring. Thumbs Up

TSF - ah yes, the planning board...Whistling (with the power of veto!)

CudaKen, and a straw? Huh? Back in high school, I always heard that was only if you wanted to get really, REALLY buzzed... (Oh, one of those days, eh?) As for the stapling, yeah, I think a few of us (including me) have done about that...Oops

Heard from Ed (our SOTB Diner) recently; he said they have (for about next 2 or 3 years) a small (house?/apartment? I forget..) and was thinking about building a small around the walls layout there. No plans reported yet, so I suggested he either send me a plan when he gets one, or come by and post it himself here. Thumbs Up Didn't catch what he was muttering about the amount of OJ (Non-Simpson, that is...) that this crew goes through here. Whistling

Pretty nice day here in Cape Girardeau today. Low 90's (F/low 30's C), but the humididitee was also up there. Possible rain tonight - but hey, it always rains sometime during district fair week, right?! Good thing was, because it's humid, I had the A/C on last night and couldn't hear the tractor pulls (my place is about 2 or 3 blocks away from the grounds where the fair is). There's a ruckus locally because Merle Haggard (who was supposed to play tonight) was sick and had to cancel. They have Mel Tillis and Ray Price filling in for him, but there are some people who aren't happy due to the fair's "no-refund" policy (printed on every ticket for years). Can't please everybody all the time...

Had what I'm guessing is my last session with one client today (moved out of our agency's coverage area). The client's actually been doing well and I just reminded them that they should keep on with the changes they've already made, and I suggested the client get in touch with the agency covering the new area ASAP so there'd be minimal time before getting going with therapy or doctor.

Wondering how Chris did with covering his buddy's funeral today. AngelAngel

I'll kick back and grab a seat at the window booth before it gets completely dark outside. Finish my dinner while I watch the last local of the day switching out there. Feeling kinda mellow (or maybe it's my stomach getting filled up).


Blessings and prayers for those in need of 'em,

Jim in Cape Girardeau



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Posted by Robby P. on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:33 PM

 Jim.......That street is a mainline for Norfolk Southern and CSX.  Its about 1/2 a mile long.  At the end of the road is a big WYE, that splits over the river for CSX.   Its one of the few street running's left in the United States.   Here's a "google" of the town.  Just zoom in and you can see where the track goes.  

maps?q=west+brownsville+pa&oe=utf 8&rls=org.mozilla:en US:official&client=firefox a&um=1&ie=UTF 8&hq=&hnear=West+Brownsville,+PA&gl=us&ei=gmWRTJW EIK88gah0qjeBQ&sa=X&oi=geocoderesult&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBoQ8gEwAA

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Thursday, September 16, 2010 5:31 AM



Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.






Geeked Dinner

Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, September 16, 2010 5:39 AM

Good morning. Looks like I'll be working with my father today. He'll be cutting out a bunch of dandelion weeds and I'll be hauling them off. Now if you think that's a small job then you've never seen dandelions in Louisiana. They get on average over 8 feet tall and in an area that's sheltered from the wind they can get over 14 feet. How would you like to weed out an area with giants like that! There are also the remains of a couple of trees to be hauled off. I'm glad I'm not doing the loading. If my doctor knew what I was doing he'd probably hit me.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by LSWrr on Thursday, September 16, 2010 5:55 AM

Good Morning,

Not much going on, I need to assemble the new backdrops tonight.  Train show in Sandusky Saturday and a train show in Toledo Sunday.  Rain, Donner and Blizten, with strong winds for us today.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Wisconsin Railfan on Thursday, September 16, 2010 6:16 AM

Good Day Folks!

Just passing through again this fine morning, hope everyone had a great day!


The train came by and I got on, that’s when it all began
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Posted by GMTRacing on Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:03 AM

Good morning All,

     Mid 60's again today with rain in the afternoon. I'll have a regular and a blueberry muffin please Zoe.

   Shows what happens when You post whilst half asleep, I got Robbie and Todd switched yesterday on  my return- I plead confusion as I'd been out so much recently. At any rate the trackage looks interesting with some street running and what looks like a small yard just to the north. Are the tracks on both sides of the river still active?

   Found an article on the old steel mill running in Pittsburgh and realized that all the stuff talked about is gone though it looks like the bridges still remain. Found it interesting that they would transport molten steel from one side of the river to the other by rail for processing. Ican see the attraction in modelling the industry and with the massive buildings, speciallized rolling stock and intricate trackwork you cold do worse for a 4x8 switching layout.

   Jeff - just take it safely ok? you're probably on the verge of a first name greeting at the ER by now. Do those gigantic dandelions get equally large bees? Could be a challenge.

   Back to the shop and catching up jobs. Did finally get the airbags replaced in the Focus last night so that's one more task accomplished (drivers side was easy, the passenger side requires a lot of fiddling as it is also the dash top).       CUL, J.R.

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Posted by galaxy on Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:17 AM

Good morning.

Have the neurologist today. It's just a checkup as he has really kinda turned me over to the neurosurgeon for my back. SO I don't expect anything earth-shattering today.

A bit of shopping for spring water and deposit my other half's paycheck. We've had an exhausting week already so I am ready for a relaxing day.

Train nut friend in hospital with MRSA {mersa} infection going home to home health care nurses for further treatment and the pickline antibiotics for the infection. SO that good news. Say Angel for him please.

Jeffrey W.  Do I smell a DANDILION SALAD in your future??? LOL. What kind of dressing??? I like bleu Cheese {though it's not exactly good for me} on spring greens.  ANd they say everything in TExas is bigger.

WEll, I shall be on my way now.



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:19 AM

Good Afternoon,

it is past lunchtime, but I can still use some food. Petra keeps me too short on that...

Zoe, a mug of coffee and a blueberry muffin to munch on, please.

Since yesterday, I am having problems accessing the forum. It takes to long to load, running into time-outs. Other pages on this site are OK. Crying

Jeff - 8 - 14 ft. dandelions? Wow! Over here, the max they get is about 4 inches!

Rob - I am quite confident that the show will be a big success for you. With the moderate prices you are asking, I am sure you will be able to build up a solid customer base during the show. Thumbs Up

I am a bit in a depressed mood. The Tanzania business has not yet responded and I doubt that they ever will - that sucks. All other ideas and plans went up in smoke, also, and I have run out of ideas. Things are really running tight at our end. We need to introduce a no food, only drink water day or two in order to compensate for the cut in support - that hurts.

Well, enough of all this misery - I hope you all have a good day!

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:35 AM

Good Morning. Plate of Biscuits and Gravy please and coffee in a IC mug. Just set it over by the window and let’s see if it brings Jerry in. Kinda worried as it’s been a long time. Some have been busy and have been out for lengths of time, but Jerry usually pops in fairly often.

Jeff- Feet? You didn’t mean inches? My gosh if you get dandy lions that big, does your Bull Thistle get that big too? Holy moley the size of the stickers would be frightening.

I guess it’s called Bull Thiste. That’s what we always called it. Looks kinda like a giant dandylion on steroids with spikes.

Well, I didn’t get as much done yesterday I wanted too. Actually, needed to is more like it. So today I want to do the stuff I couldn’t yesterday but that won’t happen because I have to go see Mom and I work at 5.

Y’all have a Great Day now ya hear?!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:56 AM

 Good rainy morning.   Rain, and thunderstorm today!!

 Just got back from the college, and I will have to take a "pre-test" sometime after Oct.21.    I felt kinda out of place walking around on a college campus.  

 Now I guess I will focus on the train show.  I have a customer sending a couple of cars for me to do, so that will give me a break from "the bay".    Maybe hang out in the basement  today.  Maybe get some pictures up on here.

 Ulrich.......I've had a lot of people say I should do good, so I guess I better go for it.   It might be a new dorr opening for me Big Smile.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:44 AM

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! ZzzZzz Zzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

Huh?  What?  Oh!

Ah, Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, Coffee, dark roast, several cups worth.....  FGLK Mug will do nicely, and a butter rum muffin with real butter as well.

Didn't get home from the OP session till after 11:30 last night.  Tried to get into the diner, but the site was evidently down.  I have decided THAT layout operations are definitely fun!  I helped (shadowed) a couple guys out during the first part of the evening and then got to work a local "peddler" freight switching run.  Ran into a couple guys I haven't seen in quite a while so I quick handed the throttle back to the other guy and stopped to chat....  Then came back and took over the throttle again.  I also got to finish the last passenger train run of the day, bring her into the yard, and hand her over to the yardmaster.  It didn't hurt to be operating on a Master Model Railroaders beautifully done layout either.  Guess I will finally fill out the application for the OPs Sig and get more info.

Quick shot I got a year ago..  (Plain old flash...)

Tonight is the RR Hysterical Historical Society meeting in Rochester, so it will be another late night.

Cold here inside the house this morning!!! Outside it is 59°F with the high going all the way up to 63°F later this afternoon.  Also expecting some showers and a BOOM! or two.  I actually turned up the heater in the living room this morning as 64° is a bit chillier than I can handle unless I put on the winter coat.  I never used to feel the cold, I think it may be due to the Calcium Channel Blocker the Doc has me on.  It works by dilating the blood vessels............

Best get moving.



Robby, I think you will do very, very well at the show.  I wouldn't worry about having a lot of left over cars.  What doesn't sell there, will sell quickly on Evil-bay or other place.

Ulrich, you (and Petra) continue to be in my prayers!

Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by galaxy on Thursday, September 16, 2010 10:32 AM

Hi guys.

Change of plans. I had to cancel the Drs. appt.

As Ray said, it is chilly here in upstate NY, enough that we turned on the furnace. But it won't shut off! The only way to get it to shut off is to open the service access door and that turns off the operating switch. SO I called the heating Co. and later today someone will be out. A different plumb/heat guy serviced it earlier this summer and warned us that the firing mechanism isn't being made anymore so if it fails we would have to replace it to the tune of about $500-$600. But we had a disagreement over the water heater with that company so we sought out a new company. WE will see what teh new CO. will say.

Anyway, as always with repair men it is hurry up and wait. SO other half went to do errands and I stay and wait. And wait. And wait. ANd wait. AS long as it doesn;t go into overtime charges for late in the day arrival! If a problem exists probably won't get fixed today if it gets too late, though that's the thing. WE consider it non emergency though, as we do have space heaters that can heat if it gets too chilly in here, and it is early in the season and not 5* below outside!!! So if it doesn't get fixed immediately nto a biggy, just an inconvenience.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Thursday, September 16, 2010 1:15 PM

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoon... bucket of coffee please 'n thank-you.

Yesterday morning, Ross William Butterbrodt (8/21/61-9/10/10) was laid to rest in St. John's Church Cemetery, Clarence, Iowa. We had mostly sunny skies and decent temperatures for the occasion. Like I said to some people yesterday: "If God had to take Ross from us, the least He could do is give us a good day to say goodbye." I got some quick photos of a memorial display set up for Ross, with his fishing gear, Kent Feeds stuff (he was a dealer for the company), certificate of appreciation from the department for 24 years of service, his fire pager, etc., etc., etc. I then ditched my camera back in my truck for the actual service.

I was able to get out ahead of the procession, and got shots of it coming up a hill to the cemetery. The downside: gravel dust. LOTS of gravel dust. Good 'ol Iowa Limestone gravel dust... By the time I realized it would be a problem, I was trapped on the "wrong" side of the road. I think I've got some shots they'll like though. I may well have looked like "the white knight" by the time I made the graveside though...

I grabbed a quick shot or two of the firemen more or less lined up, and "Mole" ringing the bell on the fire wagon. After the ceremony, I got a nice shot of the old wagon. Skipped the dinner in the name of trying to get caught-up on some w**k stuff.

I don't want to go to one of these again for a long, long time.

No time for any MRR stuff this week... this weekend 'taint lookin' too good for it neither. Maybe next week...

ROBBY P: Have you figured out what classes/program you wanna take at the college? The "pre-test" oughta be a hoot and hollar as they try to figure out if you can read, write, do math, etc.  At the community college Loving Wife w**ks at, they have so many incoming freshmen THAT can't read, write, or do math (yet they have high school diplomas...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.) they've had to expand the remedial course offerings. They also have a "College 101" class to teach the to study, and how to learn. Bang Head Again, if you're thinking about graphic design, the Wife would be more than happy to tell you about edumacational needs, and what the field involves.

Well, I'm way behind on the week and this day in had best get at it.

Thoughts for those in need...


The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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