Untested locomotives shipped/sold defective.
Wiring (and DCC was supposed to make wiring easier?!)
Waiting up to five years for announced product to be delivered.
1. Limited runs that keep pricing up.
2. Everything is made in China and quality is iffy.
Springfield PA
The things that bother me are:
1. Track problems including bad switches that cause derailments.
2. Coupler problems due to my layout (my own fault, I need to redo my layout).
3. Trying to have patience for products that are running behind schedule when I'm not a patient person.
4. Not knowing how to build with wood very well or wire very well (again, my own fault)
5. Not having the skill to make scenery and track look real.
What I dislike is new folks asking a bunch of questions about their equipment before they even get finished reading the manuals on the equipment they bought.
Not that they aren't going to get the help, but it just seems to me they don't even try to figure it out first.
The above is my opinion, from an active and experienced Model Railroader in N scale and HO since 1961.
(Modeling Freelance, Eastern US, HO scale, in 1962, with NCE DCC for locomotive control and a stand alone LocoNet for block detection and signals.) http://waynes-trains.com/ at home, and N scale at the Club.
1 Figuring out problems.
2 Fixing said problem.
3 Woodworking and it shows.
4 Fixing engines. When I started I enjoyed it, now well lets say I selling off items that need work.
5 Sweeping up foam, one of the reason I have stopped work on K-10 Mountain. Hate the mess.
6 Cleaning wheels.
7 Ballasting, but don't we all?
8 Making trees. I can make good ones now, but takes a while and makes a small mess.
9 Wiring.
10 Listing to my wife complaining that $60.00 is way to much for a engine.
If I am in the mood and enjoy 1 through 9, BUT NEVER NUMBER 10!
Cuda Ken
I hate Rust
I like almost everything about this hobby. That's what makes it such fun with all the areas to conquer like electonics, woodworking, scenery, etc. I especially like detailing & painting locos & rolling stock.
What I truly dislike is the manufacturers releasing multiple versions of the Pig Boy, F-7's, E-units and numerous other engines & cars when there's a need for other railroads and other locomotives. Despite all the poor comments about Bachmann I have to credit them with producing what we've asked for like many small steam engines and better cars.I have quite a few Bachmann Spectrum steamers & rolling stock and have no complaints. My 4 Russians, SY and 4-4-0's are awesome runners as is my 2-6-6-2.
I also dislike the high prices for stuff. Have you seen the cost of the newest Walthers passenger cars? Why are Campbell kits 3-5 times their original cost for 1950's kits? Maybe if they did some improvements that justified them.
My 2ยข,
Roger Huber
cudaken 7 Ballasting, but don't we all?
Perhaps one solution is to keep the materials handy, and when gazing upon the layout with 10 minutes to kill, ballast a couple feet of track. Eventually, the job should get done.
I dislike the whining and complaining in this forum about what are really minor irritations. The complaints about the subscription renewal popup ad is the latest example. Or the tone of the responses one gets when posting photos of one's work.
I dislike hobby shops that charge than suggested retail. I dislike hobby shops where the owners and/or help think it's fine to use profanity and drop f-bombs.
I dislike the complaining about quality control in both forums and in hobby shops. I'd much rather hear about a letter sent to the manufacturer than just complaining to fellow modelers. Or how a problem was fixed. The real signal not to take the complainer seriously is when he continues to buy from the same manufacturer.
As you can see most of my complaints are about the hobby business, not about actual model railroading. The hobby itself is great.
Fred W
Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....
2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.
PackerThe ever-increasing prices
PackerStuff being harder to come across (Have been trying to find some Genesis F-units and Atlas GP7s in BN for a while)
PackerMost RTR cars (underweight, crappy couplers, breaks when removed from box)
PackerNot having the space for it (only temporary)
PackerMasking or removing windows on locos or cabooses (haven't quite figured out how to do a good job at it)
Although I have been very fortunate in this respect, I would have to agree with the complaint about quality control in locomotives. I dislike seeing complaints when a new run of an issue comes out with people having one or two prevalent and common problems with mechanical. In this day and age, how can we get such things wrong so often? VCR's didn't have so many problems, and they are plenty complicated. A decent steamer costs as much as a VCR did in their heyday, but it seems some engine runs come up plenty short.
Other than that worrisome part of the hobby (the cost of shipping engines back and forth...somebody pays, and so does the planet!), I don't have much to complain about myself...except that I could always use more disposable income. But I'd have to say that there is little I actively dislike.
mine involve kvetches about others kvetching.
crabbinesses about threads drug up and posted when we could have seen yet another thread on the same ol' subject----like I'm sure someone willl kvetch about this one---
the search for the One Truly Unique Thread posted---
again---mostly about the forum stuff----MRRing though has been grrrreeaat!
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
1. Limited runs (but at least there's ebay )
2. I agree with Blownout Cylinder - being roasted for bringing up older topics. I've held back from updating my old "Easy Sharpening Up" thread that has links and photos posted to help passenger car modelers pick accurate colors for painting their varnish's interiors.
3. Parts no longer available for limited run cars and locomotives! Try and find body parts for P1K RDCs! Ugggg!
"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"
The fact that most manufacturers do not offer kits anymore. Really made me sad that Bowser stopped the steam loco kits.
The limited runs that have to be preordered months ahead or you might not get one.
PenncentralThe limited runs that have to be preordered months ahead or you might not get one.
Consider yourself lucky, at least you have limited runs. The major manufacturers don't make equipment in my era. 1000 model in 6 months beats no models in 30 years.
Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website : wnbranch.com
1.) Fixing brand new stuff, everything such as switches, couplers, locos, etc. Quality control needs to be better from these manufacturers.
2.) Waiting for things I want thats on a boat from China (I have no patience).
3.) The price doesn't match the quality.
4.) Ballasting.
But it's a fun hobby, and I do enjoy solving problems by myself (or getting help here), you get a sense of accomplishment, which matches why I chose my career. (I'm a network engineer I solve computer network problems on a daily basis).
CEO- Mile-HI-RailroadPrototype: D&RGW Moffat Line 1989
I also dislike the typical limited runs, the constant upward trend in prices on everything that has really taken off in the last couple of years. The limited run part hits my favorite trains hard, the ones made of brass. Gone are the days of large runs from PFM and Tenshodo that kept prices within the reach of most modelers. The quality from those two firms was second to none. Give me back those days and the good ol yellow box Atlas engines with Kato drives under them. Beyond that, I absolutly hate doing scenery work. I love fixing and tinkering with engines, laying track and dealing with electrical issues and wiring. But when it comes to scenery, it can take me days to get up the energy to tackle the task. Mike T
LHS mechanic and geniune train and antique garden tractor nut case!
Solder burns
San Dimas Southern slideshow
Margaritaman Solder burns
I started thinking about using DIN rails and terminals for that-------don' need those burns
fwright I dislike the whining and complaining in this forum about what are really minor irritations. The complaints about the subscription renewal popup ad is the latest example. Or the tone of the responses one gets when posting photos of one's work.Fred W
Thanks for the reminder. I dislike when forum managers cant seem to stop those subscription renewal pop-ups. Very annoying. They might want to take the cost of 1 subscription and hire a first year programmer for an hour to fix it.
The fact that some current manufacturers don't make straight DC versions of their very highly detailed (and very expensive) steamers, but insist that their dual and triple mode locos will work just fine on regular DC for we Old Fart Dinosaurs who really don't NEED DCC or DCS or whatever other 'D's" are out there--and there are a LOT of us still running around happily throwing Block Signals.
Offer the stuff in straight DC as an option,so we can run the newer stuff along with our older stuff. Hey, we're a viable market too, folks.
Tom View my layout photos! http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/TWhite-014/Rio%20Grande%20Yuba%20River%20Sub One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
I also dislike when others get grumpy over small things. Not irritances with the hobby but things like whining. Who cares if someone whines? This thread was started by asking what people dislike and if they want to whine they can. The person who was complaining about whining was basically whining about whining. Just let people respond the way they want regarding what they dislike about the hobby.
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
The hobby itself is fine. Oh some parts like wiring are less fun than others like track laying, but I really don't dislike them.
What I dislike are the inconveniences, no well stocked hobby shop in the area, long drives to train shows, lack of basic parts in my scale, etc. All of these can be overcome, but it would be nicer if they didn't have to be.
The mismatch between my talents and my ambitions is always an irritant.
Dave Nelson
I dislike the ignorance in the hobby....not much you can do about it but grin and bare it.
Bob Berger, C.O.O. N-ovation & Northwestern R.R. My patio layout....SEE IT HERE
There's no place like ~/ ;)
Since I have reasonable expectations, I have no reasonable complaints.
If I get tired of the thing I'm doing, I do something else for a while. If I get tired of the whole railroad thing (seldom) I can always spend an afternoon birdwatching at the Fremont Street Experience or along the Las Vegas Strip. (My wife doesn't mind my looking, as long as I don't touch.)
I sometimes get mildly annoyed at people who don't seem to be able to do the simplest things in model railroading without using some commercial product. (I get rather more annoyed when my neighbor's dog yaps at me for walking up my own front walk.)
I used to say that hatred is too strong an emotion to waste on inanimate objects. Now I extend that idea to cover dislike. Maybe I've mellowed in my old age...
Or, maybe I'm just too lazy to bother...
Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - eventually)
I really dislike:1). The anti-rivet-counter attitude - Look, we're not all going to be great modelers, but don't knock those that make better models just because they are detail-orientated while you couldn't care less (or can't be bothered). Put it this way: If you see someone post that they stripped & repainted an incorrectly painted factory model and you think, "Get a life!", then you're one of them. If you think, "Hey, nice job catching that one!", then you're not. You don't have to re-do your own models, but how about a little appreciation for the knowledge and effort that others use in creating better models instead of calling them evil, hmm?
2). The desire for mediocrity - Sort of tied in to #1 above, but the difference is that not only do some resent the rivet-counter, but there are those that actually prefer low-quality model railroading and will defend against any call to improve to the Nth degree. For example, I once got into a discussion here with someone who claimed that the Walthers Hook & Loop coupler (from waaay back) was better in all ways than a Kadee (mostly because Kadees have a knuckle spring and Hook & Loops don't). At first, I thought he was joking...but he wasn't. Hey, if you like 'em, great. But don't try to tell me they're better.
3). The quelling of discussion - I personally detest the idea that forum topics are locked early, not just here but everywhere. Just because they have the potential to go bad or are somehow boring to the moderators and/or forum regulars. Or just because it addresses uncomfortable on-topic ideas or even hammers a manufacturer when they deserve it. As long as it doesn't violate the rules, I think we ought to be able to dicuss anything on-topic until the cows come home (or later). If it's wasted time, it's our time to waste. If a manufacturer can't stand the heat, either make 'em right or get out of the business. We should have more debates, not less.
4). The anti-limited run mantra - People crying for the old days when everything was cheap (nope) and plentiful (nada) and always available (heck, no). They want to go back to the way it was, when European models outnumbered American models in the Walthers Catalog. When you could only get one road number per paint scheme for deacades. When all detail parts were molded on, and when all detail parts were the same for every RR on each model. When Athearn came out with just a few new models in a decade instead every month. When painting errors were never, ever corrected or improved. Basically, they want a hobby that changes hardly at all. This is great if you want the most popular engine types in the most popular roads, but if you want to model something other than the UP, PRR, or ATSF, you're out of luck. Sure, sure, one could go into any hobby shop in the land and order a 5 year old model brand new any time you wanted (provided it wasn't backordered at Walthers). But if you wanted something different...well, there's always a home road. Thanks, but I prefer limited runs so I can model the RR's I want in the paint schemes I want without having to invest in brass for most of it.
Paul A. Cutler III