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Elliot's Trackside Diner XXV- Milepost 25 Locked

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 9:43 PM

JR ... That's a nice web site you have for GMT Racing.  What does GMT stand for? I can figure out the "Racing" part. .... I'm glad to see a photo again of your old layout! I really like the downtown scenes you had. Perhaps you could post other old pix of teh layout here from time to time.

Ray .. thanks for posting the pix. Could you tell us more about them?




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Posted by fec153 on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 9:58 PM

JR- Thanks for the link. Nice rig. You do some of the driving, don't you?

One piece of good news, the Admin. has gotten rid of the troll plainsimple. Must have posted something nasty on his last[hopefully] post.

Prayers for all, specially Todds grandson.



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Posted by der5997 on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:03 PM

Good evening Folks: this has been put together over thecourse of the day...

Ray: Michael Romanowski Vice President Upstate Model Railroaders 2009 posted in a ndcc group email thread today. I thought you might well know him. Got to love his signature line - "The N in NMRA stands for N scale"  where they have this:- Note the locale!

We are the Upstate Model Railroaders. The club is located in the basement of Aimie's Dinner and a Movie located at 190 Glen Street in downtown Glens Falls NY. Please go to the front door of Aimie's and use the door to the basement on the right as you enter. There will be a sign in the window when the club is in session. All are invited

Is that cool or what? Cool

Sam: Thanks for your replies. I've saved that proto track cleaning train pic. That  would make an interesting "mobile scene" for our track cleaning, don't you think?


Saskatchewan (sp!),
that's what I use, and no-one's thrown things at me yet. (well not for THAT anyway, Whistling.) The Calgary ones would be the Blue Alberta units "Personalized" for Calgary, yes?
But oh what a time we did have making them outhouses! IIRC, seems like one of the guys built an interior in his... I was just happy to get four walls to square up, and the roof to fit nicely!
   My very first scratch built building was a balsa outhouse. Big Smile.  Your "shorter" roundhouse is pretty convincing to me!(especially since you've fixed the gap Wink. Thumbs Up
imprecise Chinese manufacturing
there was a program on TV last night (Probably "What the Ancients taught us", or something like that) which showed how incredibly advanced and close tolleranced  Chinese metal working was 2000 years ago. I guess their standards may have slipped over the years!


I was cruising out in the big yard earlier and I was struck at how negative and hostile some of the denizens of the big room are. Don't see any necessity for it and i much prefer the company here in the diner.  
Couldn't agree more - the un-nessecary nature of the attitude in particular. Didn't their mothers tell them "If you can't say something nice about somebody, don't say anything at all"? Big Smile.


Der John ... Chloe is still holding the whipped cream. Can she put it down now?
NO!, it's good for her upper body strength training. She needs that to keep Flip in line, as he will remember from the Coffee Shop. Mischief.
Regarding outhouses, I thought Canadian outhouses looked like this photo instead of those spiffy biffies.
You are absolutely correct, By law they all have to look like that for the tourists from SOTB. Clown. The ones I'm showing (here's today's) are all from the USA!
Also, Der John.  The two hole could be called a "dual stool"

  To be fair, old chap the lubricant I mentioned was garage door white grease. I think I'm fairly safe in saying that there are few reported cases of mischievous use of that! Evil.
Remember: A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.


They move around sometimes and I don't want them messing up any decoders
  I'm a believer in putting Kapton tape or similar on any metal surface that has the remotest chance of doing that.My 2 cents


I'm hoping for a delay tomorrow, MAYBE closing if we're lucky. Even if not, they're predicting snow in FEET for Thursday and Friday, so we'll see.
  Ours, fortunately is coming as rain, but it could be messy and inconvenient if it gets colder before the rain hits. Strong easterly winds come right at us off the ocean.

Jeff: The canary's new feathers are looking good! I can see why you couldn't let it be as it was!Thumbs Up

Keith: Where did all those buildings suddenly spring from?Thumbs Up That's going to be a great scene in a little while!Bow

Tipton Bill: Good to see you again. Keep those photos coming! Thanks.


John, I put Vaseline on my Mantua gear boxes in grade school and they are still greased, dirty as heck, but still there.
...Preaching to the choir there, but watch out for IUP.

Quotnig Barry

from all that footage of snow being called for south of us'uns-----
...that "us'uns" reminded me...Where's Mike these days? We could do with another big tub of his special beans!

Todd: Prayers for you all. I've put the situation on our Churches' prayer Chain. Let's hope this creep gets sorted out. Incidentally I got a reply for someone on ourt Prayer Chain asking me to stop sending  "stories made up by some other desperate person looking for attention on the internet."  Thank God there are very few lon our chain like that! Some people have such little experience of the real world!

Flip: Hope it all goes smoothly with Deb's appointment. Of course now, she can try some new styles for hair with what all is available with chemo-recovery supplies! .

Robby: The Hopper looks good. The photos not good? I wouldn't know why Confused Bow

Well, I did the ladder repairs this morning, and cut out the 3 rungs from the correct end of the ladder, trimming off the projecting cage uprights that I thought I'd need but don't. Now I have to make about 5" of ladder to extend down uncaged at the foot. That shouldn't be as hard as I thought it might, judging by the way the repair went.

Later...after building the ladder extension, splitting my eyebrow when I slipped with a barrow load of wood which ended with Kris bringing in the rest; and going to a very positive meeting about our community and the Regional Council attended by at least 200 of us, several of the regional Councilors and the Mayor.( Put in my My 2 cents). Anyway, the point is the ladder extension worked out well, and I've also cut down the bulk sand tower roof. So, here  is the set up, with the ladder very lightly tack welded to the tower.

Kris has just come upstairs, so bed time looms. I'll say Goodnight all, and God Bless. Prayers continuing for all in need of Healing, Comfort, Prosperity and Peace.Angel

"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:09 PM

 Evenin folks!

Flo I'll have a hot fudge Sundae and a decafe for dessert.

Got some decale w*rk done on a couple coal cars this evening during the troll attack.  I would bet it was really "you know who" seeing how much trouble he could stir up.  Good job, Mods!

Heartland Division CB&Q
Ray .. thanks for posting the pix. Could you tell us more about them?


Garry the photos were from the Syracuse Model RR Club Train Show and open house last Sunday.  They have a great bunch of guys in the club, and have 2 excellent layouts on display.  Tim (Fireman 216) in a member there.  In the same building you can see..........  LEGOS!

[edit]  DerJohn, can't say I have met the guy and this is the first I have heard of the club......  Sounds like a fun group, but I would have to get better glasses for the "n"early invisible stuff...Whistling  Dinner and a Movie sounds interesting.  It would only be about a 470 mile round trip for the day from where I live. Shock  Thanks for sharing!

Hope you all have a great evening.  Stay dry and warm!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by sunsetbeachry on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:13 PM

TODD: Thank you for the update, God Bless..........HOWMUS or RAY, is that a Walthers or Atlas or ????? roundhouse, I'd like to use the prints for my own roundhouse ussing C.C.Crow walls and Rusty Stumps windows. I have all of the parts and will cut basswood for the wood parts, also Rusty roundhouse doors. I love to scratchbuild ,and the floor looks good. I also have almost installed not only a wall upside down but all the windows too. I try to use concrete floors; yes they had concrete even in the 19teens ,LOL LOL....JEFF...going downstairs now to find box and packing.......chuck ...Fair Winds and Following Seas..........

Remember model railroad logging is a FUN business and we all need FUN........ACD
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Posted by Cederstrand on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:21 PM

Grilled chicken & veggies, please.

***Todd, very sorry to hear about this. That punk should be put down, period!

***Ray, NEAT pics!

Cowboy Rob


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Posted by fec153 on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:21 PM

Der-Thankfully Deb does NOT require chemo. The surgery was for stenosis on 1 and 2. They did an almost G.I. cut but it is ragged and only goes up about 3 inches on the back of her skull.

Darn, please pass the word for folks to stay off trestles. Four teens were taking a short cut, three were hit and killed. Didn't say the rr,but probably CSX.

Aren't you all  glad we have Global Warming? Just think how cold we would be without it.  




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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:34 PM

HOWMUS or RAY, is that a Walthers or Atlas or ????? roundhouse, I'd like to use the prints for my own roundhouse ussing C.C.Crow walls and Rusty Stumps windows. I have all of the parts and will cut basswood for the wood parts, also Rusty roundhouse doors.


I'm not exactly sure which Roundhouse you're referring to.  If you mean the one back on page 32 I posted, it is on the Syracuse Model Railroad Club Layout.  So I have no idea.....  It may be a scratch build?  If you mean the one on my layout, it was a Walthers Roundhouse Kit (actually 2 of them to get 5 bays). The backwoods engine house I am currently building is a total scratch build.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:45 PM

HOWMUS or RAY, is that a Walthers or Atlas or ????? roundhouse,

CHUCK: I can tell you with 100% certainty, THAT it ain't an Atlas roundhouse... and from how much "custom fitting" I'm having to do on mine, be very, very, very glad.

RAY: Thanks for posting the Lego layout pics! Loving Wife will want to see those...along with BUGS, and Mini's, she also has a growing amount of Legos. Seems she never got 'em as a kid..."they" told her she was "too old" for them. So....2nd childhood? If I'm not careful though...she may get a crazy notion of building a Lego layout!

Der JOHN: The Calgary cars "sound" right...don't have any pics though to back up my memory! As for spelling Saskatchewan...I (instead of looking it up) just guestimated the spelling... I still, for the life of me, don't know how you do it (w**king in N-sane scale). Amazing...simply amazing. Thanks for the kind words on the roundhouse, by the way! And...I gotta confess, I haven't fixed THAT gap yet. It has me stymied. IF it was just a gap, I could lay-in a strip of styrene and be done, maybe even lay another chunk of correguated aluminium over THAT.'s triangular. I may just lay-in an appropriately shaped piece of "tin", hope the shadows of the overhang help blend it in, paint it to match...and cross my fingers nobody can tell!!!! Don't know... it is causing a great deal of cogitation, however; especially as there will be no easy way to get to it, patch it, blend it, etc.!!!


Regarding the troll... since Rerun was taking orders at the time, he may well have "smiled" as only the most alert guard dog on the planet can... I thought I saw him escorting somebody toward the door...Whistling

Have a good night everybody, and...let's be careful out there 'eh?

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 11:01 PM


Hi Guys and gals, (If Sue is around).

I was just reading here to catch up on whats been going on around here with all our friends.

THEN, I come across Todd's entry.  I can't desribe my disgust with this guy.

TODD.   Our sincere sympathies and prayers to your family, Your Daughter and Grandson will have our prayers and thoughts

until they are home with you. God Bless them.

This really upsets me, think I had better go and lie down and try to sleep.

Try to sleep well all.

Johnboy out......................................



from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 11:29 PM

$8,918.00 for flooring!!!! The two bids that had anything that would last for any time, were $18.00 apart. WOW!!!! Luckily we can swing it. Now we must approach the Administrative Council and ask for an additional $3,000.00. I think, no I know, it will pass. God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good!

Garry- Because of the situation tonight, I didn't say anything to the Preacher. But I will. I am, and always have been a religious person and always active in my Church. Not overly, but I feel my actions have not removed my chances of going in the right direction upon my demise. People ask me sometimes why I feel as I do based on basically a bunch of stories. I respond "I figure if I'm wrong, well, I won't have any regrets because I won‘t know. But if I'm right..., will you? I‘ll take my chances, you can take yours." Unfortunately for them, I never however pressed religion on my children. I figured I'd let them make their own decision on what to believe in. Unfortunately for them, they did not follow my lead. I am not happy, but I don't hold that against them. Surprisingly Sunday night, before she knew of the severity of her childs injuries, my daughter, Amanda (yes named after the song made famous by Waylon Jennings), told Brenda she was seriously thinking of starting to go to Church with Anthony. Brenda said she should. Nothing bad has ever come from attending Church and she feels that's the best place either one of them could be. I was pleased. We'll see how it pans out.

Duke- LOL. Not funny but reminds me of my should have been FIL (he passed before Brenda and I were even engaged) On his death bed, As they stood there ready to turn the off life support, he pointed at Brenda and shook his fist at me. He couldn't talk but I got the message loud and clear. "Take care of her or I'll be back!" She was his favorite.

J.R.- That's great! I really wish I had been around when your layout was still alive. It looks like I would have enjoyed it. If you have any more pictures, please feel free to post them so us new guys can enjoy it too. I'm wondering the same thing Sam is. Oh, I see you've answered. Thanks for the link. I don't know why I never thought to google GMT Racing before.

Sawyer- At the risk of sounding bad, I also kinda wished we lived in Texas (much of my family still does). May not have had to mess with the judicial system and saved the taxpayers some money. They have a different outlook on things down there. At least they used to.

Another troll? I miss all the excitement!

Derjohn-  I could assure you, I did not, nor would I even dream of making something like this up. But I don't think I need to assure you. And I must say, fixing a ladder in N scale is, well, insane. My eyes hurt just thinking about it.Wink

And finally to Ray- Good news! I know it's our civic duty but.... still. I have had the honor of being on the jury selection list a couple of times since the phone in thing. Luckily like you, I was not selected and received the dismissed order before being even called in. Sure beats the time I sat in the County Courthouse for three days waiting to see if they needed me, which they didn‘t. I did get Federal Grand Jury duty a few years ago. That lasted for 18 months 1,2,or 3 days a month depending on the case load. That was kinda interesting. Learned a few things too. Thanks for those club pics.

Time to get some shut eye. Tomorrow will be better. Prayers for those in need.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by pcarrell on Thursday, February 25, 2010 5:46 AM

Todd!  I'm floored!  There simply isn't a reason for acting like that!  Sounds like he's going to see justice......just a shame that you all, and that innocent little one, have to live with the mess he left behind!

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Posted by LSWrr on Thursday, February 25, 2010 6:08 AM

Good ROTARY PLOW morning all,

Sam:   Just watch the shipping price, I think it starts at $9 minimum.  The guys in the local train club are going together to order a dozen or so.


TO 30 MPH.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 25, 2010 6:12 AM

 Lunchtime in Germany!

Zoe, I´ll have the burger platter, with all the works, and coffee, please!

At least here in our Diner I can enjoy a big meal. Things are not really working out well at this side of the Big Pond Sad. But who am I to complain? I still can´t get over what happened to Todd´s daughter and grandson. They are both in my thoughts and prayers - I wish I could do more!  It will take so much love and care for the little one to get over it. 

Todd - we are family! If not by kin, but by heart!

We now have our usual winter weather - temps above freezing and the odd shower of ra*n. The white stuff is disappearing rapidly and I heard the first flock of geese going north! It is about time for spring to come.


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, February 25, 2010 6:54 AM

Good Morning

We're getting snow and blowing snow today, tonight, and tomorrow. Then we'll get more wet snow slop then good ol' rain. Just a wonderful sloppy weekend for our viewing pleasureSigh

Todd: Yep. We just keep hoping the little one comes out OK. That cost for the flooring sounds about normal---our church went thrugh somewhat the same thing a couple of years ago.

Gonna have a chat with the doctor about running some tests on the ticker. It's been acting a bit off recently---regular beats then off in its own little racing tachy thing and then irregular bits. Kind of makes for an interesting time.Confused

Then, after I do all that I'll go and TRY to get some trestlework done---I gotta get some photos done---I'm at about 3' along on this dang thing!Smile

Chloe, I'll have a coffee and a toasted breakfast bagel please. I'm going to the corner booth to check the MRR mags outBig Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by GMTRacing on Thursday, February 25, 2010 6:55 AM

Good Morning All,

   Lots of rain today and with sn*w still on the ground it should be fun. 36F when I headed in this morning. Busy day again today as we finish up for next weeks Florida trip. We're up to two rigs but only (only?) 6 cars. Should be fun.

   Thanks for the kind words on the old pics. I can drag some more in from time to time - they're all jumbled together in a couple of spots now.

Der - I was going to duggest you could make the bottom of the ladder one of those cable secured roll up jobs (to keep the unauthorized off and all) but that might not be done in a supposedly already secure rail yard.

Gotta scoot - lots on the plate this morning and I need to get on with it.   CUL, J.R.

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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, February 25, 2010 7:45 AM

 Good morning.  Its a light snow right now, and more later today.

 Not much planned for me today.  I might work some more on the GP-30.  I got it faded down, and hopefully today I can do some more to it. 

 Hope everybody has a good morning. 

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by fireman216 on Thursday, February 25, 2010 8:31 AM

 Good morning all...Coffee to go please....All I can say is...HOLY CRAP. The snow is coming down hard and piling up fast...and the best part is...wait for it...the worse hasn't even started yet!!!...Yes...I am a snowmobile guy. 4-5 inches on the ground with most likely at least another foot today. YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!! You better hitch up the dogsled Ray!!!....Catch ya later...Tim

A true friend will not bail you out of jail...he will be sitting next to you saying "that was friggin awesome dude!" Tim...Modeling the there any other?

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, February 25, 2010 8:36 AM

Good morning all. Biscuits and gravy please and a cup of coffee. Mostly sunny, with a high near 27. Wind chill values between 3 and 13. At least it's sunny.

Once again, Thank you for the thoughts and concerns.

Almost missed the old garbage scowl. Forgot today was Thursday and the garbage did not get taken to the street last night. Missy, however, was aware they come around 7am or shortly after and got me up. (If you don't mind being off by 5 minutes either way, you could just about set you clock to those guys.) Yes I slept late this morning, (I know, I know, no worms for me today), but I made it with her help. She got an extra treat for being smart and getting me up even though I think she's to dumb to know that. My original plan was to at least get the old bead type foam off the old layout so I could have it in the trash for this morning, but yesterday's schedule got changed. Oh well. We not often have 2 cans of garbage so I can fill the ( took me 8 tries to spell "the" trying to type faster than 4 and 5/16 wpm) one and it can wait til next week. Or, I can take it to the elevator dumpster if need be.

I think it's time I began taking the last section of the old layout down. I need a piece of plywood, sorry, I meant OSB, to continue the peninsula and the last piece I have that is large enough to make the arc without a piece together job, is on the old layout. . And now that I'm near that area the old section is in the way. Besides, if that section was gone, then all the stuff underneath will have to have a home found for it. Aaand, there just happens to be empty floor space under the new layout. Naturally.Sigh

Why, oh why, would anyone put themselves walking on a trestle with nowhere for them or the train to go. I know it sounds cold, but I feel for the Engineer. I hope they tried to jump first, otherwise..... THAT may require some counseling.

Barry- Smart and wise to check out the old ticker anytime something ain't right. You never know. Angel

Best get moving I'd like to get some stuff done before I work tonight at 5. If I start now, I might make it to the basement by then.

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, February 25, 2010 8:38 AM

4-5 inches on the ground with most likely at least another foot today. YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!

Hey guys! I found a place we can send all the snow!!!!!



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by fireman216 on Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:01 AM


4-5 inches on the ground with most likely at least another foot today. YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!

Hey guys! I found a place we can send all the snow!!!!!




If it snowed 3 feet in the next hour I wouldn't be satisfied!!...Ya just can't live in Upstate N.Y and not be used to the snow. The only way to deal with it is to love it a lot. I love to with the kids...snowball fights after spending all day building the fort..ahhhh. And yes...I like summer...but the same people that whine about the snow...complain about the heat...Tim

A true friend will not bail you out of jail...he will be sitting next to you saying "that was friggin awesome dude!" Tim...Modeling the there any other?

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Posted by Trainman Sam on Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:30 AM

I gotta confess, I haven't fixed THAT gap yet. It has me stymied. IF it was just a gap, I could lay-in a strip of styrene and be done, maybe even lay another chunk of correguated aluminium over THAT.'s triangular. I may just lay-in an appropriately shaped piece of "tin", hope the shadows of the overhang help blend it in, paint it to match...and cross my fingers nobody can tell!!!! Don't know... it is causing a great deal of cogitation, however; especially as there will be no easy way to get to it, patch it, blend it, etc.!!!

(Just a suggestion.) You could always do it with a "new" piece of aluminum and call it a building repair!  I would almost make it so that the "patch" is actually bigger than the actual problem on the model, would make a more interesting detail! (Again, just a suggestion!)

Der John- I think you are right! That would make a great moving scene on any layout!



 May He bless you, guide you, and keep you safe on your journey through life!

 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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Posted by LSWrr on Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:55 AM

Barry, good luck with the heart test, let us know how things turn out.

Fireman216, are you originally from the Cleveland area?  Couldn’t help but notice our area code is 216.

I picked up a very cool kit-bashed building last night for free.  I’ll post some pictures tonight.  It’s a wood and metal kit of a beverage distributer building that started off as a barn, and then a shed was added, and then a second story, and then a loading dock, and then a water tower, and then some extra doors, and then…..

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:06 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe give a me a couple of those sausage n egg muffins with lots of dark roast coffee to wash them down with.  Need a good hearty breakfast to enjoy sitting here watching the little white things fall out of the sky.  I'll be sitting in the front booth enjoying the view.

Didn't get much accumulation last night, only an inch or so, but most of what we have is stuck to the sides of the tree trunks.  It was probably on its way over to the Syracuse area..........Whistling  Should have somewhere between 6 to 10" of snow from this storm.  First decent snow here this winter.  Yeh, I actually like the stuff myself.  Used to enjoy camping in it as you can teach Scouts a lot of good things like IDing animal tracks, survival techniques, and just have some fun in the snow.

Ya just can't live in Upstate N.Y and not be used to the snow. The only way to deal with it is to love it a lot. I love to with the kids...snowball fights after spending all day building the fort..ahhhh. And yes...I like summer...but the same people that whine about the snow...complain about the heat...Tim


Frankly I like all 4 seasons we have around here.  Lets see there's "Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Road Construction."  This type of weather is great to drive in, all the potholes are filled with packed snow!  Upstate New York snow means play time for a lot of people.  Summer heat is a lot worse for me.  I can always add clothing and stay warm, but there is a limit to how much you can take off.............. Whistling

Have a great day, and if you live in snow country, get out and have some fun in it!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:32 AM

 LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!  I will take the "blue plate special".

 Well here's a few shots of the GP-30.  Turned out real good.  I was going to sell it, but I don't like how the coupler pockets are.  First it didn't come with covers, and the coupler was held in by a screw.  Now the "gold" piece from Kadee is sticking out.   Banged Head  The last picture you can see what I'm talking about. 

 Here's the pictures.





 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by fireman216 on Thursday, February 25, 2010 11:01 AM


Fireman216, are you originally from the Cleveland area?  Couldn’t help but notice our area code is 216.



No..The "216" is my badge number in the Fire Dept.  Although I have been there!!!

A true friend will not bail you out of jail...he will be sitting next to you saying "that was friggin awesome dude!" Tim...Modeling the there any other?

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Posted by ns3010 on Thursday, February 25, 2010 11:06 AM

Afternoon all. Chloe, I'll take some hot chocolate, thanks.

Haven't been able to get in the past few days for multiple reasons.

Have off today. Should be able to be in for a while, as well as a lot of school w**k...

Catch ya later.

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Posted by Trainman Sam on Thursday, February 25, 2010 12:48 PM

Chloe, may I please have a Hot fudge sundae and a RBF?  Thank you!

I'll be sitting at the RC for a while, have to read up on my RMC and MRP mags, as well as a woodworking workshop suggestion mag I picked up... 

Awesome job on the weathering!  I see what you were talking about with the coupler... I'm sure you'll fix it right and quick!  Keep it up man!

Well, I spent the last hour writing the THIRD email to (the website of 3rd Planit CAD layout design).  I have yet to hear from them, as I have waited two weeks for them to respond to the first two emails, so we shall see.

Lee, thanks for the link to the billboards, I hope to order several of them and replace the sign with items that will be on my layout!

Hey, do any of you wash your kit parts before assembling or painting?  I have heard it mentioned in MRR several times, using just a little bit of a mild detergent.  Does this really work, or help?

Also, what colors do you see Elliott's Trackside Diner being?  (Other than the stainless steel, which, BTW, is there paint for that?)

Joe- Thanks for the compliment on my avatar!  I can't take credit for it, I found it here:

Thanks for your help in advance!


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, February 25, 2010 1:19 PM



Fireman216, are you originally from the Cleveland area?  Couldn’t help but notice our area code is 216.



No..The "216" is my badge number in the Fire Dept.  Although I have been there!!!

That's a big badge number when compared to mine. Blink and you'll miss it. 3.


Trainman Sam
Hey, do any of you wash your kit parts before assembling or painting?  I have heard it mentioned in MRR several times, using just a little bit of a mild detergent.  Does this really work, or help?

 It helps to wash away some residue from the manufacturing process. These residues can keep paint from adhering properly. I usually wash them with a little white vinegar.

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, February 25, 2010 1:20 PM

...but the same people that whine about the snow...complain about the heat...

Laugh We have the same people here.

Ray- Me, I'm just the opposite. I can slow down and or stop for a bit, take some shade, several things to keep from getting too hot, but once I get chilled, I'm cold and can't get warm.

Robby- Great job on the Geep.

Lee- I'll be back for sure to check out the new building.

Something else I wanted to say but I forgot.

Oh yea, other than this page seems to be on me now that I see Jeff slid in and took my last of the page spot, you sly devil you....,

I would recommend washing the parts first for the reason Jeff said. However I must admit I am very lax when it comes to that. Most times it's not an issue. Occasionally I wish I had. Another good reason to use Acrylics by the way, it can be washed off easy to start again. The only thing is on the resin models. They have a powder on them to release from the moldes. I will always wash those first. I use mild detergeant, I have not used vinegar and water, but it works well for windows and Jeff said he uses it, so I don't see why it wouldn't work.

Back to the basement




Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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