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Elliott's Trackside Diner XXI - Further down the line... Locked

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 11:38 AM

Just got back from the Deer Creek hospital. I was their first ever patient in their wound care program. As I said, it was a lot of the usual poking and prodding. There was also mention made of a wound vacuum. I guess I'll be finding out about that at some point in the near future.  

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Blazzin on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 11:37 AM
 CN Charlie,  thank you for your input. “I've been reading the talk about soldering and must say that I first did it with a lot of trepidation”,  ah yeah..  I don’t want to go through $30 bucks worth of track to say.. “Ah .. I think I got it now~”  I have a wife I have to answer to.. “ah yes my snookems”  “yes.. dear~” in a Elmer Fudd fashion.  She hates that.   Todd, “(chuckle) Keith- I hope I didn't make it sound horrible. I didn't mean too. I'm no instructor, but I have taught a few things in Uncle Sams little mess. I usually point out the worst and when people try it they find out it's not that bad, but at least they expect the bad….”  I agree.. but as CN Charlie used a word well, .. I read your posts with trepidation.  Every time I was gluing that dang building.. your ‘Ode’ to Glue and all the mistakes.. keep ringing in the back of my mind.   Actually I hear your humor in your instructions.  But getting back to the soldering.. lol, I think I’m going to look for a low wattage soldering gun.  If I can find a small one..  one with a small tip,  that would be a great start.  But if I have to go lets say with a Weller 30 watt.. aside from all the other helpful insights and careful instructions.. (Ray especially) I’m getting at the basics here.. but it would seem..  lol .. that… 1.      Low Temp.2.      Rosin.. a must.. to really let the solder flow and get in there.3.      Apply heat and watch wait for the solder to flow (assuming you’ve added Rosin.Ray,  I looked at my mail, I couldn’t find any attachment.  I was going to ask Jeanne if she could find it.. but forgot, and she’s off at work now.  Are you sure you sent an attachment?  Heck you’ve already shown us so much as it is.  Could we be missing something here.?  How about the solder?  Is there a softer mix that gives it more flexibility?  I went back to find Sawyers youtube on soldering.. but couldn’t find it.  It looked so simple.   Today’s the day, I go out and buy a soldering gun.Jim.. “Keith- thanks for the length of your yard - now, how wide is it, and what brand of turnouts”  Ah Jim.. if you knew how many times I’ve moved these turnouts here and there.  But as you know.. I wanted to learn something here.. so I’ve been reading some stuff.. applying what I’ve read and what I want on this staging area.  Let me tell ya .. Reality Check.  I’ve come to several conclusions.. and so.. here they are.  1.      I am that point where the joiners are applied… the only real way to see some continuity and form in the rails.2.     I’ve come to the conclusion, in order to make use of all available space,  I’ll have to build dioramma’s for optimum spacing.3.     Placement of the buildings is extremely important.  If I want this and that, well I just have to see how many pieces of the pie cut into the allowed space.4.     Not only the placement of the buildings.. this morning I’ve already pulled out one of my wooden stencils to actually see the ‘throw’ of the turn in relation to the actually placement of the Station and glass canopy’s straight approach.   Yeah.. I still want that glass canopy in there.. lol.  I spent a few days working on it.5.      Today I shall look and probably buy a soldering gun.  Heck, I’ve already have the Soldering Stand with magnifier~!     But in answer to your question,  I’m going with the 6 inch Atlas.. as many as my options give me.Ulrich,   “I have decided to postpone the discussion with Petra until next year. No need to rush things at a time, when we still have plenty to do to get settled in our new "home”   so true.. but heck you can still plan.  I know , I know.. you haven’t gotten her to agree on something or anything.. such as your son’s bedroom.. and / or the size of the layout.  Started me thinking of how I would do something of that sort.. getting the wife to agree on something.  I told my son once.. “Just mention it to her, drop the thought.. but agree on nothing”  Then a few days later .. mention it again.. and use the words.. “I mentioned something about it the other day~”   Then say something.. “Well .. what do you think?”  “Get her involved son, let her take ‘ownership’ of the situation.. see if that works”  “You can always come back the next day.. and say.. “Well what did you come up with”.. (as if they still isn’t a good solution) .. lol.  On the other hand Ulrich.. I’d .. me  myelf,  I’d be more likely to come up with some ‘off the wall’ idea.. literally and figuratively.. lol.. “I’m going to build track.. along the wall here.. raise it up here.. above our heads. So no one bumps their head.. run the track down above our heads here.. make this turn and go down the hallway… at that point .. Jeanne would be looking for a solution.  Now on another front: You could always talk to your son ahead of time..  he knows.. what you want him to say..  so the next time all 3 of your are together.. you bring up the subject and say.. “Son, what do you think?” and once again have those two take ownership of your situation.  Never give up.. I use sayings like.. “ Yeah~ I know that.  But lets talk about how to make it work”  Good luck Ulrich.  Of course you.. could always wait for some time as you said.Jeff, keep us posted when you return.  Thanks keith


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Posted by Cederstrand on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 10:54 AM

Large coffee in a  SOGGY SOUTHERN mug, please & thanks. It's a nasty, raw day here. Cold wind & rain. Yuck!

Wife has been at the hospital keeping an eye on her Dad. Also watching her mom and taking her to see him. She probably will spend tonight at the hospital. Hopefully they will release him tomorrow. It's going to be a long month for my wife as they prepare a forced move into a more appropriate assisted living facility.

Painted the first of two NuComp trailers. Need to touch up some sloppy pinstriping. Will start assembling the second kit soon.

Have a great day Y'all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 9:49 AM

Ulrich; Good idea, but “next year” is less than 30 days away.


Lee - you caught me there! Is that true? Next year seems to be light years away, looking at the list of things I have to do until year end.

But here is my tactics: Christian´s room is used as storage for all those boxes and things we have not yet found a place for. The place is a mess, filled to the brim. Petra is starting to understand that a few things will have to go before our son is joining us for the holidays. There is no room to put up a bed for him (which will be one of those inflatable things - good enough for those 5 - 10 nights a year). Once we have cleared the ground, I will talk her into leaving the open space to me & my "trains". Of course I will have to find a way to compensate the loss for her. Pretty smart way, isn´t it? Unfortunately; Petra knows me quite well, no wonder, after 25 years, she can read me like a book... Wink

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Posted by LSWrr on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 9:49 AM

Good point Ray, I didn't have a problem with the white fluffly paste, but in a pinch I used the black tar looking paste and hand some green fur on my joints.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 9:48 AM
Flip - if it's what I think it is, it's also Bobby Allisons Buick. any sponsorship on the car itself?


try googling Bobby Allison pics - I couldn't get the address to copy and print for some reason. J.R.


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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 9:43 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Flo I'll have the #2 special this morning.  Over easy on the eggs, homefries, some turkey sausage, and a double order of sourdough toast if you please to go along with that cup of dark roast coffee in a FGLK mug you just brought.  I'll stay right here at the rivet counter.

The ground outside got all white last night.  The green color is peeking through little by little.  Currently 33°F under cloudy skies.  We are also under a high wind watch for the rest of the day.  Predicting 1 to 3 inches of partly cloudy tonight.

Lee, your soldering method is an old "tried and true" technique that does the job very nicely with a bit of practice.  Only suggestion I would make is to replace the "pipe flux' with electrical flux, aka: rosin flux.  The pipe flux stays acid and will corrode the track and wire over time.  I use the Micro Mark liquid rosin flux, but there are many sources of paste rosin flux out there. 

Jim send me an email with your home email address and I will forward you a copy of the clinic.  I can't do an attachment with the forum software email client.

Jeffrey glad you are a bit better this morning.  Good luck with the Doctor appointment.

All you folks talking about Christmas presents........  I probably ought to start thinking about what I getting some people this year.  I have absolutely no idea what to get my son and DIL or the youngest Granddaughter..........

Flo, need a refill over here if you please!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Blazzin on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 9:34 AM
  *Door opens, snow flurries fly in along with some bundled figure slamming the Diner’s door shut*    “Not a fit night out for man or beast” .. “Coffee Please”  Well its 39 degrees this morning.  Ice on everyone’s roof.  Chilly for a native Californian, anyways.  I kind of thought it was going to be that way.  Yesterday it rained from morning on.  Then it poured rain,  then the winds came up.  Strong gusts off the ocean, the wet cold type.. that sucks every bit of warmth out of you, and leaves you damp, dank, and your bones ache.  Then the winds stops.. and it’s a clear night.. well no guessing what comes next.. 39 degrees.  A fine morning like this needs a story.  So I’ll tell a story.. as I drink my coffee.. then I shall catch up on my reading  here.    (Happy funny story below)(no worries)  As in most hospitals, lunch time is a gathering of the allied health team.  You never really get a chance to go to lunch with your co-workers, so an open table full of E.R. , CCU, ICU nurses, paramedics, EKG techs and even doctors is always a site for sore eyes.  The conversations cover all facets of life.. and who knows what the lunch time topic is.  I sit down in the middle of a conversation and my friend Linda is telling a story.  Linda has a nice home with a pool and two German Shorthairs, great dogs if you know the type.  Seems one of her dogs fell into the pool and had drowned.  She came home from work.. and pulls the dog out.. and starts doing CPR .. ON A DOG!  I said to her.. “ Oh my God Linda~  you actually laid lips on your dog.. and actually started thumping on it?”  I really couldn’t believe what she was telling us. She said.. “Listen, if you really love your dog, You’ll get down there~” Well sure enough she had revived the dog.  “ You mean it works?” .. I said laughing.. with joy!  I’ve seen the dog,  ITS ALIVE~   Well to make a morning story short, a few months later.. it happened.  My daughter was giving her 1 yr old pup chunks of hot dog.  Jeanne had even told her,  “Break it up some” “ The dog could choke on it. “  Heck I had said earlier it wasn’t healthy for the dog period, she was teaching the dog tricks.  Well sure enough, the dog got a hotdog stuck. Wind pipe cut right off.  Now Jeanne knows CPR,  every year she’d test me. (once a year..every year CPR certification) because she’d test me on all.. ALL the senario’s.  Except.. CPR on a dog.   Well Chris.. and a few others.. you guys know the routine.  Well what if the Heimlich maneuver doesn’t work.. I know.. I know.. you keep trying.  Because until the windpipe is clear.. well its just a first base thingy.  I look at Jeanne, with eyes, ‘its not working’.  My little girl standing there watching.. yikes.  I grab the dog by the hind legs.. support the abdomen and chest.. turn the dog up-side down… tell Jeanne to hyper extend the chin.. to keep the airway straight.. and in a unison fashion we shake the dog.. to the point I guess the lungs pushed down on the dog airway and popped it.  There was Jeanne.. “Now let me check..”  she sees the hotdog.. sweeps it out.. and then .. You guessed it.. I’ve got to lay lips on the dog and breathe life into it.   Yeah Yeah yeah.. the dog survived.  But it’s like Linda said..”Listen .. if you really love your dog.. you’ll get down there and do what you have to~ ”  “More coffee Chloe?.. Thanks” Now to catch up on my reading~


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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 8:16 AM

 Good morning.  Another cold morning, but it might warm up.  Of course with "mixed" weather on the way.

 Not much planned today.  Might just be a lazy day for me.  

 Hope everybody has a good morning.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by LSWrr on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 8:16 AM
Barry, did you at least get spring a C&O box car to play with, something with the sleeping kitten on it?

Jeff, sorry to hear about your feet, but it sounds like you have a good game plan for today.  Good luck with the doctors.  I’ve suffered with foot problems my whole life and I know it’s not pleasant.

All; I took progress pictures of the power plant and FC tower area last night.  I edited some pictures I downloaded off the internet and printed a new backdrop for the area that came out rather well.  Tonight I’ll post the pictures.



BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by fec153 on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 7:58 AM

J.R. - Glad things went well for you.  I have a semi&trailer with Raybestos Racing decals on it. Also , on tractor,  Bobby Allison Motorsports. Inside the traler is a Buick race car , #12 with a teeny, tiny name on it. Can't make it out, to darn small. Any idea?



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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 7:57 AM

Good morning. Coffee and biscuits and Gravy please. Thank you. Today: A chance of snow and sleet before noon, then rain and snow. High near 36. East southeast wind between 10 and 16 mph, with gusts as high as 23 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. Little or no snow accumulation expected. Tonight: Rain before midnight, then snow. Low around 28. Breezy, with a east southeast wind 13 to 20 mph becoming southwest. Winds could gust as high as 29 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New snow accumulation of less than one inch possible.

Chris, you and I are NOT 40 something, we are 20 something with 20 years experience.

Lee- Best thing I've heard in a long time! I'm gonna try to remember that!

I have thought of the visual appeal of all the switches as opposed to the reality of using all those switches, and know that what looks cool isn't always cool. BTDT got the T-shirt too many times to count. Like I said, I'm running DC now and with no real time frame, I will, more than likely, switch to DCC. I have decided on the Digitrax Zephyr. I like the control box as opposed to the handhelds. (hm,,,(scratches chin) I seem to see apattern here) The layout is really not large enough to need a portable control, throttle, cab, whatever, but, I see where it could come in handy with the future yard. From what I've heard from users, it is a great starter at a decent price. Most importantly it is upgradable if the layout grows or if for some reason I need multiple controls. Which, unless the wife wants to give up her laundry room, or part of the storage room, I'm landlocked.  

Jeff- Hope things go well at the docs today.

Saaay, there juuuust may be a way I can ease into the main room a tad.

Have a Great Day!!



Central Illinoyz

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 7:28 AM

Good Morning All,

    Sebring went well and we were back in the shop late yesterday catching up paperw..k. Rain in Sebring and s..w here while we were gone but the car ran well and we ended up second in the championship and second in both races we ran. Not bad for a learning year with a very different car to any we'd run before. The driver especially did well adapting and has gone from mid pack at best to running consistently in the front group. The guys to beat are both retired pros and there's a bit of w..k to do there before we become a threat to them.

    Sorry to see Jeff is still suffering with his feet and now Robs' got issues with his FIL again. Prayers for those in  need. It also sounds like the govt is giving Ulrich full time employment taking classes. Hope the rest of you are hanging in there. I'll try to catch up later.  Cheers, J.R.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 7:11 AM

 Good morning. It's 53 and cloudy. The high will be in the upper 60's and there's a 60% chance of rain.

My feet hurt a bit less this morning (walking on hot nails). I have an appointment this morning with the foot doc at the Deer Creek hospital wound care clinic. I'm sure they'll do their usual poking and prodding and explaining how I should be doing things that I can't do. The rest of the day will be spent keeping my feet up and watching some old movies (I have tons of 'em) as well as some TV shows and surfing the net some.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 6:58 AM



Chris, you and I are NOT 40 something, we are 20 something with 20 years experience.


I agree with that!!!!

I agree too!!


Good Morning--

We're all sunny and going to 3C tonight-----we'll be getting snow --up to a coupla inches and then it'll turn to rain tonight and tomorrow before turning to little snowflurries tomorrow night---but, boy, will we see wind!---up to 80kmh!

 I got up all piculous and Audrey and I went for a very early walk outside before the weather hits---hopefully we'll see not so much of that wind. This afternoon I'm taking an elderly gentleman out to the local mall so that he can at least get out on occassionSmile which means that I'll be having another honey buy to deal withSigh

Lee:  I ended up getting a TYCO boxcar so that 'Spring' has something to clobber every so often!!Whistling It seems to keep him from getting too curious about what is up on the layout to nab!Smile,Wink, & Grin

Galaxy:  The layout space with the house attached will be a good thing for your back---Smile

Chloe, I'll have a coffee and a toast with jam please-----I'll be over at the RC for a bit---Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 6:17 AM

Good morning all!

a toasted english muffin topped with ham, egg and cheese please, coffee too.

Have PT for my hands today. Yesterday was great on my back the PT did a thorough job as loosening it up with a massage, it just didn't last long enough, lol. Wink  It also only worked till I had to cook dinner. The leaning/bending while doing that killed the progress she made.Sad

Posta be chilly and snowy here the next few days. about 6". I will have a devil of a time shoveling with my back in the condition it is in. Dead I hope we don't have the frozen tub drain as we did last year this early, but with temps in the teens likely to happen. Get out the bucket to bucket out the tub after a shower! Such is the life in a trailer.

I see the postings for Christmas gifts is already going in here. I envy you guys who are getting, but we decided not much more {if any} train stuff till we get a place where we can set up and run the trains bettter than we have o now. Also it give us $$ to save toward the house, er model RRing space witha  house to cover it.


Chris, you and I are NOT 40 something, we are 20 something with 20 years experience.


I agree with that!!!!

WEll, have a  great day everyone! Cool




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by LSWrr on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 6:14 AM
Ulrich; Good idea, but “next year” is less than 30 days away.

Chris, you and I are NOT 40 something, we are 20 something with 20 years experience.


Charlie; a good solder = clean surface + flux.  On track I use a stainless steel brush to clean the surface, and then I add pipe soldering flux.  Tin the soldering irons then solder.  With wires I dip the bare wire into the flux, tin the soldering iron and the loose wire then solder.  When a stainless steel brush is used it does not imbed impurities into the metal being cleaned.  The hot solder wants to chase the flux. If you touch the bare metal with your hands you may leave behind oils that will give you a poor joint.


Todd, granted my layout is far from finished, but it’s nice to have a couple friends over and just run trains without the hassles of finding the right toggle switch.  There is a huge layout SE of me and they have walkie talkies and a dispatcher because it’s DC and there is a 5’ x 9’ toggle board that needs tending to in the middle of the basement just to run trains.

TYCO; I have about 50 TYCO cars on my layout.  They are economical and still run, however when they die they die hard and then it’s more cost effective to replace them.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 1:55 AM

 Aw, shucks, I just had typed up a lengthy post and it got lost on the way to the server Sad

Good Morning Everyone!

Flo, may I have some coffee in my LKAB mug and a French Toast to go with it? Thank you!

Since yesterday, I am "commanded" to attend a further seminar on job integration for the elderly. It appears to be the same nonsense as last time, but the duration is now 9 weeks. What a waste of time! 

On the issue of my future MRR plans, I have decided to postpone the discussion with Petra until next year. No need to rush things at a time, when we still have plenty to do to get settled in our new "home" and the necessary cash is light years away. She already starts to acknowledge the fact, that reserving a whole room for our son, who is only visiting a handful of days in a year, may be wasting precious space. So time will be working in my interest (don´t let her know) Mischief

I will make use of that time to push forward my planning - also a way to keep my sanity.

None of that white stuff in sight - temp is at 6 C and it is just wet ...

You all have a good day!



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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, December 7, 2009 11:21 PM

Good evening, waiting for the blizzard to hit. Weather Speculationists are calling for THAT white stuff which falls from the sky to start later tonight, and all day tomorrow with ever increasing winds to blow it about mightily. We're hearing up to a foot around here with steady winds of 15-30 mph, and frequent gusts to... oh my gosh...50!

My Fire Chief said he hopes its bad enough everybody just stays we don't have to go out and get 'em out of the ditches. If we lose electricity, the station has a generator...we'll be baby-sitting the citizens of Clarence.

Snow day for sure for Loving Wife on Wednesday when the "big blow" will be in full force. I'm not scheduling ANY story assignments until Thursday. Fortunately, I've been busy enough I've already got three articles to write for THAT, to turn in Friday. Plus, I dropped off two others yesterday. THAT should have plenty of content.

I stopped in this morning, and after almost ten pages...I think I'm caught up. Some random thoughts:

JIM: Loving Wife and I agreed "one box" each. Now, there is no limit other than fiscal, on how many items can go into said "one box." She's getting a chess board and a book on chess, as well as a die-cast VW Beetle. She's nuts about 'em, and has well over 100 or so by now. The tiniest came from a true gentleman by the moniker of DER JOHN in fact.Thumbs UpBow. I'm sure I'll add another item or two. As for the train, I've had the Lionel stuff for a few years now, since rescuing it from my parents' basement. She never said a word about wanting a train under the tree...but once she saw it, "I've always wanted a train under the tree!" Banged Head WOMEN.

RAY: I like the drill a hole in the rail soldering ideer...when I finally get THAT far...I'll have to try it.

I see DC vs. DCC was raised again. I'm gonna go with old-school DC. Why? I'm only going to have one train operating at a time on what is a single-track industrial lead. IF I desire to have another train (CRANDIC, Chicago Central, or Iowa Northern) w**king, or moving through, it won't be any big deal to flip a toggle switch and kill the track the CNW switch job is on for the opposing movement to occur. Like TODD, I like the panel with the lights and toggle switches.

TYCO stuff: In the pics I saw, it looked just fine! Heck, I wouldn't have known it was except for the description. I've got an AHM flat I painted/decaled back in '86, the first such project I undertook. It now has a heavy equipment load. It will make occasional appearances on the to be built layout.

ULRICH: I see you decided against N-sane scale...don't blame you a bit on THAT. But, here's an idea Petra might go-for. I remembered seeing an article where a guy built an N-sane scale layout inside a glass-top coffee table. Just a thought... There are times I wish I'd gone with N-sane scale...but at 40, I'm already starting to have "issues" with some of the "small stuff" in HO! On the other end, I also remember seeing a book shelf layout in LGB-size. Obviously not much of a mainline run, but it had enough room to do some switching. Where there is a will, there is a way. We're still pullin' for ya.

Best wishes to all in need or suffering, or who have loved ones in need or suffering...

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Monday, December 7, 2009 10:11 PM

Good Evening, Chloe - sheesh, I miss a day or two and then I have to do some rapid skimming and posting! I'll need a bowl of chili with some grated cheese, and a glass of milk, please. Oh yes, a RBF for dessert, too. Thank you!

Ulrich, depending on how tall your clearance under the son's bed would be, you could have detachable legs and slide the layout under the bed, perhaps? Nah, wouldn't be able to have much height for buildings... The Murphy bed sounds like a possibility, or the one you mentioned of  something to fit across bookcase tops (and I guess put it in the attic when the son is going to be there? Hmm, how can you bribe Petra into some kind of compromise...? Sorry to hear of your parents' health problems, and will add them to the list of AngelAngel. Even though I'm not into narrow gauge, that new 'love of your life' looks like an excellent choice (HAVE to put that in quotes or I'll be in deep doo-doo with Petra Shock)! Very well built - a real looker  [WHAP!] Hey, Chloe, I was talking about that loco, really! (Ouch!....)

Keith - thanks for the length of your yard - now, how wide is it, and what brand of turnouts (Peco)? Or just email me your answers. Thanks.

Vincent - ouch! That's not good about the ice cube (re-)machined GP18. Sigh And I'm sure 'nobody' will admit to having moved it for you, right? Banged Head

Uh, Ray... by any remote chance, Fergie (Fergmeister on here - he lives over not too far from DerJohn) wasn't at your soldering clinic, was he? I understand that once upon a time he may have learned about that soldering safety tip. I've heard, that is, y'know, don't know that for a fact... Whistling And could you email me a copy of that clinic handout, too? Please? Thanks.

All of you Diners talking about power outages are chilling me! [Brrrr!!] Shock Keep in mind, my place is ALL-electric, and my only stove is a mini-charcoal grill (and I'm not even gonna try using that thing inside, even with the best of windage...). I have one blanket, and several pairs of socks. Not sure how many pairs of pants I could put one on top of the other. Only good thing I have going for me is, I'm on the middle floor of our 3-floor building, and my longer wall of the apartment is on the south side of the building. And then again, we're warming up to the 40's during the days lately here. Yeah!!

Robby - I like your 'manufacturing complex' (and the roofs on it). Thumbs Up

Rob, sorry to hear about your FIL's apparent stroke. He's been having a tough time of things for a while. AngelAngel

Ah, I see Todd just gave me an idea for how to stay warm during a power outage. Wonder who in town might carry that Farrah poster?....

Well, I'm overdue to head back home tonight. Will continue catching up tomorrow morning, I hope.


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, December 7, 2009 9:58 PM

(chuckle) Keith- I hope I didn't make it sound horrible. I didn't mean too. I'm no instructor, but I have taught a few things in Uncle Sams little mess. I usually point out the worst and when people try it they find out it's not that bad, but at least they expect the bad as opposed to hearing the good and ignoring the bad. In my experience and it's not at all the only or maybe the recommended way, when I tell people they could lose a hand they seem to pay more attention to what they are doing than if I don't. I'd rather them be cautious knowing what could happen, than to jump in and lose the the old pointing finger. If you've brazed before you've soldered. Just with a flame. The same concept applies. After reading what Ray says, if anything disagrees with what I said..... Do what Ray says. You've seen is workThumbs Up. I haven't really had too much experience with soldering rails attached meer hairs from plastic. Yes test track is the way to go. I'll do it myself when the time comes to solder my joiners. I don't want a million melted ties and stakes.

Prayers for those in need.  


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by CNCharlie on Monday, December 7, 2009 9:41 PM

Rather quiet in here tonight Chloe or is everyone asleep?

If you would like them to wake up quickly, just open the door and let in some of that cool, crisp Winterpeg air I brought with me. What? You don't like -1F with a 13 windchill? Where's your sense of adventure? Besides I could wait until later tonight when it will be -15F. That ought to get their attention. But wait, I forgot to mention that it is a dry cold. Feels better already.

I've been reading the talk about soldering and must say that I first did it with a lot of trepidation. I wanted to install a decoder so I went out and bought a 30w iron that I had read was ideal for modelling. I quickly melted whatever I was practising on and didn't like the liquid wire insulation it created. I then found an old 15w iron I've had for many years but doubt I had ever used before. I find it ideal for the fine wires used with decoders. I'm far from any expert but that was my experience as a novice in soldering.

I did go down to Thief River Falls over the weekend to visit our friends there. We had a great time as usual. You often here a lot of negatives about the border officers but I have to say that the U.S. customs where we cross are usually efficient if not actually friendly. One of the guards gave our dogs milk bone treats while another looked into the trunk. They then started to joke about another guard who has the same breed of dogs that we do. We were all laughing as I pulled away.

And now back to another work week of trying to keep busy and also warm. I have an electric heater under my desk which I suppose I don't really need but it does make the office cosy to the point of drowsiness. I must make sure I don't drop off as that really wouldn't look very good. It does help keep me a little more mellow so that I don't lose my temper too much with the idiots I sometimes work with. What ever happened to a little logical thought or at least common sense?

I really doubt that I'll get much done on the RR until after Christmas as we are hosting the family dinner this year. There will only be 8 of us but my wife puts a lot of effort and time into making the dinner special so as chief go-fer and dogs body, I will have a lot to do too.

Anyway it's getting late so I best say good-night one and all,

CN Charlie



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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, December 7, 2009 6:15 PM

Good Evening--

all done with all those Honey do's and honey buysBanged Head---so now I get to do my MR stuff for the next few days I have off----heeheeheeMischiefSmile,Wink, & Grin

Jeff: I can see why one does not get much done----that pain is really something else--Dead

Chloe, I'll just have a coffee for now please---I'll be at the RCSmile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, December 7, 2009 5:10 PM

I'm catching up on my reading.. but I'm hoping we've heard from Jeff.. and how's he doing.?

I'm doing OK I guess. The pain in my feet has died down a little. It's at the point of walking on red hot coals. Last night it was more like having them in a roaring fireplace. The agony was extreme. Today it's a little more bearable. I'll be glad when the neuropathy sets back in and my feet are numb again.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Blazzin on Monday, December 7, 2009 5:04 PM

   Wow Robby .. I am impressed. Whew.. thats quite the size.. way to go.  Say .. you need some extra HO stuff.  ?   I've got a few cars around here.. and some buidlings.  Let me know.~  keith

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Posted by howmus on Monday, December 7, 2009 4:58 PM


  Ray and Todd,  thanks so much.. this is very helpful.  So .. 1/2  a second.  eh?  Not much room for margin of error?  Not something I can have Jeanne do?  Ok.. Jeanne.. I want you to hold this for a 1/2 second.. no more .. no less..  "Doh Jeanne~!"  As if my re-action time is that good.  I better make sure I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed with a cup of coffee.  Oh hey.. practice on some old track.. who'd ever guess.. .. yeah. why not. No harm no foul. I'm catching up on my reading.. but I'm hoping we've heard from Jeff.. and how's he doing.?   I must admit.. I'm getting the itch to start laying tract.  My wife is a very patient person.. but she'll put every thing away .. in just a couple of weeks... for the holidays.  I've got some track laid out.. and with joiners.. its only a matter of getting the nerve to post a pic.


LOL!  Kieth as soon as the solder "flows" (you will see it) you are done.  Remove the heat.  The time depends on many factors too numerous to list here, but it happens very quickly if everything is ready, and the iron is placed in the right spot.......


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Blazzin on Monday, December 7, 2009 4:54 PM

  Ray and Todd,  thanks so much.. this is very helpful.  So .. 1/2  a second.  eh?  Not much room for margin of error?  Not something I can have Jeanne do?  Ok.. Jeanne.. I want you to hold this for a 1/2 second.. no more .. no less..  "Doh Jeanne~!"  As if my re-action time is that good.  I better make sure I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed with a cup of coffee.  Oh hey.. practice on some old track.. who'd ever guess.. .. yeah. why not. No harm no foul. I'm catching up on my reading.. but I'm hoping we've heard from Jeff.. and how's he doing.?   I must admit.. I'm getting the itch to start laying tract.  My wife is a very patient person.. but she'll put every thing away .. in just a couple of weeks... for the holidays.  I've got some track laid out.. and with joiners.. its only a matter of getting the nerve to post a pic.


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Posted by Packers#1 on Monday, December 7, 2009 4:49 PM

 Robby, awesome work on that roof.

Pounded through this monday. Was just flat-out tired. Good news is I should hopefully have plenty of projects for over the break this Christmas.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by Blazzin on Monday, December 7, 2009 4:40 PM

    "Coffee coffee please.. I'd need something to warm me up.. ah thanks Chloe"  Woot.. it is pouring cats and dogs out here.  It never rains in California..but when it does.. its pouring rain.

Todd, just off hand.. it was many years ago when I had metal shop.   Lets turn on the 'Way Back Machine' (rocky and bullwinkle)  lol.. to the year 1968. The place,  my old High school.  Back then we did it all. even arch welding.  But just off hand,  just guessing .. I'd say.. I'd place the heat on top.. furthest away from the plastic and have the tip of the solder at some location near the joiner but slightly above touching the rail.  Holding it there.. I'd say.. till ya see it melt.. and at that moment.. that very second.. I'll be wishing no more heat.  And hopefully pulled the guy away in time.  I doubt having a cloth or wire brush would be fast enough.  I think I read some where here in the forums.. to get solder.. with a higher tin percentage for more flexibility?    ah.. coffee

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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, December 7, 2009 2:50 PM

 Looks like we are under a winter storm watch Tuesday night - Wednesday morning.  JUST GREAT Dead!!!  Calling for some ice, and snow.  Maybe it will change.

 Galaxy.........Thanks, but a "bathroom" almost stopped the expansion.  My layout was a 8x12, and I wanted to expand it to 12x13.  Then a bathroom (not even close to being finished) was in the way.  The wife and I went back and forth on it.  Finally she said to make enough room to get to it.  Now this bath room is maybe 1% done, but it seems like the wife seen it at 100% done.  Who knows????

  Here's some shots of the new layout (well a few months old now). 

 The old layout (before the expansion).

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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