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Elliott's Trackside Diner XXI - Further down the line... Locked

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 9:19 PM

Evenin' folks!

Flo just a cup of decalf.....

Ray, you guys got sn*w WHERE? ("...where the sun don't shine.") - Wow!!, that must be one awesome sn*wstorm there! Smile,Wink, & Grin

Well Jim my choice of words were more for "effect".....  lake effect.  Yep that's it, Lake Effect snow.  Still must have something to do with where the sun don't shine.....WhistlingBig Smile

By the way, can I eavesdrop on your soldering clinic on Saturday? CanIcanIcanI??Tongue


Why of course!  Lets see be there by 11AM for the start of the meet.  If you're a little late that's OK as mine will be the second clinic.  Lets see, how far away from Rochester, NY is Cape Girardeau??? 

Mr. Packer1, congrats on the win!

Trainman Sam congrats on the test.  I knew you would ace it!

I'm still waiting for a couple people to get back to me with some info I need.....  Probably ain't gonna happen tonight.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by ns3010 on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 9:28 PM

Evening all. Zoe, I'll take a RBF and some Apple Pie, thanks.

I see there have been a couple birthdays (Jim, JR) today and while I was out Happy B-Day

And Congrats Sam! The NEC from SSY to Morrisville shouldn't be that bad. The CL is probably worse, with all the stops and the grade crossings and the various speeds, as well as all the people in the summer. When are you done with qualifying and put on the extra list? Soon, or do you still have a while to go?

I'm not sure if I'll be in tomorrow, since we have our first game. If I'm in, it'll be a little on the later side...


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 9:46 PM

Good evening ...

Galaxy ... welcome back, and sorry to learn about all of those problems. Please keep in touch here with your friends.

JR .... Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!




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Posted by CNCharlie on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 9:55 PM

Good Evening Diners!

Well we had our first snow, no make that second snow of the season and it only amounted to light skiff not the 1-2 inches forecast but it is supposed to get a lot colder by the weekend. I haven't even plugged in the block heater in the car yet which is really amazing for this place.

Today I did a really silly thing. I had a little time on my hands at work so I thought I would do a little summary of my N scale purchases since I started last December. Yikes!!! Holy xxxxx  Batman!! I guess I had better put the brakes on but not until I take delivery this weekend of my last, or latest order. I have a nice little 0-8-0, a boxcar and a baggage car on the way. But dear, they were on sale and discontinued so if I didn't order them I'd be out of luck. Some things are beyond my control, etc., etc.

The days here sure are getting shorter. Today the sun set at 4:30 p.m. and sunrise was 8:00 a.m. and as it was cloudy it was dark by 5. I hate driving to work in the dark and coming home the same but that is what you get for living in the Great White North.  What is it like in your neck of the woods?

Last week I bought a copy of a Brit model railroad or railway magazine called British Railway Modelling. It is a little pricey at 9.95 but hey Model Railroader is 7.25 here and doesn't have to come nearly as far. Anyway that magazine is 204 pages and even had a DVD of the featured layout. It always amazes me that a country of what, 55 million, can have so many magazines and also so much model railway equipment available. Someday I plan on having a little British equipment on my layout.

Saw an interesting loco sitting on a siding near where I work. In the summer they scrap old locos but have stopped now due to the weather. Anyway there was a CP SW1200RS sitting there. I looked up the number and it was built in 1959. It looked a little forelorn.

J.R. a Happy Birthday to you sir and may you always have a checkered flag in your sights ( with no one in front).

Jeff, glad to hear you decided to rest up today as it would seem to this completely non medical person, the thing to do for an injured ankle.

Ulrich, great to see you back in the place. Remember you always have a reserved seat at the Rivet Counter according to Vinnie.

Galaxy, Good to hear from you again. I was wondering a little while ago what had happened as we hadn't heard from you so now we know.

I'm feeling good as I got my important Christmas shopping done last weekend while my wife was working and yes it was for her. Normally I have no ideas but this year I did store away a couple of hints she made.

Had to take little Pippa in to have a litte growth removed from her rear today. She seems ok now but we won't know for sure until the lab results are in.

Time to get ready for another not busy day tomorrow,

CN Charlie


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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 10:32 PM

OK, the old fashioned way of ballasting is the best. Pour it, brush it (teadiously), wet it with alcohol using an eyedropper, then apply the glue also with an eyedropper. Pipette would be the same. Oh who was it said spray above and let fall? I tried that and, for me, it didn't work as well. I didn't get a good soaking on the ballast as I do with the eyedropper. Glue soaked in places and balled in others rolling down the sides with some ballast. Then coming gently to rest on the ground next to the roadbed. Nothing serious, even the real ballasters leave a smattering here and there. In defense of the spray, I didn't really do it very long. Just gave it a try to see. I've resigned myself to just accepting there is no shortcut without consiquences. Somehow I don't think guys like Tom, Ray, Lee and Jeff got this done in an afternoon. I suppose I should get ready to spend quite a while hunched over the tracks. Maybe I'll do it in spurts.

Charlie- Bad Boy!! Never add up how much you have spent! I learned that on cars along time ago. Unless of course you were fixing up to sell. I assumed it would be the same for MRRing.

Don't know if I'll be in tomorrow. With any luck will be in the fields. They spread the fertilizer today, so gonna try to turn some ground over if it doesn't rain tonight, and before it rains and (gulp) sn... snnnnn.....s-uh-nnnn.... s-uhnoooo.... I can't say it.

Prayers for those in need of relief, rest, healing and yes even little Pippa for a clear report on her bottom.Angel


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Cederstrand on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 11:42 PM

Lemon water, please. 

***CN Charlie, about adding up your purchases and the subsequent reaction...Laugh

***Jim, the two trailer homes I'm assembling are NuComp. The Imex were ready made resin structures. BTW, got the floor back in after adding the windows. Will hand brush/paint the exterior after adding the skirt to it. Should turn out ok. As long as the wife likes it, that's all that matters.Smile,Wink, & Grin

***Todd, I will finish what little ballasting is left exactly as you (and others) suggested. Oh well.

It has been raining fairly hard here for several hours with a LOT more to come, through tomorrow evening. Hope there is no flooding with this. Still have not finished under the porch, so will probably leak again. Still not up to mixing concrete yet with the pectoral thingie. Going to make Doc appointment tomorrow.

Have a good night all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 12:48 AM

 Good Morning,

seems, as if I am the first one to show up here again. Chloe, just a coffee for me, please n´ thanks.

The night´s been icy cold. Icy? ICY!!! I wonder whether my car battery survived. Will probably have to buy a new one. The weatherguessers (I like that phrase, Barry) predict a cold winter, but not much snow.

Galaxy Sign - Welcome back. A lot of us are going through rough times these days. Feel free to address what is chewing up your soul - I did, and I found so much help and comfort here! There are real friends here!

CNCharlie - in my neck of the woods the sun rises at 8.20 am and sets at 3.55 pm. Hamburg is roughly on the same latitude as Anchorage, but not as cold and snowy. I don´t mind cold weather, but the darkness in winter really gets me.

Status report on the move:

  • Internet connection still unstable - called the service people. They told me that they are working on it. It is only a matter of days Dead
  • Kitchen is 90 % complete, all appliances working properly - more of Petra´s Apfelstrudel will come soon!
  • TV: Changed from cable TV to terrestrial digital TV. Someone took the little amplifier, so I have only 2 channels available instead of 38. Need to buy and install a new antenna... Sad
  • Living room: Will have to put up some of the pictures Petra´s Great Grandfather painted. In his days , he was quite famous, but selling the pics will bring only little into the family coffers.
  • Bathroom: Will remain a construction side until next year. We have a bathtub and hot water - this must suffice for the time being.
  • Out of 42 boxes, 26 have been unpacked Smile
  • The place is starting to look right, but still is not my home. Petra is much more settled than I am. I guess I need more time to accept the loss of our house.
You all have a good day!


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Posted by LSWrr on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 6:19 AM
Good morning all,

Todd, quite right! When working on 3 mainlines I tend to do 6 inches/day.  Typically I glue, let it dry over night and re-apply the alcohol and the glue to be sure I have ballast completely secured.  You need to be mindful that you don’t have any stray ballast on the inside web of the rail. For this I use a shish kabob skewer and run the end along the inside and outside web of the rail, you’ll feel the bump when it hits a stray.  When I do turnouts I use fine ballast between the rails to prevent anything from jamming up the moving parts.  I bought two big spray bottles.  One has 70% rubbing alcohol the other has Wet Water (water and a little dish soap).  If I’m working around plastic stuff painted with water based paints the alcohol spray will dull or remove the paint so I switch to the wet water. The eye dropper is a good application for tight spots, but once in a while it causes a bump or a dark spot when applying grass or fine stone to an area.

When I think the job is done I run a shop-vac over the area, if the ballast or scenery gets sucked up I didn’t do it right.  

If you have ground throws installed before ballast carefully try to operate them, if you meet resistance you need to break them free with needle nose or a hobby knife before you get over zealous.  
CN Charlie, I feel your pain; I’ve been running a inventory of my locomotives and rolling stock for insurance purposes.  On the spreadsheet I included a line for year acquired.   There is a ton of 2009 entries.   I need to slow down, LOL.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by LSWrr on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 6:30 AM
Trainman Sam,

So far I’ve converted 2 mallets, 1 big boy, and several 1970 Mantua Locomotives to DCC without much fuss.  For the best results I found swapping the older motors for newer motors is the best bet.  With the RR locomotives you can remove the vertical motor mount to make room for some of the newer can motors that uses less start-up power.  It gives you better performance in the long run.  I’ve also decided to install N or Z scale decoders directly in the boilers.  In the tenders I’ll install sound only decoders as money comes available.  I just picked up to critters (44 ton GE switchers), no room for a sound system in the locomotive, but I plan on building a transfer caboose with a sound decoder in it to run in conjunction with the critter at the coal docks.  I think the big issue is to remember to cut the original lights out of the locomotive before you start.  The older locomotives the headlight is connected to the fireman side and the engineer side of the locomotive causing a definite short in the decoder.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 6:55 AM

OK, the old fashioned way of ballasting is the best. Pour it, brush it (teadiously), wet it with alcohol using an eyedropper, then apply the glue also with an eyedropper. Pipette would be the same. Oh who was it said spray above and let fall? I tried that and, for me, it didn't work as well. I didn't get a good soaking on the ballast as I do with the eyedropper. Glue soaked in places and balled in others rolling down the sides with some ballast. Then coming gently to rest on the ground next to the roadbed. Nothing serious, even the real ballasters leave a smattering here and there. In defense of the spray, I didn't really do it very long. Just gave it a try to see. I've resigned myself to just accepting there is no shortcut without consiquences. Somehow I don't think guys like Tom, Ray, Lee and Jeff got this done in an afternoon. I suppose I should get ready to spend quite a while hunched over the tracks. Maybe I'll do it in spurts.

My layout right now looks like a David Barrowsian domino mixed with the fully ballasted ones---I've got about 6' of it ballasted and the rest waiting for the application to occur.  I've gone about the same as LEE, 6" at a time----I will say---with frequent breaks---the back is like to have a war with me if I tried to do all 6" in one go--I've found that it definitely looks a lot better though-


Good Morning--

We're sunny right now and will stay this way for awhile--supposed to get cloudy this afternoon and then get about an inch and a half of rain tonight----that with lotsa wind ----it'll get up to 8C today and stay around that tonight and collapse to 2C tomorrow---of course with lotsa wind

I'm going to go a do some runnin' 'roun' this afternoon and, hopefully, get some more ballasting done.

CNCharlie: There is NO way I'll be doing any adding up of what I bought this year----it be a little much I'd suspect!! LOL!! 

Chloe, I'll have a coffee and a 3 egg breakfast platter please----I'll be at the RC for now---Smile,Wink, & Grin


Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 7:05 AM

Mornin' all. coffee please. No rain yet so a farmin' I will go.

Ulrich- 2 channels isn't too bad. I grew up with only three, and on good days sometimes 4 mainly in the evening. I betcha now if I counted the channels I actually watch, it wouldn't be but maybe 5.

Lee-Thanks for the tips and I like the 6 inches a day. That's a reasonable goal.And one I feel I can surpass, occasionally, and feel great! Laugh

Have a Great Day!

EDIT Barry- After watching Cody's office he recommends doing the between rails, then let dry and the the outside rails. I tried that and is now my preferred method. So I guess I take breaks too. Wow, at 6" that's a lot of breaks. I think I'll like it.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 7:21 AM

 Good morning. It's 45 and cloudy. The high will be around 50 and it will be cloudy. In my trailer it's a pleasant 70 with 65% humidity.

Not much on the schedule for today. I have to go to town to get a money order and to get gas for the car but that's about it. My ankle isn't hurting so much this morning. On a 1-10 scale yesterday it was 10+. Right now it's 1-2. At the moment I'm waiting for my Vancomycin iv bottle to drain then I can get on with my daily activities, like getting breakfast. If anybody calls today wanting help in moving this or that the answer is going to be a very firm 'No!' unless they're willing to make it worth going through the pain. That doesn't come cheap as my sister can tell you. She has the restaurant receipts to prove it. I usually avoid potatoes in any form and most other starchy foods as they blow my blood sugar levels way out. However, I can have all the meat I want, with the exception of fried dishes like chicken, fish, chicken fried steak, etc. I really enjoy top sirloin and pork ribs.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Robby P. on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 9:10 AM

 Good morning.  Looks like mainly rain today.  The radar has some nice oranges, reds, coming my way Dead.

 Well it was VERY busy at work last night, and this is just the beginning of the "peak" season.  Jim....Tonight I have to go in even earlier.

 Not much planned other than going to a LHS.  She had a 15% sale, but no money till today.  She said she would give me the 15% today. 

 JR.........Happy B-Day.  Ment to say that yesterday. 

 Well I hope everybody has a good day.  I will pop back in later if I'm not Zzz.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by Blazzin on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 9:11 AM

  "Coffee pleaSE~" 

 I don't know what I'd do without my coffee.  Jeff... everytime you post a pic.. its almost like you framed it .. maybe from the beginning.. when you built em.  But you seem to capture something very unique.  I look forward to your pics.. Thanks!

 NOw on a different note.. and totally exciting .. in 3 weeks.. yes.. 3 weeks.. the sun starts to come back our way.  As far as I am concerned... we're almost half over of winter!  Aside from that.. I keep the house a warm 79 degrees.. I hate to be cold.  I hate to mention the weather out here.. but lets just agree on.. our lows in southern California..  are someone's highs for the day.  I'm already anticipating spring. 

  Today,  I shall get alot of work done on the layout.. if not.. then I'm at the hobby store.. or the hardware store. 


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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 10:18 AM

 Good Afternoon, Everyone!

Flo, make that coffee in my LKAB mug, and some of that Strudel I brought along from Petra. She just wanted to try out her new oven and the result is quite presentable.

Did not do much, again - did not feel like it. Only two boxes got unpacked, a lamp in the bedroom put up (THAT room is now complete) and some of that stuff, that makes the difference, placed. The living room is nearly complete - all, what is missing now, is the boards along the wall at floor level. Kitchen still needs work, but I need expert help to do that. 

Jeffrey - that pic is absolutely fantastic! You have a certain way to capture an atmosphere - chapeau   Bow

Keith - on Dec. 21st, we have less than 7 hrs. of daylight. The lack of daylight makes me depressive the older I get. I try to fight this by lighting up a lot of candles or, in the past, get the fireplace going. In the new flat, there is no fireplace  Sad I am looking for a substitute, but haven´t found one that does not cost any money.

Todd - in my younger days, we only had 1 channel, so having 4 channels is not bad at all. Unfortunately, the channel with all those railroad features is on the list I don´t get until I put up the new antenna. I bought it today, but I also need help to install it.

My blessings to all of you!

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 10:30 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'll have a short stack of buckwheat pancakes with NYS Maple Syrup and a cup of dark roast in a FGLK mug.  Please and thank you!  I'll be in my seat at the rivet counter for a bit.

Those of you talking about ballasting track.......  I can get about 3' done in a given day (with breaks every so often).  Any more and my back, neck and arm muscles will talk very loudly to me.........Shock  I use 70% alcohol and apply with an eyedropper.  I use an old white glue bottle that I keep just for dilute white glue for applying the glue.  Seems to work well and have generally don't have problem with it moving the ballast around on me in non prototypical fashion......  When it does, I use a small brush to "tamp" the ballast back into position.

Got an email from my sister in South Bend this morning.  I was beginning to worry about her as I hadn't heard from her since she left my house the day after Thanksgiving.  She spent Friday night with my other sister in Canandaigua and then stopped on the way home to visit a cousin who lives near Buffalo, NY.  She drove a bit Saturday evening and then stayed at a motel.  So she didn't get home until Sunday evening.  Her intenet was down most of the day on Monday, so she emailed me late last night.

Jeffrey I don't know what kind of diet the docs have you on for your diabetes, but my dietician would not be at all happy if I had that much meat in my diet......  You do know the relationship between high protein diet and kidney failure in diabetics???  I am allowed a piece of meat once a day the size of a deck of cards.  Do I cheat?  Shhhhh!  Don't tell on me.....

Well, I best be getting a move on, so I'll see you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 10:44 AM

Jeffrey I don't know what kind of diet the docs have you on for your diabetes, but my dietician would not be at all happy if I had that much meat in my diet......  You do know the relationship between high protein diet and kidney failure in diabetics???  I am allowed a piece of meat once a day the size of a deck of cards.  Do I cheat?  Shhhhh!  Don't tell on me.....

I'm on medication for that very purpose. I'm on a high protein diet since I can't tolerate the starchy foods well. I also have a problem with foods that are very high in potassium. My body tends to horde it, so things like bananas, cherries, avocados, etc are on the no-no list. My father has the same problem but with iron. He has to avoid foods that are high in it. You'll never see him with anything like spinach, collard greens and other such foods.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 12:13 PM

Hi again guys!

A big mug of coffee for me and a small turkey sandwich. Have to watch what I eat closer as I have gained another 8 lbs this summer.Dinner

THANKS Smile,Wink, & Grin to all those who remembered and welcomed me back! There are many to acknowedge so I will do it one fell swoop to all who did.

Jeff- I know you live in a travel-type trailer. We do have a  "cavernus" 14x 65 3 BR 1 Ba Mobile home that I am sure you could have a hay ball in. The problem IS, as anyone with a house twice the size and with a  basement and attic to boot can tell you- we all tend to e x p a n d into the space we have with shtuff. I know you gave up your LR for your MRR. I am not allowed to do that here.

We are hoping to buy a house in a year or two {with a basementWink} with the generous help of $10k my father says we can have for a down payment. Around here one can buy a house in need of a little TLC or Updating for about $40-50K. But my other half needs to get settled into the new job better so we have a background of good earnings for a mortgage. Then we will have more room for shtuff!!! Oops


G- I assume the Father and FIL issues are better I hope?

Yes I should have mentioned that. My father is better now, though has a few minor issues, and FIL changed meds that were a problem causing him to faint/pass out from lowering his blood pressure too low.


...Don't know if you remember the big "who has the most junk" debate that went on. If I remeber correctly, you held your own though I do believe I won. Whistling) I don't think yours will have to wait near THAT long, but you get the idea. You can still talk about it and stuff in here so that's the next best thing.

I belive amongst the junk issue was what strange things we all KEPT that added to our junk. FOr instance, I have the boxes to all my RR cars and engines though the cars and engines never make it back into them. But I hate to throw them out. {I'm gonna get one those storage kits for RR cars and use it to store them in more why keep the cardboard boxes they came in?}. I forgot what it was that I have KEPT, but there was something that I have that made me a winner in the "strange keep" segment and close second- perhaps to you- for shtuff gathered all together? Not that I want any bragging rights to being a bit of a hoarder. I had a rental I was in years ago burn down and I promised myself I would not accumulate so much shtuff again, but one returns to ones old ways, at least I did.

I have PT today for my back so that should be fun and interesting.

The van is in for repairs again. Everything on it is now 12 years old and the wiper motor is no exception. Replacing it will cost me $350 but at least I have it now to pay the man. Not like before running to the "bank of dad" to cover the bills. Can't drive in our kinds of weather without proper working wipers.

Well I am done writting my book here so fare well to all thee inhabitants of the diner, I need to get ready for PT...


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by LSWrr on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 12:56 PM
I have to avoid Calcium of all things.  My Calcium count is off the charts and every time I get a blood test they want to poke and prod to figure out what’s wrong. Keith, we have names for people like you…. Just kidding it’s a beautiful Ohio Day: This Afternoon: Rain, mainly after 3pm. High near 51. Southeast wind around 11 mph. Chance of precipitation is 80%. New rainfall amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch possible.

Tonight: Rain. Low around 41. East wind 11 to 15 mph becoming north. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New rainfall amounts between a half and three quarters of an inch possible.

Thursday: A chance of rain showers before 3pm, then a chance of rain and snow showers. Cloudy, with a high near 42. Breezy, with a west wind between 20 and 23 mph. Chance of precipitation is 50%. Little or no snow accumulation expected


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Packers#1 on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 1:13 PM


Sawyer - now, if you just had Sawyer Brown's money, you could really do a big layout! Wink It sounds like your school's teams are continuing to roll on. Thumbs Up


hehe, yeah man. oh well, someday.

 I'm actually on a rec league team, idk how Aiken High's teams are doing as I'm lucky to here a syllable of the announcements in both 1st and 5th periods.

 Thanks Ray!

Early release day today at school today. unfortunately, it's raining outside, so I can't go shoot basketball. But it's a good day to work on the railroad!

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

Building a protolanced industrial park layout


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Posted by Robby P. on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 1:14 PM

 Went by the LHS and picked up a kit for $15, and "Smooth it" for roads ($5.99).  With my 15% it came to 17$.  Not to bad.  I've been working on this scene most of the day.  I will add a fence and some more details.  I might even dust up the building some more.  I do have a road in front of these buildings, but it has to dry.  Maybe later this week I can get some more shots in "WPF".


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 1:23 PM

 Well, I've been to town, got the money order I needed and sent it off to the party that wants it, sent off a payment for the co-pay on all the antibiotics I've been using, picked up refills on 5 of my meds, got gas for the car and came back home. Now my ankle hurts. I think I'll go lay down for a while. That's enough for one day.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by Packers#1 on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 1:33 PM

 Sweet little scene Robby. I'll probably get some smooth-it to use for my roads.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

Building a protolanced industrial park layout


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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 1:36 PM

Afternoon folks!

Flo I'll have a RBF and go sit at the Rivet Counter.  And make sure everything gets put on my tab for the rest of the day!!!  I'll tell you why later!

Jeffrey sure is interesting I bet to have all those catch 22 type things going on.....  In my diet, if it tastes good, I'm not supposed to eat it.....  I consider myself lucky that so far at least my kidney and liver function test all come back normal.  Knock on wood ("come in"..... oh, that was me) my gout has settled down and I'm hoping against hope that the changes I have made in my diet will keep it away for a long time.

Galaxy, I forgot to give a big welcome back to the diner! Sign - Welcome You've been missed.  I spent many years living in "mobile homes/manufactured housing".  Actually the last one we owned a 14' x 70' with a slide out addition to the living room was one of the most comfortable places we ever had.  Nice to have a 18' x 24' living room.........  My youngest son (the communications director for Argonne National Labs) loves to tell people that he turned out OK even if he did grow up as "Trailer Trash" (he always follows that with WinkWink)  We have owned 5 homes, 3 of them were "trailers".  The smallest, our first place, was an 8 x 36.  I can remember well what cramped is!

Lee, I have driven through Ohio many times...  Once on a super highway in Ohio, I thought I saw a nice mountain.  Turned out it was the off ramp.........Whistling  Yeh, yeh, yeh, I know, all the hills are down in the Southern part of the state.  Actually a beautiful area.  My youngest got his first Masters Degree at Miami of Ohio, so I do know that area of the state well.

OK!  Now, I have some news for all of you diner patrons.....Big Smile  Just got an email from Rick Shoup, NMRA Achievement Program Chair.  Just the regular update that comes to me as Superintendent of the Lakeshores Division.  But.......  Right there.  Halfway down the page.  I see this:

4.0 Master Builder - Scenery
4.0 "Raymond Howard, Geneva, NY,  NFR 516"

I got it!!!! Cool  That was the last hurdle to clear....  Now onto structures and Civil Engineer.......


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 1:40 PM

Jeffrey sure is interesting I bet to have all those catch 22 type things going on.....  In my diet, if it tastes good, I'm not supposed to eat it.....  I consider myself lucky that so far at least my kidney and liver function test all come back normal.  Knock on wood ("come in"..... oh, that was me) my gout has settled down and I'm hoping against hope that the changes I have made in my diet will keep it away for a long time.

If you're trying to avoid stirring up your gout, take my advice and avoid diet plans like the Atkin's diet. There was a big run on the hospitals down here because of it.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by Cox 47 on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 1:41 PM

Afternoon..It rain and 39 here...I'll have a cup of Egg nog please...thank you..Been going thru railroad stuff tossing some stuff I'll never use and labeling so I don't have to spend time looking when I need something..You all have a good one...Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 2:17 PM


Jeffrey sure is interesting I bet to have all those catch 22 type things going on.....  In my diet, if it tastes good, I'm not supposed to eat it.....  I consider myself lucky that so far at least my kidney and liver function test all come back normal.  Knock on wood ("come in"..... oh, that was me) my gout has settled down and I'm hoping against hope that the changes I have made in my diet will keep it away for a long time.

If you're trying to avoid stirring up your gout, take my advice and avoid diet plans like the Atkin's diet. There was a big run on the hospitals down here because of it.


You got that right!!!!  I avoid all "fad" diets.  The Atkins plan caused some major health problems with many of the people who have used it everywhere.  If it seems to good to be true, it is!

Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Blazzin on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 2:20 PM

  "Coffee please" 

   I just love that coffee..hmm good. Just what I need after that drive to the hobby store.  20 miles away.. and all freeway.  Six lanes across each way.  Hmm good coffee~  whew~ I made it back safely.

    Jim ... Ok.. I bought some more turnouts.  Along with everything else I wanted(seems I got the #6 mixed up with a #4),   I just have to lay em out and just see what I've got.. and how much room.  But as I said before there are only so many magic wishes I have here.. room for only so many turnouts.  And so Der John,   I can't remember what size turnouts you used.. but I'm hoping you said you had to remove the #3's. ... And not the #4's because that looks like what I'll have to work with.  I would have preferred a longer one like the #6's.  We shall see,  I'll hit the turnouts after my coffee.

ON a different note,  Jeff,  I was hoping  if you could tell me more about this type of Diesel Engine.  Jeanne's says I have at least 4 of them.. (diff. RR's).. but every time I see this type I just have to have em,  they look so neat.  100_0513.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  Sorry for the lousy pic,  but thats the best I could do. lol.  What a dope.. I know~  One of these days.. I'll get to reading the instructions on how to work this camera.   Oh and one more subject.. for Jeff and/or anyone that would like to add their two cents on how to approach this.100_0524.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  Just fooling around.. I was looking at it.. and was wondering .. how .. what is the correct height of the relationship of the car to the dock level of the freight building?  And my biggest worries are.. I might have to go with cork even in the yards.. I'm afraid these wooden ramps.. will give off noise like a violin.  In either case.. with the cork.. it will raise the height of the track.. and thus.. even the buildings will / might have to go higher.  But that first picture is  .. NO cork.. and the building being at the same level.  100_0520.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  Now this pic, the building is raised.. and looks to me.. the correct level in relation to the loading / unloading dock.  100_0518.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  Oh well.. off to lay out some more  yeeeahhh~ *(as I rake my hands thru my hair)

  Ulrich,  I know that feeling.  I long for the sun,  and truly love the warmer weather.  My bones just can't take the cold...  but the sun.. and warm weather.. well,  I spend my winter days.. in the greenhouse.. Its nice and warm.. and I get some sun too.. without being cold.

  Todd,  I believe it was you.. and your reply on glues.(I call it the Od To Glues). but you see that building.. everytime I spent time glueing something.. I kept thinking.. yup.. he mentioned that too... and I did that mistake as well sort of thing.  LOL.. its been some time since I did a plastic model.  But the Testors won clearly as far as holding.. but I still prefer the Krystal Klear glue.  Ok.. time for fun.. coffee is done..   "No refills please.. I talk too much"


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 2:38 PM


ON a different note,  Jeff,  I was hoping  if you could tell me more about this type of Diesel Engine.  Jeanne's says I have at least 4 of them.. (diff. RR's).. but every time I see this type I just have to have em,  they look so neat.  100_0513.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  Sorry for the lousy pic,  but thats the best I could do. lol.  What a dope.. I know~  One of these days.. I'll get to reading the instructions on how to work this camera.  

Due to the fuzziness of the photo it's hard to tell. It looks like an Alco RS2 (4 axles). On the other hand it could be an Alco RSC2 (6 axles).

Oh and one more subject.. for Jeff and/or anyone that would like to add their two cents on how to approach this.100_0524.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  Just fooling around.. I was looking at it.. and was wondering .. how .. what is the correct height of the relationship of the car to the dock level of the freight building? 

Most freight docks I've seen are level (or close to level) with the floor of the car.

And my biggest worries are.. I might have to go with cork even in the yards.. I'm afraid these wooden ramps.. will give off noise like a violin.  In either case.. with the cork.. it will raise the height of the track.. and thus.. even the buildings will / might have to go higher.  But that first picture is  .. NO cork.. and the building being at the same level.  100_0520.jpg picture by Blazzin55

  Now this pic, the building is raised.. and looks to me.. the correct level in relation to the loading / unloading dock.  100_0518.jpg picture by Blazzin55



All of my yard track is ordinary Bachmann nickel-silver EZ-Track but some of the foam beneath the track has been removed and the plaster landscape is built up so the rails are at ground level. Many people who try this type of track are upset with it being so high but don't even think about 'sinking' it a little. I have no problems making the dock height match the height of the bottom of the car doors.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by Packer on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 2:57 PM

Hey ya'll

The morning commute to the college was fun this morning. Pouring rain, strong winds, Tornado warnings, and a whole mess of other things like an overturned big rig blocking both lanes of traffic.

Kieth, it looks like an RS1. I don't the RS2 had the roof overhang like the RS1 does. Is it just me or is that boxcar higher on one end then the other?


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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