Well, time for me to lower the standards, lol. Finally got around to taking some pictures of my layout. Here's tye transfer building and propane dealer spur.
Here's the matience machine shop and the peanut bagging warehouse spur:
And thank you to everyone who replied to my thread, i have fixed the light problem. Added elictrical tape to the sides of the light box.
I really wish I had enough money for some worker figures, one or two would be perfect here:
And here's some shots of my weathered boxcars, once again proving that I have no skills for weathering:
[img]http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh55/Packers_1/desktop%20layout/IMG_2119.jpg" border="0" />
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout
Great photos this week!
I've been out of town and so not working on my layout, but here is a prototype photo of No. 794, being spruced up by the San Antonio Railroad Heritage Museum. The 92-year old is one of four Mikados produced for the Southern Pacific Railroad remaining in the US. I took the photo earlier today at Sunset Station.
thanks, the trick is to dim lights on layout so their is sufficent contrast between building lights and light projected on layout. Its not really night
model in O. the Western NY and Ontario Railroad
Well, I'm back from the Dothan show. I not only forgot my camera, but also my throttle.
Well this is the only thing I bought:
I got the rotary for 44 dollars. If I had brought 30 more bucks I could have gotten an Athearn SD40-2 to go with it. Although in hindsight, I didn't find any of the things I was needing at the show.
I did run with my local MR club for a bit. Ran my GP9s with all of my boxcars, gons and flats. Then I ran my DRGW passenger set. (I got quite a bit of compliments on my trains, which is always good)
Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....
2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.
Nice work everyone. I'll add my new dumptruck to the mix:
I built it from a Jordan kit. For those of you who have never embarked on the Jordan styrene vehicle adventure, this is what was in the box:
These kits are a lot f fun, but they typically take me about 8 hours to build one.
Here's a shot for the next HO scale Mack Trucks Calendar:
After I weather it, she'll never sit on it again.
Phil, I'm not a rocket scientist; they are my students.
Packer wrote:Well this is the only thing I bought: [img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj301
Well this is the only thing I bought: [img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj301
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I get to kill a few dial-up modems this weekend. Sorry in advance. Got quite a bit done this weekend....
BCRX boxcar, newly patched. Chose the company because it's my initials, but it's also a GE car services or something, so it could maybe be on the prototype.
WSOR boxcar 101513. The decals are very noticable due to the difference in finish (car is gloss) but a little dull finish will fix that.
Even more exciting.... I finished my weed sprayer!!
Here's WSOR 3802 spraying my work bench. It probably needs it.
Packer wrote: Well this is the only thing I bought: [img]I did run with my local MR club for a bit. Ran my GP9s with all of my boxcars, gons and flats. Then I ran my DRGW passenger set. (I got quite a bit of compliments on my trains, which is always good)
Well this is the only thing I bought: [img]I did run with my local MR club for a bit. Ran my GP9s with all of my boxcars, gons and flats. Then I ran my DRGW passenger set. (I got quite a bit of compliments on my trains, which is always good)
That's so handsome I think I'll get one and put a snow scene on Yuba Pass!
And speaking of your DRGW passenger set--how about some photos of that one?
Tom View my layout photos! http://s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm310/TWhite-014/Rio%20Grande%20Yuba%20River%20Sub One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
Thanks for the kind comments about my road!
To answer Ivan's question, I didn't use any real dirt. I started with plaster into which I worked some wheel ruts, then painted. But I wasn't happy with it, so I applied my artists modelling compound [pretty cheap at the art store] and shaped it before it dried. It dries slowly. While it was wet I sprinkled on fine beach sand, sifted ballast dust and coarse ballast. No need to glue if you press it into the compound. painted it when dry, picking out individual rocks with pale paint and a small brush.
Here it is with the compound, sand, dust and ballast prior to painting
and after painting
Grasses are unpainted jute twine.
Modelling the UK in 00, and New England - MEC, B&M, D&H and Guilford - in H0
Packer-that is one sweet-lookin' rotary snowplow!
Wikious-You did a FANTASTIC job on that weedsprayer!
I see some great work so far this week end. Congratualtions everybody.
Here are links to movies I took with the digital camera.
Ivanhen, thank you so much for the kind words. Are you running for offices this year?
Not that I think it is great, but one of the reasons it turned out fairly well is I found some videos on U-Tube about carving foam and painting plaster mountains. As stated in the painting video the paint will dry darker than when it is wet. Latter I will use some light gray wash to lighten it up some.
Here in a little bite I will try my hand, knife,finger nails, sanding block and paint and try another section. One thing you cannot tell from the pictures is the whole mountain is made to lift off the bench. Makes it easy to reach the hard spots, plus I can take it to work!
If you or other have tips, they would be welcome.
Carving again, Cuda Ken
I hate Rust
Hum, little slow this weekend on pictures? Well, here I go again. Worked about one and a half foot section tonight, only have another 8 feet of mountain to go.
Up to the second portal that needs some work on fitting right when pulled out. Dug a ditch beside the C Line coming out of the lower level and added some grass.
Good Night all, and may you all have visions of Big Boys dancing in your heads.
Cuda Ken
A couple of photos from a recent loco kit build
Sweethome Chicago is now on Facebook
Sweethome Alabama is now on Facebook
Hudson Road is now on Facebook
my videos
my Railimages
This is the weekend of the Tidewater Division NMRA Train Show.
These are my HO scale modules waiting to be set up.
And here they are during set up.
These are the modules of the Great Lakes & Southeastern, an operations oriented group inspired by FREMO standards. They are running a single track branch line off of the division's standard HO scale modules.
GLSE leader John Cryderman built this pass-through bridge module so those running on the main lines won't have to duck under.
Over on the main modules, Robert Doss is demonstrating how to make hand-laid turnouts on his new yard module (under construction).
There are also other scales running at the show, this is the Tidewater O-Gauge Association (TOGA) with their modular layout.
One of the most popular groups for show visitors is the Big Train Operators. Their G gauge layouts are always a feast for the eyes.
This is the rail yard for the Hampton Roads Lego Users Group (HARDLUG). They started participating in the train shows three years ago and seem to be in competition with the BTO for the "wow" factor.
The container ship in the HARDLUG harbor is over four feet long.
Tidewater Division's space, where we have the test tables, train doctors, door prizes, and the very popular white elephant table.
The show will be going on from 10 until 4 today at the Virginia Beach Convention Center, come on by if you are in the area.
If everybody is thinking alike, then nobody is really thinking.
The club layout has been given the Noch GrassMaster treatment, and it has been transformed. We always wanted a prairie feel, and we are very happy with the initial results. Here's three pictures taken yesterday, and a fourth to show what it looked like before:
Steve is now giving urgent consideration as to how he's going to improve the backscene.
Love that prairie grass Brian!
I finally picked up my custom painted locomotive from GuilfordGuy, and it looks great!I also received my Impack set as well as a friend's locomotive that I'll give to him next time I see him. Here the two locomotives are pulling a baretables Impack set. There's the new set of 7 units (I accidentally purchased a 3-unit center set, so we got a full set (5 units) for the ends. That would make 8, but one of the center units is painted red so I'm just going to stick it up on blocks in a shop scene.)
WRS 1701 is a GP9M, and will need some work before it's done. I need to paint the inside of the shell black (because the headlight makes the body glow) and install window glazing on the front windshield. I may also move the bell... Sorry Alex.. I don't think any railroads put the bell in front of the cab window...
The new Impacks are the blue and black ones, I already owned the orange ones and the caboose.
Great posts everyone, I especially like the Coal dump platforms!!! Very nice work.
Driline, I'm with you this weekend. It's funny that we both weathered green freight too, and I almost started with my PC Flatcar!!! Oooooooooooooo, weird eh?
Anyhow, here is my first attempt at weathering. I started with a Tyco PC coal hopper that I had mounted KD's to, it's a good runner so I thought I'd start with it and see how we go. I haven't dull-coted it yet in case anyone has any reco's for me. Be gentle, it's my first time.
The second set was one of the CR 70 tonners. I'm not completely happy with the ammount of weathering so I may hit it again. I have several of these so I may just try another one until I get the correct effect. Haven't dull-cote this one either.
Hi all, great work by everyone! This is the first time I post on the WPF but I am having trouble posting my pictures, any help would be appreciated. Also how do you post without posting someone elses whole post with pictures???
Hi CN, the easiest way to post pics is to get an account on Photobucket.com, upload your pics from your PC to the PB site, resize the pics to like large or medium, then just copy and post the img tags into your post. Do a preview first before posting please so you can check it out.
Good luck.
Brian M, your grass looks as realistic as any I've ever seen. Great work!
TrainManTy, Great grade crossing pictures! Nice work!
jfallon, you whet my appetite for train shows (got one coming up in November in SLC)
Thanks Altoona:)
OK, well I've just finally installed a DCC chip in my T55 unit, ran it, and took pics. I must say that since the release of tooling by T55 to Athearn I am a bit worried that the attention to details with diminish. I love these T55s, I currently own 2 and will soon have a chip installed in the 2nd one and then I shall post pics of that one too. The layout is a friend of mines that has Digitrax installed. Enjoy:)
Tyler... Claremont & Concord's 105 has a bell mounted in front of the cab! Your pictures make the locolook better than it realy is!
I see the pics don't come up big at all. I'll post the links.
I'll get it right eventually.
cudaken wrote: Hum, little slow this weekend on pictures? Well, here I go again. Worked about one and a half foot section tonight, only have another 8 feet of mountain to go. Yesterday Tonight Up to the second portal that needs some work on fitting right when pulled out. Dug a ditch beside the C Line coming out of the lower level and added some grass. Good Night all, and may you all have visions of Big Boys dancing in your heads. Cuda Ken
Ken, about a year ago your frustration level went into the stratosphere and you were ready to throw in the towel on this hobby. You didn't! and your modeling efforts show that you are becoming quite accomplished. Stick with it!
From the far, far reaches of the wild, wild west I am: rtpoteet
Gary, your layout is really nice. Great work. The clouds on your backdrop are outstanding.
Any of you other forums guys who haven't looked at Gary's videos (top of page three) give yourself a treat and go take a look. He's built a darned nice layout, and those clouds are definitely worth a look.
cndash9 wrote:I see the pics don't come up big at all.
I see the pics don't come up big at all.
Thanks jeffrey-wimerly
work in progress I guess. It worked in the other post didn't it?