Thanks for the info Tom. I've tried both of those already without sucess, but one will come up sometime I'm sure.
I think they are on everone's list since you posted a pictuer of yours!!!
Ok, what is most important to you?
- excellent detail hands down above all other things
- relativly friendly price
- highest collectible status
If you want detail look for a PSC model. They brought it in the early 1990s, again in the mid-1990s, and again in 2003, but this time only the Elesco-equipped versions. Because the first one has been built by Samhongsa it usually is the most expensive of these three runs (>2000$).
Concerning the price you have the choice between the already mentioned Akane and a Westside model from around 1980. The Westside is somewhat more expensive than the Akane, but also more detailed (800$ - 950$). The Akane is a Japanese model, whereas the Westside is an early Korean Samhongsa model.
If you are looking for true collectible models then look for a 1959 or 1960 PFM/ Toby model. I have never see one of these, they are extremely rare, and although the very likely look very nice, they can't compare with the more recent models detailwise. But Tenshodo built this engine, too. First in 1983 the black one, and then in 1986 the grey one. The black one is much cheaper than the grey, although they are mechanically identical. Both Toby and Tenshodo were Japanese builders.
All the above came out of my head, I don't have my books on hand now, so the mentioned years may vary to some degree. Please excuse.
One thing to consider: -when I began with brass models I usually looked for the most detail - which usually means Korean models. But the Korean craftsmanship simply cannot compare to Japanese models. With time I developed some skills in soldering, and other, so I am able to upgrade older models myself. So if you don't care about EXTREME detail - or you are able to apply some details yourself - I would recommend either the Akane or the black Tenshodo model.
In HO scale, the last M3/4 that I recall is one imported by Precision Scale Models in Montana. Earlier runs of the locomotive were made in the 1960's by Akane, and though not as well-detailed as current brass models, they are sturdy and can be made into very good runners. I could be wrong on this, but I think that PFM imported a rather expensive "Crown" model of the same locomotive back in the early 1970's. I seem to remember seeing an ad for one when PFM was still an active importer. You might check with Caboose Hobbies in Denver, or, both of which carry large inventories of consignment brass.
Occasionally an old Akane will pop up on E-Bay. The PSC model would probably run you in the neighborhood of $1200--$1800, while used Akanes seem to run anywhere from $450 to about $750. Akanes seem to be the most prevelant models available of this loco, since they were a larger production run than the PSC.
Also, check your area for model railroad 'swap' meets. I picked up a used Akane Yellowstone several months ago for a very good price--needed work, but it was repairable. It's surprising what often turns up at these shows.
Good luck on your search--those handsome babies seem to be on almost EVERYONE'S wish-list, lately.
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
Should have said I'd like to buy one.
I believe someone made one recently in brass.
I've checked the web but I may be leaving something unturned.
Does anyone have any tips for one of these in HO?