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Elliotts Trackside Diner III Locked

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Posted by New Haven I-5 on Sunday, March 9, 2008 9:54 PM
 pcarrell wrote:

Oh man!  I got Sunday dinner.....for this crowd!

OK, line up!

What'll it be? 

The Surf & Turf......

or the Pot Roast?

Surf & Turf for sure PC!

- Luke

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Posted by GMTRacing on Sunday, March 9, 2008 9:20 PM
I guess we really got out of this weather thing easy. Off to Fla tomorrow for a week so I'll only need to worry about the tornados, flooding and plagues of locusts or whatever.  Ed, I'm learning the navigation across the net there and if I may, I'll ask some advice once I get to the end of my self learning program. Time to get some shut eye so we'll catch ya on the flip side. Big Smile [:D]J.R.
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Posted by pcarrell on Sunday, March 9, 2008 9:15 PM
Hey Ed, whats with the tanks on top of the cabeese?
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Posted by railroadnut675 on Sunday, March 9, 2008 9:01 PM


I just finished off a nice peice of chocolate bread pudding Dinner [dinner]


   The girl that I like seems to like everybody but meSad [:(]... and she was just so nice to me I thought for sure she liked me.

   I found out from one of her close friends who I was talking and passing notes to (her friend helps me out because she figured out who I liked). I was even planning to ask her out soon.Disapprove [V] 3 of the 5 people she likes are from her old school; I can understand along with one of the 2 from my school, but this one kid... what the Censored [censored] she sees in him I'll never know. I'm not even a blip on the radar. I feel jealous, angry, annoyed and a little upset (and she drives me crazy because she's so fickle. No point in asking her out now

It feels good to get this off my chest.Ashamed [*^_^*]Smile [:)]

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Posted by cheese3 on Sunday, March 9, 2008 8:55 PM
Well we had quite a storm come through carroll county last night power outages everyhere High winds. Drove by th high school the roof was torn off of the stadiums snack shack and laying in the parkinglot. I just finished up some homework and figured i would stop in for a cup of joe. Have a good night guys.

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Posted by egmurphy on Sunday, March 9, 2008 8:22 PM

Good Evening Coffee Clubbers,

Another beautiful day down here in Paradise.   Cool [8D]  A bit warm, as it crept up to around 80º and full sun, but bearable.  Fran and I had to spend another shift out at the orange grove.  But it was a nice day to be out there.  The coffee is god, strong, and hot this evening.  From the mountains of Veracruz, of course.  For dessert the past few nights we've been having fresh strawberries that we brought back with us from our trip.  They're grown in the part of Mexico where we were, and are in season right now.

JR:  I've spent a bit more time on trainboard and they seem a nice bunch also if a bit too focused on iNvisible stuff.
They definitely have an active group of N scale posters, and Z scale also.  I don't usually spend too much time on the scale specific forums there so I don't really notice it.  A while back you asked me if I had any tips for working around all the different forums there.  I posted some stuff but you were away for a few days.  I don't know if you ever saw my response.  If you didn't, let me know and I'll email it to you.

Garry:  I was wondering if I should have made the backdrop post in the general forum.
I would.  Just go ahead and copy what you posted here and make a new post out in the general Forum.

Rob:  ...that's cool they let your guys ride on the front with the club banner.
Yeah it was.  Generally speaking railroaders down here are still very friendly with railfans.  Members of the group (not all of us, of course) got to go up in cabs of 4 different locos on this trip alone.  That yard switcher in Acambaro made a couple of trips up and down the yard carrying some of the group.
Now the private security guards employed by KCSdeM, FXE and FSRR are another story. But those are usually just typical low level security guards who only know what they're instructed to do, and who have no tie, interest or attachment to the railroad.

Dick:  Good afternoon to all, I hope everyone that has a time change remembered to set their clocks ahead one hour!! 
Nope, we didn't.  But clocks down here don't go ahead until the first Sunday in April.  Wink [;)]

Inch - nice to see you dropping back in.

Okay, here's a bit more of the trip report and photos.

Another 15 railfans, from Guadalajara and Uruapan, joined up with us at Acambaro.  Plus we had several fans and museum members (ex-railroaders0 from Acambaro.  This all made this the biggest get together of railfans down here outside of our annual convention.

Acambaro used to be a very important rail center, with a large shop setup.  Now, like many other places, it mainly sees run through trains.  The shops are closed, not many cars get switched in the yard, and most of the local action is related to m-o-w equipment and crews.

Here's a shot of the old station.  It's in pretty good shape.  KCSdeM has control of the building as part of their concession for this package of the rail system, but they only use one room as an office for security guards.  Part of the building is loaned to the local "Friends of the railroad - Acambaro branch" who maintain a nice, if small, museum in the space.  They, and the city, are trying to get control of the entire building.  We'll see how that turns out.  We did get a special welcome from the local group, and a tour of the museum.  They also hosted a small reception for us!

They have two old steam engines stuffed and mounted on display outside.  The first is NdeM #903, a consolidation built by Baldwin in 1910.  I believe this one was originally narrow gauge and later widened to standard gauge.

The other is probably the best known steam locomotive in Mexico.  It's NdeM #296, "La Fidelita".  Built here in the Acambaro shops, it rolled out on June 14, 1944.  Lots of people down here think that it was the only steam locomotive built in Mexico.  Close but not quite.  Her sister, #295 was also built here in 1942, and there was a small 0-6-0 built in the Aguascalientes shops.  But neither of the other two survived.  This one was later standard gauged.

By the way, she was christened "La Fidelita" when she came out of the shops in honor of the deceased daughter of the master mechanic of the Acambaro shops who was in charge of her construction.

Of course, the group photo was obligatory.  So here is a large portion of the group spread out over "La Fidelita".

There was one switcher in the yard at Acambaro, but I'm not sure whether this was a regular assignment or not.  But here is TFM #1035, a MP-15AC.

This was one of the more interesting cars sitting around in the yard.  The green paint and the shape of the patch over the old logo to the right of the door shows this to be an old FCP (Ferrocarril del Pacifico) boxcar.  It is now patched for TFM and is used by m-o-w crews.

This was also unique.  It's an old boxcar converted into a caboose supply shack.  At least that's a loose translation of "Equipador de Cabuses".

And yes, there are some cabooses still hanging around Acambaro, although I think that they are almost entirely assigned to m-o-w crews.  Here are a couple of shots of TFM cabooses in the yard.

That's about it from down here this evening.  I'm a bit pooped after the day at the grove, so it's "Hasta mañana".


The Rail Images Page of Ed Murphy "If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home." - James Michener
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Posted by pcarrell on Sunday, March 9, 2008 7:22 PM
 GMTRacing wrote:

Gee Phil thanks. I'll have both cause they both look too good to pass up.

They do look tempting, don't they? Evil [}:)] (I don't get to use that smily often! Big Smile [:D] )

And I'm sure Gav will thank you also for taking him off the hook as it were.

Yeah, I think he's gonna owe me.......big time! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

So how is the CFO doing? We hope and pray she's still progressing nicely.

She's doing GREAT!  She decided to get out of our room today, so she came downstairs and sat by the fireplace and watched a movie.  She didn't do anything like that for a month after the first surgery.  It's only been a week and a half this time!  And thanks for the prayers, to you, and all!  I'm sure that's made a difference!

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Posted by GMTRacing on Sunday, March 9, 2008 6:25 PM
Evening Inch - Good to see you're still hanging in there. All we got was lots and lots of rain and wind. Everything inside the house stayed dry this time so that makes me happy, and the patch on the wall at work kept the leakage there to a minimum so that's double good. The wind .ice and snow makes it tough to railfan though and 20 hours without power would do us in.   Take care.   J.R.
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Posted by inch53 on Sunday, March 9, 2008 6:08 PM


Thought I'd drop in for a barley pop, and let ya know's we're still alive, since I haven't been round for awhile

 Here's some pics from after the ice, snow n wind storm we had Tuesday that knock our power out for almost 20 hours. Don't look like a lot, but it was more than enough.

Even with what we had, it's still not as bad some south n east of us got.

DICK,, you may be right on the gardening. It's either been froze or 2" of mud here for 3 months. The weather guesser's are forecasting a warm up to about normal [50's] and more rain of course, but then again they haven't gotten a 24 hour forecast right, let alone a 5 day. The 2 - 30day forecasts I've seen, above normal precipitation, normal to below normal temps. 

Our thoughts still going out for those on sick call or in grieving

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Posted by GMTRacing on Sunday, March 9, 2008 6:07 PM

Gee Phil thanks. I'll have both cause they both look too good to pass up. And I'm sure Gav will thank you also for taking him off the hook as it were. So how is the CFO doing? We hope and pray she's still progressing nicely.

   Nice day outside today but between chores and some MRR painting I stayed pretty much indoors. I finally decided the Heljan brewery kit was too good to leave off the pike so that's the first structure for the vacant lot.

Jerry - do you play with the XM radio channels at all? I'm still on AOL so I get it until I breakdown and buy it for the truck. Found the classic country channel and think it's great - more like our old set list than is comfortable but good music. Stuff I haven't heard for years except as covers by Geo Strait or Dwight Yokum. Well back to the chores again as the wash dries on the building.    CUL, J.R.

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Posted by armchair on Sunday, March 9, 2008 5:34 PM
 After seeing that Phillip, I've gotta raid the fridge !!!Dinner [dinner]
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Posted by pcarrell on Sunday, March 9, 2008 5:30 PM

Oh man!  I got Sunday dinner.....for this crowd!

OK, line up!

What'll it be? 

The Surf & Turf......

or the Pot Roast?

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Posted by pcarrell on Sunday, March 9, 2008 5:25 PM

 Cox 47 wrote:
Sallie got up this morning and with their help fixed Biscuits,Gravey and fried taters for all.

Hey, that sounds good!  But I didn't get any!

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Posted by Cox 47 on Sunday, March 9, 2008 4:58 PM
Evening All...It cloudy and cold here but weather feller says its gonna warm up this week.....I'll have a diet Coke please...Thank you....Just stopped in looks like I'm a couple of pages behind...My son and his family left about an hour ago...Had a great time playing with the Grand daughters...They hadn't been here since Christmas...Sallie got up this morning and with their help fixed Biscuits,Gravey and fried taters for all..That was the most she had been in the kitchen for along time..Her cook'in still tastes mighty good..Didn't do much with railroad ran the trains a little for the kids then we folded top down and used it to serve meals on...I'll try to get caught back up with you all and check in monday all have a good sunday evening...Jerry
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Posted by GMTRacing on Sunday, March 9, 2008 2:33 PM

A coffee just now sounds good PC. I think I'll join you - cream, no sugar please Chloe. Late restart this morning after seeing the truck off at 6ayem. Breakfast at Dennys' with the CFO and youngest then a nap before chores. Still doing chores and just decided to take a break for a second. Did work out last night what I'll do for starters on the last empty tract of the lower level. When i get a ways along I'll post pics but it'll be a while since I leave for Fla tomorrow morning and i'll be gone a week.

Jeff - thanks for the pics of the rerailer. I'll probably have to try steaming the wood as the place i need them is on a bend and I'm not sure I'll get a good fit dry.

Dick - as you restore and repaint the house one room at a time just remember - no good deed goes unpunishedSmile [:)].

Well it's time to get back to the chores.   I'll pop in later.  J.R.

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Posted by pcarrell on Sunday, March 9, 2008 2:13 PM
Good Gerry!  I'm still drinking it in the middle of the afternoon!
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Posted by Hoople on Sunday, March 9, 2008 1:51 PM

Good Morning. (I think, not sure)

I'll have the hashbrowns, eggs, and toast. Yes with a milk.

Gav: Well I started saving in May, and I preordered it in August, and it was supposed to ship November, then december, then january, then february, then march, which is where it is now.

Sue: It's the Trains Trains And More Trains show in Puyallup. It's one of the two NMRA shows that support the NMRA. It's going to be a biiiig show, I can't wait for it.

That's all for now.


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Posted by grayfox1119 on Sunday, March 9, 2008 1:46 PM

Good afternoon to all, I hope everyone that has a time change remembered to set their clocks ahead one hour!!  I was watching the weather channel and the local TV stations here as they showed the big snowstorm that hit the midwest and parts of the south as well, that was one big storm for those areas. We lucked out and only received 2" of rain and very strong winds.

The Main Bathroom project ( re-tiling the floor and replacing the toilet ) turned out to be PITA project. Censored [censored]Banged Head [banghead] The floor tiles were cemented down to luan over plywood subfloor, and the luan 1st ply was pulling and shredding with the tiles coming up. Banged Head [banghead] That meant either a ton of floor leveler, or replacing the luan. I opted for replacing the luan with 1/4" plywood. Most of the floor tiles are now down, now it is just cutting the tiles that are not full squares. Thank God for diamond saws, what a job this would be without a water cooled electric saw.

I haven't been to the LHS since early November,  Sad [:(] I really need a break and get out there, lots of new stuff arriving as seen in Atlas, Athearn and Walthers catalogs as well as MRR mags.

RYAN: I am happy to hear that your son is feeling better, make sure he stays hydrated, kids hate to drink enough fluids when they are sick.

FERGIE: I thought that I would be all done after the floors get grouted, but now she wants the Main bath painted because the Master bath walls came out so nice. So Now we have strip the wallpaper off, and paint that room. Luckily, there isn't too much "wall" to paint, and she is going to pull off the wallpaper (yeeaaaaaaaa )!!  Thumbs Up [tup]With the weather warming up a little each week, and all the snow gone now except for a few patches, I have tons of Spring cleanup to do now also....and they wonder why we can't get much done on MRR !!!!!!!! Dead [xx(] I think Jeff has the right idea, live in a trailer with a small yard, but then reality sets in, 9 grandkids in a trailer with 9 adults for festive events??? No way Jose !!!

SUE: Have you got near the top of the list yet for that Cascade book to read??

JEFF: Nice video Jeff, it sure looks like you have TWO hobbies.

MIKE: It looks like I will beat you this year to getting the gardening going after your big snowstorm. Unless it really warms up in a hurry in Illinois. Then you have to worry about Spring flooding.

TOM: I am so sorry to hear about that terrible accident. The parents must be devastated!

Time to run , we have a wake to attend, my friends mother passed away, 91, she had a good life for sure, see you guys later,

Dick If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got!! Learn from the mistakes of others, trust can't live long enough to make all the mistakes yourself, I tried !! Picture album at : Picture album at: local weather
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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, March 9, 2008 12:08 PM

in a SANTA FE mug, please & thank you.

***Sue, good seeing you in the Diner. Any new trees or other work added to the layout lately?

***Ed, great pics and that's cool they let your guys ride on the front with the club banner.

Banged Head [banghead]Wife asked me to place an order using a Gift Card she received back on her birthday. Turns out I didn't scratch the back of it enough to uncover the rest of a 1, which I read as a 4.Dunce [D)] So, we were charged the full amount. At least we have the option of returning the order when it arrives.

Oh, it DID snow nearby, as my wife discovered driving to work yesterday. Just not in our little valley here, which is fine.

Best get busy here. Thanks for the coffee. Have a great day all. Cowboy [C):-)] Rob

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Posted by New Haven I-5 on Sunday, March 9, 2008 12:04 PM
Mornin Coffee freaks! Chloe, A Bacon & Cheese omlet with the home fries with Gerry's coffee sounds great.

- Luke

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Posted by pcarrell on Sunday, March 9, 2008 11:17 AM

So, how's everyone doin this morning?

Gerry's coffee sounds good Chloe!  Thanks!

Me?  I've got some schoolwork to do still, but I'm basically going to take the day off and spend it with the family.

And with that, I'm outta here!


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Posted by gear-jammer on Sunday, March 9, 2008 10:22 AM

I will just slide into this back booth for a coffee.  Anyone care to join me?

 Hoople wrote:

I can't wait, trainshow next month. I smell a load of freight cars...

Mark,  Which train show is that?

It is hard to work inside with all this sunshine.

Later,  Sue

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, March 9, 2008 9:13 AM

Good morning!

I was delayed getting to the diner becuase I just watched Jon Grant's video in WPF. Wow.

Well everybody, I brought some Godiva brand Vanilla Hazelnut coffee for you to try. Enjoy.

I always like Jeff's photos, and now he's doing videos, too. Wow again. Good stuff there, Jeff.

Much of the Friday night snow is on the ground still here. this is the most snow we have had all winter, and I can tell it must be much worse north of here. I'm glad we made our CIncinnati trip last weekend instead of this one. The 300 mile drive would have been nearly impossible Friday evening.

I was wondering if I should have made the backdrop post in the general forum. I'm still working on the next section of the layout. I have eight more feet of backdrop done, and I'm working on the scene in front of that backdrop now.

Thanks, JR and everyone else, for the comments on my backdrops here in the diner. JR asked how long I've been building the layout. It's about five years. We move in in 2001, and the layout room was built after we move in. BTW, it has 14 corners, and you may notice some of those corners in the pictures.

Happy Model Railroading

Happy Model Railroading.




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Posted by LSWrr on Sunday, March 9, 2008 8:19 AM

Good morning all,

16F outside (feels like 1F), should be free from snow for a few days.  Tuesday high will be 45F and then Thursday a high of 55F.  Not sure what is going on with the weather here, near blizzard conditions then we head back up in the warm temps.


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, March 9, 2008 6:11 AM
Good morning.

It's currently 36 here under clear skies, expecting a high of 68 under partly cloudy skies.

Today's Weather for:      
Sundown, LA  71446      3/9/2008

Wind Chill:  33°F
Humidity:  77%
Dew Point:  31°F

So Far Today
High:  39°F
Low:  37°F
Rain:  0.00"
Rain Rate:  0.00"/h
Gust:  5mph SSE

Today    High: 68    Mostly sunny. Warmer. Highs in the upper 60s. Southeast winds around 10 mph.    

Tonight    Low: 48    Increasing clouds. Not as cool. Lows in the upper 40s. East winds around 10 mph.

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Sunday, March 9, 2008 4:31 AM

Good Morning from Tipton IN ! Big Smile [:D]

Clown [:o)]

Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, March 9, 2008 3:57 AM

What is the Insomniac Special this morning? I'll have a double helping of it. Sleepy [|)] Rob

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Posted by sleeper33 on Sunday, March 9, 2008 1:26 AM

 no worries

how long have you been waiting on it ?



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Posted by Hoople on Sunday, March 9, 2008 1:12 AM

Well, you're going to have to wait for them to ship it. It's in New York. I'm in Washington.

I guess it should be in my hands in about a week.

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Posted by Hoople on Sunday, March 9, 2008 1:12 AM

Double post... Darn lag.


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