For the modular layout folks:
The bigger the better, use every module you can get, it might still work after three years in the back yard shed.
Plan on using the corner modules owned by someone who won't show up with them until five minutes before the show opens.
Sure, you can set your two hundred car coal train on the main line! And we don't mind if you have to put each car carefully back into its own box.
Your four year old is perfectly capable of operating his train without supervision. We all enjoy seeing Thomas the Tank Engine running into the back of our trains.
Don't worry about the other operators, they'll watch out for your train while you answer that pretty young lady's question.
Make sure that the areas with the most derailments are in the darkest corner of the hall. Thats what the light on the DT400 is for.
If everybody is thinking alike, then nobody is really thinking.
If you have very small children, or if you can borrow some small children from your neighborhood, buy one of those "double wide" strollers where the kids can sit side-by-side. If they make such strollers for triplets, that would be even better. The big pouch area behind the children will be a good place to put your purchases. The aisles at the train show are always plenty wide and everyone will be so overjoyed with your parenting skills that they will gladly get out of your way. If they don't see you coming, a light bump of the babybuggy bumper on the back of their ankles will suffice. After all, really little kids need the enrichment of seeing the different sights, and they will always remember the nice soldering job on that Sn3 locomotive. The crying of the children will be uplifting to the crowd, and make them realize what poor parents they are for having asked a relative or babysitter to watch the kids during the show.
I dont know about More (As a take on Oliver Twist holding bowl... "MORE?")
I really love the dealers who group crap-0-rama into one lot and put a 100 dollar price tag on the bunch and then a second peice of paper who say "All one lot, no exceptions"
With that in mind, always the people ask this dealer constantly.. what about this one engine? (Usually one or two that are jewels in swine)
The dealer isnt a good people person by afternoon time.
I try not to look too closely at the people. Once I examined a engine properly and set it down without doing any damage to the side rods. A grubby person took his turn and grasped the engine in his oily hand and greased it all up and slapped it down without any regard.
This year Im carrying hand sanitizer.
The dealer's emotion showed in the purpling near the temple. Time to clear the range, that red flag is flying.
Every time a train stops in front of a child and toots, the kid has to get past the 2 foot rope gaurds, through the parents and around 5 other people to get to touch the thing. Usually tipping a axle off the rail. Parents dont offer much in way of .. well... disclipine sometimes when junior gets a hold of a engine that equals a month's pay or a year of lunch money.
C'mon guys I know you can think of more. There are alot of guys who go to these shows that just do the stupidiest or annoying things. Theres more
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
dknelson wrote: Here is a piece of bad train show advice -- when you see the "------" you have been looking for [fill in the blank: car, locomotive, book, magazine, video, detail part, photograph, tool, paint, whatever], don't buy it! Go ahead -- take a walk around and come back later to buy it. Of course it will still be there -- who would want it other than yourself?Dave Nelson
Here is a piece of bad train show advice -- when you see the "------" you have been looking for [fill in the blank: car, locomotive, book, magazine, video, detail part, photograph, tool, paint, whatever], don't buy it! Go ahead -- take a walk around and come back later to buy it. Of course it will still be there -- who would want it other than yourself?
Dave Nelson
It's like a friend of mine said about his hobby of deer's not getting out there at the crack of dawn that's hard, or sitting for hours waiting for the deer, or even spotting the deer. It's knowing when to pull the trigger - shoot too soon when it's too far off, and you'll miss, wait to long hoping it'll come right up to you and it'll probably run off. Flea markets are the same way, I always keep a mental list of two or three things that I'm looking for, and if I see one and the price is OK I get it. I've had too many times I've passed up buying something and later regretted it.
Today I went to the Newport Model RR club fleamarket at Woodbury MN high school (heck it was only -4F at 11:00 a.m., might as well go out and get some fresh air!). Got in the door, waited for my eyes to unfreeze so I could move them, bought my ticket, walked up to the nearest vendor table...and there was the Milwaukee FM "Erie built" A-B set I've been trying to track down for maybe a year. Guy wanted $65, I didn't haggle just gave him the money and put 'em in the bag. Heck I could of turned around right then and gone home and it would have been one of my more successful flea market trips!!
BTW the comments about showering (or not) before the show... A gal I work with's husband was a model railroader, and she told me that on train show day he would get up at the crack of dawn and take a shower, slap on some aftershave, then go to someplace for breakfast with his other train buddies, then go wait in line for the flea market or train show to open. He'd spend the whole day there, sometimes stopping by a local hobby shop and comparing prices. Then after he'd go out to eat with his train buddies, not getting back til evening.
Funny thing was, I was at the same events and never saw him, although I like to keep clean, I usually don't worry too much if I didn't take a shower or shave the morning of the show, let alone put on aftershave.
Well, eventually turned out he was just telling her he went to these shows, he was using the trainshows as an excuse to go visit his girlfriend!!
Print out "Interactive exhibit: Please handle everything!" and "Take One!" signs the night before the show. Tape them to any club layouts and dealer's tables, respectively, where you're treated rudely.
Snort loudly while leaning over boxes of brand-new locos, as if it's all you can do to keep your nose from dripping all over them.
Loudly tell those dealers demonstrating their "miracle" 2-part adhesive in front of their customers that you know it's really just CA and baking soda. (It's an old model maker's trick.)
Ex-Southern 385 Being Hoisted
Hey, make sure you straighten up the slanted whistle on all those steam locomotives where it is at an angle. If it breaks off, just set it back down and walk away, he won't mind, you were just doing him a favour trying to fix what he probably bent when he packed it to bring to the show.
It doesn't matter that the prototype had the whistle mounted at an angle so the loco would fit through tunnels and under bridges.
Semper Vaporo
Well, elbowing little kids is amusing but I tend to let them have front row seating to the trains.
Pricing is a challenge. I go to one particular show and enjoy the Dealers, Clubs and the People there. Having said that; I might proceed to examine one item somewhere... Tyco Boxcar, Candy Scheme, Price 20 dollars. Examine this item long enough until Dealer stops thier activity and gets up off the chair and approach.
Just before they reach range, put the item down and mutter "Yech!" and examine another item. They usually stop dead and express distate at such a interruption or loss of thier chair time.
Now to be fair, some of my favorite dealers are very hard working and on thier feet all day. I only target the ones who have a chair far away and some sort of non-train activity away from the customers.
I love people who stand at the train table looking over the items. Picks up each and every item and examines them painstakingly. Usually this person is near a building support or other device that creates a blockage in the walkway between tables. Watch and see two lines of people form paitently waiting for this person to move on.
Look over a rubber band drive equippted engine and see the dealer light up thinking yer a dummy who was born only 20 years ago and never heard of or seen such a monstrosity. (No offense please. bear with me here) They dance right up to you and expound on the wonderful top speed qualities of that 50 dollar engine all but salviating at such a easy hit.
Examine a One Gauge engine on rollers rolling away making suitable computer/DCC noises. Point a finger near the cab (Or near the florescent sticker that has a very large price written on it) and ask "How much?" or "What is the price?" See the person exhibit high blood pressure or other tics.
Ignore the shine on the obselete and worn out equiptment being displayed. Drop down below the table and examine the various boxes asking "Is this for sale?" several times. This works best when there are several others trying to buy and sell above you.
I recall a customer who had to have the choo choo. He calls the spouse or someone else on his or her cell phone and loudly (Forgetting that he is in a public place) whines and begs to buy this beauty (Insert sum total of few hundred dollars) and barters soul and 3 months honey do projects and asks for credit card that was left at home.
All of this loudly near large groups of people who are politely trying anything they can to pick up thier food and GET clear of the trouble. Makes me wonder why the lout cannot get to his or her car and have the converstation in private.
What really makes it rather amusing is to witness said choo choo bought for cash by another before the converstation is concluded.
Only then does this person ask the dealer while leaning over the small sign "CASH ONLY!!!" while holding the precious (Paid for in blood and sweat) credit card number.
Finally but not least. Hit the dealer with either a large dollar bill and watch them scrape trying to dig up proper change. Or pay them in large amounts of change/small bills from all of your pockets while many people gather behind you waiting thier turn to buy.
Oh one more thing. There is no vile word that blashemys harsher than "Ebay". This is the one word that riles em fast.
Glad someone brought up "fun and games" at train shows! I used to go to every show in the area but haven't been to a major one in 5 or so years. One (there are several) of the reasons is the "yuppies" (meaning the sophisticated, well to do 30 somethings with kids) typically have no real interest in the hobby, but brought their very young children to play. Certainly nothing wrong with that, but why do they have to bring their sport utility sized buggys and block up the aisles - or worse yet - block access to those vendors with "the good stuff".
Wish I could come up with a funny about the above, but the coffee hasn't kicked in and breakfast is almost ready.
Living in southeast Texas, formerly modeling the "postwar" Santa Fe and Illinois Central
This is the best thread ever, I can't stop laughing. I'm very lucky that where I live, I have access to 5-10 shows a year, I love going, sometimes just to walk and look.
I have one to add, (wink,wink), if you do bring guests who don't share your intense desire for everything that is our hobby, have them pass some time in the lovely dining facilities that are provided. Clean and spacious, there is always enough seating to accomodate the crowds and the cuisine is top notch. There is a wide range of quality, fairly priced food to choose from and it's never an inconvenience to sit for long periods of time while others stand and dribble mustard on their clothes.
Sellers: Fire up the old PC the night before the show and make up plenty of signs that read RARE!, VINTAGE! and of course, please don't forget L@@K! It works every time on Ebay, doesn't it??!? : )
dknelson wrote:Here is a piece of bad train show advice -- when you see the "------" you have been looking for [fill in the blank: car, locomotive, book, magazine, video, detail part, photograph, tool, paint, whatever], don't buy it! Go ahead -- take a walk around and come back later to buy it. Of course it will still be there -- who would want it other than yourself?
Actually I've had that happen. There was a number board from a B&M RDC9 for sale at the white elephant table for 20$
MisterBeasley wrote: I have been thinking of taking a box of old brass track to a train show and just leaving it with a big "FREE" sign on it.As for bad advice, how about "Don't shave or shower the week before the show.""While watching an operating layout, start talking with someone and follow him around for a half-hour to continue the conversation.""Spill your drink on the floor, and then just walk away.""Elbow little kids out of the way so you can stand right in front of the layout."
I have been thinking of taking a box of old brass track to a train show and just leaving it with a big "FREE" sign on it.
As for bad advice, how about "Don't shave or shower the week before the show."
"While watching an operating layout, start talking with someone and follow him around for a half-hour to continue the conversation."
"Spill your drink on the floor, and then just walk away."
"Elbow little kids out of the way so you can stand right in front of the layout."
The shave and shower people!!!!! (that don't). How do I always bump into them?? Change that, fortunately I see/smell them soon enough to miss, but it does seem as though the dust of Pig Pen is nearby. ( I don't see shows listed within a half of Philly anymore )
Fitter Roger wrote:I guess it's time for me to come clean: In the later 80's or early 90's me and (we were 17 or 18 years old) a buddy of mine used to go to the GATS show in Wheaton Illinois every Sunday it was on. There was a guy who sold tons of Athearn Blue Box engines in the second building. He was a jerk to kids, he still is a jerk to kids, I won't buy anything from him again. Well to make a long story short, I may have been a look out person on a prank pulled on this clown. Lets just say in April he was real rude to my buddy who had spent $200 on Athearn locomotives, that was at the time 10 engines. After the sale he said to my buddy' "Now you little fags go home a play with trains." Not very nice to guy who just dumped $200. Well it ate us all the way home so next month we retrurned to his table. We brought with us the empty Blue boxes from last month, so they would have his price tag on it. But they were not empty. Somebody had replaced the locomotives with cat box cleannings.Roger
I guess it's time for me to come clean:
In the later 80's or early 90's me and (we were 17 or 18 years old) a buddy of mine used to go to the GATS show in Wheaton Illinois every Sunday it was on. There was a guy who sold tons of Athearn Blue Box engines in the second building. He was a jerk to kids, he still is a jerk to kids, I won't buy anything from him again.
Well to make a long story short, I may have been a look out person on a prank pulled on this clown. Lets just say in April he was real rude to my buddy who had spent $200 on Athearn locomotives, that was at the time 10 engines. After the sale he said to my buddy' "Now you little fags go home a play with trains." Not very nice to guy who just dumped $200. Well it ate us all the way home so next month we retrurned to his table. We brought with us the empty Blue boxes from last month, so they would have his price tag on it. But they were not empty. Somebody had replaced the locomotives with cat box cleannings.
RIGHT ON! I would of put your dog's business in there too.
jesrr wrote: concretelackey wrote: MisterBeasley wrote: Eaating 6 hardboiled eggs the morning of the show may have a more attention grabbing response. The six hardboiled eggs have to be pickled and washed down with a few beers, You,ll have the place tp yourself.
concretelackey wrote: MisterBeasley wrote: Eaating 6 hardboiled eggs the morning of the show may have a more attention grabbing response.
MisterBeasley wrote:
Eaating 6 hardboiled eggs the morning of the show may have a more attention grabbing response.
A couple of bean burritos will also go good with the beers & eggs. For the "other end", something with a lot of onion & garlic and a big HIII! will get you a little extra elbow room
Actually, I have to put on my serious hat for a second, because I actually think this is good advice. I usually do this, except in very very special cases. (I do snap up magazines when I find one I like. The price is fairly standard and it's hard to go wrong.)
Sometimes I find an identical framistan across the room for half the price. Usually the item is still there on my second visit, but the way I figure, if it's gone, no harm is done. I was fine without the item, and I still am. I'll find something else to spend money on anyhow. This way, I don't overspend or end up with tons of impulse-buys I didn't really need.
About the spill soda and leave. My wife and I went to McDonalds for lunch and some lady came up to the manager and told him her daughter spilled some fries and ketchup on the floor. Then.... she just walks out. There was fries and ketchup all over the floor. First thing I thought of was think topic.
I think if you add something with the drink might make it alittle better.
"Rust, whats not to love?"
MisterBeasley wrote: As for bad advice, how about "Don't shave or shower the week before the show."
Oh man I was AT that show! Thought I'd die! And the guy went everywhere I did.
When Z was new I saw an old guy pick up a Z scale engine, drop it to the floor, see it smash into a million pieces, say "humph!" and walk away. The dealer looked ready to cry.
And NEVER NEVER NEVER go to a train show with any kind of list of what you already have, from magazine back issues to C&NW 40 ft. boxcar numbers. After all, the chances of your buying a duplicate of what you already have back home are practically nil.
Yes its quite alright to put your video camera on the $400 HO scale steamer running on the modules. And dont forget that fingers will not derail the Acela train going a scale 100 mph. And yes the module people wont mind missing some cows and cemetary stones. Tell the kids not to touch but its ok if you do.
Happens at each show!!!!
I pray every day I break even, Cause I can really use the money!
I started with nothing and still have most of it left!
Don't forget to ask the guy at the brass table as you're looking at an unpainted never-been-run 1954 Brass Max Gray SP 4-8-4 in the original box: "Does this come equipped with DCC and a Tsunami?"
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
jimk wrote:The ropes around a layout are there for the kids to play under and around. In fact, just think of the whole place as a playground free-for-all.
Trynn_Allen2 wrote:I actually have seen that. Two years at Madison. A guy put a Tyco kit down on a "collectables" table and calmly walked away and pointedly ignored the calls to come back.
That's not uncommon in music, bands that are starting out will do up some "home made" CD's (pretty easy with computers) and sneak them in to a music store, sometimes filing them where they would go alphabetically or putting a stack of CD's on the counter or on a shelf somewhere when no one is looking with a "FREE" sign leaning up against them...just to let people know about the band and maybe find out they want to hear more.
Personally, I just post the songs for free stream / download on the web:
Revenuers !!