While I don't condone the attack on Jeffery, I suggest we cut Trentonizer a little slack. While any of the regulars know of Jeff's love of the hobby and his new camera, it's possible that TNZR does not.
I can remember several times when it was very popular for a large population of this board to come down on posters that created a lot of topics of "crap" or was was deemed as such.
I'm willing to give him a second chance.
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
Danged. I got so caught up in the drama that forgot what I meant to say.
There is a lot of awesome stuff here. You guys are rocking, and I'm patrolling the house late at night with a squirt gun in one hand and 409 in the other.
Wooot!! Think I'm gett'en the hang of this photo taking thing!
UP2CSX LOL, I'll keep you in mind if and when I pass through your neck of the woods Truth be told I would love to put 'em on the road. We have a large club in my area (or two), but just have not gotten involved much as yet.... I'm still learning the basics!
And for my next offering..... She is my only Challenger, # 3975 by Genesis. She has the heavy steam Tsunami sound decoder. The DCC work was done by one of the local LHS
Here I am, guilty of restarting when I had commited to myself not to come back to our teaser here.
Jim, I totally agree. However, I think at this stage the public humiliation is done and the moment where we all sort of "sign the petition" by sending e-mails (not PM, nobody seems to check. Unfortunately, a thank you note I sent via PM never seemed to have reached fwright) to the person in private. In fact, by doing this he has less reason to take "revenge" and cause more havoc. Civility breeds civility. Ghandiji taught this well.
Chip, I would agree with you, but this is at least his third chance. Digging up last weekend's WPF yields the evidence.
Aaaaaanyway....here is my contribution. I am so thankful I could get some nice wide curves into the space I was alotted.
Nice Challenger up there.
Hi guys ,Great Pics This Weekend, Ive been folling around in the garage when i can To avoid the heat! here is what ive gotten done so far with the new construction
and there still alot to go ,
Have a great weekend guys ,,P.S Jeffery you keep them pics comming buddy, Dont let anyone discourage you ,i look forward to them.
selector wrote: Aaaaaanyway....here is my contribution. I am so thankful I could get some nice wide curves into the space I was alotted.Nice Challenger up there.
All i can Say is wow!! Those shots are comming along great! selector.
While I disagree with Trentonizer's personal attack on Jeff, there is a portion of his comments that I have to admit to agreeing with. Keeping in mind Selector's reply and previous WPFs I'll try to make the comments more on the constructive side.
Firstly, I'm straining my eyes trying to look at the pictures. They're out of focus or something. In a separate thread, Jeff asked which pic was better out of two he took and manipulated through some editing software. My personal opinion was the both look bad and that there was not a lot, if any, difference between the two. It is impossible to make out any of the details on the subject. In that thread someone commented that Jeff was enlarging the pics to be able to post them because of small size that his camera is limited to ending up in pixilated pics. If that's the case, then post the smaller pics. IMO, that doesn't seem to be account for the poor quality. I realize that Jeff has limited resources and that he's using a $10 camera. Maybe he's trying to determine if the camera's output is acceptable. Well, put me down in the no column. With his limited resources, IMO the $10 spent on the camera was a waste of limited resources because it can't produce a picture that is very good.
Second, try to vary the composition of your pics. Contrary to Hoople's defense about them all not being they same, they basically are. I counted 8 pics that are identical except for the change in loco in the photo. Other than that they are identical and still not crisp and lacking resolution. If you want to post ‘builder's photos' of your loco fleet I'd suggest starting a separate thread instead of using WPF for it. Also, Jeff's started other discussion threads just this weekend in Gen Disc and Layout Building that have the same photos in them.
Third, IMO, the idea of posting a photo in WPF is to show off your work. Posting a poor quality pic doesn't do this. I recall a WPF a number of weeks ago where someone posted a pic about his or her loco detailing project, except the pic was so bad that you couldn't see the detail. When no one commented on it the poster went on a tirade. If you want to show off your work post a pic that is capable of doing it.
Fourth, take the time to compose your picture. Follow good composition practices. Look at the shot before you press the button - is everything right. Make sure the wheels are on the track etc. Jeff needs to remove the clutter from his pictures. Too many of his pics have things in them like spray bottles, glue bottles, a Pringles can, boxes, other equipment not on the track, scenery bottles etc. Please clean up the layout area first. Remove the clutter from the background. If possible use a simple piece of poster board as a backdrop.
Finally, there comes a time when someone must say that the emperor's new clothes are ugly. By this I mean if everyone is afraid to tell someone that what they're doing isn't really all that good, but instead tells them that it is good, we are doing the emperor a disservice. They won't know that they should try to do better if the only thing people are willing to do is slap them on the back and tell them they're doing a great job. Again, I understand Jeff has limited resources, which makes it all the more important that those limited resources are properly spent and yield good results. Sometimes the focus needs to shift from quantity to quality.
Well, I will now don my fire resistant suit and wait for the flames. In response to some, I have posted pics of my work in this thread. Are they without fault - no, but I think I've been true to my remarks above. They're in focus, well composed, different, crisp and there was no editing done on any software to achieve the effects shown. I don't mean to 'feed the troll' but felt the need to add some hopefully constructive comments.
Wow, I feel like I walked onto the set of Grumpy Old Men. Anyway, here's my contributions for this week. Flames are weclome and equally ignored.
I finished a long stretch of guard rail at my intermodal facility. Next week I finally hope to post some updated pictures of my fuel storage facility. There hasn't been enough progress to post updates yet and I haven't had time to crawl underneath the layout to wire up all of the building lights.
Engineer Jeff NS Nut Visit my layout at: http://www.thebinks.com/trains/
Engineer Jeff,
Your pics are good examples of what I'm talking about. They're well composed, well lighted, crisp with good detail and there's no cluttter.
An amendment to my prior comment. If you pics are meant to show layout construction in progress then having 'clutter' like drills, saws or scenery tools and material in the pic would be understandable.
Now Tom is not to bad as a railroad man but he is terrible at honey do's.
He thought of tackling new roofing to save money but once his wife saw the flimsy tar paper roof he installed on the back shed, she immediately hired professionals, well ... semi-pro anyway They did a better job of the main roof and front porch.
Tom needs to get his butt in gear and get a new paint job also - lots of mold starting to show after 10 years.
Oh yeah, Tom built that front porch too. Can you tell ?
This will probably be my last entry on Weekend Photo Fun. I try to put up the best shots I can, but due to the fact that my cheap little camera doesn't take clear photos in the first place I try to clean them up as well as I can. I'm sorry if that's not good enough, I'm doing the best I can with what little I have. If that's not good enough, if I'm going to be getting slapped down for doing my best, if I have to have perfect shots all the time I'll not be posting in WPF anymore.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Lots of nice shots on this thread. I won't beat dead horses-no point. As soon as my camera finishes charging it's time to show what I finished this weekend!
jbinkley60: what'd you use for that guardrail?
jeffrey-wimberly wrote: If that's not good enough, if I'm going to be getting slapped down for doing my best, if I have to have perfect shots all the time I'll not be posting in WPF anymore.
If that's not good enough, if I'm going to be getting slapped down for doing my best, if I have to have perfect shots all the time I'll not be posting in WPF anymore.
Nooooooooo, we all like your pictures even if they aren't perfect. Keep posting them, don't stop!
jeffrey-wimberly wrote: This will probably be my last entry on Weekend Photo Fun. I try to put up the best shots I can, but due to the fact that my cheap little camera doesn't take clear photos in the first place I try to clean them up as well as I can. I'm sorry if that's not good enough, I'm doing the best I can with what little I have. If that's not good enough, if I'm going to be getting slapped down for doing my best, if I have to have perfect shots all the time I'll not be posting in WPF anymore.
You keep right on posting Jeff
The title of the Thread is "Weekend Photo Fun "
NOT "Weekend Photo Contest "
You're last photo is just fine !
You're getting better with each shot !
See my Web Site Here
I agree I have a similar camera, and don;t mind AT ALL! Keep posting!
Jeff NONONONO, keep up the good work and keep showing us the results! Don't let one troll get you down, just look at all your friends who spoke up for you. Your 5000+ posts vs. his 8, forget the small guy and his petty comments - he don't count for much.
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Hows this for a track-side low angle shot?
jeffrey-wimberly wrote: Hows this for a track-side low angle shot?
Jeffrey, it is good. And in deference to a prior posting's constructive criticism, I note that the image is in fact well composed and free of potentially distracting "stuff". Good for you, and keep it up. Cheers.
conrail92 wrote:I love the yard photo's jbinkley great job on it. Your layout looks pretty cool, waiting for more. It's hard to beet a nice NS layout :)
I don't think you can beat a nice NS layout <g>...