QUOTE: Originally posted by Pondini BUT when I change 56.4 to 2 for Regulated Throttle control, both engines go absolutely nuts! Same behavior on both chips, forward and reverse, even after reset. (And like some of you, the little dude says "Reset", but no whistle sounds.) The 3.0 manual says.....
QUOTE: Originally posted by Pondini Hi, guys. I almost hate to add to this thread, but . . . Among other BLIs (none upgraded), I have 2 Mikes, one light, one heavy. Both were working properly. Got one of each upgrade chip (the -0 and the -1 variant) from Tony's on Wednesday. I didn't have a lot of trouble setting CV 2 (although like other posts here, it came set to 22, not 8). I ended up just experimenting, as my NCE Powerhouse won't change CVs while the engine is at any speed step except zero, whether it's actually moving or not. The light is at 14, the heavy at 22. At those settings, with CV 56.4 set to 1 ("Speed Control"), both crawl very nicely at step 1 (of 128), and accelerate and decelerate slowly, as I prefer, with CVs 3 and 4 set to 50. I did note something some of you might want to try: In "Speed Control" mode, with the default speed curve, and v-high set to any value over 1, I'd see the creeping without acceleration noted in some previous posts. Change CV 5 to 1, and it's fine!? BUT when I change 56.4 to 2 for Regulated Throttle control, both engines go absolutely nuts! Won't start to move below speed step 22, then moves for about one second, then abruptly stops. Raise throttle to, say, 40 and it'll move again, for about another second or two, then freeze. Increase by one speed step, it'll move just enough for 1 chuff! (Sound is still on, headlight is still bright.) If I press Option for speed step zero, it jumps to speed, then gradually slows down to a stop! Ditto after changing chuff rate in 56.12. Same behavior on both chips, forward and reverse, even after reset. (And like some of you, the little dude says "Reset", but no whistle sounds.) Ditto with various settings of v-high (CV 5). The 3.0 manual says RTC uses v-start and v-high, with no reference to v-mid (page 34). Other than saying it's not supported, there's no mention of v-mid anywhere in the document. I tried setting CV 6, and got no confirmation. When I put 6 in CV 64, the guy just says "CV 6" with no mention of it's value. On the program track, I get "Cannot read CV" for CV 6 (only). Seems pretty clear it just ain't there. Tony had me remove and reinstall the chips, but there was no change. He's sending 2 replacements . . . should be here Saturday or Monday. (Tony sure is a class act, isn't he?) He said they'd test them before shipping, and I haven't heard from him since, so I assume they're on the way and tested ok there. Hope so. Since it's both chips, it sure doesn't seem like an installation problem (yes, I was very careful about grounding), or something funky about both engines, but I guess we'll see how the new ones work.
QUOTE: Tom, I reviewed the info, thanks. CV 6 is not supported by QSI. I am not sure of the issue you are having with CV2? We have a PowerCab here and all is normal. It seems you were succesfull on the programming track and not on the main? Thanks American Hobby Distributors
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
QUOTE: Originally posted by idahoan2004 QUOTE: Originally posted by Pondini BUT when I change 56.4 to 2 for Regulated Throttle control, both engines go absolutely nuts! Same behavior on both chips, forward and reverse, even after reset. (And like some of you, the little dude says "Reset", but no whistle sounds.) The 3.0 manual says..... Not all of the information in the 3.0 manual is applicable to the Q1a upgrade chips. You should be using the Q1A DCC Reference Manual v4, preliminary extracts of which are available on the QSIsolutions web site in the Tech Info section. The Q1a CV 56.4 settings are changed from earlier versions of the firmware. Regulated Throttle Control is enabled with CV 56.4 set to 1, not 2. A setting of 2 places it in Load Compensated BEMF Speed Control mode, which is not yet available due to threatened litigation from Mike's Train House (as is mode 3, Calibrated Speed Control). I am surprised it does anything with CV 56.4 set to to 2. Use 0 (Standard Throttle Control), or 1 (Regulated Throttle Control). Another change appears to be the reset confirmation. Now we get the "dude" saying RESET when a reset is performed, instead of three whistle hoots.
QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage Jim, Since you have the NCE Powerhouse and I have the Power Cab and we both have seen some of the same issues, I'm still wondering if this is really an NCE issue with the QSI upgrade chip. Granted, the replacement upgrade fixed my sMHP problem. But the fact that you still had troubles with programming CV2 sends up a red flag.
QUOTE: Originally posted by tstage I also discovered another interesting phenomenon last night. I wanted to hear what the speed feedback sounded like. On my NCE Power Cab, you have to press SHIFT and PROG simultaneously to get F10. The audible voice for the speed feedback was just barely audible. But the weird thing was, after I depressed the two buttons, none of the speed buttons responded after that. In other words, the locomotive maintained a constant speed - no matter what I did with the speed buttons. The only way to stop the locomotive was to press the EMERGENCY STOP button. When I pressed the acceleration button to get the locomotive moving again, the speed step would visually change on the LCD display but the actual speed of the locomotive was constantly at speed step 001 and wouldn't budge any higher - whether the screen said 001 or 126. Weird.