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Jeffreys Track Side Diner for March 2022

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Friday, March 11, 2022 4:23 PM

The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Attuvian1 on Friday, March 11, 2022 5:30 PM


Top of the page . . .   Oh, no!  I wouldn't want to get this look.  Is Tigger thinking "No freebies for you guys!" or "How deep do you want your scratches?".  Laugh
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Posted by BroadwayLion on Friday, March 11, 2022 5:54 PM

Big Cats on the top... The it is Rare Wildebeest for dinner.

No, wait, this is Friday and this is lent...


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by NorthBrit on Saturday, March 12, 2022 8:09 AM

Good afternoon Diners.   A quick coffee please, Flo.

Tried four times, but keep getting Forbidden.

A busy day ahead.  Try to call back later.



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Posted by BATMAN on Saturday, March 12, 2022 2:31 PM

Good afternoon from the Pacific Rim where it is a bright day with a high OC and 12c.

Bear loved the jet boat video and loved seeing the old hockey on the pond. I went on two jet boat trips in New Zealand. One was in Queenstown and another we flew in by helicopter and blasted around for a couple of hours. I also did an all-day river raft trip where we also flew to the starting point in a helicopter, great times. Jet boats are quite common up here out on the chuck.

The wife did an ultrasound on the mutt we took down to the Portland area to get bred and she appears to have a good size litter on board, so soon we will have the pitter-patter of little feet around the house again. Bombs away as I call it is April 13th.

I missed a couple of birthdays, so a belated to David and Mr.B.

When I was in high school I did what we called the noon hour radio program where we played music to the cafe and selected classrooms over the lunch hour. One day there was this knock on the door and this guy with long hair way down his back asked if he could come in and help with the show. After a little training for a couple of days, I let him do the Friday show. It was Bryan Adams, of course back then he was just another kid at school. I don't know if Bryan graduated high school as he joined Sweeney Todd at sixteen. 

I had a long chat with Bob Hope once and also Jay Leno and Jim Carey. I have been close enough to Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, Charles and Diana, Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton to clearly hear their conversations. Also a bunch of other leaders and famous celebrities. Fidel Castro was another character that would make a pit stop in Vancouver to gas up his plane, he would get off to stretch his legs.

John, I don't blame you for having cash on hand given the current situation, we always have $1000.00 cash in the cookie jar and have actually used some of it twice after some major storms when it was just easier to do so. Also, it is always a good idea to deal with more than one bank. In an emergency, withdrawals may be limited to so much a day. However, if you deal with more than one financial institution, you can go to each one and get that amount each day.

My sister just called to say she is dropping off some wine for me. When she judges at dog shows they almost always include some wine from the country where she is and fortunately for me she doesn't drink.Pirate

Long walk on tap and then it is train time.

All the best to all.



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Posted by "JaBear" on Sunday, March 13, 2022 4:04 AM
Gidday Chloe, I’ll have a tall cold lemonade, and have one yourself, please. With the amount of activity in here, you must be sick and tired of polishing and rearranging the glasses!!
I’ve had very little to do with jet boats, Batman, some years back a friend and workmate, with his friend, on a very tight budget, campaigned a 600 hp menthol injected river marathon jet boat, and a 400 hp, (from memory) jet sprint boat. I went for a FUN ride in the jet sprint boat and can assure you that the moulded race seat even if it didn’t quite fit the Bear, and 5 point harness was definitely necessary. With the other boat, I learnt about leaking burning methanol, the hard way!!!  
YorkJohn, I’m another fan for having cash on my person. On a family holiday we called into a small town, planning to refuel and get some lunch, only to find that there was an electricity outage. The local gas station had rigged a generator so they could pump fuel, and though they had the old-style zip zap hand credit card machine, cash put us front of the queue! Also got some Subway, though even though they had multiple signs that they could only take cash and had no HOT food,I was amazed by the amount of people who can’t read! The guy who started to verbally abuse the young lady behind the counter, desisted when the Bear tapped him on the shoulder!
That said on our last winter’s South Island holiday, one place didn’t accept cash, though we have a weird anti-money laundering law which does make it very difficult to bank cash!!
“Money can’t buy friends but you can get a better class of enemy.” -Spike Milligan
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them. Kia Kaha.
 To the MIA, hope you get back soon!!
Cheers, the Bear.Smile
SB steam by Bear, on Flickr
Lyttelton Harbour. by Bear, on Flickr

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by NorthBrit on Sunday, March 13, 2022 6:09 AM

Good morning, Chloe.   A full English breakfast, please.

I always like to have some money in my wallet.  There is always someone who wants paying.  

Going out for afternoon tea,  meeting friends and family for my birthday   party.   Some friends we haven't seen 'for ages'   because of Covid etc.

Agree with Bear,  to those MIA  hope you 'pop into the Diner'  soon.  You are missed.

Thoughts & Peace to All who Require.



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Posted by BroadwayLion on Sunday, March 13, 2022 6:47 AM



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Sunday, March 13, 2022 11:05 AM


And where does a Lion get octopus?

I had it for a main course many years ago in Greece.  It was yummy.  I though it was funny to see them cleaning it in the Mediterranean right next to my table.  The Mediterranean probably wasn't pristine water even then.

The only other octopus I've had was at the occasional sushi place.

Yeah, I've always been a bit of an adventurous eater.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Sunday, March 13, 2022 12:50 PM

And where does a Lion get octopus?


From the zookeeper, of course.

Leg of golfer I have to catch on my own.


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by hon30critter on Sunday, March 13, 2022 10:29 PM

Hi everyone,

Here is a little bit of short lived Florida railroading history. It is about the operation of the Auto-Train from 1971 to 1977, and about the current attempt to preserve the last surviving caboose car, Auto-Train #3.

This caboose is rather unusual in that, in addition to the crew space, there was a large part of the car that was used to transport automobiles.

Here is the website for the group who is trying to preserve the caboose:


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Monday, March 14, 2022 5:27 AM

Join the Breakjfast LION

The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Water Level Route on Monday, March 14, 2022 5:35 AM

Brother Lion, you are speaking my language there!  I'll join you!

Going to look at a car tonight for my oldest.  Finally found one she can afford that is in good condition that does NOT have 200,000+ miles on it.  About half that.  It's at a dealership, and has been inspected by them, so at least it will be road safe.  If there are some minor things wrong with it, I can take care of them.

My youngest had her last indoor soccer game yesterday.  They won, but the entire team was not playing well.  It was honestly difficult to watch for stretches of the game.  Weird.

Have a good day everyone!


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Posted by BroadwayLion on Monday, March 14, 2022 8:53 AM

Water Level Roots:


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Tin Can II on Monday, March 14, 2022 9:26 AM

I think I would have to be beyond starving to try octopus.  It looks revolting, but that's just me.

Went to the Garden City train show on Saturday.  They had a fantastic HO Free-mo set up; very large, and very detailed modules.  I could have watched trains run all day, and again on Sunday.  However, time was limited.  My wife did let me drive by myself (something I haven't done in six months; had no issues whatsoever). I was watching one of the Free-mo guys switch with a CF7; in casual conversation he mentioned that there was a dealer there with five selling for $50.  I excused myself and went to find these bargains.  There were two left, in blue Santa Fe pinstripe, for $60 a piece.  Still a good price (going for upwards of $120 on eBay).  Found some custom painted BN & MKT cabooses and blue box Rock Island F dummy units all for $10.00 a piece. 


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Posted by MisterBeasley on Monday, March 14, 2022 10:59 AM

Good morning, if I type quickly, otherwise good afternoon!

I would imagine small dealer tables at train shows will have lots of bargains once we start having regular train shows again.  I still remember carrying a clipboard with all my current road numbers listed to avoid getting duplicates, and heading for the guy who had a lot of Accurail kits.  They always seemed to have one or two Milwaukee box cars with new road numbers, so I built much of my boxcar fleet with them.  Lots of play value before the kits ever saw the rails, as they needed weathering, Kadee couplers and Intermountain wheelsets.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Tin Can II on Monday, March 14, 2022 11:47 AM

I carry a list on my phone of the CF7 numbers I have; the two I picked up were not on the list.  I would have bought them anyway; I would change the numbers. I now have 8 Athearn CF7s; 2 Rail Power built ups; and enough Rail Power shells, handrails, chassis, motors and trucks to make at least 8 more.  I also have a brass Hallmark CF7 and a Duane Ricks' kitbashed CF7 (the last two have been retired; the brass is very finiky, and the kitbash does not hold up against either Athearn's model or the RPP shells.   Can you tell I like CF7s?  A really good friend considers CF7s to be "the waste of a perfectly good F unit."  He is right, but at least they survived in part to run another day.

Accurail used to sell decals of numbers so one could renumber their car kits; I think they still do, but only for their current releases.

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Monday, March 14, 2022 12:12 PM


Not much going on here. We had our snow Friday, about an inch. Our southern command got 3 inches ( go figure) Seems like furtehr south got more snow this year. 

Now time to watch for Tornados 

I moved desks at work and now occupy the huge cube. i have even more space to set up my desktop train for the holidays. 



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Posted by NorthBrit on Monday, March 14, 2022 1:43 PM

Good evening Diners.  Another try after being Forbidden.

Just the usual busy Monday.

Tried all kinds of seafood.  Squid was the worst.

A 'Tornado' for MLC.


 IMG_2297 by David Harrison, on Flickr



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Posted by MisterBeasley on Monday, March 14, 2022 1:58 PM


Tried all kinds of seafood.  Squid was the worst.


We love calamari here, the generic restaurant name for squid.  It's usually served as an appetizer, but occasionally a main course.

I can't find fried clams here, which is a staple where I used to live in New England.  Google finds places that have fried oysters and steamed clams, but that's not what I want.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by hon30critter on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1:02 AM

Tin Can II
I think I would have to be beyond starving to try octopus.  It looks revolting, but that's just me.

Hi Tin Can II,

I agree that the look of an octopus on your plate can be a bit strange, but if it is cooked properly, it is a delight. The operative words here are 'cooked properly'. The last time I ordered octopus (in a high end restaurant that was offering it as their daily special), it had obviously been exposed to too much flame and it was incredibly bitter and far too smokey. When properly cooked it is tender and very tasty.

When our kids were young one of their favourite dishes was seafood pasta. We bought bags of frozen mixed seafood that included baby octopus. However, the baby octopus rarely made their way into the final dish because Glenn and Cole would stand beside mom and steal the raw octopus from the bowl when they were being drained! There were very few foods that our kids wouldn't eat.

Now I'm hungry. I'll have to put a bag of mixed seafood on the grocery list!Smile, Wink & GrinLaughLaughDinner



I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by NorthBrit on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 5:31 AM

Good morning Diners.  A coffee and blueberry muffin please,  Janie.

A busy day with paperwork to do.    A zoom meeting with cruise friends around the world,  this evening.   Hopefully I shall run a few trains as well.


Thoughts & Peace to All who Require



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Posted by Water Level Route on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 5:56 AM

Good morning Gents.  Janie, I'll have what David is having.  Thanks.

Octopus.  Bleh!  I had that in Spain while we were visiting one of our exchange students.  His mother (who is an excellent cook by the way) made it for his birthday while we were there.  At least I can say I tried it.  Squid was all over the place there.  One of their favorite eats while in the city was Squid sandwiches.  The squid rings are deep fried and put on a sub bun.  My wife loved them.  Me?  Not so much.  Still, it was better than the squid ink soup they made me try! Ick!

Got a really poor night's sleep Sunday night.  Felt fine yesterday.  Wow am I paying for it today.  Going to be an early bedtime tonight.

My oldest bought her first car yesterday!  I'm so proud of her!  Now it isn't anything special, but it should be a good first car and she paid for it, in cash.  Fingers crossed.  It seems I may have passed on my tendency to get really nervous about buying a vehicle.  As excited as she was, I could tell she was really nervous and she admitted as much to me.  Buying a house doesn't make me anywhere near as nervous as buying a vehicle, so it isn't a price thing (with me at least).  Still, lots of smiles last night.

Have a good day guys!


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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 10:07 AM

I still remember getting my daughter her first car.  It was a used Toyota Corolla, with low mileage.  It had, supposedly, been ownd by a little old lady, and it did have very low mileage and even though it had just arrived and hadn't been prepped yet, the interior was immaculate.  It had a gazillion airbags.

I wanted her to have a solid, reliable and very boring car for her first, as she was just 16.  I also wanted her to have a car for her last couple of years at home, in our safe low-speed town.  She drove to school each day, and it quickly became a boring, predictable activity, not exciting at all, which is what I wanted.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by up831 on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 10:13 AM

Hi Everyone,

Uhhhh...I think I'll refrain from sampling any of the aforementioned seafood "delicacies."  They do not look appealing at all.  Now a good Angus steak or burger,..aye, now we're talking.  Sorry, just my opinion.

CF7s:  if I remember correctly, most of the square cab units were done at SantaFe's Topeka shops, but I could be in error about that.  It was a good way to get extra life out of an older locomotive, and with improved vision and shorter wheelbase, it would be well suited for branch line and switching work.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by DigitalGriffin on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 10:30 AM

Morning all

I'm not a big fan of seafood, but fried Calimari isn't bad.  It's easier to stomach when you don't see the suckers on the small cut up ones.  It looks more like onion rings.  It kind of taste like them too.

That said, I'm heading to my local hobby store to try Tiyama and Vellejo paints.  I don't have enough shades of brown for brick, and I'm working on the Merchant's Row 1.  I'm about 1/3rd done over 2 weeks.  Yes I'm slow.  I'm picky about my paint lines and coverage.  But I also tried a new faux-marble technique which I'm happy with.

Yes I got sloppy on the corner glue.  I'm fixing that up today with some acetone.  Funny story is I realized I put glue down the wrong side and then have to super glue two walls on at once.  It was a juggling act.  But I managed to save it.



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Posted by CNCharlie on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 10:46 AM

Good Morning,

Expecting a heat wave for the next week with temps of at least 36F! 

Say, where is Ed? Unusual for him to be away. Hope he is ok.

Not a fan of octopus. I have tried it in our travels but not to my taste. Better than cuttle fish though. It was awful. Had it once in Kuching, Sarawak. 

No train news. The Pacific is sitting at the station with a combine in tow waiting for orders. 

Been a rough couple of days for my wife so I haven't done much. 

Time to check the feeders again. We still have that flock of Redpolls. They may be tiny but they sure can pack away the seed.

CN Charlie


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Posted by NorthBrit on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 11:21 AM

Good afternoon Diners.   A coffee please, Brunhilda.  Just 'popping in'.

Daughter's and cars.     My daughter has had a number of cars over the years.  A few years back.  (Not too far back.)  She bought a BMW Z4  Roadster.

One warm Summer's afternoon I received a message  from Dawn  saying our daughter would pick me up from work.

Upon leaving work there was my daughter.  Long flowing, blonde hair  sitting in the open top Z4.   Guys her age wondering whether to go and 'talk to her'?

Then an old guy old enough to be her father  (who was)  got into the passenger seat.   My daughter laughed as we drove away.

Stay Safe Everyone.



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Posted by BroadwayLion on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:08 PM

LIONS playing football. Maybe they are in Detroit.

The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by BATMAN on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 4:38 PM

Good afternoon from the land of big trees and big fish.

David, I have been keeping my eye out for a Z4 for me. I bought myself a 1990 RX7TurboII in 1989 and kept it until 2004. I need another sports car now the kids are gone. The Jaguar F-Type is another I have been looking at.

When my kid started doing movie work in high school we bought a Mazda 3 for him as he needed transportation given where we live and the ridiculous hours he was working. When he graduated from University it was five years old so we gave it to him as a grad present, he was delighted.

Went to Costco with the wife this morning, I like people watching there, seeing what's in their buggies. The food choices match the people pretty well.Laugh Even though the mask mandate is lifted I would say 95% are still wearing them. The farmer's fields are bordered in daffodils and they were all in bloom, it is beautiful.

My son finally was able to buy a condo and three days after was offered $54,000.00 more than he paid for it. Real estate has gone up 28% in our area in the last year. Something has to give somewhere, been saying that my whole life but it just keeps going up and up. Good for us old geezers but not the youngsters. They said on the news last night that Vancouver currently has the second-highest real estate prices in the world. 

Octopus can be hit or miss depending on how it is prepared, I really like it though. I don't think there is any seafood I don't like. I have been to a lot of places and the only place I have had food poisoning was Las Vegas on our last trip, we also ended up very sick three days after we got home with what we think was covid as it was only two weeks before it was declared a pandemic and we had come home through Washington State which was the hot starting point in the U.S.

Don, nice set of buildings. When I have glue slop it just gets a little more weathering powder in that spot.Whistling

Charlie, hope your wife improves, my wife is on a slow steady decline with neurological issues. I think Ed is just taking a break from the forum, I need to do that myself at times as it is better than saying some of the things that I might say if I hang around.

I decided to get my shoulder X-rayed as it is getting worse all the time. I'll go sometime this week as it is just a walk-in thing. I think another visit to the surgeon is in order though. I had it operated on in 2015 and it has been great up until recently. We need to work out our upcoming travel schedule before I see the surgeon so I can book the surgery at a good time.

We bought a Costco roast chicken for dinner, Except for a bit of the breast that the wife likes I usually will eat the whole thing with a pile of veggies, plus the Canucks are playing the New Jersey Devils tonight and that means a couple of rum and Pepsis, time to get on the bike to pay the calorie piper in advance.Laugh The kid wanted to go to the game tonight but I just don't feel like driving into Vancouver tonight. It is always a $500.00 night by the time you pay for the tickets, parking, food, and beer, and now with gas so high the cost of transportation. We used to go to tons of games but maybe I am just getting old.

Always like to find the prototype of a locomotive I own.

I prefer the classic paint job though.


All the best to all.



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