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Jeffreys Track Side Diner for March 2022

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Posted by BATMAN on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 11:47 AM


Good morning from perfectville. It was 16c yesterday it sure feels like spring has arrived. 

The wife came home with a new Dewalt shop vac yesterday as my 50-year-old one from Sears while still working was falling to pieces and needed replacing, kinda like me.Laugh It is very quiet.

Bear, congrats on your daughter's accomplishments. It's a good feeling when a big project like raising children has had a successful outcome. My daughter also belongs to the Archery club at University as well as the Equestrian club and runs the mentorship program which helps struggling and homesick students. She has years to go but has already been headhunted by mostly Government agencies.

Brent, bet that Minister rode back with you so he could get a little one on one without the rest of the people running interference or interperting what you had to say. Best way ever to hear what is really going on.

I drove him many times and we talked about travel mostly as we had both been to many of the same places, but you could tell he was glad to get away from the "yes" men.LaughI never mince words and I am matter of fact about everything and never sweat things beyond my control. Some managers were never happy to see me at these events, however, most were.

The ranks of management were always changing and there were positions that they could never fill due to the stress level. They were always trying to promote me which I wanted nothing to do with as I did not want to sit on my butt all day and it would mean a big cut in pay. I suggested to one of our directors once that if I was promoted I would be making the decisions that I am knowledgeable enough to make in my current position. I instantly saw a light go on in his eyes and I was given a tremendous amount of empowerment shortly afterward. The best part was they could not hold me accountable if anything went wrong, except for things beyond our control that never happened.

One funny story, was once I got called at the last minute to go into Vancouver and my vehicle had just been picked up for maintenance. So I hopped into a shunt tractor and headed off as that is all there was. Usually, they only have one seat but this one had two with the second jump seat sitting sideways behind the driver's seat.

So at the end of the meeting, the Minister said "can I get a lift, Brent?" I told him he probably would not want to get into what I was driving.Laugh I told him why and his response was sounds like fun, let's go!Laugh

He usually flew commercial, but when carpooling with other Ministers and /or Government officials they would have a Challenger. I would drive him right out to the plane. So I would always ask if he was living the high-life with his own ride or taking public transportation? There were some hilarious comments when we pulled up to the plane in a shunt truck similar to this. He was a real good guy.

OTTAWA SHUNT TRUCK - Myshak Group of Companies


I have had the "403" issue only a few times. My son gave me his super-powerful, high-end gaming computer and I surf the WWW with that. I have a Mac that only gets used for finance, absolutely no surfing on it. While the virus/malware alarm goes off on the PC the Mac has never ever been attacked. Both kids and the wife all have Macs and have never had a problem. I use both the PC and Mac every day and if I could only have one, it would be a Mac. I also have a Mac tablet I like. I rarely use it. Someone gave it to me and I put manuals for the MRR hobby on it and take it when traveling.

Starting in grade three the kids got given new laptops every two years, by the time they graduated high school we had a stack of them on the shelf. I remember the school board dropped learning cursive and changed to computer coding which now as adults they use all the time, cursive writing not so much.Laugh

Time to get on the bike, did over an hour yesterday and felt tremendous all day afterward. I will probably do 40 minutes today as I have errands to run.

As far as career choices, I thoroughly loved my job, it was a perfect fit for me. When you spend so much of your time doing something, you better enjoy it or move on to something you do enjoy before it has an impact on your wellbeing.

When logging operations ceased they took the bridge to the mill.


All the best to all.



"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by "JaBear" on Thursday, March 10, 2022 12:56 AM
OK, so my first attempt may have been far too obtuse, see page 5, so I’ll try again. BTW clicking on the image should make it BIGGER.
Where’s Kevin??
Wheres K by Bear, on Flickr
And as a reminder as to what Kevin looks like, here he is, the chap on the left, featuring in an old Beartoon. The hair length varies, but the smile doesn’t!!!
Bench. by Bear, on Flickr
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by GMTRacing on Thursday, March 10, 2022 5:33 AM

Good Morning All,

   28F and 2-3" of new snow the day after all but the biggest snow piles had gone. It was beautiful this morning driving in as the snow was wet and coated all the trees in white (which is much better than clear ice by far).

As far as career choices, I thoroughly loved my job, it was a perfect fit for me. When you spend so much of your time doing something, you better enjoy it or move on to something you do enjoy before it has an impact on your wellbeing.  Ditto here Brent which is why I haven't tried to retire. With rare exception I look forward to going to the shop or track.

   All for now, the truck leaves for Laguna Seca with four cars next week so I need to sort and pack spares.    Ciao, J.R.

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Posted by NorthBrit on Thursday, March 10, 2022 6:00 AM

Good morning Diners.  A large coffee  and blueberry muffin please, Janie.

Well I have been on this planet three quarters of a century today.  Received some really lovely presents.     Some from the grandchildren are heading straight to the train room.  Yeah.

Having a  drink or two.  Maybe call in later



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Posted by Water Level Route on Thursday, March 10, 2022 6:15 AM

Good Morning All.

Well I have been on this planet three quarters of a century today. 

Happy B-DayHappy Birthday David!!  I'll supply the cake!

What a nice way to kick off a Thursday!  David, I hope you have a truly wonderful day.

Been a long week centered around training at work.  (Me training others)  Have a hopefully fun weekend coming up that I can't wait to get to.  

Kevin, if you see this, try downloading a different web browser and see it that allows you to get logged back in and posting again.  Something has to work.

Have a good day guys!


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Posted by York1 on Thursday, March 10, 2022 8:43 AM

Good morning, everyone.  Bacon, eggs, and coffee, please.

I just got in from clearing the driveway of the white stuff.  We've had more of that stuff fall from the sky the past week than we've had in the past three months.

Happy birthday, David!  It's great your family is there to help you celebrate.  It seems they know how to buy the perfect presents for you.

Today:  visiting stores, the gas station, the bank, and getting the luggage out of the basement.  Normally, I wouldn't need to use the bank since we would just use the card for everything, but in these unusual times, I feel better having cash with me on the trip.  Will only be gone a week, but we are looking forward to the entire family getting together again.

It's great to hear from everyone.  Hope everyone is having a great day.

York1 John       

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Posted by Tin Can II on Thursday, March 10, 2022 8:56 AM

It is currently 15 degrees with about two inches of snow on the ground, with more expected this afternoon,

Yesterday I finalized a trip to Chicago the first week in April; I have to go to a conference.  Since I live in Dodge City, I wanted to take Amtrak.  My first trip was cancelled because Amtrak cancelled the return trip.  I was allowed to extend my stay a day so I could still use Amtrak.  Looking forward to it.

Happy Birthday, David. That was a neat cake that Mike posted.  It looks like it can actually be eaten and enjoyed, as opposed to the "show cakes" that are on television.

John, I agree about taking a cash reserve when traveling.  In the old days, one would get traveler's checks; I don't know if they still even make them.  We are still banking with a Texas bank, and have run into issues with debit cards from time to time here, so cash is a good backup.

Train show in Garden City this week end.  I am not sure if I am going to be able to make it as my wife still doesn't want me driving on the highway; still a couple of months before my right eye can be corrected.  I have no depth perception, and that is not smart driving in unfamiliar places.  I do want to talk to the Free-mo folks who are going to be there.  Spring Creek Trains will be there as well; they always have something I want/need.

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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, March 10, 2022 9:25 AM

Happy Birthday David


Did you ever get a start on restoring that water damaged walk-through lift bridge?  I could certainly see how impressive that was at one time looking at all the work you didYes




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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, March 10, 2022 10:45 AM


Well I have been on this planet three quarters of a century today.


And I am exactly 1 day older than you.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Texas Zephyr on Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:07 AM

Tell your pooch that he got off easy because they had room to scatter.  If they choose to defend they can be formidable.

Yes, my grandparents raised turkeys and were constantly warning us about playing in and around the pens as they could suddenly decide to attack if they felt threatened.  Of course, it might have been a good lesson for the hound.

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Posted by up831 on Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:35 AM

Hi Everyone,

Brunhilda, coffee with cream, please.

Just dropping in to say hello.

The two guys on the bench.  Which one is Kevin? LaughLaughLaughLaugh

Yes, he is missed.

Tin Can:  Nice to learn you live in Dodge.  What brought you there?  The cattle drives are long gone. Big Smile. In my early days as a musician, I played there frequently.  Dodge has an interesting history.  Hope you can get to know about it.  Several very famous characters from the old west put some time in Dodge.  In fact, the entire state is loaded with western history from Freestate and slave state wars along the Kansas-Missouri border to Indian wars in the central and west, all fascinating.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by York1 on Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:42 AM

And I am exactly 1 day older than you.

I don't know if I did this already, but if not, ... (Late) Happy Birthday, MisterBeasley!

York1 John       

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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:45 AM


The two guys on the bench. Which one is Kevin? 

Kevin knows who they both are and that's all that really mattersLaugh
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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, March 10, 2022 11:53 AM



And I am exactly 1 day older than you.


I don't know if I did this already, but if not, ... (Late) Happy Birthday, MisterBeasley!


Of course you didn't John, but you did just nowLaughSmile

If MisterBeasley is exactly one day older than David, that means 'he was born yesterday' Laugh... No pun intendedWhistling


Happy belated birthday Mister B. Big Smile




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Posted by Water Level Route on Thursday, March 10, 2022 12:00 PM




Well I have been on this planet three quarters of a century today.




And I am exactly 1 day older than you.


Happy Belated Birthday Mr. B!!Cake How about a second one for you!



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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, March 10, 2022 12:43 PM

And today is also the 75th birthday of Tom Scholz, the lead guy and founder of the rock group Boston.

I knew him back in college.  He was the keyboard guy in my dorm band.  I went on to obscurity, while he went on to fame.

I will have the first guitar he ever tried playing.  It's upstairs.  I haven't played in years.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Tin Can II on Thursday, March 10, 2022 3:48 PM


I was able to get a job in administration at the local community college.  In my 21 years in higher education, I can absolutely say that from the top down, we put students first.  I love that; love helping students and trying to make a difference in their lives.

There is so much history here; from the Spanish conquistadors, to the cattle drives; the railroad, and settlers going west.  I hope to learn about all of it.

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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, March 10, 2022 5:30 PM


Everyone keeps disappearing around here.

And now where did my buddy Ed go?  I haven't seen him for three days which is a bit out of the norm.

He hasn't posted a good Bridge or a Green Machine lately but he's certainly worth his keep around hereSmile, Wink & Grin...Smile

Perhaps a little lure to bring him out of the woodwork.

Stick out tongue

Images courtesy of Pinterest




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Posted by BroadwayLion on Thursday, March 10, 2022 5:50 PM

Tin Can II
John, I agree about taking a cash reserve when traveling. In the old days, one would get traveler's checks; I don't know if they still even make them. We are still banking with a Texas bank, and have run into issues with debit cards from time to time here, so cash is a good backup.


Travelers Checks are no longer issued or honored.

When I travel I buy a couple of Visa Gift Cards, about $500.00 on them. The kind that you cannot refill nor have recurring charges.

I have a company credit card, but that is all. It is paid in full every month. I use it for 'company' expences, such as hotel or travel, but tnot for the other stuff. Too many receipts to keep track of that way, and any leftover money I can use for other things later.

Things better not seen on the company cards. : )



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by York1 on Thursday, March 10, 2022 6:42 PM

I think my worry, most likely unfounded, would be some kind of tech attack that would shut down credit card networks.

My town had a fiber optic cable cut several years ago, and most local credit card transactions, including some gas pumps, were disabled for several hours.

My fear would be that somehow, an enemy did something like this while we were 500 miles from home.

I would believe that cash might be the only way to function (maybe).


Yes, I know, I'm paranoid.


York1 John       

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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, March 10, 2022 7:01 PM


I've been a Cash is King sort of guy my whole life.  When I run out of money in my pocket I go to the cash machine and re-up.  I only go to the cash machine at my bank because I've heard of those Fisher stories at public ATMs and gas pumps.  

Maybe I'm the one that's paranoid but it's so rare I use my debit card anywhere that I forget how to use the machines at the gas station when I do.  And by no means I do banking, use a card or account numbers over the internet.  Only PayPal.

I have one Visa for when we stay at the hotel because you have to.

I don't know, that's just how I roll. I have no debt and I've never had a single problem.  If ya don't put anything out there, there's nothing for anyone to get.




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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, March 10, 2022 9:30 PM




And today is also the 75th birthday of Tom Scholz, the lead guy and founder of the rock group Boston.

I knew him back in college.  He was the keyboard guy in my dorm band.  I went on to obscurity, while he went on to fame.

I will have the first guitar he ever tried playing.  It's upstairs.  I haven't played in years.


I didn't know it was Tom Schultz's birthday today Mister B.  And that's pretty cool you knew Tom in college and have the first guitar he fiddled around with upstairs.  

I had both the original Boston and the Don't Look Back album when I was a young Kid.  I'll never forget how my dad used to yell up the stairs "Turn That Noise Down" Laugh

It's been pretty quiet around here so maybe a little Noise would be good.


One for you Mister B.





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Posted by "JaBear" on Friday, March 11, 2022 4:03 AM
A belated  Happy B-Day to David and Mr. B.
75 by Bear, on Flickr
Thanks to all for your kind remarks regarding my daughter, spoke to her last night, she’s finding it strange not having to study!
Mr. TF, you hit the nail on the head!! As I’ve said before it was my Grandma that had a tv as my ffolkes never owned one, but it was Gentle Ben which I associated with airboats and Florida.
YorkJohn, to be fair I didn’t associate Nebraska with airboats, looking at that river though I would have thought that one of these would have been the go.
CNCharlie, nothing wrong with a ramble! While there are other factors involved making a straight comparison difficult, I paid for petrol on the way home tonight, NZ$ 2.95 per litre, the equivalent US$ 7.62 per US gallon!! Surprise
“If I had to start again, I think I might work for the NTSB.”
 Mr B, over the years I’ve been out in the field and salvaged wrecks, some had minor damage and were rebuilt, some picked over for serviceable parts, then scrapped. These were all non-fatal.
Had I got qualified younger, I too would have liked to work as an air accident investigator. I was seconded twice to the NZCAA Air Accidents, both fatal, though I got there after the bodies had been moved. On one though, we were all instructed by the senior policeman in charge of security of the scene, that if we found any body parts, we were to tell him and then discretely place them in a small hole down by the hedge at the bottom of the field. The reason being that “we” didn’t want to create any more grief for the families.
The other guy also seconded, only lasted to lunch, it wasn’t his scene, but I can understand that. I got on well with the Senior Investigator, and asked how he coped, especially as he was usually on the scene before the bodies were removed; to be told that even though it was part of the job, it didn’t get any easier.
I must admit I enjoyed (??) the steady methodical way that we went through the aircrafts systems looking for possible causes; and also got to strip down the engines, back at the workshop, again looking for failures. 
I didn’t realise it at the time but I later found out that we both had an interest in the railways, and one time while passing through, he called in to tell me that he had gained his steam ticket. As a member of the Silver Stream Heritage Railway, he was able to fire up and keep Ka935 in steam while on excursions. I think that of all his qualifications, this was the one he was most thrilled about.
SB winter by Bear, on Flickr
“The air, like the sea can be a capricious mistress.”- Anon.
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them. Kia Kaha.
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by Water Level Route on Friday, March 11, 2022 6:13 AM

And today is also the 75th birthday of Tom Scholz, the lead guy and founder of the rock group Boston. I knew him back in college. 

That is incredible Mr. B!  Boston is one of my all time favorite rock bands.  I routinely listen to them, and usually at a higher volume than other music. Big Smile

Track fiddler
If ya don't put anything out there, there's nothing for anyone to get.

Everyone's info is out there somewhere.  Now, minimizing how much of it is out there is great.  In my case, my info was compromised by one of the four institutions that has everyone's information. (In the U.S. at least)  Thank you Equifax. Angry  While their breach happened years ago that resulted in my info getting stolen, nothing happened with it (that I found out about at least) until about a year and a half ago.  I got a letter that my unemployment claim in Kentucky was denied.  I'm employed and live in Michigan.  Thank goodness I froze all my credit reports once the Equifax breach was announced.  Even if your information hasn't been compromised, I recommend everyone take this relatively simple step to protect themselves.  Sure it makes it a bit of a pain if you need to apply for credit for something, but not at all unmanagable. 

TGIF!  I can't wait for quittin' time today.  Been one of those weeks.

Have a good day everyone.


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Posted by Water Level Route on Friday, March 11, 2022 11:54 AM

Hmmm.  Quiet day in here today.  Maybe everyone has a stomach ache from all the cake?  Maybe this will help.  Drink up everybody.


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Posted by NorthBrit on Friday, March 11, 2022 12:17 PM

Good evening Diners.  A hot chocolate drink please, Chloe.

A belated Happy Birthday to you Mr B.   


My daughter is forever sending me lovely messages.    I received this from her yesterday.


To My Dad

So much of me is made from what I learned from you.

I may have outgrown your lap, but I know I will never outgrow a place in your heart.

It doesn't matter how far I go in life.

I will always be your little girl.

Thank you for the love and support

I Love You

Always  and Forever.



Dinner  Mushroom Pasta is the Order of the Day.


Thoughts & Peace to All who Require



To the world you are someone.    To someone you are the world

I cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought

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Posted by Track fiddler on Friday, March 11, 2022 1:28 PM

Good afternoon

Well, Judy and her sister decided to surprise my brother-in-,law and I.   They got side by side suites at a hotel in Wisconsin for Steve-O's 60th birthday.  

Rounded up food and cheer this morning and it's not too far of a drive to the half way point so we're off.  Catch you guys later on in a fewSmile, Wink & Grin

Glad you liked the Gentle Ben clip Bear.  I was thinking every kid must have liked that one as I looked for it.  I've enjoyed all your Beartoons through the years, so it felt good to finally send something backSmile


Have a great weekend gentlemanWink




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Posted by York1 on Friday, March 11, 2022 2:27 PM

Good afternoon, everyone.

We're all packed and ready to leave.  It will be tomorrow night before we get to our destination.

Mike, no thanks on the pink stuff.  My mother used to give me that, and I hated it so much, just thinking of tasting it makes me sick to my stomach!

Bear, we have a program called "Air Disasters" on TV that I watch.  Someone told me that if I watched it, I would never want to fly again.  It is just the opposite.  After watching the painstaking investigations into every plane problem, they have made everything so much safer.  It seems like when they found a problem, they would make sure that problem never happened again.

David, that is a wonderful message from your daughter.  You are really a special father to her.

TF, enjoy the weekend with the in-laws.

Tin Can, Dodge City is a very nice place.  I remember all the cowboy shows from the 1950s that mentioned the place.  What a great history.

MisterBeasley, that's pretty neat about the guitar.  I don't think anyone in my high school or college ever became famous.  Several of them ended up in jail, but no rock stars that I know of.

I'm checking out for a while.  Keep the diner's waitresses busy and leave good tips.  Since I now have a cell phone Sad I may be able to look in on the diner every-so-often.  Have a good weekend!

York1 John       

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Posted by CNCharlie on Friday, March 11, 2022 3:44 PM

Good Afternoon,

Winter is still here in full force. At 7 am the windchill was -35. It has warmed up a little, temp is -2F and windchill only -22.

Belated Happy Birthday to David and Mr. B!

Nothing new. Time for more tea.

CN Charlie

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Friday, March 11, 2022 3:46 PM


MisterBeasley, that's pretty neat about the guitar.  I don't think anyone in my high school or college ever became famous.  Several of them ended up in jail, but no rock stars that I know of.

The other high school in my town, the one I didn't go to, had Joey Heatherton.  I still remember her writhing around doing mattress ads.  She was the daughter of Ray Heatherton, the Merry Mailman.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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