Whew, I'm glad that's all over now and you've all made up to one another.
It was kind of like watching a Friday night bar fight that had spilled out onto the street outside - some insults, misinterpretations and misunderstandings of what had been said, some stepping on a few sensitivities, a few wild swings that found home and then common sense prevailing at the end with some good on yer, mate, kind of back slapping - perhaps even some additional acknowledgement of another guys point of view with the return of fraternal feelings of well being replacing earlier pronouncements delivered from a high horse. And now we're all happy and a bit warn out from it all - exhausted and pleased to be able to return home again in one piece perhaps some a little bloodied and worse for wear, yet knowing that no matter what endeavors we pursue to make us happy there will always be some lone gunman out there oiling up his Peacemaker ready to take a shot at what we enjoy doing and endeavor to produce.
Semantics is just bullshit dressed up in a big girls blouse.
Bruce (I don't know beans about scratchbuilding, but if it looks good then model it)
gunkhead wrote:Well, for some good scratchbuilding advice, look in "The Boy's Book of Model Railroading" by Raymond F. Yates. You'll have to adjust the proportions for HO scale but it's good.
Quote: I'm still trying to figure out what "solipsitic" means.
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