Having invested half my retired life in this thread, I would like to have feedback from the OP as to how things are going. Don't think he needs any more input but progress reports now and then would be appreciated.
floridaflyer Having invested half my retired life in this thread, I would like to have feedback from the OP as to how things are going. Don't think he needs any more input but progress reports now and then would be appreciated.
Alton Junction
Will do
Well between health issues and a looming race deadline I haven't had as much time as I would like. I have been reworking turnouts and proving things one turnout at a time. I did find the fault that has eluded me thanks to Florida Flyer. I isolated the dead short but couldn't find a reason for it so I cut turnout out and pulled it up. The two little feeders under the frog were touching enough to cause a short. I replaced the turnout with a new one I had and - no more short. I owe you all another thank you for sticking through all this. It was systematically implementing your suggestions that gave the result. I am now going through to finish the turnout mods and putting some to the things back together one at a time so I can go back to one power district for the upper main line, one for the lower main plus seperate power districts for each yard and the auto reverse section. Once that is done, on to the turntable. J.R.
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you found the problem