Man, those soda signs are just right for my Cornerstone Pizza Restaurant.
Good Morning Tomkat,
Thank you for these wonderful signs and building flats. I am looking forward to using many of them to bring my layout to life. I especially like the building flats as they will come in very hand for the shelf portion of my layout. Please consider preparing and posting a Tomkat Printing Company building flat. I would like to include this on my layout with some of the other industrial buildins you have been kind enough to furnish.
John R
John R.
Here are some more signs, posters, ect. Please share your images of how you use signs on your layout or your plans on how you might use them.
Thank-you for sharing these signs with us. Appreciate all your work in posting
Tom Kat;See if you can find some Humble Oil Signs!!I'm modeling the western edge of East Texas circa 1959-60 and Humble was King then!!