Have fun with your trains
exPalaceDog wrote: vsmith wrote: Q: If I have a 20 x 20 garage why would I chose the more restrictive side as the layout side? the car doesnt care.Also note that choosing the right bay would require items such as groceries to be passed over/thru/or under the layout to get from the vehicle to the kitchen.Have fun
vsmith wrote: Q: If I have a 20 x 20 garage why would I chose the more restrictive side as the layout side? the car doesnt care.
Q: If I have a 20 x 20 garage why would I chose the more restrictive side as the layout side? the car doesnt care.
Also note that choosing the right bay would require items such as groceries to be passed over/thru/or under the layout to get from the vehicle to the kitchen.
Have fun
My contention was that if I had a 20x20 space, which I did in real life, I would not choose the more constrictive side given what I had planned to install layout wise, I would chose the right hand bay for its clear 10 x 20 space and leave the left hand door side open for vehicle and access, thats all. In fact my current layout actually goes across the back wall of my garage, its elevated and the deck is cantelevered enough so if I park a car, theres enough room for either of our cars, which are small, to fit easily; the cars nose slips under the layout.
This is why I asked for a proviso for those of use who would like to submit our real layouts as entries. I will modify my layout to fit the 10x20 space as oriented
SOO_N Scaler wrote: As to comment that exterior doors do not lead from living quarters to garage space,,, I say nay. I live in central Texas,,, we have a standard 3'0" entry door going from house to garage. With the standard entry door you have two holes pre-drilled,, one for the deadbolt and one for the rotating, or lever action handle. I like this option,, as if a bad guy broke into the garage,, he would not be able to gain easy access to my home. I am currently working on a garage layout,,, still drawing plans in 3rd Plan-It. Wanna look see??? drop me line. Adios Wyatt
As to comment that exterior doors do not lead from living quarters to garage space,,, I say nay. I live in central Texas,,, we have a standard 3'0" entry door going from house to garage.
With the standard entry door you have two holes pre-drilled,, one for the deadbolt and one for the rotating, or lever action handle. I like this option,, as if a bad guy broke into the garage,, he would not be able to gain easy access to my home.
I am currently working on a garage layout,,, still drawing plans in 3rd Plan-It. Wanna look see??? drop me line.
Adios Wyatt
You need to reread my post. I wasn't talking about the door leading into the house, which my garage also has. It's the theory that there would be a walk through exterior door from the garage out to the great outdoors.
Don Z.
Research; it's not just for geeks.
The above is my opinion, from an active and experienced Model Railroader in N scale and HO since 1961.
(Modeling Freelance, Eastern US, HO scale, in 1962, with NCE DCC for locomotive control and a stand alone LocoNet for block detection and signals.) http://waynes-trains.com/ at home, and N scale at the Club.
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
SpaceMouse wrote:Okay take out the doors.
So, does this apply for everyone? Is the contest now 10x20 with the entry as the left side?
I wonder if that's a "Up North" habit....I live in a subdivision with 550 homes, all built in the last 10 years and not a single one has an exterior door in the garage, other than the overhead door.
Don Z wrote:Is this a detached garage? I've never seen an exterior door into a garage that was attached to a house....other than the overhead door. Can access through the exterior door be blocked since there is access to the layout area from the house door?Don Z.
Is this a detached garage? I've never seen an exterior door into a garage that was attached to a house....other than the overhead door. Can access through the exterior door be blocked since there is access to the layout area from the house door?
Side garage entry doors are quite commom on attached garages. Although not a standard builders option they are put in. I specifically asked for one when we had our house built.
chadw wrote:I think what Spacemouse means...you can have an aisle off of the left side of the layout in the car space but you can't build part of the layout there.
Ah, that makes sense. I took the line on the left to be an exterior wall. So there's only one vehicle that calls the garage home.
Edit: oops, just found the answers under the "plywood" contest thread.
I ask this because as is, my layout will not fit the given criteria as the door is in the way of my fiddleyard. Something I specificly avoided in my own layout construction where the access door was completely avoided.
If there is no provision for which side we can choose, I will sit this one out, I dont feel like redesigning what I already have spent a great deal of time planning and works well for me.
This is why I asked for a option for those of us intending on using our own layouts.
Don Z wrote:I've never seen an exterior door into a garage that was attached to a house..
SpaceMouse wrote:Left side is 2nd car space
10' wide seems pretty snug for a typical U.S. two car garage. Mine is 21' x 21' and there's not a whole lot of room for both. Also, what kind of vehicles need to be worked around - Hummers or Smart Cars?
I've often seen doors like that. Might be regional?
I wish I had twelve feet to work with!
Jeff But it's a dry heat!
SpaceMouse wrote: No more wimp shelves. Time to go for the gusto. Open scale. The parameters are in the diagram. The house door swings into the house. Submit in .jpg format 800 pixels wide. Left side is 2nd car space and there is walking access. Submit a write-up with your theme and specs. Be sure to specify your scale. Grades and curves must be consistent with equipment.Deadline for submission: May 30th. Midnight.
No more wimp shelves. Time to go for the gusto. Open scale. The parameters are in the diagram. The house door swings into the house. Submit in .jpg format 800 pixels wide.
Left side is 2nd car space and there is walking access.
Submit a write-up with your theme and specs. Be sure to specify your scale. Grades and curves must be consistent with equipment.
Deadline for submission: May 30th. Midnight.
You state that the house door swings into the house, but it is drawn swinging into the garage. Would you clarify please?
loathar wrote:Who won the last one??
No more wimp shelves. Time to go for the gusto. Open scale. The parameters are in the diagram. Ignore the doors shown. Submit in .jpg format 800 pixels wide.