"Our" Place reborn! 3rd Year of adults 'n REAL Classic Trains in a special environment! Locked

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Posted by coalminer3 on Friday, October 26, 2007 9:50 AM

Good Morning Barkeep and All Present; coffee, please (New England Four Seasons Blend) and slide the donut tray this way - thank you!  Round for the house and $ for the jukebox. 

Interesting night for fans of things Boston in sports.  The World's Serious game was a dandy - lots of inside stuff which I like - hit behind the runner, pick offs, and some insane relief pitching.  Then, right across the mountain we had Boston College and Virginia Tech - what a finish there!  Also (hang on to your fez's, the Bruins won!  Holy Cow! (Sorry Harry, wherever you are).  Shaping up to be an interesting weekend, too.

Classic Trains arrived this a.m.  I won't comment on any of the stories except to say that one of them has a great photo of the DL&W at Lackawanna Terminal in Buffalo.

Now let's look at the stack of stuff.

Rob - Thanks for the information on the Witts.

Pete - UP has a couple of steam engines in service, of course.  I believe, however, that 8444 is the only one that was not "retired."  I'll do some looking on headboards.  Over here, they were used to display the train name, rather than the route.

Eric - They add, change, and delete pages in the bar rules at will.  It's like the "book" in baseball.  The "book" exists but nobody has ever seen a copy.  Lovely MP cab; one of the last before they got swallowed up, IIRC. 

Lars - Appreciate the bookmobile materials.  I don't know how you know the results of the darts match yet.  We'll have to see what the reporter submits.  Remember his comment about "fog of war" yesterday - it may have something to do with the refreshments and other entertainments - I'm anxiously awaiting his dispatch. 

OSP - MacArthur and corncob pipes.  You got on that one ahead of me.  A Missouri Meerschaum loaded with Prince Albert - a manly smoke for sure.  Enjoyed your story abt. seegars on the bridge - worked good, I bet - haven't seen a mosquito yet.  Kinda like Boris's snakebite medicine, I guess.  2600th post?  I had no idea (of, course lots of folks say that)

As for cutters, that brought "revenue cutters" to mind.  The following website has lots of neat material - check it out, folks, there's a lot of history.

work safe

Boris?  Boris?  Oh, there you are - There's smoke coming out of the vents on the Marconi - give it a good thump on top - thanks - maybe that will will allow the next message to get through - I hope that our reporter has not been surrounded (or worse fallen into the settling ponds behind the building).

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Posted by coalminer3 on Friday, October 26, 2007 10:30 AM

Were Off to See What?

Greetings from our studios high atop Majestic Mount Mentor.  We begin this report with a travelogue. 

There is, of course, a garage beneath the studio which houses a variety of vintage motor cars.  Some of them work and some don't - sort of like a lot of people we know.  Anyway, at an early hour, Boris donned his motoring togs and went out to fire up the Packard.  As luck would have it, it wouldn't start.  Problem seemed to be something having to do with mice in the magneto or was it a dormouse in the distributor?   Anyway, we have Artie looking into the situation.  His motivation is that he gets to eat what he finds. 

The Locomobile was out of the question as it was on blocks because earlier we had to swap out the tires and put then on the Packard.  The Pierce Arrow, usually, the choice of all upscale Mentorians is being saved for the victory celebration. 

So that left us with the Crosley.  You think its easy fitting Boris, your intrepid reporter, a variety of mascots, food hampers, ammunition boxes, etc. into a Crosley?  Anyway we got down the hill, crossed the rope bridge and successfully negotiated all of the Mentor Defense Force checkpoints with a modicum of trouble.  They are easily distracted, believe me - I think it was because they had been training so hard, that they never even opened their eyes when we passed by.

Our first stop was to obtain our media credentials - a snappy-looking gold-painted railroad spike on a length of chain - certainly a well-balanced and potentially useful item should the fun-loving fans and contestants get a little rowdy.  We will keep it close to hand throughout the tournament.

Even Boris was concerned as he changed from his usual brogans to the steel-tipped ones.  He's been around and can take care of himself, but he always does things correctly.  I almost said by the numbers, but the last time he did that he got 10 to 20 with time served. 

Boris's rules of engagement are simple.  He makes sure there is at least one good escapeway, never sits with his back to a door or window, and always carries plenty of bail money and wild boar jerky in case we run short of rations.

Thus fortified, we were ready to begin.

Our first stop was the section of the media area which was behind the razor wire.  The Second Class team in an electric (no Boris, ecelectic) crew this year.   

FIRST EDITOR'S NOTE - This dispatch arrived earlier today but it was seriously fragmented because of solar flares, we appreciate your forbearance

Media Circus Maximus -1, or Things Always Sound Better in Latin

IMWWDT media day can be a dangerous proposition because the contestants are getting tanked (make that warmed up).  We made sure that our media credentials were at the ready and that our PPE was functional.

As mentioned above, our first stop was at the Second Class's training venue and dip pens where Mt. Man Mike (MM for short) was actually in a jovial mood (for him) as he was using a fine file rather than the wood rasp on his teeth.  Sorry Boris, I didn't mean to confuse you about second being first.  Think of it in terms of Pullman car prices back in the day - the price of the upper was lower because it was higher.  Got it?  Good work! 

We greeted him carefully, but before we could talk about his team and its chances, he wanted to show me the latest acquisition in camp décor. Your jaded reporter was actually impressed because what I thought to be tiki torches turned out to be heads on sticks.  The Second Class Owner, GM and first alternate explained that this decoration served a four-fold purpose. 

First, it was to inspire his team (he said that he had told Mo, Rock, Lance, and Doug that this was what would happen to them if they didn't win this year).  This is the kind of stuff your reporter likes to find out - strategy and intent, right Awk?  After all, you never know the questions a good cross-examiner might ask.

Second was to intimidate the Our Place team.  Your reporter casually observed that given the usual state/condition of the Our Place d'artistes, seeing one more skull floating in the air wasn't going to make a whole lot of difference.  MM carefully considered the proposition brought forward by your reporter, and remarked, "It's the thought that counts, I believe in leading by example, smoke ‘em if you got ‘em."  I noticed he does have a corncob pipe.

The third purpose was to get a jump on Halloween.  MM is truly a party animal (stress on the animal) as he said reflectively, "The holidays seem to start earlier every year."

The fourth purpose was to as he put it, "Inspire the guys in Oakland."  I had Boris make a note of that so we can board the private car and travel west to see whassup with the Raiders.

Your inquiring reporter then asked for a rundown on the team and how MM thought they would do.  He said that, "They were all run down before we drafted them - think of it as road kill."  That, of course, made Boris and Artie hungry. 

MM said, "Just look at ‘em; new uniforms this year (fresh hides - kind of rough smelling in damp weather), and we even got chromed chains and buffed the maces and tridents.  We're ready."  This appraisal was reinforced by a chorus of grunts, screams, wheezes, gurgles, and gasps from the training area.

It was clear that our interview was at an end because it was feeding time, so we headed on to the Our Place site to see what they were doing

ANOTHER EDITOR'S NOTE:  The transmission broke up here, but rest assured that as soon as we finish massaging the voice print, we will have some up close and personal material about the Our Place folks and their alibis, strike that, Frostbite, I think he meant plans and intentions.  The last little bit that did get through mentioned that our intrepid reporter was going to load up the Crosley and move streetside for the parade and pep rally as soon as he got done with the visit to the Our Place camp -  the parade is generally a good one.



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"Our" Place reborn! 3rd Year of adults 'n REAL Classic Trains in a special environment!
Posted by siberianmo on Friday, October 26, 2007 10:33 AM

G'day Gents!

Some activity this morning - which of course is good, actually GREAT considering the events of last nite! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Some quickie responses . . .

No, no, no - Lars didn't "spill the beans," Shane - methinks you've read more into his comments than are there. Of course he KNOWS who won - he was there!!! He was on the team!!! <geesh> What in the world are YOU putting into that corn cob pipe Question [?] <uh oh>

Received your Email 'n responded - Dan! Thumbs Up [tup]

Lars you look like a penny waiting for change . . . how in the world did you ever manage to lift Mountain Main Mike off the deck like that Question [?] Wow!! [wow] Not a gentle <or gentile> landing either! <yikes>

Surely glad I remained in control of my faculties - being Proprietor 'n Chief Barkeep, gotta remain on top of things. Anyway, we all eagerly await the "news" . . . . Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Now for another installment of . . . .

Six to Go! Number Four

Rural America


Fall colors beginning to show in central Missouri


Eastbound Ann Rutledge - running late <what's new!>


Missouri National Guard vehicles near Jefferson City



Wolfman boarding - and he IS wearing the hat I bought him!! <wow>

* * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *

More later . . . six at a time! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Enjoy! Thumbs Up [tup]

Tom Captain [4:-)] Pirate [oX)]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by JanOlov on Friday, October 26, 2007 10:46 AM

Greetings Master Tom and fellow Knights Of The Golden Turntable.....

May I please have some black Java please and usual top up with cigars for the troops....? Here's some $$$$ for yourself....

I'm just back from town after giving blood, not to worry, I used my left arm since I'm right handed.... I see that the party is in full swing outside for our latest Championship...should still be able to give a good fight at the bar with beers and grub...

 Tailgaters 1 

I thought that I'd stay off the booze for at least another 5 minutes, don't you agree folks?

coalminer3, Soooo.....does it work like for every outer ring you down a dram, inner ring two drams and bullseye three drams...hmmm?? Or am I thinking of a completely different sport?

Tom, those are some serious nice pics mate? Can't remember ever heard Missouri as "Old Muddy", probably one of many nicknames on the river and I guess that Mississppi and the others have some as well... 

pwolfe, still working hard mate.....would hate to be unfit to the big tournament at hand.....   Sit Up  Squats  Push Up  Jumping Rope  Jumping Jacks  Stationary Bike 

trolleyboy, thanks for clearing that up for me mate...too many years from school ya know.... One thing though, isn't moose and elk the same animal?? I've always had trouble with those two, keeping them apart and all that...

EricX2000, I'm cool mate......I think or I hope I am....what do you mean being safe or almost safe..?  Tell Me 

Tom, six more pics to enjoy good man....! We Are Not Worthy I've been informed that keeping everybody topped up and well fed is hard work, so I thought that I'd come prepared....

Da Larsman, nice covers as always mate! I do NOT know what you're talking, team, running, me??  Peeking Over Fence 

Can I have that beer now, please? Please 

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Posted by DL - UK on Friday, October 26, 2007 11:45 AM

Hello Tom and all in

I'll have a pint of Harvey's Bitter please, and a look at the menu for Friday since it is the end of the week.

Jan - thanks for your comments.

Tom - you certainly had good weather on your trip - it shows in the pictures very well - nice light always makes a great picture. I've learned to try and avoid taking pics on dull overcast days (like you get in England) as it always end up with disappointing results.

Thanks for the corn pipe explanation - sometimes the obvious is not what you think of!

Pete - Holden's mild was at the beer festival here - I enjoyed some - very good!

Incidentally I have been leant a copy of Rolt's Red for Danger which I am reading (this is presumably still doing the rounds with someone) - very good book. I have now finished his book Railway Adventure about saving the Tallylyn narrow gauge line back in 1951 - a really good read.

We are agreed on Bristol - it is the curve of the roof that made me think of it too.

Rob - Yes, I enjoyed the Warplane museum - I wanted to see the aircraft my late uncle had flown during his Commonwealth Air Training stint in Canada and afterwards - and apart from a  Short Sunderland they had an example of every type there. I was surprised so many were in working order, and we were lucky in that because the next day many planes were going down to the Brantford (?) Air show so would not have been there for us to see. The Mitchell bomber was fired up to warm up the engines - and that was great to see and hear. The Lanc was towed out to make space but not fired up - which was shame. Two weeks after I got back here the RAF flying Lanc flew low over our house 3 times on a lap of the city here - what a site and sound!

Thanks for the info on the ONR stock - I'd be interested in seeing some pictures of the cars ‘back in the day' in their NYC, CNR or VIA guise (I suppose we need link man Mike to find those....)

I knew some of the other cars were ex GO - they have been really well rebuilt, with the only criticism being that the windows are rather small and do no line up with the seats inside. Since there were no reservations though I made sure we got seats with good windows.

What will happen to ONR services if Ontario Province sell the system? I would imagine that would put them at risk. I was impressed by their services on what must have been low income.

Eric - your comment on the ONR ex TEE cars got me thinking - along with Rob's thoughts - so I did a bit of research on the cars. Of course you were right to say they were Dutch (also swiss) - turns out they are historically important because they were the first TEE generation SBB / NS RAM 1 type.

I always used to think the TEE sest looked stylish when I saw pictures of them in old railway magazines of the 60s.

I found some sites well worth looking at - some of the pages are in ducth or german (which I can't translate) but they are amply sullied with great pictures and well worth a look - I'm putting them sepertly to avoid wide page probs.

I'm off to London tomorrow - booked on an early train with a seat reserved in the dining car for breakfast. Should be a good trip.

All the best



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Posted by DL - UK on Friday, October 26, 2007 11:50 AM

Another beer please - now we move on: 

Have a look at the following selection which shows the cars and the massive effort to get them back to Europe for restoration and the problems that then ensued.

Here's an interesting story of a second generation TEE restored and operated as a preserved unit in Switzerland (not the same as the ONR sets though):

Here's background on the TEE network for anyone unfamiliar with this classic European train concept from the ‘classic era' :

History of the ONR TEE cars - with some good links showing their ‘rescue'

An extract:

"After nearly 4 million kilometres of service they were retired from European service when electrification of the entire TEE system was completed in the early 1970's. Many view these diesel powered units as historically significant because they are an example of the first generation of high(er) speed passenger trains that Europe has since become famous for.

The power coaches were built in Holland by Werkspoor (this fact later led to the pun "works poor" when referring to the recurring power coach problems experienced in their later years on the ONR!)"

ONR TEE in Europe in the classic era - also explains their Dutch lineage as Eric mentioned:

Here's an extract about the planned preservation and an obscure link to the Britsh Class 50 -  (I don't think anything ever coame of this plan)

"As the power coaches were ultimately scrapped in 1984 (click here for photo), it is now planned that a new power coach be constructed using one of the two pilot coaches and a former Class 50 diesel from British Rail."

Some pictures of the remarkable journey back to Europe from Canada

Some pictures of the remarkable journey back to Europe from Canada

with pictures inside one big ship!

Scroll down this page for a report (in English) on a fire in the cars at North Bay in 2005 which does not suggest there is much hope for them (did you know about this Rob? Did it happen since you last saw them?):

This Dutch site has some superb pictures of them back in the day on TEE trains in Europe during the 1960s - well worth a look:

Also pictures showing the units in 2006 still in ONR livery but presumably back in Europe and having undergone some restoration - I've no doubt if you can translate the Dutch it will explain!

Further down the page it seem to be getting a re spray into the original red livery in 2007.

Some real info on the restoration - quite a saga but very interesting:

A site in German dedicated to the TEE - good pictures.

Anyway - plenty of reading matter there - but interesting.


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"Our" Place reborn! 3rd Year of adults 'n REAL Classic Trains in a special environment!
Posted by siberianmo on Friday, October 26, 2007 2:04 PM

G'day Gents!

Proprietor's Comments: <uh oh>

I'm noticing that we are still seeing a bit of unwillingness to use the Forums to best advantage. <Thus far today, Lars, Shane 'n Dan are excused from this tirade!> Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

We used to have a guy who frequented this place with once per day visits. He complained quite a bit about being overwhelmed with the material "backed up." In my off-line Emails to him, I explained over 'n over about using the RELOAD/REFRESH feature on his browser to get the most current Postings. He just wouldn't do it - so when he visited, he'd always be a "day late 'n a dollar short!" So no wonder he was always behind the curve - by the time he answered the comments directed to him, they'd be days old . . .

Soooooooo, if the shoe fits! USE the Censored [censored] Banged Head [banghead] RELOAD/REFRESH button on your browser BEFORE 'n AFTER making your Post!

* * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *



Here they are, the final fotos (36 including these) from my Oct 23rd Amtrak adventure with Wolfman Pete - six at a time of course! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

<Oh there are many others - however, for the guys <guyz> who have been with us all along, no point in boring you with more of the same - you've seen the sights in previous trip reports!>




Six to GO! Number Five 'n Final

<Trip report on Page 130>


Eastbound Amtrak #316 <formerly westbound #311> coming back from the Wye at KCity


The scene of the crime - Amfleet Café Car 'n Business Class!


Waiting to board


Lady driver for Amtrak #316 (St. Louis Mule)

Proprietor Tom in KCity <camera still works!>


Wolfman Pete in KCity <does this man really NEED more than 3 Sam Adams Question [?]>



* * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * * 


Enjoy! Thumbs Up [tup]

Tom Captain [4:-)] Pirate [oX)]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by pwolfe on Friday, October 26, 2007 3:12 PM

Hi Tom and all.

OOH ME HEADShock [:O] a mug of coffee for now RUTH and perhaps I may manage a bacon sarnie later. I will load a barrel of Bathams XXX on the bus for a quick top up between the Second Class Saloons offerings toniteThumbs Up [tup]. I am going over a bit early in one of Vito the Hits cabs, as I am having a ride on the RDCs that leave by the Saloon before Match 2.Yeah!! [yeah]

ROB Thanks for the info on the FP7sThumbs Up [tup], I had not realized they had been re-engined with CAT engines. I guess there is quite a difference in sound between those and the ones with the original engines.

Liked the photo of the Witt streetcar, I managed to get a photo of an old car working in San Francisco, among the PCCs.

Any info on this car would be greatThumbs Up [tup]. We had a ride back on the trolleys Approve [^]and I was hoping it would be this one, but I dare not get the bride to wait for it any longer as we had let a couple passYeah!! [yeah]

ERIC It was a good idea to have a coffee in the middle of the darts contest; if I had I might be able to remember what went on.Shock [:O]

Good news the line in Tucson is to be extendedApprove [^]. It seems a lot of light rail schemes open new extensions, once they can get the first one built.Thumbs Up [tup]

It is great to see a lot of the cabooses are to be found near stations when they finished in railroad serviceThumbs Up [tup]. I suppose the railroads donated themQuestion [?].

LARS Glad you can remember some of what went on last nightThumbs Up [tup], it is a blank to meSigh [sigh]. I promised myself I would stay sober in case there was a ‘wardrobe malfunction' with one of the cheerleadersEvil [}:)]Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg] but that notion went about the third Bathams XXX.Smile [:)]

Great Canadian National and Pacific Railway bookcoversApprove [^]Thumbs Up [tup], the ‘Facilities' book looks an interesting read even an RDC on the cover.Yeah!! [yeah]

CM3 Sorry I was not too clear on the headboards, the boards that had the destination were on the side of the carriages, in BR days the headboard on the locomotive had the train name. Some of the pre-grouping railways like the North British did have the destination on the front of the locomotive. The BR diesel multiple unit had a destination blind from the start.

Many thanks for the link to those Eighteenth and Nineteenth century Revenue Cutters.Thumbs Up [tup]

Our intrepid reporter is on very fine formThumbs Up [tup]Thumbs Up [tup]Thumbs Up [tup], and it is great to read that BORIS's driving skills have improved. MM does seem in a very mellow mood (for him)Shock [:O]. Looking forward to further reports.Approve [^]Thumbs Up [tup]

JAN Hope for a speedy recovery on your arm ready for to nightThumbs Up [tup]. As you say it is a hard job keeping the team supplied, I think the track gang are coming over tonight as well to give supportShock [:O].

A local brewery in Kansas City has a brew call ed Muddy MO Stout, quite good it is too.Thumbs Up [tup]

DL Yes Holden's mild is a great pint to start an evening withApprove [^]. There is a Holden's pub that has been set up in the old station buildings at Codsall, the 2nd station out from Wolverhampton on the line to Shrewsbury. When I was there last there was a manual signalbox and semaphore signals but I think they were due to replaced, so may not be there nowSad [:(]. The Great Western pub near Wolverhampton station is a Holden's house they also sell Bathams bitter thereApprove [^]. Alan tells me Holden's Golden Glow as finished high up in its class in the CAMRA Beer of the Year awards.Bow [bow]

Glad you are enjoying Red for Danger. L.T.C. Rolt is a very good author I thinkYeah!! [yeah].

Many thanks for the links to the TEEs; they were very stylish trains that made quite an impact in Britain in the railway press. That is an interesting shunting locomotive in front of TEE 1900 in the great set of photos.                 

TOM We have heard from our friends in Poway and fortunately there home is safe although they know people who have lost theirs, as you say, a very sad time for the folks in that area.

Yes my fall in Denver is a good tale for the Rendezvous, enough to say I honestly thought I had broke my ankleShock [:O], but you would have admired my British spirit, if you had seen me hobble up the steps to view the cab of the Big-Boy in the museum thereSmile [:)].

I don't think the bride h

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"Our" Place reborn! 3rd Year of adults 'n REAL Classic Trains in a special environment!
Posted by siberianmo on Friday, October 26, 2007 4:05 PM

G'day Gents!

Just to get a leg up on the Posts . . .

Customer Acknowledgments (since my last narrative)

Friday - 26 Oct 2007:

Lars (LoveDomes) at 8:16 AM: An early start for a guy who had such a HUGE nite out! Hmmmmm, my guess is you never hit the sack . . . for sleep that is! <uh oh>

Swedish yodeling!?!! I don't wanna know! <yikes>

Surprised - but pleased - that you were able to put those fine Canadian railway bookcovers together. Nice job! Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup]

CM3 Shane (coalminer3) at 9:50 AM & 10:30 AM: Two appearances, but THE "report" didn't come <yet> . . . ohhhhhhhhhhh well. I suppose it's being walked down the mountain, eh Question [?] Not a problem, for those of us who were THERE know all about what transpired at the 1st nite of the Dart's Challenge ‘n Grudge Match! The rest of ya will just have to wait . . . <grin> <grimace> <groan>

Got a kick out of the Ace Reporter's offerings . . . with the promise of more coming keeping me <and others> on the edge of our seats. <wonder where that expression came from?> Anyway, tonite we're at The Second Class Saloon with no World Series game to distract us. Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Thanx for the two visits - rounds ‘n quarters on this chilly ‘n overcast day in mid-continent USA!

Blues dropped one to the Blue Jackets <interesting name, eh Question [?]> So much for the "promise" of better things to come . . . <arrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh>

Jan (JanOlov) at 10:56 AM: I'm beginning to think of you as our "teenager in residence," don't know WHY, but the symptoms are all about! <grin>

Of course we know better - appreciate the top up, et al! Thumbs Up [tup]

By the by, our security cameras have "it" all recorded . . . you outran 'em to a point, then . . . <ugh> not pretty! Thumbs Down [tdn]

Dan (DL-UK) at 8:33 AM & 11:45 AM & 11:50 AM: All kinds of good material to become engrossed in ‘n with! While we've seen quite a bit of "Tee" info on Pages past over on the Original Thread - it's definitely a winner to see more, especially given the conversation that has sprung up . . . Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup]

Your trip to London sounds delightful - especially with a breakfast aboard the train! Yeah!! [yeah] Thumbs Up [tup]

And oh yes, corn cobs have "other uses," but not for discussion in this "family bar"!! <uh oh> Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Interesting that I did NOT get the "wide page phenom" on my desktop ‘puter but DID get it on the laptop . . . settings are the same <or at least they are supposed to be> Hmmmmm - no matter, all came thru just fine! Thanx . . . Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup]

Pete (pwolfe) at 3:12 PM: Oooooooomigosh - I besmirched my Mate - Pete about his hat! Duly noted - corrected - mea culpa - have a couple of me! <remorse>

You "nailed" your partner square in the "keester" - perhaps you need to practice a wee bit more with those throws. <yikes>

Good news about your friends in Poway - I'd say they were very, very fortunate given the circumstances all around . . . very fortunate indeed.

Yeah I know your Mrs. doesn't work for MoDot <geesh> but she works for state government ‘n may be "closer" to talking to someone there than I am! <double geesh>

Fine looking streetcar - and - railtown fotos! Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup]

Glad my Pix turned out okay - still don't care for the camera, but I guess somehow, some way, I'm getting the hang of it . . . <grin>

Good luck tonite over at The Second Class Saloon! Be careful of those Swedish babes that have been sent in to "distract" our team!!! <uh oh>



See y'all in the 'morrow . . . remember, Saturday is ENCORE! 'n Photo Posting Day!

Tom Captain [4:-)] Pirate [oX)]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by JanOlov on Friday, October 26, 2007 6:44 PM

Greetings young Tom and fellow youths....

May I have a cold Guinness, top up with cigar for the lads please? Keep the change....

Honestly I was somewhere else....must have been my evil twinbrother that you've cought on tape and not me....   Piercing cough...cough....mmhmm....y-e-e-s-s-s...

Anyhoo, what would it take to make all this, well, disappear...? Wash your cars?
Car Wash
Tom, great pics as always mate...! Might be a tiny wee bit off topic here, but does AMTRAK still have problems today? Just looking at the times that you posted....

pwolfe, Wouldn't mid to try some of the American small breweries.... When my dad worked in Stockholm, he sometimes brought beers of all kinds home, because there's a shop where you can buy beers from all over the world not too far away from where he worked...great pics!

I really like that streetcar in your pic, nice and classy!

And the steamers.....YUM!

I've seen those Swedish babes....doesn't this go under "cheating"?

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Posted by EricX2000 on Saturday, October 27, 2007 2:26 AM

Good morning Captain Tom and all the others!!

Where is Leon? At the Second Class Saloon!? Where is... hmm, at that other place I guess.

Geesh, my arm is aching. It was a tough struggle tonight! I have no clue who won, but it must have been our teams!! And today is the Grand Finale!

Tom –  We were? Lars and I? Did we have fun? I really don’t remember.Confused [%-)]

Thanks for the pictures from your trip!Thumbs Up [tup] I actually believed it was a little bit more hilly through Missouri. More like in picture two in your fourth installment. It certainly was a short train you rode! And just a few passengers. Maybe more people traveling between St. Louis and Jefferson City than between Jefferson City and Kansas City? Question [?]

Lars –  Oh, there you are!Wow!! [wow] What happened last night? The only thing I can recall was when you tried to teach Ruth how to through the dart. Very strange way, to say the least!Whistling [:-^]

I was yodeling?Question [?] I wondered where that noise came from.Confused [%-)]

Interesting books!Thumbs Up [tup] Canadian Pacific! I bet Tom likes the top one with all the snow!

CM3 –  Is that what they do?Question [?] No wonder I couldn’t find any rule #53. I saw rule # 51 and the next one was #67!

A very good report from the enemy’s camp!Thumbs Up [tup]Thumbs Up [tup]Thumbs Up [tup] It is always good to know what they think (?) and plan. I just wish we had known it before the game last night. Or do I? So, the smell came from their uniforms? Could be, could be. But I think it was the roadkill. Who was killed? It must have been several days earlier considering the smell.Confused [%-)]

JanOlov –  Those smileys look like me in the rehab!Smile [:)]

You are safe as long as you are alert and don’t fall asleep when cleaning the bar.Smile [:)] Manager Lars is not in a good mood right now after he learned about Ruth’s passion for streetcars.Oops [oops]

Hmmm, I don’t recognize those babes from last year!Whistling [:-^] I wonder what happened? The last one looks like Ruth with a blonde wig!

DL –  I thought I had seen something similar to the ONR exTEE in pictures from Holland. To me that design is 100% Dutch (I may be wrong but I don’t care).Wink [;)]

Thanks for the TEE links!Thumbs Up [tup]

Pete –  Streetcar #496 is from Melbourne, AUS! Built 1929 and retired 1984. More info on the link below.

Having coffee in the middle of the dart contest was the right thing to do.Mischief [:-,] Then I pretended I was leaving, saying I was going to the Second Class Saloon and I think it was their guy Lance who took off in that old model A and then he was gone for the rest of the night! Mischief [:-,]

Nice pictures from Railtown!Thumbs Up [tup] You mention that “Lurking in a siding was another Shay”. Where is the other one? Question [?]

Another Australian streetcar from Melbourne in Seattle 1993.




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"Our" Place reborn! 3rd Year of adults 'n REAL Classic Trains in a special environment!
Posted by siberianmo on Saturday, October 27, 2007 8:17 AM

This is ENCORE! Saturday - and - Photo Posting Day!

Remember: "Our" Place is CLOSED on Sundays.

* * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *


STANDARDS at the BAR: In the nearly 3 years of operating this cyber tavern I haven't had to make a plea like the one to follow. However, a recent Posting has forced the issue.

PREFACE: We do NOT own this site nor are we paying for the use of it. Kalmbach has graciously provided one ‘n all the opportunity to browse and participate as they see fit. On each Forum Page you will see a Thread entitled

Our forum policies, including no advertising (updated 05-24-07)

 by Bergie


Everyone who frequents these Forums should read what the expectations and requirements are for us. In other words, READ the rules!

BAR DECORUM: We pride ourselves on being an adult cyber bar ‘n grill where good natured banter supplements the discussion of Classic Trains. It has been that way since April 12th, 2005 and until this joint shuts down, I intend to keep it that way.

Yes, as adults we get a bit "risky" with our discussions ‘n descriptions of this ‘n that. However, the line MUST be drawn when it comes to explicit photographs that one would NOT wish youngsters to view. In other words, "anything goes" does NOT go at this bar!

Also, the advertising of products within our submissions is NOT permitted either. So let's put a STOP to that as well! 

This is not censorship so much as a call for sense of decency and use of common sense when it comes to monitoring our own actions at the bar.

Keep in mind that we are GUESTS on this Forum and as such have a choice, either abide by what the host requires, or go elsewhere.

* * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *


Thanx for your understanding!

Tom Captain [4:-)] Pirate [oX)]

Proprietor of "Our" Place, an adult eating 'n drinking establishment!

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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"Our" Place reborn! 3rd Year of adults 'n REAL Classic Trains in a special environment!
Posted by siberianmo on Saturday, October 27, 2007 8:45 AM

<personal foto>



This is ENCORE! Saturday - and - Photo Posting Day!

Remember: "Our" Place is CLOSED on Sundays.



Guten Morgen allersiets!

Wie ist jeder? Es is OKTOBERFEST! Partei wollen wir!

 A beautiful fall day here in mid-continent USA with all kinds of outside activity being planned by my other half . . . <uh oh>

Best fill up the coffee mug, grab a few pastries 'n maybe order a <light> or <traditional> breakfast before things begin moving <like ME!> Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg] 


Comments from the Proprietor:

Final OKTOBERFEST at "Our" Place today at noon!

We are featuring GERMAN brew all month!

GERMAN sausages have been added to the menu for the month, with all the trimmings!

On Saturday's in October The Mentor Village Teutonic Society will sponsor Oompah Music live at the "Our" Place picnic grounds Pavillion and Dance Emporium! Performers include the Sauerkraut Band, Electric Lederhosen and Burst the Wurst Trio 

Lederhosen and Alpine hats are being worn by "Our Place"! staff throughout the month!

Full scale LGB trains will be running on the main lines for free round trips to Can-Am Gorge on weekends - 10 AM to 4 PM.  First northbound departs the "Our" Place platform at 10 AM sharp, undt ve mean, sharp!Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]



Customer Acknowledgments (since my last narrative)

Friday - 26 Oct 2007:

Jan (JanOlov) at 6:44 PM: PLEASE take the time to read my comments before this morning's summary and take appropriate measures to straighten up your Post.

IF there was a way to communicate with you by EMail <DIRECTLY> I would have done so.  


Saturday - 27 Oct 2007:

Eric (EricX2000) at 2:26 AM: A rather early, early or late, late appearance by our Resident Nocturnal Desert Swede! Back to old habits, eh Question [?] Well, no matter - it's good to see ya 'n apparently no worse for wear after game two of our Dart's Challenge 'n Grudge Match over at The Second Class Saloon. Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Missouri IS hilly between St. Louis 'n KCity - however with just a few fotos in my spate of offerings I guess it's difficult to draw that conclusion. One gets much more "feel" for the topography when driving Interstate 70 between those locations - that is IF one has time to sightsee - far too much traffic, traveling much too fast! <ugh>

The 3 car train consist is pretty much the "norm," and has been for decades. In fact I recall when there were only 2!! More people board and disembark at Kirkwood than in downtown St. Louis. Jefferson City (state capital) is another major passenger location - the rest are so-so. Of course there are times during the year when exceptions to the "rule" are evident. Oktoberfest at Hermann usually draws a bunch of folks on the weekends - Amtrak puts on an extra coach for that. The August State Fair in Sedalia sometimes warants an extra car too. But for the most part - the cafe car 'n two coaches is "it"! Thumbs Up [tup]

Nice trolley shot - is that lady any relation to the brunette you've been talking about Question [?] Interesting street name! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Good luck tonite at game #3 here at "Our" Place . . . Thumbs Up [tup]


Reminder: Cindy has the bar from 9 AM until Leon the Night Man comes in at 5 PM ‘til closing.

Saturday is Steak ‘n All The Trimmings Nite!

Dinner begins at 5 PM Dinner [dinner] so come early ‘n often! Yeah!! [yeah]C

Boris, serve ‘em all of the "spiked" OJ they can handle! Thumbs Up [tup]


Auf Wiedersehen!

Tom Captain [4:-)] Pirate [oX)]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by JanOlov on Saturday, October 27, 2007 9:22 AM

Greetings Tom and gentlemen....

May I please have a large cup of strong black Java....and the usual top up with cigars for the lads...? Here's some $$$$ for yourself...

$$$$ and some more $$$$ for the cigar box and Mr Wurlitzer....missed a couple of days worth for those two....

EricX2000, I think that it is Ruth with a blonde wig...just elected in I heard....someone is in a mood you're saying....better keep a low profile Peeking Over Fence 

Tom, post read and appropiate measures has been taken....cought up in the festivity mood and all with the Championships going on....terribly sorry!  Embarrassed 


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket All the best! Jan
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Posted by trolleyboy on Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:03 AM

Good morning folks; I think i'll have a liberal helping of the saurbroten and oh what the heck I stein of the best czeck pilsner you have on tap Thumbs Up [tup]

Tom-A humble apology for the "cutter" coment we landlubbers konw no different Bow [bow] liked the photo's. I hope homeland security doen't nab you for those powerplant shots <uh oh>You may want to bring several cigars if you do that Northland run or a small flak gun as the mosquito's tend to roost late into the year some years in the north country.

CM3-I'm glad that you liked the Witt info and picture,excellant reporting of the pre festivities for teh darts grudge match , hopefully the sunspots aren't caused by some secret weapon the second classers have thunk up, or I'd be affraid that the mentor defence forces may be under out gunned.

DAN-I'm glad you got to see the aircraft all at the roost. Indeed Brantford has a yearly airshow at our airport ( itself originally built during the war as a Commonwealth training facility ) used for cargo and private aircraft now.Heaher an I go every year it kicks off the anual United way summer chairity drive. The show is your typical airshow. The Great War boys from Brampton ( they "dogfight " with replica WW1 aircraft ) A couple private aerobatic people Patti Wagstaff was there this year,the RCAF and USAF send a few display vehicles. US was an A10 this year,RCAF supplies a CF18, a Hawk trainer their Sky Hawks parachute team jumping from thier Buffalo and they wind up with the Snowbirds flight demonstration squadron. Warplane sent down their Lancaster, the Canso ( PBY5 ) the Mitchell and theFairy firefly. As a bonus this year the Niagara Falls historical guys flew thier MK9 spitfire and their Hurricane MK2 in the show ( in formation with the Lanc quite a show )They also had their ME109 at the show( the only one still flying with the original Daimler Benz engine )I haven't got any shots of those cars in their before uses, as far as th ONR goes their mandate is to provide passeneger service and freight service to keep Ontario's north vital so the passeneger services will stay.The TEE fire had occured a month or two before I took the shots you could see teh blanked panels and all teh windows had been plywooded up.

PER-Is see that DL got you the info on the TEE's they were the Duth/Swiss design. As far as I know ELK and Moose are two different critters. The ELK being the Arctic cousin,Moose tend to range accross most of the country including Newfoundland, wheer as the Elks tend to stay to the far North in the Territories and Northern BC and Alberta, mind you I'm not an animal guru.

Lars-I see you survived match one and two? And came through with some fine book covers. Enyoy your victory? celebration up in the penthouse !Shock [:O]Blush [:I]


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Posted by Fergmiester on Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:04 AM

Zzz [zzz]

Good Morning Tom and Sundry

Got the All Stations Call and realized I musta missed somethingSad [:(]

I know another forum where something was posted and it "stirred the pot" so I'd say ya made a good call there skipper.

Anyway Tom I loved the pics of the USCG cutters the other day. They looked very impressive!

Not much on the go as I am full bore trying to put the house back in order and finish up on the tail end of renos and getting the MiL (RSM) moved in. This will be about 4 to 6 weeks in the making. Recieved another addition to the MESS yesterday. One undecorated Heavy Mountain by Bachmann. Will be retrofitting it with Elesco Feed Water Heater, Tsunami and a Vanderbilt tender and  putting the MESS touches on it.

Later All


If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007  

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Posted by LoveDomes on Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:22 AM

Ahoy Cap'n Tom ‘n fellow travelers at the bar!

Cindy my sweet how radiant the glow <oooooooops> thought you were Ruth for a second! Wow!! [wow] <phew> <uh oh> Having just a bit of difficult seeing outta the one eye that will open. <oooooooooooh>

A round for the boyz - treats for the crittAHs ‘n a double jolt in my Joe if you please! Ya know, sleeping in a dumpster isn't as bad as I had thought it would be . . . wondAH how I got back from the 2nd Class Saloon????? Who won????? Who cares!!!!!! <groan> Where's Boris????

Didjasee that great photo of the Swedish Bikini Team gals???? Wow!! [wow] <pant> <pant> But then they were GONE - just like that! <oooooooooooh>

In all seriousness - and not to put down what Da Bossman has said - we CANNOT have this sort of thing at Da Bar. There's a reason why Kalmbach has put those rules together ‘n if anyone doesn't want to abide by ‘em - as Da Bossman has said many a time, don't let the door hit you in the <keestAH!> on the way OUT!!!

Hey Jan! What in the world are you smoking these days?? I'd think seriously about dumping that advertisement you're using on your posts . . . also something Kalmbach could find offensive too. I think Da Bossman is soooooooo correct on this and also had you provided the e-mail address he and I have requested - several times - we could've avoided putting this on at the bar. See, there IS a reason!

Hey Cap'n Tom! Throughly enjoyed the series of photos you provided on that trip to Kansas City with Bar Chandler Pete. Really nice stuff ‘n I don't get tired of viewing the sights along the way. One day, maybe . . . but the bar car bettAH have more than just a "few" brews behind the countAH!! <geesh>

Back to some thoughts about the bar of my own:

There's a reason for our success here and it has NOTHING to do with foolishness ‘n the "one liner" posts some guys think are cute or necessary. Nope. The exchanges of info like those put forth by Dan (DL-UK), Per (marthastrainyard), Shane (CM3) and of course our Bossman, that are chock full of "stuff" about the subject at this bar which is CLASSIC TRAINS.

Cap'n Tom has stressed QUALITY over QUANTITY over ‘n over throughout the months I've been here (years, actually!) and it makes sense. Who cares about nonsense as the primary focus???? Screw that - take it elsewhere or bettAH yet, create your own Thread ‘n knock yourself out. Thumbs Down [tdn]

Enough of that - I'm getting PO'd the more I think about this "stuff" . . . . <arrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh>

Ok - time for an Encore! for the day . . . after all that is what Saturday's are for at "Our" Place!

This was posted by barndad Doug (remember HIM!?!?!) on Feb 19, 2006, page 251 over at the old bar site.

Good morning all. Today, I didn't want to use any pix other than my own, so I'm going through my "stuff" in search of things you maybe haven't seen before (heavy on the maybe) at the IRM.

Toledo & Detroit Railroad 16
Builder: Baldwin Locomotive Works
Year Built: 1914
Wheel Arrangement: 4-4-0
Length: 57ft 1in
Width: 10ft 6in
Height: 14ft
Weight: 233700 lbs
Brakes: G-6
Tractive Effort: 18200 lbs
Cylinders: 18x24
Boiler Pressure: 190 psi
Drivers: 67in

The next three pix are of the last running (2004 season) steam engine at th emuseum. We should be back up for the 2007 season after some extension wheel maintenance.

St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad 1630
Builder: Baldwin Locomotive Works
Year Built: 1918
Wheel Arrangement: 2-10-0
Length: 71ft
Width: 10ft 3in
Height: 16ft 2in
Weight: 210000 lbs
Brakes: LT
Tractive Effort: 42180 lbs
Cylinders: 24x28
Boiler Pressure: 160 psi
Drivers: 52in

1630 tender

Ah ha! Here's how to make moving all that coal a little easier!

Lake Superior & Ishpeming 35
Builder: Baldwin Locomotive Works
Year Built: 1916

Wheel Arrangement: 2-8-0
Length: 73ft 4in
Width: 10ft 6in
Height: 15ft 8in
Weight: 270000 lbs
Brakes: 6ET
Tractive Effort: 60480 lbs
Cylinders: 26x30
Boiler Pressure: 200 psi
Drivers: 50in

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Posted by JanOlov on Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:40 AM

Greetings Tom and gentlemen.... 

A top up please....and the same for the lads.....

My sincere apologies for the Swedish Bikini Team.....

One wee question though, what advertisement are you talking about fellas? Confused [%-)] I'm thoroughly confused right now, I don't have any in my posts.....I think anyway....Laugh [(-D]

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket All the best! Jan
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"Our" Place reborn! 3rd Year of adults 'n REAL Classic Trains in a special environment!
Posted by LoveDomes on Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:47 AM

Ahoy Cap'n Tom 'n fellow travelers at the bar!

Great to see Rob 'n Fergie "in" this fine Saturday morning! Yeah!! [yeah]

Has anyone see or heard from my Norseman Partner - Eric the Oarsman Question [?] Last time I saw him he was doing some sort of a "native" folk dance with the Swedish Bikini Team gals - and - YODELING while at it! <ouch> <what an awful screeching sound> <arrrrrrgggghhhh> <groan> Wondering what the final score wound up being Question [?] Guess it's gonna be a loooooooooooong wait between 'reports' from the reporter. Confused [%-)] Sigh [sigh]

Thought I'd drop off one more Encore from barndad Doug (remember HIM!?!?!) on Feb 19, 2006, page 251 over at the old bar site.

Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee 251
Builder: Jewett Car Company
Year Built: 1917
Seats: 24
Length: 56ft 1in
Width: 8ft 8in
Height: 12ft 6in
Weight: 91000 lbs
Brakes: AMU
Motors: 4 WH 557A5
Control: HLF-28A
Compressor: CP-28
Trucks: Bald 84-30A
Description: Double End / Double Truck / Arch Roof / Steel Combine

Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific (Milwaukee Road) X5000
Builder: Miwaukee Road
Year Built: 1929
Length: 73ft 10in
Width: 11ft 5in
Height: 10ft 5in
Weight: 160000 lbs
Brakes: D22 Disc
Trucks: Nystrom 4 Wheel
Description: Dynomometer Car

There's easily 100 years worth of restoration work at IRM ... wanna help?

The interior of this car is much worse than this picture shows

Burlington Northern 5383
Builder: General Electric
Year Built: 1974
Model: U30C
Horsepower: 3000
Length: 67ft 2in
Width: 10ft 4in
Height: 16ft 2in
Weight: 420000 lbs
Brakes: 26L
Engine: 7FDL16
Motors: 6 GE 752
Trucks: Adir 6 Wheel
Description: Diesel-Electric / Universal Series

The BN5383 in the diesel barn for prep work prior to painting

Circuit breaker panel in rear of 5383 cab

Engineer controls in 5383 cab

Blush [:I] A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party. Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice. After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, "What do you do to stop people from asking you for legal advice when you're out of the office?"
"I give it to them," replied the lawyer, "and then I send them a bill." The doctor was shocked, but agreed to give it a try. The next day, still feeling slightly guilty, the doctor prepared the bills. When he went to place them in his mailbox, he found a bill from the lawyer. Blush [:I] 

See ya out back under the "big top tent" <ooooooooompah!!!!> <Skoal!>

Until the next time! Thumbs Up [tup]


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Posted by trolleyboy on Saturday, October 27, 2007 11:55 AM

morning again Cindy , I think another round of Pilsner is required at the moment Thumbs Up [tup]

Lars-bikini team ? I hate to break it toyou but that was Hilda und Helga and a couple of their cousins wearing their traditional valkerie costumes to carry you guys off to valhalla incase the worst had happened last nightShock [:O]Big Smile [:D] might not want to open that other eye till tey're gone. Even Boris is hiding in his shed <uh oh> great to see those two classics from my bookend. I must egt back out to the IRM sometime this century.

A couple more museum phoot's for the lads then I'm off to the museum for our #2 Halloween spooktacular. Aapparently Laurier University is sending down three bus loads of co'ed's ( seriously ) wish me luck.

Fergie-Nice to see you again my son. Good luck with the moving of the "RSM" hopefully it won't force you back to sea againShock [:O]

Montreal and Southern Counties #107 last september.

MS&C 107 while still in service in Montreal 1947 from the OERHA arhceives

Small Witt 2666 at Hilcrest in Toronto in the late 40's another interesting dasher ad for CM3 to enjoy. another OERHA shot

One of the museum's treasures TTC 4000 the last functioning Air /electric PCC in existance. One of the first 50 PCC's delivered to the TTC she was built in 1938.

One of our three 4600 series All electric PCC's built in 1951. This is 4600 herself. 4611 is now operational as of last week and third sister 4618 is our new eastend icecream/coffee shop.

A shot of small Witt 2786 and TRC open car 327 in front of the musuem's Rockwood station in teh late 80's. 327 is still a mainstay in our operational fleet while 2786 is resting in retirement pending reconditioning.

Our regular use small Witt 2894 waiting for it's next load. We lovingly refer to it as the half Witt as it's traditional gearing was swapped out in the 1980's for faster more modern ones when it was used as a tour tram in Toronto in the 1980's


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"Our" Place reborn! 3rd Year of adults 'n REAL Classic Trains in a special environment!
Posted by siberianmo on Saturday, October 27, 2007 12:19 PM

ENCORE! Saturday ‘n Photo Posting Day!

at "Our" Place!



G'day Gents!

Some activity this Saturday to recognize! Good to see Rob, Fergie 'n Lars drop by - especially enjoyed the ENCORE! Posts from Lars Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup] Appreciate your keeping to the "theme" for Saturdays at this Watering Hole by the Wayside.

Also just caught those fine traction shots from Rob up in Ontarioland! Yeah!! [yeah] Thumbs Up [tup] Looks like one didn't make it! <uh oh> Do over! Do over! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]



Now for the other part of the "theme" on this fine day in mid-continent USA where the sun is shining, temps are very comfortable 'n life is good . . . PHOTO POSTING! Yeah!! [yeah] Here's another installment of my Alaskan Rail Adventure from 2006 . . . .

I keep "threatening" to end these sessions - however - I've uploaded another "stash," so there will be a continuance for at least a couple of more Saturdays! <yeah> <boo> Whatever! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

<Of course CLICK to ENLARGE!>

(1) First day of salmon fishing tournament - Anchorage, Alaska

(2) Interesting place for a restaurant - Anchorage, Alaska


(3) Nearby mountain range - Anchorage, Alaska

(4) Anchorage from the other side of the tracks!

(5) Denali Star making ready for daily trip to Fairbanks

(6) ARR SD70MAC #4324 at Anchorage

(7) ARR EMD SD70MAC #4322 at Anchorage

(8) Big dipper on ARR EMD SD70MAC

(9) Northbound ARR Denali Star at Anchorage

(10) Northbound ARR Denali Star at Anchorage

* * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *     * * * * *



Enjoy! Thumbs Up [tup]

More next Saturday! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Tom Captain [4:-)] Pirate [oX)]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by JanOlov on Saturday, October 27, 2007 12:39 PM

Greetings Tom and gentlemen...

May I have another top up for me and the lads please, with cigars of course...? Here's some $$$$ for yourself....

$$$$ for the cigar box and Mr Wurlitzer.....

Well, here's my first attempt to "encore Saturday"....see if I can find some pics to post later.....

 barndad wrote:


Good morning Tom and gang. I'll be having the light breakfast, please. Delighted to hear that both yourself and Pete will make a stopover at Chicago's Union Station this month, and I'll be pleased to meet you! You do realize that with such short notice, I will not be able to arrange a parade for y'all, but perhaps you'll let me buy a few libations before your departure. Looks like Tom provided the only ENCORES yesterday, with some help from Pete. Oh well. We gets what we gets, and it's usually pretty good even when it's sparse. Eric blew the whistle on himself, and will be 27+37 (I did the math) on the 14th of this month. Nice pix of the  Mid-Continent Museum. Looks like they get a lot of use out of No. 1385. Thanks to ya'll who wished my bride well. She's doing a little better.

Here are some classic pix from Chicago:


Every few minutes in the 1950's, a passenger train arrived or departed one of Chicago's six major terminals (from east to west - Illinois Central, Dearborn, LaSalle, Grand Central, Union and North Western).

Grand Central was perhaps the most deserving of Chicago's rail stations to receive historical landmark status and preservation. Unfortunately it also was the first of Chicago's six major stations to be dismantled. Opened in December 1890, Grand Central began hosting Baltimore & Ohio trains in late 1891 and Chesapeake & Ohio trains in 1903. Both roads stayed at Grand Central until the station was closed after the departures of November 8, 1969. The Chicago Great Western was a long time occupant until the end of its Chicago passenger service in 1956. Grand Central also was home for the Wisconsin Central (Soo Line) for many years until the Soo moved its last remaining pair of trains, the Chicago-Superior/Duluth Lakers, to the Illinois Central Station in 1963.

B&O's blue 1955-built E9A 1456 idles under Grand Central's huge shed after bringing in #7, the Diplomat, in July 1966. After Grand Central closed in 1969, B&O/C&O trains moved to North Western Station until they discontinued with the coming of Amtrak in 1971.

Dearborn, Chicago's oldest station dating from 1885, hosted the greatest variety of passenger trains of all the Windy City's great temples of transportation. In the late 1950's six roads called Dearborn home, the Chicago & Eastern Illinois, Erie, Grand Trunk Western, Monon, Santa Fe and Wabash. On a bitter January 1968 morning, E8A 814 starts a five-car Lake Cities toward New York.

In 1956 the passenger service of Canadian National-subsidiary Grand Trunk Western was entirely in the hands of handsome 4-8-4's out of Chicago (both steam and diesel were working freight). Alco-built U3b 6334 rides the turntable at the GTW's Elsdon Yard in September 1956 after bringing #15, the International Limited, in from Michigan.

The day is drab and cold as the 6408 thunders out of the curve past Elsdon Yard and across 55th Street in Chicago. It is February 5, 1957 - the last week for GTW steam in Chicago (although steam-powered runs continued for three more years in the Detroit area). Lima built U4b's 6405-6410 in 1938 with a streamlined jacket similar to the CN's own 6400-6404. The train is Number 20, the Maple leaf.

The Nickel Plate, officially the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad company, concentrated on it's freight business, content to let giant neighbor New York Central worry over passengers. Nevertheless the NKP did manage a comfortable service and in diesels opted for Alco's classic PA's. Two of the blue and white Alco's accelerate out of LaSalle Station in May 1961, bound for Buffalo with #8, The New Yorker. Service continued beyond Buffalo to New York via the Erie-Lackawanna.


Blush [:I] A guy walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing "Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them.

His curiosity getting the better of him, he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he is doing. The man says "I'm sending out 1,000 Valentine cards signed, 'Guess who?'"

"But why?" asks the man.

"I'm a divorce lawyer," the man replies. Blush [:I]

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Posted by JanOlov on Saturday, October 27, 2007 1:27 PM

Barkeep....keep the lads watered and well fed on me please.... More $$$$ for the cigar box and Mr Wurlitzer...keep the change.

Da Larsman, nice encore post indeed mate, like those steamers! Thumbs Up [tup] Those pics on the street car, Milwaukee Road dynomometer car and others were enjoyable as well...Yeah!! [yeah]

trolleyboy, those pics are great mate! I really like the TTC 4000, fourth from top...sweeeet!

Tom, awesome pics as always mate! Wow!! [wow]Yeah!! [yeah] They must be making money, the Alaska railroad, I can't imagine those EMD SD70MAC's being very cheap? How many do they have?

My contribution to "photo posting day"....

GN 2-8-8-2 #2056, near Summit, Mont., August 6, 1938.

GN 4-8-2 #2508 on Second #2, Empire Builder with 9 cars, 50 MPH, east of Troy, Mont., August 1, 1938.

GN 2-8-2 #3236, with a work train; filling water barrels on top of snowshed, near Summit, Mont., August 5, 1938.

GN 4-8-2 2511, with train #27, Fast Mail with 9 cars, Belton, Mont., August 5, 1938.

GN 2-8-2 #3362, on a westbound freight train with 116 cars, near Libby, Mont., August 1, 1938.

The "City of San Francisco," operated jointly by the Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, and Chicago and Northwestern waits at the Oakland Pier, in Oakland (Alameda County), California. People crowd the dock, Treasure Island, San Francisco Bay. The Bay Bridge, passenger sheds, water towers and an incandescent lamp comprise the skyline. The billboard reads: "Carnation, the Quick Substantial Breakfast."

Credit: All above Otto Perry and photoswest

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Posted by pwolfe on Saturday, October 27, 2007 2:35 PM

Hi Tom and all.

Something strong please CINDY to see if I can shake off thisCensored [censored] bug I have come down with.Sad [:(].

I will reply to the posts if I may later as my concetration levels are worse than normal(is that possible some may ask).

I have some Encore photos from Alan,s trip to Germany that were loaded so I will post them.

Well sorry again for the short post, I hope to be back to normal Monday, so one of the awful cold drinks to fit get for the match


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"Our" Place reborn! 3rd Year of adults 'n REAL Classic Trains in a special environment!
Posted by siberianmo on Saturday, October 27, 2007 4:57 PM

ENCORE! Saturday ‘n Photo Posting Day!

at "Our" Place!




Starting Sunday at the Mentor Village Emporium Theatre!

. . . October 28th thru November 3rd: TWO FEATURES: Horatio Hornblower - The Mutiny & Retribution (2001) Starring: Ioan Gruffudd, David Warner, Robert Lindsay (II), Nicholas Jones & Paul McGann. SHORT: The Three Stooges - Back From The Front (1943).



Horatio Hornblower - Mutiny (2001)


Third lieutenant Horatio Hornblower (Ioan Gruffudd reprising his star-making role), C.S. Forester's swashbuckling hero of the high seas. Two feature-length episodes in which the dashing Hornblower and crew engage in "foolhardy actions, rash judgments, and irresponsible adventures."

"Mutiny" finds our young hero awaiting trial for "black bloody mutiny" against a once distinguished, but increasingly unhinged Captain Sawyer (David Warner). "It was for the good of the service," Hornblower insists to his mentor, Sir Edward Pellew (Robert Lindsay). "We were headed for disaster." Hornblower relates the events that led him to a Kingston, Jamaica, prison cell.





NOTE: Next week is the last of the Horatio Hornblower series at The Emporium Theatre!



Horatio Hornblower - Retribution (2001)


In "Retribution," Hornblower's trial unfolds, and the events surrounding the mutiny are further revealed: Captain Sawyer is detained in a straitjacket, disgruntled crew members desert, dithering acting captain Butland assumes command, and Hornblower leads a surprise attack on a Spanish fort. Meanwhile, the judges look for a scapegoat "to take away the smell." Maritime buffs will have a merry time, with all the shipboard intrigue and skirmishes. --Donald Liebenson




SHORT: Back From The Front (1943)


The Stooges are merchant sailors whose ship is sunk by a Nazi sub. They managed to sneak on board a German freighter, and manage to knock out and capture all of the crew. They then disguise themselves as Hitler, Goering and Gobbels to fool the ship's officers.




Enjoy the weekend! Thumbs Up [tup]

Tom Captain [4:-)] Pirate [oX)]

Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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"Our" Place reborn! 3rd Year of adults 'n REAL Classic Trains in a special environment!
Posted by siberianmo on Saturday, October 27, 2007 5:16 PM

ENCORE! Saturday ‘n Photo Posting Day!

at "Our" Place!


G'day Gents!

Spent the greater part of this fine day assembling a lawn "plug" aerator. Most interesting device that will "punch" holes into the soil and - aerate - ergo the name! Wow!! [wow] <grin>

Unfortunately the contraption is manufactured in a non-English speaking land, far away, where assembly instructions are written while standing on one's head looking into a mirror! <arrrrggggghhhhh> Dontchajustluvit!?!?!?

Well, all's well that ends well - the monster is assembled ‘n tomorrow it gets a "test run." Bring it on! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Need to get a leg up on the Posts before Monday morning rolls around! Would really like to spend ALL DAY SUNDAY away from the ‘puter . . . . So I WILL! Thumbs Up [tup]

Oh yeah - Allan (Gunneral) reported via Email that he cannot access the bar. Gremlins at work down under in NZ this day! <arrrrggghhhh>

Customer Acknowledgments (since my last narrative)

Saturday - 27 Oct 2007:

Jan (JanOlov) at 9:22 AM & 10:40 AM.

Rob (trolleyboy) at 10:03 AM & 11:55 AM: Appreciate your swinging by on this fine day - twice - once for chat ‘n then with some traction for the gang! Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup]

Really cannot say with any degree of certainty just when we will  be returning to Canada for "fun." It's gotten totally ridiculous for the two of us to fly and out of the question to add a train to the mix (Montreal - Halifax) AND I'm not about to throw my money away aboard Renaissance ever again. Nope. This has NOTHING to do with the exchange rate - the airfares out of St. Louis to ANYWHERE are outta sight and have been since TWA folded their tent . . .

BUT should I experience a lapse of fortitude ‘n a change of heart - and - "fall into" a good deal for a trip north of the 49th, I'll keep ya posted! Thumbs Up [tup]

H&H could NEVER look even 1/16th as good as those babes - no way, no how, not ever! <geesh> Those two are the original "models" for the Humpback of Notre Dame - original version! <yikes>

Enjoy having you aboard once again! Thumbs Up [tup]

Fergie (Fergmiester) at 10:04 AM: Appreciate the endorsement - coming from you it means a lot! Thumbs Up [tup] Far too many times we have guys who know things are amiss, but say ‘n do absolutely nothing - almost as if they are simply spectators. Not me - obviously! <grin>

Still "working" on a trip up your way - in spite of my "rant" to Rob <above>!! Just haven't gotten the timing down yet . . .

We're expecting some contributions from you come Wednesday - which is our OPTIONAL Toy 'n Model Trains Day 'round these parts! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Thanx for dropping in! Thumbs Up [tup]

Lars (LoveDomes) at 10:22 AM & 10:47AM: Not only didja make it in from last nite's "round deux" of the Dart's Challenge ‘n Grudge Match over at The Second Class Saloon, but you did it with TWO fine ENCORE Posts! Good selections from the "barn weevil," our UTB called barndad Doug.

Wondered who that was "in" the dumpster outside of The Second Class Saloon early this AM . . . thought at first it was Leon or Boris, by the feet sticking out - "boondockers," with a spit shine! Wow!! [wow] Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

So what happend to <and with> Eric ?????? Yodeling again! Really!! <yikes>

Jan (JanOlov) at 10:49 PM & 1:27 PM: Is this a "first" for the Swede living in Scotland Question [?] A real attempt to join in the ENCORE! "theme" for Saturday! Wow!! [wow] Couldn't have picked a better selection than those from barndad Doug! Thumbs Up [tup]

Then followed up with a spate of fotos for our Saturday Photo Posting Day! <geesh> I'm not sure that this is the same guy . . . <grin>

Have no clue regarding how many of those fine diesel locos ARR has in their inventory . . .

Thanx for participating - the top ups - the cigars - the cash, et al! Thumbs Up [tup]


Happy Railroading! Siberianmo
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Posted by EricX2000 on Sunday, October 28, 2007 1:44 AM

Good morning Captain Tom and all present!!

Leon, good to see you again. You were missing last night, awol! That's okay, I wasn't hungry anyway. But now it is time to celebrate our Victory, I hope. Did we win? Geesh, my arm is aching. Rumpsteak Cafe de Paris, please!

How can you stand all the noise? Seems like everyone is celebrating something. Must be the victory! Let's see.

Tom –  These games are tough.Mischief [:-,] I am not sure what happened, but it hurts! Tonite was the worst one by far! Confused [%-)]

That is exactly what I did last May, drove I-70 between St. Louis and Kansas City and what I recall, the landscape was kind of hilly. Smile [:)]

No, the lady by the Australian streetcar is a complete stranger.Oops [oops]

Interesting pictures  from Alaska!Thumbs Up [tup] Did you try that restaurant over the river?Question [?] I think I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, it is amazing how clean ARR keep their locomotives and cars! Yeah!! [yeah]

Double Hornblower at the Emporium Theatre?!!Wink [;)]

JanOlov –  Yeah, you better keep a low profile and don’t tell Manager Lars.Mischief [:-,]

More Barndad!Thumbs Up [tup] Chicago is a very interesting railroad town! Even more so in the past. Thanks!Thumbs Up [tup]

Alaska Railroad has 28 SD70MAC’s! Good looking locomotives!

Nice pictures of GN’s trains from the old times! Plus the “City of San Francisco”! Thumbs Up [tup]

Rob –  We have plenty of elk in northern Arizona, but no moose at all.Smile [:)] In the old country one can find moose all the way from the southern part, way up to north of the Arctic Circle.Smile [:)]

Good pictures of nice streetcars!Thumbs Up [tup] What kind of special is Montreal & Southern Counties #107? Question [?]

Fergie –  Hope top see a picture of your new loco when you are done decorating it! Yeah!! [yeah]

Lars –  Final score? Who cares about the final score when you have the Bikini Team surrounding you?Wow!! [wow] Did we win? Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Thanks for posting Barndad’s old posts again!Thumbs Up [tup] I certainly miss him! A lot of info on those locomotives! Smile [:)]

Pete –  Keep the bugs away. Don’t catch ‘em!! Wink [;)]

Very nice pictures from Alan!Thumbs Up [tup] As always! Quite a few steam locomotives outside that roundhouse! Impressive!Smile [:)]

Class 18! Kind of strange looking locomotive!


A few random pictures since it is Saturday.

NEC, towards New Haven! 


A few Class Rc6. Stockholm, Sweden.


Quiz! Where is this picture taken? Question [?]Question [?]

Orange Empire Railway Museum.


The Cascades. 


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Posted by LoveDomes on Sunday, October 28, 2007 9:29 AM

Ahoy Cap'n Tom & fellow travelers waiting for the bar to open!

Yes - THE BAR IS CLOSED on SUNDAY - but, I've got a KEY 'n thought I'd stop in to ensure all's well for the Monday morning opening! Things don't look quite as bad as I thought - at least in the bar area. The pool room (where the Dart's tourney was held) is an entirely different mattAH! I think Da Bossman is gonna have to have the entire thing torn up 'n redone (renos, as Fergie woud say!) <groan>

Who won? Who Won? Who Won? All I know is that my head is banging, my ears are ringing, my arms 'n legs are sore 'n my wallet is empty! Musta had a great time, huh Question [?]

Next year we're gonna have to get the reporter to let us know when he's ready . . . ya know, like the Evil Empire used to do - prepare the "news" in advance sorta thing. That'll work! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

So, RED SOX WON! RED SOX WON! RED SOX! Just one more for a sweep . . . will the AL dominance over the NL evAH end Question [?] <geesh>

Jints over in Merry Olde today - crazy set up if ya ask me <but no one did!!> . . . ridiculous to screw around with a regular season game through this sort of nonsense. Fine - if the NFL wants to showcase the game - do in the exhibition season. The travel, the field, the fans - all of it factors in for both teams. BS I say - utter BS! Go Jints! Thumbs Up [tup]

Good flicks at the "show" from Da Bossman . . . coming to the end for the Hornblower series. I think it was a good choice 'n I'm looking forward to watching this weeks duo and the next! Thumbs Up [tup]

As always, wonderful shots from Alaska - you surely "done good" with that camera you say causes you to break out in warts! <huh?> Anyway, as Pete remarked - the clarity is something else. Those ARR engines look to be in "mint" condition - I'm impressed! Wow!! [wow]

I see that Mr. Olov has dug in his heels to come up with full participation on our Encore 'n Photo Posting Saturdays! Nice job - couldn't have gone with a bettAH pick than from the barndad archives. Thumbs Up [tup] We have lots 'n lots of material "stacked up" on both threads . . . will keep the Encore Saturdays going 'til the end of these forums is my guess. Thumbs Up [tup]

Sorry you're not feeling up to par, Mr. Wolfman - BUT - you were an absolute crazy man at the Dart's Challenge & Grudge Match! WHERE do you put all that beer Question [?] Good Grief Charlie Brown - there's no stopping the Brit from mid-MO, huh Question [?] By the way, that wasn't really good form to "stick" your partner with the bar tab - especially over at the enemy camp. The guys at the 2nd Class Saloon were waiting for something like that to happen 'n probably accounts for my ending up sleeping in the dumptser! <uh oh>

Eric made a post - so he's 'somewhere,' huh Question [?] I can't hear that infernal yodeling anymore - which is either good or bad. Good in the sense that the noise has stopped - bad in that I may have lost the ability to hear after all of that rukus these past three nights. Woe is me! <groan>

Your quiz photo makes me think of Pennsylvania - maybe because that loco appears to be in Erie-Lackawana colors. Anyway, really don't know - but it is snowing! Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

Very nice photos all - especially the Cascades! Wow!! [wow] Looks professionally done! Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup] Thumbs Up [tup]


Ok, 'nuf of my nonsense - thought I'd just pop in - wish youse guyz the best for the remainder of the weekend, 'n go about the day!



Something from the Larsman Mobile of Dome photos!

WP #881 Silver Chalet (from:


The Auto Train #460, former WP #811 (from:



WP #881 Silver Crescent (from:



Santa Fe #500 (from:



Santa Fe #501 Super Chief (from:


Until the next time! Thumbs Up [tup]



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Posted by JanOlov on Sunday, October 28, 2007 11:02 AM

Oh well, another quiet and peaceful Sunday I see and with the sun shining. Better give the place a good clean for the Halloween me thinks.....Walks to the closet to get the stuff for polishing the brass and other shiny fittings.....rags....polish....electric toothbrush...screwdriver....

Gets down and dirty with the footrest.....Whistling [:-^]dismantling it to get it to tip top condition...

I went down to the station. .
Leaned against the door,
Went down to the station,
Leaned against the door
I knew it wa the Empire Stae Express,
I could tell by the way she blows.

I asked the depot agent,
"Please let me ride the blinds"
Asked the depot agent,
"Please let me ride the blinds"
He said, "Son, I wouldn't mind
.But the Empire State ain't mine"

....grabs the electric toothbrush to get into the grooves and narrow spots......Whistling [:-^]

You know that Empire State,
She rides on eastern time.
That Empire State,
Rides on Eastern time,
She's the 'rollingingest' baby,
On the New York Cental line.

It was a mean ol' fireman
And a low down engineer.
It wa a cruel fieman
And a low-down engineer
That tok my woman away
And left me standing here.

...unscrews the fittings from the floor and drops them into hot water...cleans where fittings go....picks them back up, polish them and screws them back...Whistling [:-^]

Yes, the engineer blew the whistle,
The fireman rang the bell
The engineer blew the the whistle,
The fireman rang the bell
It was a cruel fireman
And a low-down engineer
Tha t took my woman away
And left poor me standing here

Yes, the engineer blew the whistle
The fireman rang the bell
The engineer blew the whistle,
The fireman rang the bell.
My woman's on board,
She's waving me fare-thee-well.

I'm gonna tell you
What that mean ol' train will do.
I'm gonna tell you
What that mean ol' train will do.
They'll take your woman away
And shoot black smoke back at you.

Moves around to the back of the bar to do the bar taps.....Whistling [:-^].....ooops!...someone has forgotten their watch and keys here I see, better put them back in the's this?.....never seen this wee key before....bends down and picks up a key from the floor....I wonder....hmmmm..Mischief [:-,]

....walks to get the ladders and begin to polish and clean glass on the light fittings out in the bar....Whistling [:-^]....see how easy it is to keep the place nice and tidy if you do it every now and then....Whistling [:-^].....aaaahh last one!

An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day
Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way
When all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows he saw
A-plowing through the ragged sky and up the cloudy draw

Their brands were still on fire and their hooves were made of steel
Their horns were black and shiny and their hot breath he could feel
A bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky
For he saw the Riders coming hard and he heard their mournful cry

Riiight...that's all the bling-bling stuff done and dusted.....Big Smile [:D]

...puts all the polishing stuff back in the closet and gets the wood polish....rattles in the's good thing that I left the  stuff where anyone can find it...grabs the we're back in still seem to work too...GREAT! Whistling [:-^]

Empties everything on top of the bar and tables....and begin to dust and polish....hhmmmm...this table seems a bit unstable to me....better have it fixed.....there you go, much better, nice and steady!Thumbs Up [tup]

Yippie yi Ohhhhh
Yippie yi yaaaaay
Ghost Riders in the sky

Their faces gaunt, their eyes were blurred, their shirts all soaked with sweat
He's riding hard to catch that herd, but he ain't caught 'em yet
'Cause they've got to ride forever on that range up in the sky
On horses snorting fire
As they ride on hear their cry.....Whistling [:-^] around all the tables, chairs, walls......and finishing of with the bar....collects all the coasters as he moves along....Whistling [:-^]...puts out a couple of new decks of cards to give the lads something to do....

As the riders loped on by him he heard one call his name
If you want to save your soul from Hell a-riding on our range
Then cowboy change your ways today or with us you will ride
Trying to catch the Devil's herd, across these endless skies

Yippie yi Ohhhhh
Yippie yi Yaaaaay

Ghost Riders in the sky
Ghost Riders in the sky
Ghost Riders in the sky

......Whistling [:-^]

Hmmm.....let's see.....that leave
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Posted by JanOlov on Sunday, October 28, 2007 3:21 PM

Greetings Tom and fellow honorable members of the "society"

Drops a few $$$$ for the cigar box and Mr Wurlitzer to get the laddies started on Monday morning.....

pwolfe, that is some fantastic pics of German steam in the roundhouse mate....! Germany must be one of the countries that has the most steam locomotives under steam next to the US and UK, right? Looking forward to see more....Yeah!! [yeah]

Would have been great with pics like that with 611, 1218, 844, 3985, 261, 4449, 3751 and so on....right? Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

I wish you a speedy recovery from that bug of yours mate....

Tom, good selection of flicks mate....better top up on the popcorn me thinks......would it be possible to request "Runaway Train" for next weekend?

I liked that post from barndad Doug....will keep skim through past posts to get to know the place and people a bit more....have a dram on me!

EricX2000, Chicago was rather busy wasn't it...? Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg] I wonder how many of the old great stations that's still around today and not been demolished....Sigh [sigh] I think these last few decades hasn't been kind to railfans compared to 30's, 40's and 50's.....alot of things are better but many others are worse....

As for the Quiz,I couldn't even begin to guess.....

Nice selection of pics it is mate.....!Yeah!! [yeah] Cascades.....mmmmmm.....begins to daydream back to more glorious railroad days....

Da Larsman, you!? Talking nonsense.....? Naaahh.....! When did that happen?? Sweet selection of domecars matey.....Yeah!! [yeah] The best one being the dome observation....Yeah!! [yeah]Approve [^] Now, THAT is the right and only way to travel.....

Weelll, since our honorable Mr LoveDomes dropped a few good and tasteful pics, I thought that I'd do the same to get things started on Mondays early hours.....

Todays theme.......doubleheading and a trippleheader!

D&RGW 2-8-8-2 #3618 and 4-8-4 #1708 on train #2, Scenic Ltd with 12 cars, near Mitchell, Colo., October 6, 1935.

D&RGW 2-8-8-2 #3615 and 4-8-2  #1526 with train First #2, Scenic Ltd, Civilian Conservation Corps special with 15 cars doing 25 Mph, near Mitchell, Colo., March 24, 1940.

AT&SF 2-10-4's #5029 and #5009 with a eastbound freight consisting of 91 cars doing 45 Mph, both engines smoking good, east of Belen, N.M., June 28, 1947.

AT&SF 2-10-2's #3814, #3822 and 4-8-4 #3768 with train #19, The Chief, all 3 engines producing smoke and steam at Wootton, Colo., December 29, 1940.

SP 2-10-2 #3756 is helping 4-8-4 #4413 with Second #99, Daylight, doing 30 MPH at San Luis Obispo, Cal., July 23, 1938.

SP 2-10-2 #3673 helps another 4-8-4 #4418 with first #99, The Daylight, at San Luis Obispo, Cal., July 23, 1938.

Credit: All above Otto Perry and photoswest...


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