News Wire: CSX CEO Hunter Harrison has died

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Posted by eolafan on Monday, December 18, 2017 9:31 AM

Based on the overwhelmingly negative comments about EHH everywhere I go, he certainly p----d off many thousands of employees and customers at every railroad he managed. I worked for eight years for a very large Wisconsin based building products manufacturer that is family owned and headed by a person very similar to EHH in many ways (both hated by most of his employees and his customers alike) but loved by those family members who co-own the company and make millions off of I know the EHH type of "manager" very well.  My first thought when I read that EHH had refused a "mandatory" health exam when he first joined CSX was wondering what he was we know. 

Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
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Posted by BLS53 on Monday, December 18, 2017 8:40 AM

As far as modern day CEO's go, Harrison was not much different than the other hatchet men who roam the corporate landscape today. Railroad workers should just be grateful they have a Federal retirement program. 

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Posted by n012944 on Monday, December 18, 2017 8:20 AM

wreckofthe old

It was scumbags like him and gutless unions that lead to Lac Megantic and one- person trains.

May you burn in hell like those who died in one of railroads worst disasters


If you are going to insult the dead at least have you facts correct.  EHH has said many times he was opposed to one person crews.

An "expensive model collector"

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Posted by BOB WITHORN on Monday, December 18, 2017 8:14 AM

It is quite amazing how so many that never were within a hundred miles of EHH have all thwe answers.. .  They are absolutely convinced that he was the devil himself!!   Never met the man but have talked to a couple people that worked for, and had direct contact with, him...  One worked at IC then CN/IC at the Homewood shops...  He was involved with the Executive trains maintenance...  The other was a CN road crew that hired in well after EHH became CEO.  What you all describe is really contrary to the excepted facts...  EHH was a corporate 'hatchet man' to those that could not adjust to something new, granted. If, you were one of the majority that excepted change and could adjust, he really wasn't as "evil" as you submit....  My understanding is that he had a great sence of humor and a very foul mouth...   He told you EXACTLY were you stood and EXACTLY what he expected...  To those that 'got it' he was a great boss...  To COMPLETELY change the personality and style of an operation, he cut to the bone...   That causes alot of pain, but, there is never change without some pain... Because someone lost their job in his cuts does not make him evil... When is the last time you talked to someone who just lost their job and was thrilled... Again, doesn't make him evil, just makes them unemployed... I look at CN and CP and to me, he cut to the base to rebuild the frame for others to build upon... If you were an average employee, doing an average job, you shouldn't expect to keep your job just because you work there... I see a CEO that pushed everone VERY hard to find the one that would break and the ones that could dig in and create something new... Look at CN now, the industry leader... They still use his 'frame' and are growing fast... At CP, they are doing the same... CP is taking the 'frame' EHH created to build an efficient, profitable railroad... Having said all that, THERE IS NOT A CEO ON THIS PLANET that deserves $10, 15, 20, 40 million per year at ANY publicly traded company.......... How many companies or how many jobs would still exist if corporate boards and mgmt. took a pay cut.....  EHH was not the devil, unless you're one of those that's unemployed....... What he was is a hardcore operator, you either got with the 'program' or you got out of the way.......Now feel free to call me names and pick me apart...  I get what he was doing...  By the way I'm corporate mgmt. just in a private, not public company, and like Mr. Harrison, I started at the bottom.

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Posted by Shadow the Cats owner on Monday, December 18, 2017 7:04 AM

I am reading this as I get ready to head out to work this morning.  My husband is looking over my shoulder and goes EHH should meet up with his grandma Sharpe in hell then.  I asked where did that one come from.  He goes the one that would get mad and not call us for weeks at a time.  I went oh yeah.  He then told me about when she died.  It was right after Desert Storm ended troops were being sent back well she passed on and my MIL called the Red Cross to see if they could get my BIL home in time for the funeral.  The were like no not his immediate family aka a father or mother had passed.  Then my husband goes on we also had to put down the family dog about the same time got hit by a car he broke his chain.  Both my husband and BIL were more upset about losing a dog than having to bury their mother.  As my MIL put it my own now late FIL did not even care.  


EHH destroyed thousands of lives on 3 seperate railroads the only ones crying that he died are his backers in the Hedge Funds.  The nuts and bolts of the operation aka the men in the field are happy.  Look for tourism to where he is planted to spike for a little bit why I bet there are going to be a few people making a pilgramage of sorts to either spit on his grave or worse or leave a reminder of their own on his grave.  

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Posted by 54light15 on Sunday, December 17, 2017 10:02 PM

Firelock, my friend, I warmly shake your hand for that. Thank you. That was needed. 

But, having said that, one of my favourite songs is "Tennesee Waltz." I was at a car show last year and a pair of people were playing it on accordions. I stood there listening and a woman who kind of irritates me asked me what I was doing. I said that I was listening to the song and I said how I wanted it played at my funeral. I like it that much. She said that she would see to it. I said, "Well that depends, if you're invited." Didn't talk to me the rest of that weekend for which I am grateful. Not to divert the thead or anything.  

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Posted by overall on Sunday, December 17, 2017 8:24 PM

Here is a YouTube video that shows how the news of EHH's passing was reported locally in Jacksonville, Fla

The interviewee in the story raises a couple of interesting questions;

1) Will James Foote stay as the permanent CEO or will there be a nationwide search for another CEO?

2) Will the next CEO, be it Foote or someone else, continue Harrison's policies?

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Posted by Norm48327 on Sunday, December 17, 2017 7:02 PM




Nobody better mourn me.  They better hold a party and do their best to insult me.  If they don't - I'm haunting them. 

I know that stuff happens.  Buried both my parents last year, and had some people from my terminal instrumental in my learning of all thigns railroad pass in the past few years as well.  But it is no secret EHH was in poor health.   I'm just amazed the money CSX shelled out for a few months.  Guess we'll see if they got more return for their invesment than they would have on some ET44ACs.

 If someone wants to spend their life being a miserable SOB obsessed with profit and power, that's fine.  But we shouldn't act like they were a saint after they died. Remember them for what they were.  Or forget them for what they weren't.

Don't get me wrong -  I won't celebrate their death. . But I'm, not going to put them on an artificial pedestal either. 


You have summed up my thoughts to a T.Don't mourn me just wish me well in my new endeavour. Hopefully my diety will be gracious enough to forgive me for my mistakes.


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Posted by Firelock76 on Sunday, December 17, 2017 6:58 PM

All I've got to say is this, I sure wouldn't want to leave this world with all that hate and discontent following in my trail.  Oh, boy...

All I can think of are the words of the greatest teacher that ever lived and the nicest guy the world's ever seen, and who's birthday we'll be celebrating in a few days...

"Whatever does it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lose his soul?"

Money isn't everything.  You sure can't take it with you.

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Posted by samfp1943 on Sunday, December 17, 2017 5:32 PM

Good Grief: It seems like CSX is going to have to run a special train to where ever they plan to bury EHH... It sounds like between the dance band, and the folks that want to 'dance on his grave' there'll quite the crowd(?) .  

I met him in 1964 at Tenn Yard in Capleville,Tn. He was working in the Engine House at that time. He was a laborer(?); while he was going to college at Memphis State.  Those were a lot more, different, times around the railroad,then.  He went  from the Frisco, to the BN; when it bought out the SL-SF in (89 (?). By then he was in upper-management at BN. And the rest is history.

P.S. { Small World Dept. addendum Whistling ] Since I wrote the above, it has bugged me about some of the details.  Where had I met EHH before ? I met him in the Engine House in 1964?  It finally dawned on me.. His Dad was 'Tank' Harrison, who was a Sgt in the M.P.D. A man I had known, and worked around;  I had known since the early 1960's.[ He was a big part of the 'force' behind the Juvenile Court's fresh air, youth camp[Camp Courage] at Walldoxie St. Park near Holly Springs,Ms.]  I had tried to talk Hunter into joining the Marine Reserve Unit , but he was having no part of it.. He was going to Memphis State and get his degree. He was set to start working at the Frisco, and there was no changing his mind. Over 50+ years since then....Wow




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Posted by wreckofthe old on Sunday, December 17, 2017 5:02 PM

It was scumbags like him and gutless unions that lead to Lac Megantic and one- person trains.

May you burn in hell like those who died in one of railroads worst disasters


Almost as bad as the UP service meltdown of the late nineties, only reason it has not been worse is is the shorter duration of time.

Every place Eugene has left they had to undo damage to retain customers and get some back. CSX will have to do a lot just to make their network fluid again with what traffic they have.

I am nearly 60 and in my lifetime I cannot remember any person so purely evil and rotten to the core as Hunter in any walk of life not just railroads or business, no one even comes close. He may not have been as Hitler or Stalin but was a great example of a despicable human being.

Now we have to consider the Unions who did apparently nothing to counter this evil man, the government who did nothing effective for months about a functional manaic destroying a transportation company threatening the national economy and the vulture fund Paul who should be hung in public as the worst example of what not to do with investing and control of corporations.


I got the call early yesterday afternoon from a friend who retired from CSX years ago, they picked it up from links to people at CSX they still have contact with. I stopped my projects and when in and had a drink to celebrate. Called my boss to give him the news and his immediate reaction was to laugh. We have had to go to extrordinary lenghts to keep our plants going at huge cost due to Hunter.


We were watching Christmas movies last night and I actually found Mr. Potter to be someone I would like to hang with and exchange stories and enjoy brandy with by the fireplace vs Hunter, who is finally out of this industry and enjoying fire and brimstone.


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Posted by zugmann on Sunday, December 17, 2017 2:44 PM

My sympathies to Harrison's survivors but who will mourn your or mine's passing? I suspect no one will even leave a comment simply because we are "nobodys".

Nobody better mourn me.  They better hold a party and do their best to insult me.  If they don't - I'm haunting them. 

I know that stuff happens.  Buried both my parents last year, and had some people from my terminal instrumental in my learning of all thigns railroad pass in the past few years as well.  But it is no secret EHH was in poor health.   I'm just amazed the money CSX shelled out for a few months.  Guess we'll see if they got more return for their invesment than they would have on some ET44ACs.

 If someone wants to spend their life being a miserable SOB obsessed with profit and power, that's fine.  But we shouldn't act like they were a saint after they died. Remember them for what they were.  Or forget them for what they weren't.

Don't get me wrong -  I won't celebrate their death. . But I'm, not going to put them on an artificial pedestal either.  


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Posted by Norm48327 on Sunday, December 17, 2017 2:41 PM

The fact he never consented to a medical examination leads me to believe that this was not so unexpected.


Perhaps that thought has basis in reality. I don't think anyone including Hilal considered that prior to Harrison's becoming CEO of CSX. OTOH, stuff happens. Perhaps Harrison had a condidtion that was thought to be of no consequence but a sudden change also altered that opinion.

One never knows when they are going too meet their demise. It could happen to you or me the next time we arise in the morning.

My sympathies to Harrison's survivors but who will mourn your or mine's passing? I suspect no one will even leave a comment simply because we are "nobodys".


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Posted by zugmann on Sunday, December 17, 2017 1:37 PM

It may be time to move on, but moving on will never happen. If the condition of CSX does not improve, it will be Harrison’s fault. If it does improve, it will be because Harrison died before destroying CSX. So even in death, Harrision will be forever essential in explaining the performance of CSX.

A footnote in history.  Nothing more.


We all meet our demise eventually. Harrison's time just came earlier than he expected.


The fact he never consented to a medical examination leads me to believe that this was not so unexpected.


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Posted by zugmann on Sunday, December 17, 2017 1:36 PM

I'm so gonna haunt a railcar when I die.  Or maybe that mother-slug set I always have.


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Posted by slotracer on Sunday, December 17, 2017 1:02 PM

Almost as bad as the UP service meltdown of the late nineties, only reason it has not been worse is is the shorter duration of time.

Every place Eugene has left they had to undo damage to retain customers and get some back. CSX will have to do a lot just to make their network fluid again with what traffic they have.

I am nearly 60 and in my lifetime I cannot remember any person so purely evil and rotten to the core as Hunter in any walk of life not just railroads or business, no one even comes close. He may not have been as Hitler or Stalin but was a great example of a despicable human being.

Now we have to consider the Unions who did apparently nothing to counter this evil man, the government who did nothing effective for months about a functional manaic destroying a transportation company threatening the national economy and the vulture fund Paul who should be hung in public as the worst example of what not to do with investing and control of corporations.


I got the call early yesterday afternoon from a friend who retired from CSX years ago, they picked it up from links to people at CSX they still have contact with. I stopped my projects and when in and had a drink to celebrate. Called my boss to give him the news and his immediate reaction was to laugh. We have had to go to extrordinary lenghts to keep our plants going at huge cost due to Hunter.


We were watching Christmas movies last night and I actually found Mr. Potter to be someone I would like to hang with and exchange stories and enjoy brandy with by the fireplace vs Hunter, who is finally out of this industry and enjoying fire and brimstone.

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Posted by jeffhergert on Sunday, December 17, 2017 12:58 PM


 The only thing that I have witnessed that really bothers a family of a deceased in a time like this would be for example...... that unusually stupid rumor started by  someone (forget if it was a writer or reader) that the C&NW business car was haunted by a certain former C&NW CEO.   Something like that would and did cause a direct rebuke from the family as it implies certain things on the religious front for some that the wife decided went too far.


I read that article about that in Trains many years ago.  It actually made me feel better towards him.  True or not, it showed me some humanity in someone we'll just say that I did not care for.  Although with the passing of time, former bad feelings had somewhat moderated by the time of the article's publication.

I can feel sympathy for the family, even for someone like EHH.  But if I thought someone was a SOB while they were alive, I'm not going to sugar-coat it once their dead.  

I like what greyhounds said.  I like to think, as hard as it seems to believe sometimes, that after we move on, all our earthly troubles and grievences will also pass away.  Only to become a distant, hazy memory - if even remembered at all. 

I know their are a couple of inconsistencies in my post, but I'm only human.


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Posted by Norm48327 on Sunday, December 17, 2017 12:53 PM

No matter how rich or powerful you are in life, you get tossed into a hole just like the poorest of paupers when you die.

Or perhaps toasted like many others have chosen. Either way it is the end of life and we all , sooner or later meet that fate.

While I'm no admirer of Harrison after having known several employees at CN who were intimidated by his propensity to fire people for the least infraction I do do not have much respect for his modus operandi. Most of the CN employees I know were running scared when Harrison was CEO.

That said, Harrison did substantially improve CN's bottom line even though it was at the expense of many employees both contract and exempt. He was universally hated by the trades people including T&E personnel for his penchant to fire someone for  tha minimal offense. That's understandable.

Perhaps he was wrong in dealing with employees in that way is correct but bear in mind he was not alone in trying to reshape things. Hedge fund owners, in my line of thinking, are nothing more than vultures who are only interested in advancing their profits at the expence of all others. Think the corporate raider Carl Ichan of days gone by. That mentality still exists in the hedge fund managers. Get the money and run is the mantra of the day.

Paul Hilal's plan did not work out like he thought it would. Harrison was thought to be healthy when Hilal demanded he be installed as CEO of CSX.

Best laid plans of mice and men......

We all meet our demise eventually. Harrison's time just came earlier than he expected.


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Posted by Murphy Siding on Sunday, December 17, 2017 12:47 PM



Please bear that in mind when commenting on his recent demise - members of Harrison's family may well read the comments in Trains and be very upset by them.


If they don't expect to read about the controversies he caused, then they really didn't know him. Yeah, he had family, but so do many of those he laid off in the name of his plan for profit.  

That's the thing with death - it's the great equilizer.  No matter how rich or powerful you are in life, you get tossed into a hole just like the poorest of paupers when you die.  The end.  Time to move on.


all we are is dust in the wind. Music

Thanks to Chris / CopCarSS for my avatar.

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Posted by Euclid on Sunday, December 17, 2017 12:44 PM

The end. Time to move on.


It may be time to move on, but moving on will never happen.  If the condition of CSX does not improve, it will be Harrison’s fault.  If it does improve, it will be because Harrison died before destroying CSX.  So even in death, Harrision will be forever essential in explaining the performance of CSX.


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Posted by zugmann on Sunday, December 17, 2017 11:58 AM

Please bear that in mind when commenting on his recent demise - members of Harrison's family may well read the comments in Trains and be very upset by them.

If they don't expect to read about the controversies he caused, then they really didn't know him. Yeah, he had family, but so do many of those he laid off in the name of his plan for profit.  

That's the thing with death - it's the great equilizer.  No matter how rich or powerful you are in life, you get tossed into a hole just like the poorest of paupers when you die.  The end.  Time to move on.


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Posted by SD70Dude on Sunday, December 17, 2017 11:02 AM

Los Angeles Rams Guy
Ulrich, This guy was an evil tyrant; a monster and a functioning lunatic who wrecked countless lives and careers and treated people like dirt. I'm one of them and now it's time for him to pay the fiddler. There's a special place in hell for this guy. Good riddance Eugene.

Thumbs UpThumbs UpThumbs UpDevil

I will add that at least 4 CN employees were killed in accidents directly attributable to cuts EHH made.

Greetings from Alberta

-an Articulate Malcontent

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Posted by BaltACD on Sunday, December 17, 2017 9:56 AM

BS !!!!!!!!! Up to March 1, 2017 the CSX 'motto' was 'It starts with the Customer'. After that date it became 'It starts with Mantle Ridge looting the treasury'. 

I'm not arguing that customer service was better prior to EHH because the employees are in control of that.    Was the drop off in customer service due to EHH or employee resistance to EHH, it could be either or and I have no clue which.    However, one thing is still true that was true before EHH's arrival.   CSX as a company is not completely fixed, the job was not complete before EHH's passing and CSX was slowly declining financially as well as stagnating operationally (while NS improved relative to CSX, NS was declining to an extent as well).     You can blame the drop-off in coal in part but not all of it was caused by a drop off in coal.    An example, look how long it took for CSX to develop a capital program to improve clearances across the railroad to handle intermodal double stack trains.   C'mon, it's like 15-20 years after the other Class I railroads budgeted for it and executed on it.    What does that tell you about CSX management or attention to markets prior to EHH?   

Au contraire - the clearance program was initiated in the same time frame as it's competitior - NS.  Virginia Avenue and Howard Street tunnels have required more capital intensive solutions and longer construction times than did any of the NS clearance impediments.  EHH killed the Howard Street project which thereby makes the Port of Baltimore a single stack only port as NS/Amtrak don't have a double stack solution either.

CSX was working on enhancing it's intermodal operations until EHH's axe struck and knocked their offerings back to the 1960's level.

What that tells me that EHH was given marching orders by Mantle Ridge to liberate capital from CSX, regardless of the continued health and sustainability of the organism.  Liberate the cash and do it now!

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by csxns on Sunday, December 17, 2017 9:52 AM

Los Angeles Rams Guy
special place in hell for this guy

Well i guess some got their Christmas wish.


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Posted by overall on Sunday, December 17, 2017 9:16 AM


He was controversial for sure, but certainly not evil. One of his strengths was making sure he had good people in place who could take over on short notice if needed. CSX remains in good hands.


I hope you are right. I hope that James Foote and company will recognize Hunter's mistakes and fix them. I hope that they have a proper attitude towards customer service. Time will tell, I guess.

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Posted by Ulrich on Sunday, December 17, 2017 8:20 AM

He was controversial for sure, but certainly not evil. One of his strengths was making sure he had good people in place who could take over on short notice if needed. CSX remains in good hands.

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Posted by CMStPnP on Sunday, December 17, 2017 7:59 AM

BS !!!!!!!!! Up to March 1, 2017 the CSX 'motto' was 'It starts with the Customer'. After that date it became 'It starts with Mantle Ridge looting the treasury'.

I'm not arguing that customer service was better prior to EHH because the employees are in control of that.    Was the drop off in customer service due to EHH or employee resistance to EHH, it could be either or and I have no clue which.    However, one thing is still true that was true before EHH's arrival.   CSX as a company is not completely fixed, the job was not complete before EHH's passing and CSX was slowly declining financially as well as stagnating operationally (while NS improved relative to CSX, NS was declining to an extent as well).     You can blame the drop-off in coal in part but not all of it was caused by a drop off in coal.    An example, look how long it took for CSX to develop a capital program to improve clearances across the railroad to handle intermodal double stack trains.   C'mon, it's like 15-20 years after the other Class I railroads budgeted for it and executed on it.    What does that tell you about CSX management or attention to markets prior to EHH?   

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Posted by CMStPnP on Sunday, December 17, 2017 7:50 AM

A plea to commentators on Hunter Harrison: E. Hunter Harrison's methods and aims may excite controversy.  He was not however 'evil' - if you want to know what evil business people are like think of Russia in the 1990s, when 'biznismen' routinely hired hitmen to eliminate competition; or think of the narco barons of Latin America.  Hunter Harrison was a controversial figure in the railroad business - he was not a Pablo Escobar. Please bear that in mind when commenting on his recent demise - members of Harrison's family may well read the comments in Trains and be very upset by them.

Let me tell you from experience of someone whose Father worked at a Unionized Firm as an executive.    The Family has heard most of the comments already.   The extreme  and emotion based comments are are filed away never to be thought about again.   The more moderate comments are looked at as a matter of opinion.    Not much of an impact.    And as anti-Union as it sounds, Unionized firms come up with some really ridiculous stuff to maintain the "us vs. them" atmosphere that the Union heads prefer to keep support up for the Union.

The only thing that I have witnessed that really bothers a family of a deceased in a time like this would be for example...... that unusually stupid rumor started by  someone (forget if it was a writer or reader) that the C&NW business car was haunted by a certain former C&NW CEO.   Something like that would and did cause a direct rebuke from the family as it implies certain things on the religious front for some that the wife decided went too far.

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Posted by BaltACD on Sunday, December 17, 2017 7:31 AM

A plea to commentators on Hunter Harrison:

E. Hunter Harrison's methods and aims may excite controversy.  He was not however 'evil' - if you want to know what evil business people are like think of Russia in the 1990s, when 'biznismen' routinely hired hitmen to eliminate competition; or think of the narco barons of Latin America.  Hunter Harrison was a controversial figure in the railroad business - he was not a Pablo Escobar.

Please bear that in mind when commenting on his recent demise - members of Harrison's family may well read the comments in Trains and be very upset by them.

With due respect to the family - while they may have loved him, a great many people viewed him as the devil incarnate.  The family deserve to know how others viewed him.  When you negatively affect the thousands of lives that EHH affected that can not be glossed over, even in death.

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by IslandMan on Sunday, December 17, 2017 4:31 AM

A plea to commentators on Hunter Harrison:

E. Hunter Harrison's methods and aims may excite controversy.  He was not however 'evil' - if you want to know what evil business people are like think of Russia in the 1990s, when 'biznismen' routinely hired hitmen to eliminate competition; or think of the narco barons of Latin America.  Hunter Harrison was a controversial figure in the railroad business - he was not a Pablo Escobar.

Please bear that in mind when commenting on his recent demise - members of Harrison's family may well read the comments in Trains and be very upset by them.

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