6 reasons to give thanks

Posted by Fred Frailey
on Wednesday, November 23, 2016

1. The election is over. You loved The Donald. Or you loved Hillary. Or you loved neither nominee. Admit it: It was stressful. You may now exhale.

2. Wick is here. I liked Joe Boardman. He did many good things in his eight years as head of Amtrak. But the company now needs a railroader at the top to help make it more focused. Wick Moorman has it within him to accomplish this.

3. Brian is here. After eight years of a steady diet of Phillips and Frailey on the opinion pages of Trains Magazine, we are about to be joined by Brian Solomon. I’ll drink to having a fresh face around (not that I ever need an excuse). Here’s to you, Brian!

4. PTC is almost here. I was a positive train control skeptic. Too much money for too little benefit, I said. Well, I was wrong. The real truth is that too many people have died preventable deaths. And anyway, too late to turn back. Let’s get it to work, soon.

5. Hey, I’m here! On May 28 the ER technician looked down at me and said, “Mr. Frailey, you’re having a heart attack.” I thought it was Curtainsville. But as these things go, it was minor, and I thank God for the second chance.

6. You’re still here, too. Fate is fickle. Hug someone who could use some love. Make your time count. Savor the memories of those, such as Larry Kaufman and Jim McClellan, who left these shores recently.—Fred W. Frailey

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