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Elliot´s Trackside Diner - May 2014 Edition

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Posted by JeremyB on Saturday, May 24, 2014 6:03 PM

After a day in the sun doing yard work it was time for me to come in. I got a little pink but not burned. My neighbour has been out all day and has a horrible sunburn, almost looks like to the point of blisters. He doesnt seem to care though. I know it has been a long hard winter and we are all wanting warm temps but no way am I getting burnt like that. Might go out tomorrow but stay in the shade or do outdoor stuff in the morning. Plus its a bog day of racing on tv with the Monaco GP,Indy 500 and the coke 600

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Posted by fec153 on Saturday, May 24, 2014 6:09 PM

Gary- [with one 'R' and an N modeler], HAPPY BIRTHDAY.  May your skills improve and health and happiness be with you always.



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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, May 24, 2014 7:41 PM

 Good Evening Dinners and Gute Nacht Herr Ulrich.Zzz

 Frau Flo, ich brauche ein Bier schlecht, heute war blöd! !!Beer

 Work Front, Dave and I have sat a new record, 3 Saturdays in a row with No Sales! Embarrassed Does not look good for the store with Marven closing 2 this year! Plus he owens this one as well in it is in a prime area, bet the ground and building is worth $500,000.00.

 Lack Of Health Front. I have to do something about the shape I am in. I use to lift weights 6 days a week doing 3 day splits. Work upper body 3 of the days and lower body 3 days. When I was in my 30's girls would look at my butt and not Laught went I walked by! Whistling I use to bench 275 pounds 30 times, preacher curle 125 pounds 30 times and max curle 180 pounds! Had 19 inch biecepts and forearms looked like cord wood!

  Todd will understand this. At one point in my life I could pick a bare 440 block and lift it onto a 4 foot tall work table by my self and did not strain to do it. That is 300 pounds of dead weight.

 I have been using the hand excies thing I got from the VA for olny 4 days now and forearms all ready look better. I have been thinking about working out some to get some strenght back into the upper body, I am so weak now it is imbassing!Sigh Being 6'3" and the sizes I am, you would not think I was so weak.  

 Last night I dug out a 25 pound dumb bell and dam near busted my gut doing so. Hmm Use to feel like nothing, now it feels like the 440 block? Guess I will be digging out some lighter weights to get started lifting again. Well you have to start some where! When I first started to lift, I think my max bench press was 120 and I was not old or fat then. Less than 1% of the worlds population and bench press there body weight.

 See you all later, Ken]


I hate Rust

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, May 24, 2014 9:14 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, just a cup of decaf please....

Another busy day around here...  Went to my sister's house this afternoon,  I hooked up the charging cable (EVSE) and stole some electrons from her in return for helping her move some plants outside and start her lawn mower for her.  I did get a bunch of Hostas and some other perenials for along the fence.  We drove over to the Garden Center.  She bought a bunch more potted plants and I got 10 everbearing strawberry plants to put in the rock garden in the front lawn.  Got back to her house and I pluged in the PiP again to get a few more miles of EV before we headed out to Dinner.

I won't get a chance to plant anything until Tuesday as tomorrow I will be a Museum Guide at the R&GV RR Museum, and Monday will be spent at my son's house.

 Ken, do be careful with the weights.  You ain't as young as you were back then....Laugh  Working with the wieghts should help bring your Blood Sugar back down and make you feel beter generally!  I used to do a bit of lifting in High School, College. and when I first was teaching.  Even by the time I ended up here in town, the Middle Schoolers knew I wasn't someone to "mess" with.  A couple times a student made a fist and acted like he was going to hit me.  My standard reply was to very nicely say, "OK, but make the first one count because you aren't likely to get two..."

I'm going to head out to bed and see if my gouty foot will let me sleep tonight!  It is doing better than it was last night but still sore...  Living on Advil, I am...

Have a great night.  Prayers for all in need!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, May 24, 2014 9:16 PM

Good evening. It's nice here with 68° and few clouds. Out here away from town you can see a lot of stars you can't see in  town due to the light haze. Someday I may get a small telescope and take a better look.

The Home Health nurse showed up just before noon. She did a fair job of replacing the wound vac dressing. However it's not a real good job. I'm having some minor problems with it. Had a couple of blockage warnings already and one low pressure warning. I'll keep it going as long as I can but when it fails it'll come apart like a $2 suitcase. It has to last til Monday morning.

Watch some TV today and got a couple of locos off the display rack and repaired some minor damage that was done when the tree fell on my trailer. I fixed two handrails, replaced two horns and one coupler.

I also made a photo record of my commemorative coin collection.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, May 24, 2014 10:05 PM


Ulrch .... I suppose the Memorial Day weekend in the USA is keepiong people busy and the Diner quiet. 

CA Dennis .... Speaking of wolves, there is a very rare pair of red wolves (almost extinct)  residing in the Nature Center of Land Between the Lakes near here. There are other pairs located in various facilities in the Southeast. The offspring are realased in an effort to repupulate the forest with red wolves. Unfortunately, they eventually mate with coyotes instead of red wolves, and the red wolves remain an endagered species. 

BN24 Garry .... Happy Birthday! 

Jeff ..... I like the Native American coin  




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Posted by Burlington Northern #24 on Saturday, May 24, 2014 10:44 PM

Howdy everybody, thank you for the birthday wishes! 

In MR related news I will hopefully be sending off 4 locomotives to get DCC. While I wait to replace an RS1 frame and TCS CN decoder so that will get DCC. 

SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment. 

Gary DuPrey

N scale model railroader 

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2014 12:48 AM

Happy B-Day - Gary!

Good Morning Folks!

Sunday again! Frau Flo, I´d like to have my usual Sunday breakfast and add Aspirine to it, please. I woke up with a headache Black Eye

I´ll be taking a break from MRRing today. I don´t have sufficient material to start on the third dock and there are a few thinks I have to think over before starting on it.

Speaking of wolves, did I tell you folks we heard a wolf shortly after Christmas 2012? For a few years now, they keep on coming back from Russia and Poland. The population is growing steadily, but slowly.

"Just when you thought it was safe again to go hiking in the woods - Timber Wolf 2 - the new movie"!

Have a good one!

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 25, 2014 3:27 AM

Burlington Northern #24

Howdy everybody, thank you for the birthday wishes! 



Hi Gary,

Happy B-Day

{I must have missed it even though I read everything, so if it is late, so forgive me!}


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 25, 2014 3:35 AM



Today is Sunday, 

May 25th, 2014![/color=blue]



for those

in need



Paddy visited the doctor and received disturbing news.

“I’m sorry lad,” the doctor said. “I can’t be certain about the problem. It must be the wee bit'o the drink.”

“That’s ok Doc,” said Paddy. “I’ll come back when you’ve sobered up a wee bit.”



The phone rings and Father O’Reilly answers. An official voice on the other end of the line says:

“Is this Father O’Reilly?”

“It Is.”

“This is the Revenue Service. Will you please help us?”

“I'll try.”

“Do you know a Seamus O’Doul?”

“I do.”

“Does he attend your service?”

“He does.”

“Did he make a large donation to your Church?”

“He will.”

Make it a great day!





-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, May 25, 2014 8:04 AM

Good morning. It's 69° with 99% humidity and patchy fog. The high will be 90° and cloudy.
Morning:  Afternoon:

Didn't get much sleep last night. The wound vac dressing failed just as I predicted. There were a high number of blockage alerts, low pressure warnings and insufficient seal warnings. I stopped counting at forty-one. Finally at 6:38 I said the heck with it and peeled it off and replaced it with a standard dressing. The bad thing about this is the nurse that put it on has twenty years experience putting on wound vac dressings. I think she needs to take a refresher course.

No plans for today. I'll probably play a game or two of Starfleet1 and watch some movies. I'll likely squeeze a nap in somewhere. Tired as I am I don't want to do anything that requires me to be alert.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2014 9:02 AM

Afternoon Folks!

Janie, coffee and cake, please! Chocolate cake with walnuts - fine with me, thank you!

Sort of a strange day today. It´s election day, and we are supposed to cast our vote for the European Parliament. Petra and I decided not to vote, as we don´t see any party or person actually representing our interests. We don´t believe in the EU, nor a single European currency, as it has brought economic downfall, impoverishment to millions and misery to Europe. Any past attempt to unify Europe has failed and ended in bloodshed, and we don´t want that to happen again. Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II. and Hitler failed - Merkel will also fail. We want to be friends and good neighbors, not brothers.

I could go on, there are many more issues, but better to go back to model railroading. Just  a lst word on it - I am so glad I am in a position to create my own little world. It keeps me from getting anxious over the way the world is heading.

I cleaned up the layout a little, but that´s all I will do today and, in fac, in the next days. My friend and I will attack the wiring next week, so I can run my locos on the layout!

The next big thing will be either the backdrop or ballasting. Does anyone have a clue how to calculate how much ballast I will need? I have always bought way too much in the past and I don´t want to waste money this time. The ballast I wnt to order is sold by weight. 2.2 lbs cost about $ 15. Would that be enough?

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 25, 2014 9:47 AM

well, having the roof re-coated today.

The kid next door {well, now I am sounding like my grandmother as he is not really a kid..he is 35y/o!} is doing it. He does his frequently enough, and discovered while being up on ours that his is in bad need of repair...again, and ours, by comparison is doing rather well, but the coating is not supposed ot last more than 4-5 years they say-that was from the "professional" who did ours 5 years ago.

I told the kid next door {there I go again} that I'd rather throw the money his/their way than some stranger agian..he said it didn't hurt his feelings any!

Expensive $66+ per tub! thy used 2 last time, the kid thinks he may need 3 because we are a bigger traielr by 1 BR than his? I can take it back, or maybe I'll give him whatever is left over so he can patch his bare spots! HE's got young children and they are having a harf time of it..and work is cutting hours on him, as is may places with Affrodable CAre Act.. no soapbox here.

well, We are waiting for the pressure washing to dry  off now.

will check in later


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 25, 2014 9:51 AM

Urich; I am not sure things are much better over here...

BUT, I have to tell you, MOH and I have a rule: "IFF'EN Yous DON'T VOTE, Yous can't complain about Nuttin' poly-tick-cal til yous next gets out and votes again!"

SO, you have no room to complain now or until the next time you vote!

just sayin'


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2014 10:46 AM

My 4-4-0 now sports a cowcatcher!

Galaxy - wouldn´t I be accepting a system by voting for it? None of the parties running for European Parliament actually wants to introduce longtime necessary changes to this highly undemocratic and bureaucratic institution, because they earn good money for doing nothing there. I am not going to sanction this.

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 25, 2014 11:11 AM

Ulrich: I won't debate Politics here as it is VERBOTEN!

But, I DID send you A PM!

Well, I can tell by the lack of noise on the roof he must be done...!

I will go seee!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2014 11:18 AM

Ulrich: I won't debate Politics here as it is VERBOTEN!

I was just about to say the same!


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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, May 25, 2014 11:38 AM
Good Morning!!!
Coffee and the Sunday Breakfast Buffet please. Thanks.
Started to stop in Friday but the power went out for about 10 seconds. I just walked away and didn’t get back on til just now. Well…., this morning anyway.
(siiiigh) read the latest thread about manufacturers and dealers not making every whipstitch item and the dealers not stocking I guess 8 or ten of every item ever made in case they or someone needs it at some time. No one can make or buy/stock plentiful items to sit on shelves for that special day when someone may buy it.  
Welp, got that typed before the phone rang to haul a tractor rim. Now I’m back and Brenda is wanting to go into town to buy a bridal shower gift. Joy.
Galaxy- I know what you mean on the water restrictors. Our kitchen faucet is annoyingly low on volume. I can’t take the….oh what do you call it….the spray part…AEREATOR (sp?)!! Whew! Sorry, didn’t mean to scream. It was on the tip of my tongue just couldn’t get it out. Anyway, that has no effect on the flow because on this particular model/brand, it is in the size of the supply lines that you can’t change. Personally, I’d rather just turn the faucet down so not as much water comes out. That’s just me. But when I need to fill the sink to wash dishes or fill a pan for cooking, it doesn’t matter how fast or slow the water comes out, I’ll still use the same amount.
Squirrels….Capt Ahab had his white whale. Sherlock Holmes had his Prof Moriarty. Superman had that one guy and I…I have squirrels. When you figure out how to rid yourself of those malicious rock bombing little varmits without getting yourself in lots of trouble because some wildlife preservationist doesn’t think it’s right…let me know.
Well it’s official I suppose. Brenda has accepted that she is type 2 Diabetic. Or whichever one it is that the pancreas works, just not right. Anyway, she’l be taking some pill it sounds. Me? Well, she decided I needed my blood sugar tested. 99. She wasn’t all that happy about it.
Gotta go. Just skimmed the last couple pages ‘cause Brenda is chomping at the bit to get going. Don't have time to spell check so....sorry.


Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, May 25, 2014 12:37 PM

Well it’s official I suppose. Brenda has accepted that she is type 2 Diabetic. Or whichever one it is that the pancreas works, just not right. Anyway, she’l be taking some pill it sounds. Me? Well, she decided I needed my blood sugar tested. 99. She wasn’t all that happy about it.

Yep, that's type 2. I'm type 2 severe and I guarantee you want nothing to do with that. To keep my blood sugar levels under control I'm on Glypizide (pill) and two types of insulin. Novolog (10 units before meals) and Lantus (100 units before bed).

Ulrich: I won't debate Politics here as it is VERBOTEN!

Oh, and I was about to break out the popcorn and beer.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by tcwright973 on Sunday, May 25, 2014 7:21 PM

Here's hoping everyone is enjoying their weekend. We didn't get go railfanning yesterday, as the wife had a bridal shower to attend at 11:00 am, and another at 6:00 pm. So that wiped out doing anything else for the most part. The shower in the evening was a lot of fun, as it was for the girl my nephew is to wed next month. They live in South Carolina, so it was great to see them & my 2 great nieces by a previous marriage.

But we did get out for a couple of hours today. Caught 10 trains altogether. 3 were unit tank car trains of denatured alcohol. I don't recall seeing that many in 1 day before. Some nice foriegn power showed. A Kansas City Southern, a BNSF Warbonnet, & 2 Union Pacifics.

Tomorrow I'll put the flag up before we go for breakfast. Then grocery shopping and some errands. The wife want's to go to the Mall to find some new outfits for the weddings. I'm debating with myself if I should stop at the Apple store in the Mall and finally break down & buy an IPhone. I'm having as much trouble making up my mind about the phone as I did with the new camera. Speaking of the new camera, I seem to be having a problem with hitting the shutter a little sooner than I want. Take the KCS above as an example. A fraction longer & I would have had the entire locomotive. I told the wife I need a lot more practice so we should go out a couple of more days this week. That kind of earned a sideways glance and a little shake of the head. So time will tell on that proposal.

While watching a program about Memorial Day this afternoon, I got to thinking about those who served in my family. World War II saw my Dad, & 3 Uncles. Another Uncle was career Army & served in WWII, Korea & Viet Nam. In fact he was wounded in all 3. A Cousin served in the 50s, & 2 other Cousins & myself served in Viet Nam. But our family is really fortunate in that we never lost anyone. Especially when you think of so many families who lost more than 1. My prayer is that those who never returned to the world are resting in peace. Have a nice weekend.


Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, May 25, 2014 7:32 PM


the roof is re-overcoated. The neighbor kid did a good job. Now he has to re-do his!

Next will come the heat tape, which will be later in the summer once they are available and closer to weather where we can actually "test" it out.

At $25 a 2' panel, the porch is going to need the new ones. The front facing the street {short side} alone needs a buck and a quarter in pannels alone. SO will the back side. SO that is $250 there, and the long side wall will need about 12-14 I think. so another $300 there and then there are supports and screws etc., so figure about $650 plus time to actually DO it. {groan}

That and a new water heater, too! another $800.

And skirting will just have to wait. It is really bad behind the porch which no one sees. It has been screwed to the side of the trailer to keep it somewhat "organized" and "up".

TODD {of TODDLAND OF WHICH YOU ARE KING}:The faucet has 2 basic stops: one is trickle, and the other is ON-FULL-blast. The trickle is needed for the cold when we have to "drip the pipes" as I call it, to keep them from freezing. A constant battle in winters like this last one. So,while common sense would say "adjust the darn thing", it really isn't possible. I know, replace the faucet. I will when I have a plumber handy to plumb, as plumbing, gas, are NOT exactly my "forte". I am not so handy anymore like you! Whistling

well, another day has gone by.

An exhausting one for me, even though I did not do the "hard work"! My back had "had it" by noon, by 2 pm I seriously thought about taking my night pill early!! BUt I resisted.

MOH had a looooong discussion wiht the FIL who is now in a panic about "end of life affairs". Hwe really wants to buy a downsized single level house nad wants {guess who??} to move in with him! Really! NOT happening MOH says, and I agree. I's rather go visit/feed him 3 times a day and toilet him then than to be stuck at beck and call 24/7. he is also concerned about transferrance of assets to MOH/us. We have for years BEGGED him to set up a trust initially for MIL should he go first, and then  for MOH/us, like my father did for me/us, but FIL thinks a Will is "enough"...he forgets about probate!MOH spent several hours with him, untill I called at dinner time and asked when I should be expecting to have dinner ready? That gave MOH a "bow out excuse" then to leave after, what 5 hours with FIL?

We will set up a trust {when we can} for us two, and with an "incapacity clause" for us.

Have a good night, y'all!



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, May 25, 2014 8:32 PM

Well if watching movies and playing computer games is keeping busy then I've been busy. I made copies of a few hard to find program disks for the //e. Other than that there was nothing going on today. Kept dinner simple. Beef Rice-A-Roni.

I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm calling it a night a bit early. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by galaxy on Monday, May 26, 2014 3:26 AM





Today is Monday,

May 26th, 2014!

Let us remember

all who fought and died

on our behalf for our

Freedom, lest we

forget how hard won

it really is!

To the Veterans of wars this I write,
My sincerest thanks for your fight.
You are GREAT in our eyes,
As you gave up your lives,
Now we all may sleep safely at night.


Quotable Quotes:

Never cut what you can untie. -Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824) 






-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by GMTRacing on Monday, May 26, 2014 6:04 AM

Good Morning All,

   Hope you all have a pleasent Memorial Day, I for one am at w..k. I can be in the shop and still remember those whose sacrifice made it possible for us to be here. Like TC we didn't directly lose any family members in war though one of my cousins died  of blood disease he contracted in Laos. All in all we were lucky as campaigns included Nam, Korea, Guadalcanal, and Europe with Patton (uncles and cousins - all I had was a few cruises in the Gulf of Tonkin).

   Still buried in catch up jobs with Lime Rock last Friday and Saturday and again this weekend then straight to Indy with 15 cars for the big Vintage meeting and so on for the next month. For now, I really must be going cause I'm late I'm late I'm late.     J.R.

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Posted by inch53 on Monday, May 26, 2014 7:55 AM
Mornin, yes Janie we’re still alive,, could I get an irish coffee please.
Haven’t done much Mrring this past winter, wasn’t in the mood for some reason, but still watching trains out the back window. Getting bout 30 a day, with interesting loads n power. Sorry no photos though, cameras not good enough at this distance and I don’t drive.
 Just finished a very busy week, with ballgames, a Legion Aux meeting, and a grandson high school graduation. Plus starting another one, with Memorial Services in Marshall this morning, game in Paris tonight and Wed, 2 games here, VA doc appointment in Danville Thur, another grandsons 8’th grade graduation that night, a Legion dist meeting in Loda, Sat, and a div meeting in Springfield Sun. Things are suppose to quiet down some after that with mostly ballgames, but we can miss part of those.
Well best gets round ta chores and I hope everyone takes time to remember the reason for today. Mother n me have had family  in WW1 and 2, Korea, Nam and every conflict since, plus cousins, nephews and a grandson serving now. Most came home with wounds some kind, a few who didn’t.

DISCLAIMER-- This post does not clam anything posted here as fact or truth, but it may be just plain funny
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Posted by cudaken on Monday, May 26, 2014 8:27 AM

 Morning Folks

 Flo, Diet Dew Pleases.

 Boy yesterday day was a waste at work, 1 Customer all Day! Bang Head

 Ray, don't worry about me hurting my self with the weights. (Famous Last Words) I am not going to get as strong as I was when I was in my 30's. My only real goal is to be able to lift 60 pounds with out turn bet red. Far as curles, I am going to start with 25 pounds (using both arms) for 10 reps and 3 sets. Then I will start adding some reps every few weeks. Just want to get toned up some what.

 Todd, sorry to hear Brenda is Type 2. Do you think she is going to change her habits? It is hard to do.

 Well, got to get ready for work. This will be my 6th day in a row. Guess I am working by my self today, if it is like the last 3 days won't be a problem.



I hate Rust

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, May 26, 2014 8:47 AM




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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, May 26, 2014 9:05 AM

Todd .... You said: "Brenda is a type 2 diabetic." Sorry to hear about that. Prayers for her. 

Tom ... I like the photo of the KCS engine. 

J R ... Thanks for taking time to visit the DIner. 

Inch .... Good to see you. Yes, Memorial Day really does have an improtant meeting. I have been to the VIet Nam Memorial in Washington DC, and I can tell you it is emotional to find a friend's name on the wall..... Also, Inch, tell Jerry I miss seeing his posts here. I hope he is okay. 

Speaking of stuff like that, I just learned one of my high school class mates passed away. We're not getting younger. 


Have a good Memorial Day 





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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, May 26, 2014 9:12 AM

Good morning. It's 73° with 93% humidity. The high will be 88° with some clouds.

Just waiting on the Home Health nurse to call. Other than that I have no plans for today. I got some good sleep last night so I'm feeling better today.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, May 26, 2014 10:01 AM
Good Morning!!!
Heeeey! Check it out! Two days in a row for my shiny face!Big Smile
Just coffee please I already ate. Well you know what? I’ll take a piece of that strawberry rhubarb pie now that I think of it. Thanks.
Jeff- They aren’t talking insulin at least yet. Just a pill. The son is on insulin but they think Brenda’s can be ok’d with a pill. She has brought it down by 100 points just stopping Lipitor and going back to Crestor (not a plug or a putdown for either one, just what worked and it’s apparent effect on her. As you well know, each med affects each person different). She is in the mid to lower 200’s and once in a while gets a 300. Before the switch, she was pretty much in the 300-350’s. Before her heart attack and the switch to Lipitor, she had no blood sugar issues at all.
Galaxy- You need aNOTHER water heaterIndifferent? Didn’t you just get one a year or two ago? HmmMaybe I’m corn-fusing that with the furnace and you just mentioned the future need for a water heater. As for the faucet, I was asking myself why you don’t just not turn the faucet on so much…., but you answered THAT question as if you read my mind. Ain’t it the….poopyWhistling, that everything seems to wear out at the same time? Almost makes you think renting is the way to go. Let the landlord fix the stuff. (as long as you have a good one that is.)
Ken- I doubt she will change much. She tries somewhat, but she’s like her Mother. She is altering some of what she eats, but not a lot. Good luck with the toning up. As we get older everything gets harder except our muscles.
Whew…Inch wore me out just reading his schedule.Laugh
Garry- Sorry to hear of your classmate’s passing.Angel
Not sure what we’ll do today on this day of remembrance.  Might grill something, migh just go to the Chinese Buffet. Ate at Friday’s yesterday soooo, you never know. I do have to mow and I guess I could get the deposit ready for tomorrow for the Church….who knows, might just duck down in the trainroom.


Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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