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Elliot's Trackside Diner...OCTOBER 2013!!

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Posted by chochowillie on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 7:20 PM

I am still thinking of selling my PK2 S3 which is my last CP loco.

Ok Charlie, now you've got me scratching my head... What the heck is a CP PK2

By the way, we'll be glad to send you some Alberta weather any time you like. Monday the HIGH is predicted to be -1 C. Would you like some of that? Just wondering Devil



CDN Dennis 

Modeling the HO scale something or other RR in the shadow of the Canadian Rockies Alberta, Canada

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Posted by Curt Webb on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 6:02 PM

Evening All,

Not much happening this way. Finished BBQ chicken sandwiches for supper.

Today I vacuumed and did my laundry. Other than that not much happened today. Oh yeah, I got a haircut.

CN Charlie- Best wishes on your retirement. I have a BLI NW2 and it is awesome.

Paul- Glad your BP is doing better. The system I work in considers 220/120 a Hypertensive Crisis.

Ulrich- I look forward to seeing your progress on the buildings.

Hope everybody has a great week and prayers to those in need.

Curt Webb

The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad

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Posted by CNCharlie on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:22 PM

Good Afternoon Diners!

Another quiet day here at work. I have basically cleaned out all my files and now am just biding my time until the launch into retirement next week.

Sure was nippy this morning when we got up, a whole 20F with a high right now of 35F. Glad I don't live out in Alberta were Choochoo Willie lives as it really gets cold there. I hope to get the yard all cleaned up on Saturday and the fish out of the pond and into their winter home which is a laundry tub in the basement. It is getting fairly chilly to do outside work so I want to get it largely wrapped up this weekend.

Not much happening on the RR front. I did clean off the N scale layout and actually put a couple of trains on the tracks. I haven't got around to running them but soon. Right now I'm running some passenger trains on the HO, mainly the U2g Northern which hasn't had a run for many months. Sure is a lovely loco but really too large for my little layout.  Next up will be some freight action starting in November.

I am still thinking of selling my PK2 S3 which is my last CP loco. If I do I can justify buying another CN switcher and am looking at a BLI NW2.  I would really like an Alco but there aren't any available in CN so another EMD would have to be my only option. If I get the NW2 then I would have all 3 CN liveries pre-1961.  Decisions, decsions. I can make them easily at work but when it comes to the RR I seem to stall or spend a silly amount of time thinking about a $100 expenditure. Maybe its because its my money or I have a funny sense of priorites. Who knows and who cares, at least I won't at the end of next week.

I had a nice surprise in the mailbox yesterday. Some friends who moved to Edmonton last year sent me a $100 gift certificate for a local resturant to go and celebrate my retirement.  We will be booking that soon. Sure do miss them.

Well not much planned for tonight. We will be watching Prisoners' Wives on TV. A really good trashy Brit series. Nobody does trashy TV as well as the Brits.

CN Charlie

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Posted by pascaff* on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 11:40 AM

  Afternoon All,

     Currently it is 41 with an expected high of 71 under sunny skies. Day off, so I have one load of laundry going, and will do some grocery shopping later. Hope to spend most of the day w**king on the railroad.

     Had my appointment with my cardiologist yesterday morning. Did a few tests, and need to do a chemical stress test, but the consensus is the issue was stress and anxiety related. Been almost a year since my wife passed away, and living in this big house, 2500 sq. feet, by myself, with my daughters over an hour away is most likely causing me some stress. Work is becoming stressful as well. Daughters have come up with a plan. After the first of the year, once a month they will come by and we will start to thin out some of the stuff here. keeping what we want and putting it in storage, and getting rid of the rest. Sell this house sometime in 2014, and I buy a mobile home in a park near where they live. Then if finances allow retire again, for good, or work a less stressful part time job. I feel better already having a plan.

   On the subject of bifocals, I started wearing progressive lenses around 1998 and were great. In the past few years my eyes started to change and did not need my glasses for distance. After my cataract surgery, I only need cheapo 2.75 power glasses for reading, computer work and building models. I am happy with the results.

   Prayers to all in need.


Living in Fernley Nevada, about 30 miles east of Reno, also lived in Oregon and California, but born In Brooklyn NY and raised on Long Island NY

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 10:22 AM

Good morning. It's 61° with 72% humidity. The high will be 75° and feel like 78°.

I spent the last few hours programming in the information for the last house in part two of Native Fury and the gateway to part three. I had intended for part two to be smaller than part one but it didn't work out that way. As you can see in the photo below the size of part two is nearly at the limit of a 64k machine and likely would be too large for a 48k machine without a RAM expander.

My father and step mother are due back sometime today. It's a five or six hour drive from where they were last night. My father will likely be pretty wiped by the time they get here.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 10:01 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have the #2 special, over easy on the eggs, bacon, home fries, and a double order of sour dough toast to go along with my dark raost coffee in a R&GV RR mug please.

Ulrich, you know that French sounds just like Italian but with a sinus problem.....  Got myself in serious difficulties in the lunch room one day at the middle school when I said that to someone in front of the head of the language dept.!  She had no sense of humor at all...

Today I get to see the allergist to find out what they found from the sleep study.  Shouldn't be anything too serious (I hope) as if it was they would have moved the appointment up sooner.  Then I will get my Flu Vaccination as long as I am there.  I will need to fill up the Hydrocarbon tank on the PiP so I can go to Rochester later this afternoon to bring my sister home from the airport... I will do my best not to say anything to her, just nod my head and act surprised by all the "facts" she will be telling me and how rude and nasty some of the people she traveled with were, and how much better the people are over there than over here, etc., etc., etc.  I will probably get one last partial charge for the car at her house before I head home.  I can retrieve my extension cord when I unplug the car right before I leave.

A cloudy mostly dreary day here in the Finger Lakes Region this morning.  They have however removed the "Freeze Watch" they had in place last night.  They have replaced that with a "Freeze Warning" for tonight.  Currently at the high for the day, 46°F, with a low tonight of 33°F.  'Tis that time of year.  I'm waiting for the maple tree next door to decide to drop it's leaves.  It's the only tree that now shades my roof (only for 5 months of the year) for an hour or so every day.  Of course that means it is the last tree around to shed it's leaves...  Getting close though.  It usually drops its leaves like the tree in Peanuts.  One second they are on the tree and then WHOOSH!  all on the ground.

Have a great day and be safe!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 9:57 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q
an say "Volvo". Is that a start? Actually, maybe not. Do they also pronounce the V" like an "F"? 

Well, Garry, I have learned a few more words than "Volvo" (they pronounce the "v" like in "visit"9

Vad heter du? What´s your name?

Jag heter Ulrich - my name is Ulrich

Hur mar du - How are you?

Hej - hello

Edit: Egad, Tops again! Janie, here is my credit card!

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 9:47 AM

Howdy ... 

Barry told us he was at his cottage, but evidently he has not returned yet. His last post was on the 15th when he mentioend being at his cottage.

Also, where is Rob? 

Ulrich .... Looks like you have a fun project to work on. Swedish? I can say "Volvo". Is that a start? Actually, maybe not. Do they also pronounce the V" like an "F"? 

Todd ....  Dogs will be dogs, I suppose. They like those dog treats.

Happy Model Railroading! 




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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 9:42 AM


I went to the CU and the PO. Paid all the remaining bills for the month of OCt. Good feeling, but the 29th will actually start all the bills from Nov. with one acct. Then I can wait til the 9th before the next bill for Nov comes out.

No money left over, but...maybe a penny or the piggy bank.

I had to get 4 new tires the other day for the Kia. That, and other services came to about $675. On top of the $300 we just put into the Caravan, and I think it will need 2 new tires come Dec's inspection. Warmed up that Credit card fast! We have a discount on some other bills, so I can boost the payments for that stuff and about pay off most of the money on the caravan charges this Nov. SO that makes me feel better! But I wasn't counting on much except the 2 tires for the caravan come Dec..inspection! Bummed.

What makes me angry on the tire thing is that when i bought the Kia, the dealer "put on new rubber, so you don't have to worry about tha for awhile". That lasted exactly 10K miles, not a mile more! They were chepies I had expected, but I expected 20K at least in mileage on them! BTW I put only 10K on it in 3 1/2 years owning it, so I don't go "far" "often". GOOD thing it didn't blow a tire on the funeral way!!!

Doing laundry now. Lovely chore that never ends...

If doing laundry was running trains..I'd be a happy man!

MOH is doing well on the death coping front. FIL is still running on high to get things done he thinks need to be done. SO quick. But we let him. MOH better get MILs stuff that MOH wants as FIL will get rid of it!




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 8:15 AM

Ulrich- Swedish? Why in the world would you want to learn Swedish? I mean what are the chances of you…Hmm..oh yes, I forgotLaugh. Seriously though, others are correct and I noticed it too. You do seem to be in a better mood than you have for some time now. I’m glad.

Todd - there seems to be a number of job opportunities in Sweden, but they all require a working knowledge of the local language. Swedish is not that difficult to learn, all you have to do is to revert back to a child´s language, stuff your nose and speak much slower Whistling

Yes, I am feeling better. Politics is no game for me and I am just glad I am out of this rat race.

A few moments, the mailman brought the plywood - two sheets of 12" by 8", packed in a box in which you could ship 100 of those sheets. I am going to start on the houses on Friday, I am trying to rid myself of a bad case of migraine today and I´ll have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Don´t think I´ll feel like to some MRRing after that...

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 8:09 AM

Good morning!  Cloudy with showers, chance of frost tonight, and the World Series is just getting started.  Yes, our Boston Red Sox have made it to the big one again.  Hopefully, the first game won't get rained on tonight, but it will be chilly nevertheless.

Speaking of drivers' licenses, SWMBO had to get hers changed.  She's always been "Penny" to everyone, but her passport and birth certificate say "Penelope."  They gave her grief at the airport coming back from Italy last year over that.  Since we're going to Canada next January to ski, we figured we'd eliminate this opportunity for officious government stuffed shirts to make our lives more difficult, just because they can.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 7:28 AM

Good Morning!!!

Coffee and egg foo yung please. Thanks.

A 20 percent chance of rain after 1pm. Partly sunny, with a high near 47.

YGW- Ya I especially hate the highway folks who cruise control themselves along and are going ½ a mph faster than the car they are trying to pass and juuuuuust creep past them blocking both lanes. It’s really a language learner for the passengers of my vehicle when they’re passing a semi. Two semi’s and I find myself looking for a bazooka. It’s just a little courteous to speed up to pass someone then return to your cruise control speed once you get around them. Just a little.

Ulrich- Swedish? Why in the world would you want to learn Swedish? I mean what are the chances of you…Hmm..oh yes, I forgotLaugh. Seriously though, others are correct and I noticed it too. You do seem to be in a better mood than you have for some time now. I’m glad.

Me? Ogle girls? NEVER! Don’t even notice themWhistling. As for the bifocals.I’m with Karl. Got my cheater peepers and my far off glasses. Besides, they’d probably say my best option is trifocals. Far off prescription, clear lens for room size and slight prescription for reading upclose. I can pass my drivers eye exam without glasses so I really don’t have that bad of eyesight. Worn glasses most all my life so I’m used to it and usually wear them.

Not sure what I’ll do today, haven’t been told. I do know I have to get some dog treats, my SIL came over last night while I was at wo*k and apparently gave the dog most all of the treats. Oh you betcha the two were great buddies. I asked Brenda why she let that happen,  she dodged the question.

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 5:58 AM

Lunchtime in Germany!

Flo, I´ll have a steak sandwich and a Beer, please.

Started to fiddle around with the construction drawings for the background buildings, adapting the drawings to the size of those window inserts I salvaged yesterday.

I was hoping for the plywood to be in today´s mail, but it did come! I guess it´ll be in by tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 1:48 AM

morning coffee in the diner...


Today is Wednesday, OCtober 23rd, 2013!!


Had to turn the heat up a notch, at 38F it's chilly in here!

Today's Medicine claims of Yesteryear:

From Lloyd Manufacturing, 219 Hudson Avenue, Albany New York:

Cocaine Toothache Drops

Instantaneous Cure!

Price: 15Cents

For sale by all Druggists,

Registered March, 1885

{I'll just BET they were an instantaneous cure. now that you got the kid on drugs! Remember Folks: Coca Cola started out with cocaine in it, hence the "coca" in its name! NOt recommended or allowed today.}

Today's weird words:

Primogeniture: (pry-muh-JEN-i-chuhr, OR pree-, -choor)(n.) 1}The state of being the first born or eldest child in the family 2} The  right of succession and inheritance belonging to the firstborn child. Etymology: From Latin primus (first) + gignere (to beget). Not to be confused with primogenitor

Tumid: (TOO-mid, TYOO-) Adj. 1} swollen, 2} Bulging,3} Pompous-bombasticEtymology: From Latin tumere (to swell). Earliest documented use: 1541.

Fideicide: (n.) {fəˈdē-ə-ˌsīd, ˈdā-ə-}A destroyer of trust, First published use: 1656 Etymology: Latin fidei + -cide



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 10:11 PM

Busy day for me today. This morning and earl afternoon I worked on Native Fury. I got the cottage and it's grounds programmed in then this afternoon I keyed in the program blocks for the lake house just down the road from here. It makes a fine addition to the game. Naturally it's location and directional orientation is changed as are the order of some of the rooms and no personal information of any owner, past or present is listed, not even an address. I have one more location to add for part two. It's a home that burned down many, many years ago. When it's added in that'll wrap up part two.

My father called this evening and said that he and my step mother will be home sometime tomorrow.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:03 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, a cup of hot decaf coffee would be great at the moment!  I'll go sit by the stove in the back for a bit.

Been a busy day around here (like it always seems to be).  Had to mail one of the Booklets myself as the lady doing the addressing found one of the labels that should have been used on her bunch of ones that don't get the booklet.  (You only get the booklet if you actually came to the reunion and donated to the costs of it.  Or, there was a reason you couldn't come but wanted to and let us know.)  While doing that I happened to run into my lawyer (not physically) at the post office.  He retired about 3 months ago...  So far loves it!  I guess I will have to find a new lawyer to redo my will and other stuff.

Went to my sister's house to feed and play with the kitties.  The outdoor cat (feral) has turned out to be a real sweetheart.  He is very affectionate and meows at the window until I come outside to sit and pet him.  they are both good cats!  i think I will miss seeing them every day...  Sister comes home from the "Very Far" tomorrow.  I get to pick her up from the airport.  Aren't I lucky?  She will have been up for about 36 hours straight when she gets off the plane and I'm sure will be in a foul mood....  I left the extension cord plugged in at her house so I can get a partial charge to help me get home tomorrow night.  Haven't figured out what to do for supper as she arrives at 6:02PM.  She won't be hungry as her body will think it is some other time...  I'm sure a bit of jet lag will be going on too.

Oh, I was driving home from the post office when, a couple blocks from my house I see a Prius parked in a driveway the same color as mine.  Then I did a complete double take and drove around the block to get a second look.  It was another PiP!  The car was being charged as it sat in the driveway.  So someone else here in Geneva has bought the same car I have right down to the color.  I will have to find out who owns it!  They are still a rarity around these parts.  I think there is one Chevy Volt around the area too....

Got all the lower windows cut out of the plaster tonight for the walls of the blacksmith's shop.  I have one upper door to cut out and the door and window opening will be done.  i hope I didn't screw anything up so bad I can't use it!  By Thursday I should be staining the plaster walls.  (I hope!)

I am waiting on a load of clothes to dry...  Some items in it I want to wear tomorrow so i need to get it out of the drier before bed.

Prayers for all in need!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 8:07 PM

Howdy ...

I worked more on my extension. The loop will be double track when done. Today I installed one of the two tracks and wired it up. I'm excited to say, I finally can turn my trains at the "West end" of the layout. Each end of my double track layout now has a reverse loop. This improves operations greatly be cause until now I ran trains backwards for half of their trips. 

I'll have apple cider and donuts at the Rivet Counter. 




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 3:36 PM

Well I got the cottage programmed in then just for the heck of it added a porch and front, back and side yards for a total of thirteen program blocks amounting to ninety-seven lines of combined code or the equivalent of one hundred forty three individual lines of code. Either way it was a busy day and now I have a little bit of a headache. I put one of the Indian artifacts in the cottage as well as a very nasty little troll. For my next trick I'll put in the lake house next door. then the neighborhood will almost be complete. I also have to figure out where the hole in the fence around Mr Addams's garden will be and then decide if the character will go in or something will come out.

Speaking of Addams, I think Gomez's layout would be a good addition to the secret room in the metal house.

I had a visit from the guy who checks the termite traps (forty-two of them). He issued a clean bill of health. No termite activity. Always a good thing.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 12:34 PM

Jeffrey, Whats going on across the street? My browser tells me it can't find it anymore??.

Mine's telling me the same thing. This happens once in a while. They were having some problems yesterday. They may be trying to iron out the bugs.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by kbkchooch on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 12:16 PM

Morning,,,,,oops Afternoon gang!!Whistling

Been busy all morning listing stuff on ebay that I picked up at the local auction house last night. I've got a few more pieces to diagnose/fix before they can be listed. I needed a looking at the time, I need lunch too! Dinner

And for everyone else, don't fear bifocals.  I fought them for a long time, but once I finally gave in I realized how much better they were for me.  I still use a full-sized pair of close-in glasses for computer work, but that's because I want my whole field of vision in focus on the screen, not just the lower half.  With bifocals, I can see the car in front of me and the instrument panel, or I can sit by the pool, read a book and ogle the younger ladies.  (Don't tell SWMBO.)  Yes, and is better than or.

Maybe is hard headedness, but I wont give in to bifocals yet. Its reading glasses for modeling, no glasses for reading books or working on the PC, and RX glasses for driving or any distance beyond 15 feet. I wont give in yet.  Ogling young girls (or middle aged girls) gets me in trouble no matter what I have on my face.Black Eye 

Ulrich, come to think of it, you do seem more mellow these days. Glad to see it. Big Smile 

Jeffrey, Whats going on across the street? My browser tells me it can't find it anymore??.

Gotta head upstairs for some Pizza, be back later!!


NCE über alles! Thumbs Up

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 10:22 AM

You have to use peanut butter n the mouse traps. the Mouse cannot steal it and must wait there for the trap to close.

I use processed cheese (comes in individually wrapped slices) pressed onto the bait tray. It hardens after a few hours. The mouse can't get it off and trips the trap trying. I have to pry it off when I re-bait the traps every few weeks.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 10:19 AM

Ulrich, you sound much less stressed.  Perhaps the outcome of the election was the best thing for you.

Lion - I start to think that way myself. I much more the person I used to be, Petra says. Now, is that good or bad Smile, Wink & Grin

I took down my first attempt of a background structure, which I was not happy with when I built it last year. I was able to salvage all those expensive windows and doors, which I can use in the new building. Gave them a good scrub after letting them soak in dishwater for a night.

Edit: Dang, I got Tops! Sup it up, lads and lassies, the next order is on my tab!

Did I tell you I started to learn Swedish? Hej means hello, and heij dâ means good bye...

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 10:08 AM

On the mouse front, none of the traps were tripped and there was nothing stuck in the glue traps.

You have to use peanut butter n the mouse traps. the Mouse cannot steal it and must wait there for the trap to close.


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 10:06 AM

Good morning.  It may be that fall has finally arrived here in New England.  We haven't had a frost yet, but that could happen as soon as tonight.  It's late in the year for that already.

Ulrich, you sound much less stressed.  Perhaps the outcome of the election was the best thing for you.

And for everyone else, don't fear bifocals.  I fought them for a long time, but once I finally gave in I realized how much better they were for me.  I still use a full-sized pair of close-in glasses for computer work, but that's because I want my whole field of vision in focus on the screen, not just the lower half.  With bifocals, I can see the car in front of me and the instrument panel, or I can sit by the pool, read a book and ogle the younger ladies.  (Don't tell SWMBO.)  Yes, and is better than or.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 10:04 AM

I cannot imagine 4 years !!! Oh Geez.

You can say that again!

Well, this year I was busy w*rking on my political career, which was fairly short-lived. The past years were occupied by being a moderator in this forum, making plans of layouts I´ll never build and being a PITA for Petra, my wife of 30 years now.

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Posted by yougottawanta on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 9:44 AM

Jeff - Its not the lines that bother me. Its the symbolism that bothers me. It means I am getting old and need bifocals , no disrespect meant to you or any one. Its just one of those things like your first grey hair...

Howmus -  LOL ! Half a peace sign , that is funny. Venison grease ? That is the first time I have heard that ! That is pretty funny too. My trouble is not the light to light driving it is the highway driving. In variably there is someone in the passing lane driving slower than the posted speed and they just will not be considerate and move over for the rest of the 30 cars behind them. At any rate we all eventually get there.

V8Vega - I think if the local bird was a police helicopter , I think I would move from there. In a real hurry.

Todd - economy truck LOL ! I have one of those. F150, 302 Stick shift. Nice big truck but it sure does love those pumps.

Ulrich - Not knocking you on the job. Sorry if it came across that way. I just don't know how you do it. Years ago I was rear ended by of all things a very large flat bed tow truck. I was not allowed to drive for 30 days while recovering. I finally went and begged the doctor to let me go back to w**k ( I think MOH gave him a few dollars to persuade him too , to get me out of "her" house ) I was climbing the walls ! Driving MOH and kids crazy. Just about went nuts ! I cannot imagine 4 years !!! Oh Geez.

Just in case anyone is interested NMRA mag came out with a nice article on the history of the N gauge . Pretty interesting.

Breaks over. Gotta get back to w**k



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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 8:39 AM

Good morning. It's 61° with 100% humidity. The high will be 72° and feel like 75°.

Nothing much going on today. I'll get to work on Native Fury a little later. So far I have only a cottage planned but I may program in the house next door as well since it was here in the time period I'm using. While I'm using the basic description of homes that were then the room layout, their location in the community and their directional orientation differ. Some locations were here then, others weren't and some have never been. I'm using my own creative license.

On the mouse front, none of the traps were tripped and there was nothing stuck in the glue traps.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 8:17 AM

Good Morning!!!

Coffee please. Thanks.

Rain likely, mainly after 10am. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 50.

Paul- Glad it appeared to be nothing, but never take anything like that lightly. Brenda had an issue like Galaxy said 4 or 5 years ago and it turned out to be GERD. I’m sure glad we didn’t dismiss it as GERD this time, and I'm glad you didn't either.

Terry- Good to see you’re back amongst us.

Ray- Though I don’t drive anywhere near an economy car, I shake my head as the idiots drive like they are in a NASCAR race through town only to arrive at their destination about 2 seconds before I do.Mischief

Galaxy- I have been saying about our laundry here lately pretty much what you said. Only what I say is how can SHE generate that much laundry. As an example, I kid you not, I had all the laundry done Saturday morning except for just a few items. Like a couple dish towels and a bath towel I forgot. You know how that is. Kinda like after you drain the dish water you find that one glass. Anyway, this morning I find a pile of clothes and the hamper is full. It is at least two loads worth of clothing. Three days and among them are 4 sweatshirts and a hoodyTongue Tied. Three days.

Just thinking. Maybe I do drive an economy truck. I mean with as much fuel as it burns and as much money as I spend on fuel it has to be good for the economy.

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

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I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 4:37 AM

Good Morning Folks!

Well, whaddaya know? It´s a beautiful day outside! Went for a little walk this morning, which led me into "town" to get a few supplies I need to start w*rk on those background buildings. Not much, just two bottles of acrylic paint, white glue, two small bottles of AC - the gel type - and a set of new blades for my hobby knife. I am now set to start, but I need to wait for the plywood and the DAS clay to arrive.

Not much planned for the rest of the day, other than waiting for lunch. Petra´s in the kitchen preparing something smelling awfully nice.

YGW - the net of social security is knitted  much tighter in Germany than in the US. The monthly "contribution" we get allows for a rather basic life, without any bells and whistles. Over 30 years I have contributed heavily into that fund, so I don´t have a bad feeling about it, But still, I´d prefer to have a proper job, so I could take out Petra for dinner, buy her an occasional bouquet of flowers and, foremost, go on a vacation with her...

Have a nice day!

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 3:09 AM


Today is Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013!!! 


Today's "whacky children's olde tyme medicine claims" {from Jelke.}:

"Is your child paying the penalties from fat starvation?

Two million school children suffer from grave forms of malnutrition...which wholesome meat fats help correct!

Here is a convenient, economical way to give your children meat fats in concentrated form. The growth and Sunshine vitamin spread!

Jelke. Correct fat starvation with Jelke. GOOD LUCK!"

Olde tyme and strange words:

zhoosh: (Jush)[fr. Romani cant] chiefly UK (gay) slang
to tweak, finesse or improve something(e.g., one's hair)
pabouche: (pəˈbuːʃ) (n.) a soft shoe, slipper
Phenakism -{noun, From phenakite,a crystal resembling diamond, see also phenacite.}: Deception, Trick, 



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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