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Posted by 243129 on Friday, July 12, 2019 10:49 AM

Joe, you need to stop shooting at people who support you.

He has a 'funny' way of showing it. Snarky assertions do not denote agreement.

but did you not clearly establish there that the 'luxury' of any branded Acela service could be as easily achieved with slower-peak-speed equipment -- in fact, with loose-car equipment?

I have established that fact early on in this thread.

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Friday, July 12, 2019 10:58 AM



Joe, you need to stop shooting at people who support you.


He has a 'funny' way of showing it. Snarky assertions do not denote agreement.


but did you not clearly establish there that the 'luxury' of any branded Acela service could be as easily achieved with slower-peak-speed equipment -- in fact, with loose-car equipment?


I have established that fact early on in this thread.


Even with a supporter, Joe snarls like Trump at anyone who he perceives (key detail, folks) disagrees or even mildly offers a correction.  He must (in his mind) always be right.

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Posted by 243129 on Friday, July 12, 2019 11:03 AM

charlie hebdo
Even with a supporter, Joe snarls like Trump at anyone who he perceives (key detail, folks) disagrees or even mildly offers a correction. He must (in his mind) always be right.

You remind me of the kid who got slapped around at recess because he was such a dweeb.

So charlie where did you get your info that I was forced to retire?

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Posted by 243129 on Friday, July 12, 2019 11:49 AM

charlie hebdo
Joe does on here with his two, perseverative (not just repetitive) themes : 1. poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies; 2. Acela, Avelia Liberty ET Al. are bad.

Where do I say "poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies"???

I consider being perseverative an attribute and a compliment.

Do you have a fiber deficiency charlie? Metamucil is touted to improve attitude and comprehension.

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Posted by JOHN PRIVARA on Friday, July 12, 2019 12:07 PM

Re: "All that money for little gain?" Not sure what that is relative too?

Is "all that money" related to:

* The Acela 2's? Are they that much more expensive?


* Building a new NEC HSR system? It seems to me that a new NEC HSR system will never be built with the existing American political system (not the political parties, the entire system. As that's not going to change, so) that just leave tilting-trains.

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Posted by JOHN PRIVARA on Friday, July 12, 2019 12:19 PM

Re: Would the vast outlay of taxpayer dollars for this project for minimal gain in running time be worth it?

"Worth it" compared to what? What other option is there? Not spend it, or spend it on something else?

Beside, this isn't being paid for WITH "taxpayer dollars". The ONLY thing "taxpayer dollars" do is pay interest on the national debt. For the last 100 years or so, all government spending (and most private spending for that matter) is debt; the "taxpayer dollars" just pay  the interest on the debt. "Taxpayer dollars", like money in general, is just a fake concept. Money is created from nothing. You, me, an airline, the government, can walk into a bank today, take out a loan (for any amount) and the money is CREATED (from nothing). The bank doesn't keep a big pile of money in the basement ready to loan out. It's all fake.

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Posted by Backshop on Friday, July 12, 2019 12:46 PM

Here's a little story about luxury and what people will pay for.  British Airways has a couple of Airbus A319's set up with low density, all business class planes that they fly between London and JFK in New York.  They charge a premium, even over their regular flight Business Class cabins.  The service isn't really faster (I'll get to that soon) but it is "exclusive".  Why do people pay more?  In a word-convenience.  It flies out of London City Airport, not Heathrow.  It is closer to "the City" (look it up).  Why is it slower?  Because the runway is too short at LCY to allow full fuel tanks.  Therefore, it has to stop at Shannon, Ireland to top off its tanks.  My point is, will people pay the same premium for a "business class" car tacked onto the end of a Regional train as they will for an Acela?

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Friday, July 12, 2019 2:08 PM



charlie hebdo
Joe does on here with his two, perseverative (not just repetitive) themes : 1. poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies; 2. Acela, Avelia Liberty ET Al. are bad.


Where do I say "poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies"???

I consider being perseverative an attribute and a compliment.

Do you have a fiber deficiency charlie? Metamucil is touted to improve attitude and comprehension.


As usual,  you fail to understand words.  Perseveration and perseverative are also clinical terms,  neither compliments or insults, just descriptive of doing or saying the same thing over and over.  

Since you keep bringing up maladies,  perhaps you should turn to your physician.  There are some meds out there that have been shown to retard the degeneration seen in DAT, if taken early enough. 

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Posted by 243129 on Friday, July 12, 2019 3:02 PM

charlie hebdo




charlie hebdo
Joe does on here with his two, perseverative (not just repetitive) themes : 1. poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies; 2. Acela, Avelia Liberty ET Al. are bad.


Where do I say "poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies"???

I consider being perseverative an attribute and a compliment.

Do you have a fiber deficiency charlie? Metamucil is touted to improve attitude and comprehension.




As usual,  you fail to understand words.  Perseveration and perseverative are also a clinical terms,  neither compliments or insults, just descriptive of doing or saying the same thing over and over.  

Since you keep bringing up maladies,  perhaps you should turn to your physician.  There are some meds out there that have been shown to retard the degeneration seen in DAT, if taken early enough. 


That was weak Charlie you must try harder

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Friday, July 12, 2019 5:19 PM

Sadly,  I'm not joking. 

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Friday, July 12, 2019 5:28 PM


Here's a little story about luxury and what people will pay for.  British Airways has a couple of Airbus A319's set up with low density, all business class planes that they fly between London and JFK in New York.  They charge a premium, even over their regular flight Business Class cabins.  The service isn't really faster (I'll get to that soon) but it is "exclusive".  Why do people pay more?  In a word-convenience.  It flies out of London City Airport, not Heathrow.  It is closer to "the City" (look it up).  Why is it slower?  Because the runway is too short at LCY to allow full fuel tanks.  Therefore, it has to stop at Shannon, Ireland to top off its tanks.  My point is, will people pay the same premium for a "business class" car tacked onto the end of a Regional train as they will for an Acela?


And Heathrow airport is a real mess inside.  Worth the fare to avoid it. 

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Posted by 243129 on Friday, July 12, 2019 6:22 PM

charlie hebdo

Sadly,  I'm not joking. 


So where did you get your info that I was forced to retire?  Are you going to run from the question as is your M.O.?

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Posted by zugmann on Friday, July 12, 2019 6:48 PM

charlie hebdo
And Heathrow airport is a real mess inside. Worth the fare to avoid it.

I'd want to go just to ride the pods.

It's been fun.  But it isn't much fun anymore.   Signing off for now. 


The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, any other railroad, company, or person.t fun any

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Posted by JOHN PRIVARA on Friday, July 12, 2019 7:15 PM

If the topic is REALLY new tilt-trains vs "conventional" trains on the NEC, I really can NOT see Amtrak buying "conventional" NEC equipment regardless of how practical it is (in fact, the MORE practical something is the WORSE this might be for any government agency now, not just Amtrak).

The government (and society in general) is WAY beyond "practical solutions". Does anybody really think the F35 is "practical"? Do we actually spend government loot for "practical" reasons? Amtrak isn't just buying a train, like most people buy a car. It's buying "a concept" with which it can SELL the BS of buying a "new and improve concept" later. Amtrak is the guy who buys the 7-series BMW. He not JUST buying the car: he's buying the "concept of the 7-series that happens to function like a car". With that "concept" he gets to sell more BS.

Anybody who works in a modern BS driven corporate world surely understands this. People don't "level-set the table-steaks in a going-forward space while orchestrating their core-competencies" and NOT understand why having a 7-series (or the Acela OR an F35) is REQUIRED!

Surely, Amtrak - as a modern BS driven government entity (one without functional accounting system, no less) - can NOT buy 1950's - 1970's conventional-speed equipment, after telling CONgress (and the Kardashian obsessed public) that the NEC is Amtrak's "profitable" and future HSR system. I mean, really...

"Practical" in the US went out the window after WW2 when the defense industry realized how much fun free loot from the government was. After THAT, it was free loot - justified with ever increasing amounts of BS - for everybody: freeways, airports, waterways, 4 years of debt funded college parties majoring in "bidness", and Amtrak Acela's (sure, small time compared to an F35, but still.. it's the GAME that's being played here NOT just the train cars).

The Acela is BLING, in a Kardashian society. Nobody should be arguing about Acela's vs (what) Budd 52 seaters pulled by suped-up GG1's? Come-on here: THAT is LAME!!!

The discussion should be about which train BLING Amtrak will be getting.

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Posted by 243129 on Friday, July 12, 2019 7:21 PM

My point is, will people pay the same premium for a "business class" car tacked onto the end of a Regional train as they will for an Acela?

Why not if the same end result is the same.

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Posted by JOHN PRIVARA on Friday, July 12, 2019 7:24 PM

Re: Why not if the same end result is the same.

For the same reason people will buy 1st class, business class, and Escalades.

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Posted by 243129 on Friday, July 12, 2019 7:35 PM


Re: Why not if the same end result is the same.

For the same reason people will buy 1st class, business class, and Escalades.


If the same amenities were available in a business class or parlor car in an Amfleet consist which attained the same running time as the Acela would you accept that?

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Posted by 243129 on Friday, July 12, 2019 7:44 PM

Attention Charlie Hebdo!

So where did you get your info that I was forced to retire? Are you going to run from the question as is your M.O.?

How about this one too?

"Where do I say "poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies"???

C'mon charlie and substantiate your allegations.

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Posted by Backshop on Friday, July 12, 2019 7:45 PM

The question isn't would he accept it, the question is "what will the public pay for".  They've spoken with their wallets.

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Posted by JOHN PRIVARA on Friday, July 12, 2019 7:48 PM

Re: If the same amenities were available in a business class or parlor car in an Amfleet consist which attained the same running time as the Acela would you accept that?

You aren't trying to convince ME! I'd rather ride in the 52-seater built by Budd WITH the old GG1's. But, people like us don't matter. It's the people who are playing the game that matter, and have ALWAYS mattered.

Amtrak can't suddenly buy 1950's technology after 50+ years of BS. THAT... WILL... NOT... HAPPEN....

It would be like the Air Force suddenly announcing: "Oh, those F35's.... Yeah, they're just too expensive. I mean, those Godless Commies haven't figured out how to make an F22 yet (regardless what the CIA's says. Yeah, you know how the CIA used to tell us about those flying Soviet Tanks? Yeah, same thing, those CIA guys are total scum). So, we're going to buy more F-22."


It's NOT about the equipment. It's about the BS and the BLING.

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Posted by 243129 on Friday, July 12, 2019 7:52 PM


The question isn't would he accept it, the question is "what will the public pay for".  They've spoken with their wallets.


Not everyone wants or can afford to travel first class so having both classes available appeals to the traveler who wants luxury and the traveler who wants to get from A to B.

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Posted by Deggesty on Friday, July 12, 2019 8:09 PM




The question isn't would he accept it, the question is "what will the public pay for".  They've spoken with their wallets.




Not everyone wants or can afford to travel first class so having both classes available appeals to the traveler who wants luxury and the traveler who wants to get from A to B.


You do not get luxury on Amtrak. True, if you are willing to pay more, you have a berth to sleep in, and you have a small choice of meals in the diner. Also, having a shower available in a sleeper is better than being limited to a wash basin.

As to Acela first class, to me, after making a round trip Washington to Boston and back, it does not compare with what VIA was offereing in VIA 1 10 years ago.


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Posted by charlie hebdo on Saturday, July 13, 2019 8:40 AM





How about this one too?

"Where do I say "poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies"???


"Let [others] count the ways."

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Posted by 243129 on Saturday, July 13, 2019 8:49 AM

charlie hebdo
"Let [others] count the ways."

I see that you still make baseless allegations and when confronted with them you run.

So where did you get the info that I was forced to retire?

No answer= no credibility. Not that you had much to begin with.

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Posted by 243129 on Saturday, July 13, 2019 8:51 AM


Attention Charlie Hebdo!


So where did you get your info that I was forced to retire? Are you going to run from the question as is your M.O.?


How about this one too?

"Where do I say "poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies"???

C'mon charlie and substantiate your allegations.


Notice how charlie has avoided answering. His dislike of me has led him to slander me.

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Posted by BaltACD on Saturday, July 13, 2019 9:21 AM

243129Attention Charlie Hebdo! 
So where did you get your info that I was forced to retire? Are you going to run from the question as is your M.O.? 

How about this one too?

"Where do I say "poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies"???

C'mon charlie and substantiate your allegations. 

Notice how charlie has avoided answering. His dislike of me has led him to slander me.

The above has been brought to you by poor vetting, training and supervision.

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by Backshop on Saturday, July 13, 2019 10:30 AM


How about this one too?

"Where do I say "poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies"???

C'mon charlie and substantiate your allegations. 

That's all you talked about in this thread started by you...

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Posted by charlie hebdo on Saturday, July 13, 2019 11:00 AM

Part of the ongoing supervision of T&E personnel should include yearly medical and mental fitness exams, starting at age 65 or even earlier. If it is not mandatory, it should be. Only Amtrak requires annual medical examinations (as of 2014, at least), but I believe this is insufficient. Reaction times and judgment should be empirically evaluated rofessionally.

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Posted by 243129 on Saturday, July 13, 2019 11:05 AM



243129Attention Charlie Hebdo! 
So where did you get your info that I was forced to retire? Are you going to run from the question as is your M.O.? 

How about this one too?

"Where do I say "poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies"???

C'mon charlie and substantiate your allegations. 

Notice how charlie has avoided answering. His dislike of me has led him to slander me.


The above has been brought to you by poor vetting, training and supervision.


So sayeth the desk jockey.

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Posted by 243129 on Saturday, July 13, 2019 11:07 AM




How about this one too?

"Where do I say "poor vetting, training and supervision as universal remedies"???

C'mon charlie and substantiate your allegations. 



That's all you talked about in this thread started by you...


Read it again carefully and tell me where I say they are universal remedies.

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