Gambi80 wrote:I vote we spend more money on educating America's youth, so we don't have to deal with the likes of the BNSF railfans and their nonsensical spewage of B.S. It boggles my mind that people are that effing nieve! I can't believe I wasted the time to re-register to get back on this forum rather than jump through hoops to get the farmer03 name back on. The hammock in the backyard, an ice cold Coors Light and watching the grass grow sounds way more fun than conversing with a few fruits and nuts about their worldly views.
I vote we spend more money on educating America's youth, so we don't have to deal with the likes of the BNSF railfans and their nonsensical spewage of B.S. It boggles my mind that people are that effing nieve!
I can't believe I wasted the time to re-register to get back on this forum rather than jump through hoops to get the farmer03 name back on.
The hammock in the backyard, an ice cold Coors Light and watching the grass grow sounds way more fun than conversing with a few fruits and nuts about their worldly views.
Gambi80 wrote: I vote we spend more money on educating America's youth, so we don't have to deal with the likes of the BNSF railfans and their nonsensical spewage of B.S. It boggles my mind that people are that effing nieve! I can't believe I wasted the time to re-register to get back on this forum rather than jump through hoops to get the farmer03 name back on. The hammock in the backyard, an ice cold Coors Light and watching the grass grow sounds way more fun than conversing with a few fruits and nuts about their worldly views.
Go then..Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
An "expensive model collector"
Adrian.....Oil prices have been effected by the Iraq war. A combination of "what has....and what is" happening in that part of the world has upset traders and prices the uncertainty of the Iraq oil getting to world market contributing to the oil supply is a factor....And now the escalating warfare from Israel, etc....and we and the rest of the world are paying the "price" for it.
chicagorails wrote:all the white house should have done something during last oil crisis of 70s. crisis what crisis? no one person is responsible for all oil problems we face.i get online for cheapest gas prices at towns i go thru to the jctn. i dive 5 mph slower to save oil. buy everything at walmart inc. groceries. afew ways to save a green buckeroo.
Yup. Gas prices in the western 'burbs of Chicago are around $3.15 per gallon. I just got back from Northern Virginia where they were around $2.85. Different areas do use different additives but the biggest difference here is gas in the collar counties of Chicago is taxed to support (among other things)public transportation. Good thing or bad thing? You decide.
There's also the old supply and demand curve - soccer moms driving king-hell SUVs to the grocery store are not helping. And of course, the oil companies will charge what the market will bear as long as they don't run afoul of any antitrust laws. Even switching to an E85 capable vehicle won't necessarily save you a lot because your mileage will go down on E85 versus 87 octane.
So it really is multifactorial like most things in economics and life.
USAF TSgt C-17 Aircraft Maintenance Flying Crew Chief & Flightline Avionics Craftsman
spbed wrote: I really think you totally misread the post about Nam. Try again
I really think you totally misread the post about Nam. Try again
Nope I didn't. But thanks for your input.
n012944 wrote: NESU wrote: Oviously you don't remember the gas shortages of the mid 70's. After our soldiers came home from Nam the gas prices went UP. They never came DOWN. What makes you think they will come down this time? Neal Vietnam is a major source of oil? I don't think so. I am not saying that the Iraq conflict is the reason that gas prices are higher than they were a couple of years ago, but many people do think that because Iraq is a major producer of oil. So the Vietnam reference has little value. Bert
NESU wrote: Oviously you don't remember the gas shortages of the mid 70's. After our soldiers came home from Nam the gas prices went UP. They never came DOWN. What makes you think they will come down this time? Neal
Oviously you don't remember the gas shortages of the mid 70's. After our soldiers came home from Nam the gas prices went UP. They never came DOWN. What makes you think they will come down this time? Neal
Vietnam is a major source of oil? I don't think so. I am not saying that the Iraq conflict is the reason that gas prices are higher than they were a couple of years ago, but many people do think that because Iraq is a major producer of oil. So the Vietnam reference has little value.
Living nearby to MP 186 of the UPRR Austin TX Sub
Oviously you don't remember the gas shortages of the mid 70's. After our soldiers came home from Nam the gas prices went UP. They never came DOWN. What makes you think they will come down this time? You need to wake up and smell the roses. Open your eyes to the real world. Somewhere down the line 85% ethinol will be comprobibly priced to gas. That's the American way. It's called free interprise. My
So why not move to a state that you think has lower gas prices then Nebraska?
BNSFrailfan wrote: Cheviot Hill wrote: The reason for higher prices in those countries metioned is high taxes on their gas.TELL ME ABOUT IT. NEBRASKA HAS THE HIGHEST SALES TAX IN THE NATION.
Cheviot Hill wrote: The reason for higher prices in those countries metioned is high taxes on their gas.
The reason for higher prices in those countries metioned is high taxes on their gas.
H'mm think you should have checked Palm Beach County FL before you posted what you posted. If you did you would have found the price for regular gas there is around $3.15 per gallon
chicagorails wrote:all the white house should have done something during last oil crisis of 70s. crisis what crisis? no one person is responsible for all oil problems we face. i take my mountain bike with me for resturant fare, a snack at caseys, library internet,weather,news,trains line. its nothing to ride 10 miles straight when its 95 degrees.i get online for cheapest gas prices at towns i go thru to the jctn. i dive 5 mph slower to save oil. buy everything at walmart inc. groceries. afew ways to save a green buckeroo.
BNSFrailfan wrote: bnsfkline wrote: Doing a Steven Hyde impersonation....(From That 70's Show) The only reason why they gouge 'cause they know we need it, man, Oil companies are a scam, man. They mark up prices as high as they can, then they mark it up more! Theres no gas shortage man, its all a scam! They gouge cause they can get away with it! (The next line is not to be offensive) The war in Iraq is a scam put on by the oil companies, man, so they can have a reason to gouge us! When Bush leaves office in early '09 we should se a sharp decline in prices because there won't be a reason to fight the war, since Bush is connected with the oil industry, all the CEO's consider hm a really good friend 'cause hes makin them rich, man! Its all a scam, man! Oil Companies, the government and the war are all a bunch of scams! The three real branchs of government are Corperate, the Military, and Executive! If the three REAL branchs, Executive, Federal, and Judicial, actually worked, we wuld not be in this situation! MAN YOU ARE SO CORRECT! YOU HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD THERE. BUSH IS NOTHING BUT SCUM. IT WAS NEVER THIS BAD EVEN WHEN CLINTON WAS INTO OFFICE.
bnsfkline wrote: Doing a Steven Hyde impersonation....(From That 70's Show) The only reason why they gouge 'cause they know we need it, man, Oil companies are a scam, man. They mark up prices as high as they can, then they mark it up more! Theres no gas shortage man, its all a scam! They gouge cause they can get away with it! (The next line is not to be offensive) The war in Iraq is a scam put on by the oil companies, man, so they can have a reason to gouge us! When Bush leaves office in early '09 we should se a sharp decline in prices because there won't be a reason to fight the war, since Bush is connected with the oil industry, all the CEO's consider hm a really good friend 'cause hes makin them rich, man! Its all a scam, man! Oil Companies, the government and the war are all a bunch of scams! The three real branchs of government are Corperate, the Military, and Executive! If the three REAL branchs, Executive, Federal, and Judicial, actually worked, we wuld not be in this situation!
Doing a Steven Hyde impersonation....(From That 70's Show)
The only reason why they gouge 'cause they know we need it, man, Oil companies are a scam, man. They mark up prices as high as they can, then they mark it up more! Theres no gas shortage man, its all a scam! They gouge cause they can get away with it! (The next line is not to be offensive) The war in Iraq is a scam put on by the oil companies, man, so they can have a reason to gouge us! When Bush leaves office in early '09 we should se a sharp decline in prices because there won't be a reason to fight the war, since Bush is connected with the oil industry, all the CEO's consider hm a really good friend 'cause hes makin them rich, man! Its all a scam, man! Oil Companies, the government and the war are all a bunch of scams! The three real branchs of government are Corperate, the Military, and Executive!
If the three REAL branchs, Executive, Federal, and Judicial, actually worked, we wuld not be in this situation!
And we go back to the Bush-is-at-fault for everything again. What a pointless, illogical thread. Not only does it have nothing to do with railroading, but it is just an outlet for people to blame someone else for their perceived problems. Gee, there's a new thought.
bnsfkline wrote:I am not that dillusional. However, Price of gas won't see an extreamly drastic drop overnight, it will take a few months to get down there, but I hope it does, that is, if we don't get another former Oil industrialist as a president, lets hope we see a former railroader become president, David Gunn '08, maybe? He would get my vote! He might even give more and more funding to AMTRAK instead of IRAQ.
And what would that accomplish? I can't think of a worse candidate for office. David Gunn ran a railroad, not a government. There are different skills involved in each operation. Let me put if this way - do our lives and the lives of our soldiers depend more on proper funding for Amtrak or proper funding of a war effort? I wonder if David Gunn would even consider that a logical question. It is my hope that any candidate would cut all funding to Amtrak immediately if the war effort required it. We can live without Amtrak, we can't live with terrorism.
BNSFrailfan, thanks muchly for rekindling this moronic, go-nowhere topic and then dragging the President into it. Here's some advice: Next time you start a topic, make sure it has a point.
If you don't have enough money for gas, instead of complaining, get a second job like many of us have done. What good does your complaining do?
WOW, I really hope you are not that dillusional. If you are, then I would certainly expect a public apology from you if the price of gas does not fall to $1.50 a gallon January 01, 2009.
My wife and I recently made a trip to Rochelle to watch a few trains and get out of the house. We enjoyed the trip, but after parking at the railroad park for a while we thought about how great it would be to bike around Rochelle and catch the trains at different places. It might even burn a few calories, all while enjoying the trains. At home here, there are two mainlines within biking distance of the house (1 mile or so). Maybe the hobby will have to take a new direction???? Just a thought.
As for the price of oil, get ready for a wild ride. If the Israelis keep bringing some justice to the pigs in Hezbollah (yes I am biased) then the price will only continue to fluctuate up, down, and all around. Such is life in the times we live in. Maybe we should drill a few wells here instead of relying on suicide bombers to provide oil for us. Or maybe we should invest in fuel cell technology. Then they can keep their oil and still blow each other up. Everyone wins in that scenario.
One other point that a previous poster ( Cheviot Hill ) made that I thought was a great comment. You want to lower the price of gas? Why not reduce the take of those who make the most off of gasoline. It sure isn't the oil companies. They would LOVE to be making 40 cents a gallon off of gas. Why not start with the gas taxes? Why not lower the taxes to 10 cents a gallon - the average amount an oil company makes off of their product? Maybe then we can talk about all the 'excessive profits' that the industry is raking in. The government tells the oil co's where to drill, how much to drill, what to charge, where to sell, how to transport, where to use the bathroom and just about every other mundane detail. It is one of the most regulated industries in the nation. The government has even gone so far as to tell the industry that it can't expand in the U.S. The last refinery was built in the 70's, even as the demand has skyrocketed. What happens when you restrict supply while demand increases? Increased prices. Throw in some business-as-usual terrorism in the Middle East and you better have a nice big wallet.
bnsfkline wrote:Doing a Steven Hyde impersonation....(From That 70's Show) The only reason why they gouge 'cause they know we need it, man, Oil companies are a scam, man. They mark up prices as high as they can, then they mark it up more! Theres no gas shortage man, its all a scam! They gouge cause they can get away with it! (The next line is not to be offensive) The war in Iraq is a scam put on by the oil companies, man, so they can have a reason to gouge us! When Bush leaves office in early '09 we should se a sharp decline in prices because there won't be a reason to fight the war, since Bush is connected with the oil industry, all the CEO's consider hm a really good friend 'cause hes makin them rich, man! Its all a scam, man! Oil Companies, the government and the war are all a bunch of scams! The three real branchs of government are Corperate, the Military, and Executive! If the three REAL branchs, Executive, Federal, and Judicial, actually worked, we wuld not be in this situation!
<<Chuckles lightly in the background>>
-ChrisWest Chicago, ILChristopher May Fine Art Photography"In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration." ~Ansel Adams
Yes, right here:
Cheviot Hill wrote:The reason for higher prices in those countries metioned is high taxes on their gas.
Everyone talks about how much the "Big Oil" companies are price gouging. The oil companies make on average 8 to 10 cents on the gallon. Now compare that to what our government (state and local) makes on taxes per gallon. Now who is gouging whom? The reason we are paying $70 plus a barrel for gas is that the market decides the price not the oil companies. I bet you all a dollar to a donut that when the termoil in the middle east settles you will see a steep fall in the price of gas. It's that pendulum factor. Now lets go railfaning and not bicker about it.
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