cr6479 wrote: I think that CSX has woreist manitenance record compaired to conrail.
I think that CSX has woreist manitenance record compaired to conrail.
CSX-Dan wrote:What the hell happened...CSX's Fault or the Pickups
CSX-DAN. It was the pickup truck fault. The pickup truck backed up too far over and CSX train with 80 cars hit the backend of the pickup truck which was over the tracks.
cr6479 wrote: Conrail should of been out of any merge with CSX. Conrail should of stayed to their roots.
Conrail should of been out of any merge with CSX. Conrail should of stayed to their roots.
Argh! Now I feel old-Conrail's "roots"? I still don't think of Conrail as being around long enough to have roots... Now I'm going to have a warm milk and go to bed-for a week.
CSX-Dan wrote:IT WASNT A GEVO RIGHT!...that hit it
CSX-DAN. The newspaper does not say, but i did here it on my scanner. This is what i heard: BN#190 calling CSX NF dispatcher over.CSX NF answering CSX# BN#190 over. CSX NF we just it a pickup truck over. (CSX NF) Ok roger are you ok over.(BN190) NF we are ok over. I cann't say for the truck over. (CSX NF) HAHAHA well that is a given that the truck was totlaled over. How many cars are you carring over. (BN #190) We have 80 car over. (CSX NF) Ok roger roger CSX NF dispatcher out. It was a local beacuse BN 190 goes on the west shore line to make 2 stops York and Lionens.
CSX-Dan wrote:10 and counting! UP and CSX I even saw an ex ATSF Unit Saturday
CSX-DAN!!!! You are a DOUBLE GEVO ACE!!!!
For me i look CSX DASH7,8,9 engines.
Your friendly neighborhood CNW fan.
When trains go through at 60mph things in the cab go flying around when you hit a rough spot.
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