Don't ever try this at Home.

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Don't ever try this at Home.
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 2, 2006 4:46 PM
Image removed... read my post at the end of this topic.

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Posted by coborn35 on Sunday, April 2, 2006 5:44 PM
Pretty much.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 2, 2006 9:22 PM
doesn't look like the gene pool would be worse off if he just stayed there
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 2, 2006 9:27 PM
Not that long ago in the TRAINS news wire was a news brief about two teenage girls that were waiting for an Amtrak train to show up, and at the last minute they deliberately walked in front of the train. Obviously a suicide! What's worse is the engineer reported they looked right at him.
What on earth is going on inside teenage girls heads?[:O]
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Posted by doghouse on Sunday, April 2, 2006 9:40 PM
Hey fan, where did you find the picture?
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 2, 2006 9:41 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by lrenee

Not that long ago in the TRAINS news wire was a news brief about two teenage girls that were waiting for an Amtrak train to show up, and at the last minute they deliberately walked in front of the train. Obviously a suicide! What's worse is the engineer reported they looked right at him.
What on earth is going on inside teenage girls heads?[:O]

ive heard of that one
and they blamed one of my fav bands[:0]
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Posted by solzrules on Sunday, April 2, 2006 10:14 PM
I think it is a great picture. Hopefully, no one will tell this moron he is on train tracks and our problem with stupidity in this country will have one less basket case.
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Posted by swknox on Monday, April 3, 2006 1:03 AM
If he got hit and still survived then he would just sue in court and win or at least get enough money so he would not take it to court, And yes this goes along with even more stupidity of this country.
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Posted by Kevin C. Smith on Monday, April 3, 2006 1:31 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by doghouse

Hey fan, where did you find the picture?

Kinda curious myself. E-mail me direct if you'd rather not post. I'm guessing Darwin Awards or some such like.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 3, 2006 7:19 AM
I was searching the TV Guide web site to see if there where gona be any Train programs coming on. And I happen to come accross this. Why someone would do somthing like this is beyond me. I just thought Id show you guys.
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Posted by upchuck on Monday, April 3, 2006 8:38 AM
[banghead]Where's the third rail when you really need one...
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Posted by dotdlm on Monday, April 3, 2006 9:17 AM
Just heard something similar happened yesterday in southern California (may have been in Oceanside). A group of teens were playing chicken with a train, one died of "massive head injuries".
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Posted by eolafan on Monday, April 3, 2006 9:34 AM
Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
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Posted by Chris30 on Monday, April 3, 2006 11:20 AM
So BNSFrailfan says, "don't try this at home". Ok, I won't. Too much trouble to go through anyway laying ballast and rail through my living room!

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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Monday, April 3, 2006 2:48 PM
I work with teens........I know I'm repeating myself..................


This guy pictured above as well as the girls that committed suicide..............How were they raised? What did "mommy" ( and if there was a daddy) teach them when they were little spuds?

Over and over and over I see a lot of parents that clothe and feed their kids, buy them Play Station 2s,...........but seem to impart just a few solid moral values or discipline. [V]THis is across all incomes, rich and poor alike. When their kids curse at teachers or at them, many of them just brush it aside. I've witnessed this, though when it's done in front of me I confront it. I don't mind embarassing lax parents.

How many of you all remember the two teens that were playing over Amtrak property on skateboards and were electrically shocked by the catenary wire? Mommy and Daddy sue Amtrak and instead of frying their hides, which they deserved.

Today many of our younger parents actually poke fun at youth clubs like the Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boys Scouts, Girl Scouts, and civic associations. Yet, most kids that spend a lot of time growing and learning leadership skills in organizations such as these are the last ones on the planet that would ever consider suicide or playing chicken with a train.[^][4:-)]

Some will slam me here for saying this, but every one of the kids that I've tried to help on my job (including one of my young relatives) that are "suicidal" strangely enough enjoy "dark music" and have a fascination with death and near-death thrills. IMHO, it is beyond scary and sickening.

Honestly, the photo does not surprise me at all. Stuff like this has become more common than the media has let on.[B)]

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Posted by vsmith on Monday, April 3, 2006 3:07 PM
Looks like BraveDave missed his train and decided to take a nap waiting for the next one...will he wake up in time to catch it???

   Have fun with your trains

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 3, 2006 3:17 PM
A teenager in Oceanside, California was playing a game of chicken with a
Amtrak Passenger train and lost. He died of massive head injurys. He eng-
ine grew was so grief striken, they had to removed from duty, and another
crew brought in to replace them.
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Posted by Poppa_Zit on Monday, April 3, 2006 3:31 PM
A line from his resume:

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 3, 2006 3:47 PM
I said: Don't "EVER" Try this at Home.
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Posted by PBenham on Monday, April 3, 2006 3:50 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by upchuck

[banghead]Where's the third rail when you really need one...
And I, for one, couldn't agree more!
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Posted by CSXrules4eva on Monday, April 3, 2006 4:23 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by AntonioFP45

I work with teens........I know I'm repeating myself..................


This guy pictured above as well as the girls that committed suicide..............How were they raised? What did "mommy" ( and if there was a daddy) teach them when they were little spuds?

Over and over and over I see a lot of parents that clothe and feed their kids, buy them Play Station 2s,...........but seem to impart just a few solid moral values or discipline. [V]THis is across all incomes, rich and poor alike. When their kids curse at teachers or at them, many of them just brush it aside. I've witnessed this, though when it's done in front of me I confront it. I don't mind embarassing lax parents.

How many of you all remember the two teens that were playing over Amtrak property on skateboards and were electrically shocked by the catenary wire? Mommy and Daddy sue Amtrak and instead of frying their hides, which they deserved.

Today many of our younger parents actually poke fun at youth clubs like the Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boys Scouts, Girl Scouts, and civic associations. Yet, most kids that spend a lot of time growing and learning leadership skills in organizations such as these are the last ones on the planet that would ever consider suicide or playing chicken with a train.[^][4:-)]

Some will slam me here for saying this, but every one of the kids that I've tried to help on my job (including one of my young relatives) that are "suicidal" strangely enough enjoy "dark music" and have a fascination with death and near-death thrills. IMHO, it is beyond scary and sickening.

Honestly, the photo does not surprise me at all. Stuff like this has become more common than the media has let on.[B)]

I agree with you here Antonio. I do want to make another point. Most of the problems kids face today is mainly due to the mannor in which the parents raised them. We do have alot of kids out here today that don't have any respect for authority or themselved for that matter. I would say that this is mainly due to the way parents bring their children up. Now, there are exeptions to the rule, sometimes it isn't all of the parent's fault. Sometimes, kids do stupid things, it's a part of growing up. For example try telling a little kid not to touch the burner on the stove, when it's on, guess what they do it anyway and get burned. It is then when they realize not to do this anymore. Sometimes it takes a catastrophe to get people to understand cetain things are dangerious.

I will also say that from a kid's perspective of today's generation I am 19, many kids at some point do think about death and scuicide, I don't know if any one is aware of this but, the hardest point in a person's life growing up is that transition from kid to adult. Because of this, youg adults face a lot of pressure from parents, teachers, friends, and other people. As far as dark music is depends on what is ment by this term...but, I have a feeling dark music is in refference to death metal, thrash metal, heavy metal, punk, and acid rock. Many kids listen to it because they can relate to what other kids are talking about or saying in the lyrics, they can also relate to it in terms of the beats in the background. This is one of the main reasons why I started listing to these types of music but, I also listen to everything out there except for jazz and disco.
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Posted by upchuck on Monday, April 3, 2006 4:49 PM
[dinner]Dinner at the Donners[dinner]
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Posted by solzrules on Monday, April 3, 2006 5:03 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by AntonioFP45

I work with teens........I know I'm repeating myself..................


This guy pictured above as well as the girls that committed suicide..............How were they raised? What did "mommy" ( and if there was a daddy) teach them when they were little spuds?

Over and over and over I see a lot of parents that clothe and feed their kids, buy them Play Station 2s,...........but seem to impart just a few solid moral values or discipline. [V]THis is across all incomes, rich and poor alike. When their kids curse at teachers or at them, many of them just brush it aside. I've witnessed this, though when it's done in front of me I confront it. I don't mind embarassing lax parents.

How many of you all remember the two teens that were playing over Amtrak property on skateboards and were electrically shocked by the catenary wire? Mommy and Daddy sue Amtrak and instead of frying their hides, which they deserved.

Today many of our younger parents actually poke fun at youth clubs like the Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boys Scouts, Girl Scouts, and civic associations. Yet, most kids that spend a lot of time growing and learning leadership skills in organizations such as these are the last ones on the planet that would ever consider suicide or playing chicken with a train.[^][4:-)]

Some will slam me here for saying this, but every one of the kids that I've tried to help on my job (including one of my young relatives) that are "suicidal" strangely enough enjoy "dark music" and have a fascination with death and near-death thrills. IMHO, it is beyond scary and sickening.

Honestly, the photo does not surprise me at all. Stuff like this has become more common than the media has let on.[B)]

You are not alone there. 4 of the 5 people in my family are teachers and they have noticed a general downward trend in the last 5-6 years. These are private school teachers. I can only imagine what kind of garbage is going on in the public school system. You wonder how these kids can be so stupid, and then you meet their parents and are amazed that their kids aren't even more moronic. The apple never ever falls far from the tree......
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Posted by zardoz on Monday, April 3, 2006 8:09 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by CSXrules4eva
1. We do have alot of kids out here today that don't have any respect for authority or themselved for that matter.
2. I will also say that from a kid's perspective of today's generation I am 19, many kids at some point do think about death and suicide, I don't know if any one is aware of this but, the hardest point in a person's life growing up is that transition from kid to adult. Because of this, young adults face a lot of pressure from parents, teachers, friends, and other people.
3. As far as dark music is concerned...

1. When you an authority system that constantly lies, a thinking person will quickly lose faith in anything the authority says. Kids are not stupid. They mostly have inquisitive minds. They are not nearly as brain-dead as most adults. Consequently, kids will see through the hypocrisy of the government's continuous lies and doubt anything they say.

2. Not any different than just about every other generation. Normal part of maturing. It's tough to face the pressure, but the alternative is to give in and become not yourself, but another puppet of the system.

3. If one million kids listen to a piece of music and one uses that music as an excuse for some outrageous behavior, then it wasn't the music. The music just happened to be the trigger this time; it could have been triggered by a news story, a book, a conversation, a tv show. The problems lie within one's self, not without.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 3, 2006 8:21 PM
Like someone said on a TV program one day. Parents are responceable for their Childrens actions. So the Question is......Where are the Parents?
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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Monday, April 3, 2006 8:31 PM
Good points, friends!

BTW: CSXRules4eva, you don't listen to modern jazz? Hmmmmmm. I got the impression that you did. ( I've noticed that most deep thinkers with cool, laid back personalities are usually jazz fans)


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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 3, 2006 8:51 PM
Looks like his legs are tied, and his arms might be too, considering they are pulled behind him
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 3, 2006 9:49 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by zardoz

When you an authority system that constantly lies, a thinking person will quickly lose faith in anything the authority says. Kids are not stupid. They mostly have inquisitive minds. Consequently, kids will see through the hypocrisy of the government's continuous lies and doubt anything they say.


Well said
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Posted by solzrules on Monday, April 3, 2006 9:56 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by zardoz
1. When you an authority system that constantly lies, a thinking person will quickly lose faith in anything the authority says. Kids are not stupid. They mostly have inquisitive minds. They are not nearly as brain-dead as most adults. Consequently, kids will see through the hypocrisy of the government's continuous lies and doubt anything they say.

2. Not any different than just about every other generation. Normal part of maturing. It's tough to face the pressure, but the alternative is to give in and become not yourself, but another puppet of the system.

3. If one million kids listen to a piece of music and one uses that music as an excuse for some outrageous behavior, then it wasn't the music. The music just happened to be the trigger this time; it could have been triggered by a news story, a book, a conversation, a tv show. The problems lie within one's self, not without.

Ahem. [soapbox]

Your first point is a very broad generalization without any factual support. Kids aren't brain dead (but adults are)? Did you miss the picture at the begining of this thread????? Thank God kids are around to tell us how the government is lying to us. For a moment there I thought I would actually have to research the claims of politicians and make decisions based upon my findings when I went into the voting booth. Now all I have to do is turn on Nickelodeon. Or MTV. Hopefully Paris Hilton will take a moment to stop having sex with everything and tell me how my government is lying to me. Seeing as she is currently one of America's aspiring youth leaders, I am not holding my breath.

Your second point is equally pointless. I thought about fighting the system and then I went to prison and saw where fighting the system leads. Don't worry, in time you will see that too. (There are a whole lot more people in prison for 'fighting the system' who are greedy self serving nut cases then there are on the outside.)

Your third point I actually think makes sense. Maybe there is hope![:D]
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Posted by zardoz on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:20 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by solzrules

QUOTE: Originally posted by zardoz
1. When you an authority system that constantly lies, a thinking person will quickly lose faith in anything the authority says. Kids are not stupid. They mostly have inquisitive minds. They are not nearly as brain-dead as most adults. Consequently, kids will see through the hypocrisy of the government's continuous lies and doubt anything they say.

2. Not any different than just about every other generation. Normal part of maturing. It's tough to face the pressure, but the alternative is to give in and become not yourself, but another puppet of the system.

3. If one million kids listen to a piece of music and one uses that music as an excuse for some outrageous behavior, then it wasn't the music. The music just happened to be the trigger this time; it could have been triggered by a news story, a book, a conversation, a tv show. The problems lie within one's self, not without.

Ahem. [soapbox]

Your first point is a very broad generalization without any factual support. Kids aren't brain dead (but adults are)? Did you miss the picture at the begining of this thread????? Thank God kids are around to tell us how the government is lying to us. For a moment there I thought I would actually have to research the claims of politicians and make decisions based upon my findings when I went into the voting booth. Now all I have to do is turn on Nickelodeon. Or MTV. Hopefully Paris Hilton will take a moment to stop having sex with everything and tell me how my government is lying to me. Seeing as she is currently one of America's aspiring youth leaders, I am not holding my breath.

Your second point is equally pointless. I thought about fighting the system and then I went to prison and saw where fighting the system leads. Don't worry, in time you will see that too. (There are a whole lot more people in prison for 'fighting the system' who are greedy self serving nut cases then there are on the outside.)

Your third point I actually think makes sense. Maybe there is hope![:D]

Of course I saw the photo at the top of this thread. How long does it take to get off the tracks? A few seconds? Big deal! Even I can move that fast. And my first paragraph may be a generalization, but the 'factual' support is available any time you actually pay attention to the news (unless you are brain-dead from watching the Fox network). For instance:
We are at war because of........what? "They" told us WMD's were everywhere in Iraq.

We had the so-called "Patriot" Act rammed down our once-free throats because of .....what? "They" told us terrorists were lurking around every corner ready to steal our children and blow up our BMW's and our health clubs and our trains

Global warming is of no concern because of.......what? "They" told us it has nothing to do with the billions of tons of carbon dioxide we are pumping into the atmosphere every year due to fossil fuels (which our current administration has much financila interest in).
And that is just the tip of the (melting) iceberg. Shall I go on, or do you get the point yet?

Perhaps if you would stop having your world-view shaped by what you see on tv, you would realize that there are other ways of defining a person or a generation by what the mass-media feeds into your brain (hence my comment about the brain-dead adults). Or if you must use tv as your source, try PBS occassionally; it might stimulate some latent information-gathering brain cells.

And who said anything about fighting the system? There are other ways around a problem other than fighting. There is a difference between fighting the system and working within the system to effect change. But it would be difficult to see the need for change if one has become a part of the system that needs changing. In time, you will hopefully see that too.

BTW, thaks for the back-handed compliment. I am comforted by the fact that you feel there is still hope for me.

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