you have the right to remain silent..

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you have the right to remain silent..
Posted by cabforward on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:11 PM
having discussed the language used in this forum in recent months with an editor of, i am able to submit some information to contributors and viewers:

the editors at are concerned with the language and tone of some posts in this forum..

the policy is stated within the website's pages, and posts are subject to review.. violations may result in deletions of posts at issue.. contributors may be advised that such posts are not welcome within the purview of in cases of disregarded advisories, the membership may be terminated..

due to the increased number of complaints, the staff of will be visiting the forum more often and reading posts on a random basis..
the editor with whom i spoke agreed to speak with me frankly about this problem.. it is agreed that the forum is experiencing increased viewership and posts.. although it is always hoped that the contributors will be adult and mature enough to behave themselves and correct those who do not take the policy of this forum seriously, the traffic of the forum requires some editorial participation in policing the content for careless use of language and poor attitude of contributors..

the editors do not openly promote the 'watchdog' aspect of checking for inappropriate language, but they do not object if someone asks the membershp for the exercise of decorum and respect for all views, whether they coincide with one's own or not..

the point is, watch your fingers, watch your words, and most of all, please be aware that this forum is for all of us, railfan, rail crewmember, retiree, modeler, and people who just stop when a train goes by, even if it isn't at a crossing..


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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:44 PM
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Posted by BRAKIE on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 6:32 PM
Yes,You do have a right to be silent..Please heed your own advice..You seem to be one of the 2 trouble makers on this forum..This type of trouble did not show up till you and you twin Missy came along..Then you have the nerve to run to the editors like a little school room sissy runs to the teacher? Did you tell him of the troubles you cause or did you play the part of a innocent?



Summerset Ry.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 6:56 PM
This was a very clean and well run forum. Till certain persons showed up.
Lets see now, how does that saying go, If you are not part of the solution, than you must be part of the problem.
Most of us here know what the solution is, do you?
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Posted by JoeKoh on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:33 PM
i will not remain silent when it comes to railroad safety.I respect the views of most people here.but a certain individual wants to call railroaders murderers theives etc.when in fact this persons posts prove that
a railroads are working to improve crossings
b. operation lifesaver is working
c.if he would read the train newswire once in awhile they would see what railroad people are doing to prevent accidents
remember stop look listen and live
stay safe

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:53 PM
I say "Right On", Cabforward!

And yes, we know what the solution is. Speak our minds - with passion even, but also with respect. And to not allow this forum to degenerate into a foul mouthed street brawl! I like my wife and kids to share my profession and hobby with me - And that includes the forums I visit!

And it may help too, to willingly accept the diverse perspectives available here in order to broaden one's own knowledge - even when we disagree. Understanding why people have their own diverse views is very important, and rewarding.

However, none of this can occur if potential contributors are personally villified for their views. I must say that because of the uncivil attitude of some, I have visited here less often lately - only when I have already visited more civil websites and still have the time.

The solution IS simple civility - period!

As to possible increased involvement by the Administrator, Hurray! It appears that in the future, only those who refuse to be civil will be the ones leaving this forum. One hopes!

It is a known fact of history that those who will not govern themselves in a civil manner will eventually be governed by someone else. As the famous radio commentator Paul Harvey keeps telling us, "We cannot remain Free without responsibilty"

Godspeed, Be Cool, Get Frosty, Stay Frosty, and all that good stuff!


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Posted by wabash1 on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:42 PM
ive been on this site now for 6 years and until this year when mike missouri and cabforward decided to come here this was a great site. they start fights and call others name then run to the editor there have been post i put on here that was no cuss words and just the facts. then they was removed i really dont think this one will make it either. but as far as i care get rid of the new guys that started the problem and things will be better.
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Posted by louisnash on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:00 PM
Do you want any cheese with that wine?

Thank GOD for people like Joe, Ed, Wabash, Kev,Larry(my other brother Larry-Ha!Ha!),& Jenny. I can't think of anyone else right now, but thanks to them also.

I enjoy all the help and replies from everyone I have talked to (except for M&M and Cabforward). You people are wonderful!!!!

I am from this point on, no matter what happens or what is said, ignore those that I have just mentioned I don't enjoy.

And you know there was a movie that said, "Build it and they will come".

I say for the ones we don't enjoy,"Ignore them and they will go away"

Thank you
Brian (KY)
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Posted by sooblue on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:05 PM
What has Cabforward done?
I can't remember anything he has done that would cause him to be included with the likes of M&m.
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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 1:56 AM
Hey there Cabforward,
While I would be remiss if I claimed to not have used language that you, and maybe missouri and mike p find foul, I would be just as remiss if I failed to point out that they, not I, have made unfounded accusations, distorted statistics, posted heavly edited and shewed "reports" and made visiting this forum generaly unpleasent.
And wether a word or statement is foul depends completely upon the readers point of view. To you, some of what may be written here is "foul", "vile" or curseing, while to others, it may be no more foul than your version of "darn".
In one of your posting, you suggested that those who do not wi***o view these words, or the postings of those who write them, excersise the right to "not read" the specific postings.
Now, everyone here knows you have a major problem with Kev, the conductor in Canada, and have threatened to "tell" on him several times.
Not sure how old you are, but I am betting your over 50, and under 80, while he is nineteen year old. So it strikes me as very imature for you, the adult, to play the "I'm gonna tell" game one would expect from the 19 year old, when ever something is posted here you dont like or agree with.
As the older of the two, more was expected from you, and as you have so often pointed out, you had the choice to not read his postings. But instead, not only did you read them, you responded with what at best may be called taunts and threats, all designed to provoke a heated response from someone clearly 30 to 40 years your junior.
Oddly, Kev responed as one would expect a 19 year old to, with passion. And granted said passion was at times a little carried away, but what would you expect from a 19 year old?
What most of us didnt expcet from a 50+year old was the actions you stated above, that you "tattled" to the editors when someone wrote something you didnt like. Shame, we expected you to act your age, not Kev's.
On one hand, in a certain posting, you defended the M&M twins right to free speech, their right to write what they wanted without big brother interfering or censoring their postings, and chastised us for responding to their garbage, with our own heart felt and passionate rebuttals, but whenever someone failed to agree with what you think is appropriate or correct, you threatened them with editorial censorship.
Now I dont know what you do, or did for a living, but I am a railroader, one who takes his job very serious. And one who takes great pride in what we do, and the fact that we are doing it better, and safer that ever before. I do take great umbrage to being called a ******head, murder, thief, killer, liar, and so many other "foul" names that I lost count a month ago. Yet you felt it was M&M's "right" to say such things to me, yet you also claim that I have no right to defend my position and profession with a equal passion?
You even went so far as to post a list of the things you felt were ok to discuss here, and the things you felt were not ok, like religion, food, sex and cars.
Well, tough.
I am a German Jew, who has sex, sometimes in a car, most of the time in my bed, always with my wife. I like cars, and sex, and trains and food, not necessaryly in that order, at least not today.
And you know something?
I dont need your permission to like, dislike or discuss anythig I feel like talking or writing about!
I am a railroader, but before that, I worked for The Office of The Attorney General, State of Texas, in the child support division.
I can promise you this, last time I checked, the Federal Constitution was still in effect, and still the govering law of this nation.
That includes all of the amendments that have been passed.
One of them guarantees me the "right" to write what ever strikes my fancy. In fact, the US Supreme Court has upheld, in the face of many challenges, the right of anyone, citizen or not, to freely speak they mind. The Court further has found and ruled that such a right extends to the written word, in any form or fourm.
The Court further found that you have the right to act as the most efficent editor, in that you may and should excersise the right to "not read, view or listen to any subject matter you find offensive".
Bluntly put, if you dont like it, dont read it, but that dosnt give you the right to decide for me, or anyone else for that matter, what is or is not correct or OK to read or write.
They had a fun little book burning rally in a small Bavarian state aroound 1938, and a little further back, another odd country decided that the state should control all public information, and had the right to make decisions about the way its citizens lived their lives.
They called the first ones ***, the other guys were communist.
As you can plainly see, neither approach worked very well.
Trust me on this,it wont work well here either.
As the saddest thing of all, if, instead of chastising and threating Kev, and the rest of us, had you taken a more measured approach, and pointed out that, while you may or may not agree with what we, or others have to say, you would have felt we would better make our point if we toned it down, and left it at that, you most likly would have gotten what you asked for.
Instead you came on as the morality police, and demanded we all return to "Leave it to Beaver" land, and act as if we still lived in the 50's.
Sorry to dissapoint you, but things do, and have changed. What wasnt allowed ten years ago, and was only available on cable TV, late at night, is now prime time fare. Thats what happens when time passes.
If you want the program editor to censor this site, thats sad. This is one of the only sites that dosnt seem to mind the diversity of fan, railroader and a armchair railroader like you all getting together to discuss any issue. I have visited several other sites, and found them way to caught up in some special aspect of railroading, where only those who follow some single facet of the profession are welcome. Here, almost anyone can jump in with their two cents worth. Or should I say could jump in, with your permission?
After you proof read it, of course.
Where do you get off tattleing on other adults? Dont like what I write?
Well, tough. Deal with it, grow up, and dont read it if it bothers you. Act you age, not Kevs, (sorry Kev, nothing personal).
The "I'm gonna tell if you dont stop" is what I would expect from my nine year old daughter, not a adult.
By the way, in case you havent notice, I have writen this without using a single "cuss" word, by your definition. Trust me, if I was so inclined, I could chew you up one side, and down the other, with out ever using a single monosyllabic foul word, or exceeding the mandates or guidlines of this forum.
And this is something you can take to the bank. I dont now, nor shall I ever need you, or anyone else for that matter, to think for me, or decide what I can, or can not think, speak or write.
Edward M. Blysard

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 1:59 AM
Don't worry Cab. The editor contacted me and very nicely asked me to watch my language. Next time don't be a sissy and confront me yourself. I can respect that. I don't respect crybaby snitches. By this thread it seems that popular consensus is that you are a snitch. Thanks for saving the world.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:00 AM
Tim, please clarify. Are you talking about me?
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:07 AM
Amen, Ed. Amen!
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Posted by wabash1 on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 7:53 AM
Ed i just wanted to correct you on a oversite. or ommision on your part. the fact is that ( with no offense to jenny of the other girl that was posting here) the I am gonna tell stuff comming from cab forward is more female jester than a childish one. and as far as a sensor on here i cat write hardly anything that it stops me from posting. and i have never cussed anyone on here that i know of. with that said you did a great job. I need to know what kind of car you drive. and how it is accomplished. i had to go and buy me a truck to have sex outdoors again as the cars made it impossible for me to do this.
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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:27 AM
Gentlemen: I am appalled at this conversation!!!

At least show your companion respect and go to Motel 6! You DO have a companion don't you?


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by zardoz on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:20 AM

Thanks for taking the time to write one of the best rebuffs I have ever seen.
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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:21 AM
Well, when we first got married, I owned a MGB convertible, and she drove a corvette.
But then we were a lot younger then, and a lot more limber.
Now its a jeep wrangler, and she has a Dodge Durango, with a fold down rear seat, and a rear compartment air conditioner.
Aint progress a drand thing?
Stay Frosty,

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Posted by zardoz on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:28 AM
Hey Jen, that was a rather cheap shot. Perhaps those folks like the 'adventure' of sex in a car. As long as it was consentual, who cares? I, for one, envy their wildness (and their flexibility).
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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:17 AM
No no zardoz - it isn't me that is cheap - it is them for not providing the creature comforts! :)


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:31 AM
Hey Ed, i've got a suburban with 8 feet of bed behind the seats and tinted windows
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:47 AM
Now that we've taken up sex i should give my 2 cents for free

I suppose you all know i have a GF. No we havn't had Sex.. were waiting to get married thjen well ahve all the sex we want.

that doesn't mean i havn't seen her naked.. the first time it was so unexpeced... i was shaving and she walked out of the shower..

thats when i fainted...

had a rather big bump on my head after that morning.. she thought it was histerical..

I bet you it left a scar!
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:48 AM
oh that was my story.. i forgot to sign it

Detour KEv..

it's the Canadian way to faint!!

ok.. you can all laugh now
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:54 AM
Hey, Jen my girl (ex for now) really digs being spontaneous. Kind of a turn on for us. We still take the quality approach most of the time, but, it is still fun to go at it like teenagers every once in awhile. Give it a try, your hubby may like it too.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:02 PM
Kev, its not true love until she will stand there brushing her teeth while you sit on the throne doing your business while you two chat about bills. Now that my friend is true love. When that happens, it is time for marriage.
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Posted by GerFust on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:08 PM
Zardoz? You do have diverse interests, don't you? I bet most of the folks totally missed that reference. I've yet to meet anyone who ever heard of that movie.
[ ]===^=====xx o o O O O O o o The Northern-er (info on the layout,
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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:42 PM
Ken - the visual of your last line has me on the floor!!! I don't dare comment any further!


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:46 PM
Hi Gerald - missed your postings.

You will have to clue me in - what is a Zardoz, besides the handle of someone out there?


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by wabash1 on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:50 PM
if ed wouldnt have made the remark about sex i would have never started this. but i have seen some strange things here. kev i been married for sometime and when i was younger i went by the motto if you have a corvette why keep it in the garage. now that is where i keep her.( the car i dont want my wife in my garage) and jenny why not be spur of the moment. and ken If i am on the thrown aint nobody else going to be in there. It is the only place i can go for a few minutes and get peace and quiet.
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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:50 PM
Kevin - you didn't need to sign it, we knew who it was! It was the French accent that was a dead give-away.

Ken - imagine - the forum was upset with the swearing - they are probably having a stroke over this!


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 12:52 PM
Wabash - I will only say that one of us is and one isn't. Now you figure out the rest! And I am so relieved that you don't keep your wife in the garage!

I am so having trouble eating lunch - I keep laughing!


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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