Safety funds vs. train miles traveled

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Safety funds vs. train miles traveled
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 21, 2003 7:50 PM
Last year was around $200 million. 21 cents a train mile Federal, a nickle a train mile state, and the railroads OLI mouthpiece cost them .00134 cents a train mile divided by ton miles---breaking out the electron microscope--carry 3---Walla abount $5 per day per each of the 600 railroads.

Railroads 1975 to 2002
Year--100 million train miles--total killed--killed per 100 millliom miles





























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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 21, 2003 8:23 PM
This tells me nothing. Out of all these death's, how many were caused by drivers going around gates? How many of these death's were caused by drivers trying to beat the train? How many were caused by people trasspassing on railroad property? Still it is very low. I am very impressed with the rail industries safty record. Now if we can get the Auto industry to follow the rail industies example. Thanks for that info, I'm sure there are plenty of rail workers who are proud at how low those figures truely are.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 21, 2003 9:24 PM
AH HA! looks like it's Decreasing... end of story.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 21, 2003 10:56 PM
Well Kev to compare with ..That means the highway fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) remained unchanged at 1.51, even though the total number of highway deaths increased last take the 7.62 x the 1.51=11.506. Then take the 951 and subtract the 11 and railroads killed 940 more people last year than normal drivers per miles traveled and they pay -0-, zip, nadda, for safety equipment.

According to preliminary estimates from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the number of truck-related highway accident fatalities dropped 3.5% last year, while overall highway deaths rose slightly.
NHTSA said fatalities from large truck crashes dropped to 4,902 last year from 5,082 in 2001. Overall, an estimated 42,850 people died U.S. highways in 2002, up from 42,116 in 2001, the highest number of fatalities since 1990.

However, vehicle miles traveled increased slightly last year to 2.83 trillion, up from 2.78 trillion in 2001, according to the Federal Highway Administration. That means the highway fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) remained unchanged at 1.51, even though the total number of highway deaths increased last year.

NHTSA's preliminary 2002 statistics also show that the risk of death and injury when drivers and passengers do not wear safety belts continues to increase, as 59% of those killed in crashes last year were not belted.

Alcohol-related crashes accounted for 17,970 highway deaths, which is up 1% from the previous year.

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Posted by louisnash on Saturday, June 21, 2003 11:09 PM
I thought they quit showing re-runs of
"Fat Albert".

Here we have Mush Mouth at it again.

Brian (KY)
Oh, can you believe I signed it.
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Posted by Jackflash on Saturday, June 21, 2003 11:17 PM
I believe you are right Tim, I expected it to be
much higher, I had no idea that the death rate
per million miles was so low, that is an extreamly
good statistic, and yes I'm proud to have done
my share, by operating my train in a professional
manner, blowing the horn at all marked crossings
keeping at the posted speed, ect, now if we could just get the fools and idiots to quit running
around lowered gates and turning their radios
down and listening and slowing down at all crossings and looking both ways before crossing
maybe we could bring it down even more, what do
you think ? jackflash
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Posted by edblysard on Sunday, June 22, 2003 12:43 AM
Lets see if I got this.
42850 people died on public roads/property, paid for and maintained by taxpayers, and 951 people died tresspassing on railroads/private property, and we are the bad guys?
You ought to go jack around with the NHTSA, there is a lot more chances there to make a *** of yourself with them.
The Unihead Ed

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Posted by JoeKoh on Sunday, June 22, 2003 5:59 AM
Brian he can give me all the numbers he wants.The correct answer is 1. Yes just 1.When the 1 behind the wheel stop looks listens and lives everybody wins!
stay safe

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, June 22, 2003 9:26 AM
You have not answered my questions. How many of the deaths in 2002 were actually faulted toward the railroad? You seem to have alot of time on your hands looking up statistic's, look that one up. Or are you afraid as to what you might find?
Also, your highway death figures are presented in a deceaving manner. The way you present them, you show that you are safer driving in a car on the highway, then crossing railroad tracks. Anyone with commonsence would tell you, that is a false claim. In fact, you stand a higher risk getting killed by a drunk driver on the highway then at a rail crossing. (YOUR numbers show that.)
I think before you respond again, you should recrunch the numbers. I am sure you will find that the rail industy has a very good safty record.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, June 22, 2003 10:57 AM
The railroads fault won't come out for the 2002 collisions until the court cases come out in 2004-2005. The railroads always lose or settle on the court house steps because they know they are gonna lose.
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Posted by louisnash on Sunday, June 22, 2003 12:09 PM
Spoken so true!

Brian (KY)
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Posted by Jackflash on Sunday, June 22, 2003 12:10 PM
This is BS I've been in 5 cases in court and the
railroad won all 5 cases. jackflash
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Posted by edblysard on Sunday, June 22, 2003 12:44 PM
How would you know, unless you were one of the people on the court house steps, with your hand out?
The Unihead Ed

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, June 22, 2003 5:16 PM
Ok, then go back till you find a year were all the case's are settled, you seem to have time on your hands. All I am asking for, is how many times the railroad has been proven negligent in a crossing accident? Can you show me one case in 2002 were the railroad was totally at fault? You use the name Missouri (The show me state) Show me one case were the driver Stopped, Looked and Listen, then proceeded and got hit by a train.
If you are trying to make a point about something, you don't seem to be doing a very good job. All you have proven to me so far is that railroad crossing death's are going down.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, June 22, 2003 7:00 PM
Heres some of MY own Statistics...

Crossing location : Baie D'urfe, Quebec.
Number of tracks at corssing: 4
Number of trains during a one Week study: 1, 167
Types of Trains included: Passanger and freight
Day with the Most Train Volume: Tuesday

Tracks are owned by CN and CP (2 of each)

Amount of Gates at the crossing: 2
Amount of times they failed to come on: 0
Amount of traffic that went around these gates in their lowered state: 109
30 of them were semi close calls, 11 of them were really close calls, and 1 was almost hit.

Amount of responsibility the railraod has: 0%
Amount of Responsibility the Faulty drivers have: 100%


So whats the deal on that eh?.. you gonna balme the Railroad for their stupidity.. good luck.. you realize In Quebec if 2 or more people whitness a train accident in Quebec.. And both whitnesses testify that the Car went around the lowered gates, the Conductor and the Engineer are immediately let go.. and the investigation goes no further...

case closed.

Why should they or I be held responsible for your stupid driving skills... simple.. they aren't in Quebec..

trust me if your a driver in Quebec, it sucks if you get hit by a train..

A) you can't sue anyone.. stupid lawsuits are not and never will be allowed in Canada...

B) Your case is closed if people cathc your stupidity.. No questions asked...

So wow.. no suing you got it idiot.. you can't sue jack all...

Even if you spill hot cofee on yourself.. you can deffinately not sue anyone for that.. those kind of cases are NOT tolerated..

Remeber "A dumb driver makes a good crossing go bad"

i bet missouri, you go out looking for lawsuits too.. you wouldn't be able in canada.. your not allowed to waste the Courts times with Frivilovities, and people like you.. so buck up... its Mostly stupid drivers... I would ahve thought i lawyer would have known that

guess your too dense...

Detour Kev.

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Posted by BRAKIE on Sunday, June 22, 2003 7:40 PM
If you really want to be a crusader go after the drunk drivers and reckless and sleepy truckers..They kill MORE people then the railroads in the REAL WORLD and BUT YOU SEEM TO LIVE IN FANTASY WORLD WHERE TRAINS ONLY KILL PEOPLE..



Summerset Ry.

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Posted by csxns on Sunday, June 22, 2003 7:43 PM
Kev you live in a great country wi***he USA was like Canada.


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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 23, 2003 12:41 AM
I can send you some scrap poles and cable to make median barriers out of. Or safety cones are pretty cheap ---just screw them to the street---pvc pipe sticking up every couple of feet works as median barriers. Whoop couldn't say -0- the could you. Now the question is what is the time from the first flashing light and the train gets there? Should be like 40 seconds for a quad track crossing. Is there 2nd, 3rd, 4th track occupied equipment installed at the crossing? How about are two trains allowed in the crossing area at the same time where one becomes the sight obstruction? How about occupied crossing equipment with lasors shooting across at diagonal angles to tell the train crew two miles before they get there that a gas truck is stalled on the crossing. Is the approach deiced before the trains move across. And the big question is how the heqq do you know if the gates failed or not? You on gate watch 24/7. EH!
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 23, 2003 12:45 AM
What do you not understand that the railroads kill 5 times more people a year than are killed in a lot of states---for the whole state all drivers--for a whole year?
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Posted by wabash1 on Monday, June 23, 2003 2:04 AM
what do you not understand that we dont care. i dont care could care less. and i pretty much speak for everyone on here. the part you dont understand is that the crossing deaths are not caused by the railroad its not caused by the engineer the signal maintainer or anyone else on the railroad. the fact remains that the driver at the wreck in the stupidity he shows is at fault. you get in my way i will hit you and kill you. the highway has a much higher death toll than the railroad. in 27years ive seen 15 fatal accidents on the railroad. i think this was a great record. i know of several accidents one the guy hit the 32nd car in the train. and almost got killed. he was very bad shape for some time. the truth be known is the fault lie with the driver of the car not the railroad. and all your ranting and raving wont change any ones mind here. if you want to make a differance then go to schools and do like operation life saver does and promote saftey. other wise keep your opinion to i have disproved you so many times ans the numbers you keep posting i never read as with most statostics they aint worth the time. Oh yes one more thing if they pull in front of me ill be more than happy to hit them and if they are lucky ill kill them then they wont suffer so long.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 23, 2003 5:37 AM
You are starting to wander off again. The responce that you just gave KEV sounds like babble to me.Lets try to to get you back on track. On account that you are the one that is negetive toward railroads, can you provide a count on how many times the railroad was proven to be negligent at a rail crossing? It should not be hard for an inteligent man like you to find. You claim the railroads are at fault in all the crossing accidents, well then prove it.
Can we also stick to the subject at hand? Please don't wonder off again and start babbling, it is rather annoying to us.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 23, 2003 5:42 AM
You were asked to prove that point. So far you have not. Just sounds like more of your babble.
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Posted by edblysard on Monday, June 23, 2003 11:24 AM
What you dont understand is railroads dont kill anybody, I have yet to see a crew swerve their train in order to hit anyone. What I have seen is crews go out of their way, above and beyond their duty to prevent people from getting hurt of killed.
What we would like for you to do is state, in one paragraph, what exactly your gripe is. So far, all we have seen is a bunch of losely stated insults, followed by heavly edited and incomplete statistics in a mumbo-jumbo,
mish-mash of gibberish and foolish statements.
Other than calling us murders, killers, thiefs and liars, you have yet to state your point in a coherent and complete sentence.
And, as pointed out by so many, you have yet to offer anything even faintly resembleing a solution to the grade crossing safety issue, although several of us have done so.
The fact that, like most cowards, you hide behind a made up name, and do nothing more than insult others from hiding is proof enough that you are a coward, and have no real issue, and are not concerned in the least with grade crossing safety, but instead, are here only to pick a fight. Which, once you have made one of your stupid accusations, when anyone challanges it, and offers a more intelligent response than any you could understand, you run away,
again just like a little kid, and start over with another stupid, inane, incomplete and assinine statement.
Instead of continuing to prove to us what a ignorant idiot your are with the garbage you post, try to form a posting where you state your gripe in clear, intelligent language, minus the insulting "your all killers" crap.
Although I am betting my friend was right when he profiled you, your are nothing but a coward at heart, and you do this only to get attention,
because this is most likley the only way you can get anyone to pay any attention to you at all.
We are waiting for the next installment of the
"How stupid is missouri show". We like to laugh at you, and your conspiracy theories.
Your a funny, ignorant little coward, sorta like the Don Knox of this forum, and we can allways count on you to provide a laugh with your nonsense.
If you can't form a intelligent response, then stay with the stupid ones, we need a joke now and then.
The Unihead Ed

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Posted by wabash1 on Monday, June 23, 2003 4:30 PM
Ed calm down . gosh you know we been called worse by better. besides this is just another notch in our belts of people we know that ask us a question or make a statement and before we can aswer change the subject. as for me im going to board my engine and i guess murder someone . why let those statistic go to waste later

killer wabash
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, June 23, 2003 5:00 PM
I have a confession to make

when i nmkow theres a crossing comming up, i "drive" my train off the tracks and break down the gate and slam into the first car waiting.. then i drive my train back onto the tracks and pretend nothing happened..

now missouris point, which i'm not sure was... but gate watch 24/7 eh... how about "professional study" eh? i've done a 8 hour watch once.. and the gates never failed when i watched.. not once!


what else is there...

what do you mena can't say 0? i belive i did.. ZERO times they failed, no i can't say zero cars tried to pass... i wish i could.. but with numb-chucks like you, i'll never be able too! nor will any study

or i could alter my data like you!

CN side Triggered the lights.. around 30 secondes... Cp train triggered them in around 25 secondes...

HOW would they be a sight obstruction of some idiot jsut styed put at the gates?? they won't go up.. there are no trees, there is no sight obstruction.. the gates won't go up if one train is still going throuhg the crossing.. d'uh

AND to add insult to injury.. let's say you drive your train around the gates because you think your superman. you get hit./. you die...

your family can't hire a lawyer to sue anyone..

your dead...

you can't sue th railraod...

based on whitness statements. the conductors are IMMEDIATELY let go (also based on a police investigation..)

The case is closed...


not only are you dead, YOUR PARENTS or someone in your family COULD and most liekly WOULD get sued by the RR compnay for damages sustained on their Locomotives, cars, the clean up (if there is one) Engineers Disabilities, (yes you would have to pay that or your family would if you act dumb) so that really sucks.. your parents lost you.. they can't sue anyone about it.. and then they get sued 2000 dollar dmages...

Holy.. that really sucks!

moral of the story.. don't go aorund gates... it's a 300$ fine THE FIRST TIME if you get caught by police, second time you can loose your liscence for 3-5 years...

OUCH that really bites!

moral of the story again...
don't go around gates!

Killin' Machine Kev.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 2:33 AM
Is that in Cadadian gooble lettering or what? Tell me what causes tail ring there brainstein?
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:16 AM
He shows more intelligents than you. Ed was right, if anyone proves they are smarter then you, you insult them.
Did you get that data I asked for? Until you do please go away.
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Posted by JoeKoh on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:13 AM
hey clown
did you read the trains newswires?There is a story about how a csx crew slammed their train to a stop derailing 16 cars because a tresspasser was on the tracks wearing headfones.where do you get off calling these people murderers etc.?like i've said in another post the most important number is 1. Thats you clown. if you dont stop look and listen you will die.its as simple as that.So go back home to maama coward.

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by eolafan on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:00 AM
Oh Missouri, you evidently haven't been listening to everybody.....GO AWAY, NOW!!!!!!!!!
Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
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Posted by wabash1 on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:46 AM
to everyone here please dont confuse misouri please . dont confuse him with the facts while his mind is made up.

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