Long-time members as well as those in the habit of causing trouble

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Posted by eolafan on Saturday, December 18, 2004 4:39 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by BaltACD

If I have to pay to communicate....I'm out of here.

FREE speech!

DITTO, unfortunately. Hope it never comes to that!
Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
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Posted by adrianspeeder on Saturday, December 18, 2004 1:53 PM
We seem to be at a crossroad.

Like Ed said, I wouldn't come here if it was a pay site because then I would be paying to read the same stupid comments that certain people would LOVE to pay to make.

Remember our buddy with a certain state as his name? Whatever we did to get rid of him should be done again.

I put my first name in my user name but added something to make it railroady (also works for the truck forums i visit :) ) Dont really feel like havin my full name out there.

It would be a sad day indeed if more people left in the effort to try to prevent morons from posting.


USAF TSgt C-17 Aircraft Maintenance Flying Crew Chief & Flightline Avionics Craftsman

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 18, 2004 10:21 AM

To use a favorite old line from Moonstruck...

"You know everything..."

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Posted by Randy Stahl on Saturday, December 18, 2004 9:27 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Sterling1

QUOTE: Originally posted by edblysard

Well, well, well....

Be waiting for something like this for a while...was wondering when the pay to play idea would kick in...

First, it will not keep the trolls out, especially the multi named one...he, or she, is here for a personal reason, and wont mind paying a small fee to cause trouble, in fact, once they pay, they will use that fact as a justification to be allowed to do so....

As for me, off the top of my head I can name three members who dont use a made up screen name, myself, Mark Hemphill, and Dan Harmon...

Cant speak for them, but for myself, I figured that if I had an opinion or story I didnt mind sharing in public, then I shouldn't mind my name going with it.

What you see in my profile is real, the railroad where I work is real, my name and email adress are real and got a beef with what I say here, either respond here, or email me and chew me out to your hearts content.

I dont believe in censorship, but I do believe basic common courtsey, good manners, and respect towards others, no matter how far from my point of view they might stand.

Not to say my slate is pristine.

And yes, there are some, not to name names, well, ok, some like Clevelandrocks, who show up here, and stick out their chins, begging someone to pop them a good one, and it would appear there are quite a few who don't mind to oblige them.

Then there are the trainfinder, kissmycaboose, hot and itchy, cinderdick...those who sole purpose was to take the enjoyment out of this place...they succeded quite well at that.

With that in mind, it now appears I will have to pay to read garbarge posted by the trolls...hummm....

They already have managed to drive a few good posters away, and have succeded in making this place no where near as much fun as it was a year ago.

It used to be I logged on to see who was here, and have a good time discussing the hobby and industry which I make a living at...
but now, the first thing I see is the moron page, you know, page 1, where the trolls have managed to creat enough problems and enough dissent that their postings and threads have almost the entire front page to themselves, and the interesting stuff, you know, the real reason most of us came here, are two pages back.

Anyone see wabash1 here?
How about Scottydog? He got tired of it last year and left, hasnt been back since....

If you think about it, quite a few members, who contributed a lot, have quitely left, and not returned, and for good reason.

Remember when Mookie had a whole bunch of interesting questions, and got a whole bunch of interesting replies?
Remember when Matt and Mookie "fought" over the chocolate cake, and both of them won?

When was the last time one of Mookies questions was on the top of page one?

Not for a while, because before anyone got around to answering her question, they would run off to bite on troll bait.

Guess it tasted better than the cake?

Remember when we came here to talk about trains and the people who run them, not tripe and the people who write it?

We, by responding to the bait the trollers throw out, have allowed them to degrade this forum to the level of a teenage chat room, where the only thing of interest is is who is slamming who, and what new insults can we come up with.

It used to be, when you turned on my computer, was the front page, it came up automaticly on default...not any more, I replaced it with Google, because a blank search engine holds more promise of fun...I have to look for this page now.


Because I noticed I dont bother to look as often as I used too, and post even less, after reading Bergies posting on Classic Trains, I realized why.

The trolls have won, if not by sheer numbers, by assimilation...we are becomming them.

I used to come here to have fun, enjoy discussions with people of like interest, and read the intelligent, often funny comments about my was a well kept secret, a place with a good group of smart people who enjoyed each others company...not anymore....

I was going to say if Kalmbach can add their forum fee to my subscriptions,(I take three of their magazines) fine, but after a few minutes thought, I dont think it is worth even that, after all, I can see adults act and speak like children all day long at work, for free.

If the fee idea does happen, then I dont see the sense of paying to have a forum membership on a forum I chose to not read regular anymore...because the people who made it interesting and fun, have all been run off.

I know of at least one person who dosnt have a computer at home, she logs in here from work, so the pay to play wont work, the accounting dept most likely will kick it back at one of the most interesting people here will be gone.

Sad it comes to that.

For what its worth, it was a pretty fun ride, I made some good friends, met a few of you in person, enjoyed it a lot, and, when this was a forum, not a verbal train wreck, I learned a lot I didnt know, about trains, people, and myself..

Sooo...guess I will see ya on the next run, you guys have a safe trip and a good Christmas...stay cut in.


My slate wasn't all that clean either until Hemphill and Limitedclear showed that I needed the maturity indeed.

By the way which Matt are you refereing to with the chocolate cake fight?

My sceen name derives from a pinniped(seal) that I've named for a long time. If I used my real name, I could have identitiy theft by these __________ trolls. If one needs to vent, do so at the thickest wall that one can find. . .
I am waiting for someone to steal my identity. It will likely result in an improvement for me an a major headache for the thief. I don't use a screen name , I have nothing to hide. My favorite word in the english language is FREE. Free E Mail, free forums, etc. I don't like paying for something I don't want ( ex wifes etc.) I use the free forums to connect with people who have similer interests but when this becomes tedious I don't want the hassle of begging for my money back. I don't participate in the crap posts or the posts that are outside the scope of my knowlage. I stick with what I know.
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Posted by cherokee woman on Saturday, December 18, 2004 8:42 AM
Yes, I've said quite a few times to some people on here (in private emails)
to just Ignore these idiots; they are not worth any of us getting upset
to the point where we are boiling mad.

Ignore their posts by not viewing or replying, and hopefully, they will get
the message that decent people here on these forums WILL NOT
their childish, babyish behavior.
Angel cherokee woman "O'Toole's law: Murphy was an optimist."
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Posted by spodwo on Saturday, December 18, 2004 7:53 AM
If I had a subscription to CTT or any other Kalmbach publication - then the site should be free....

I prefer the free email sites now as they actually control the spam better than before. My "internal" email is only for those close few.

A lot can be done to keep the alleged evil doers out. But the ONE thing that stops of fool from talking is to ignore the fool.

Stephen "Pod" Podwojski LiZarD AtTiTuDe RailRoaD
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 18, 2004 7:32 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by cbt141

most of the trouble with "unwanted threads" is due to offended members bothering to respond to them.

please, ignore vexatious comments.

the offenders probably will not go away, but they will lose their energy if not engaged in debate...and at least the rest of us can easily sort through the debris. as it stands now to read a thread a person needs to scan the trash and then scan all the responses to the trash. there is more ink wasted on asking/demanding others to conform than there is ink wasted on silly remarks from trouble makers.
the site has gotten into a vicious cycle of "stop sayiing that/ no i won't" garbage. the folks being asked to behave are not going to do it. will not happen. in fact, they will feel set upon and consequently become more troublesome. meanwhile, everybody else needs to suffer the back and forth exchanges of pleas and mandates.
this is not a church...we are not all required to believe and conform on peril of our souls.

please, just ignore contrary opinions. love the other guy. leave him alone.

Thats a good way to put it. If they can't behave, just ignore them. Because this thing with a credit card number, I think thats a little much. Because my mom is very strict about giving out her credit card number to people.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:22 AM
most of the trouble with "unwanted threads" is due to offended members bothering to respond to them.

please, ignore vexatious comments.

the offenders probably will not go away, but they will lose their energy if not engaged in debate...and at least the rest of us can easily sort through the debris. as it stands now to read a thread a person needs to scan the trash and then scan all the responses to the trash. there is more ink wasted on asking/demanding others to conform than there is ink wasted on silly remarks from trouble makers.
the site has gotten into a vicious cycle of "stop sayiing that/ no i won't" garbage. the folks being asked to behave are not going to do it. will not happen. in fact, they will feel set upon and consequently become more troublesome. meanwhile, everybody else needs to suffer the back and forth exchanges of pleas and mandates.
this is not a church...we are not all required to believe and conform on peril of our souls.

please, just ignore contrary opinions. love the other guy. leave him alone.

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Posted by miniwyo on Saturday, December 18, 2004 1:45 AM
I still do not like the idea of disallowing free email provider users. I do not have a ISP email as it belongs to my dad. So, this is the only arrangement I can make. I enjoy coming here and reading and learning, but I have started to not enjoy it becase of all the trollers and bogus arguements and threads. I am on this forum at least once a day and I enjoy reading about trains and learning about trains. miniwyo is my internet name as well i also believe that home life and net life should be seperate. My profile is or will be shortly, as personal as i care to get with everyone. But anyone who wants to say somthing ot me will be able to reach me through my email. miniwyo is the only screen name i have ever had and as with puckdropper, if you see miniwyo on the net it is most likley me.

We need to learn to ignore trollers and the problem will go away. let thime figure it out in thier own demented heads. People who like to cause trouble have serious issues and should be dealt with. I do like the suggestion of making a couple of regular visiting, well trusted members moderators, it will allow this place to stay clean as there are more people here to take out the trash.


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Posted by Puckdropper on Saturday, December 18, 2004 12:10 AM

Just a bit of netiquitte... Rather than replying to everything and quoting more than a few sentences, summarize or refer back to what you're replying to. That way, users don't have to scroll through screenfuls of posts they've already read.

Ed, a comment on your "real names" post. Puckdropper is my Internet name, so chances are if you see Puckdropper somewhere else that's me. It helps sometimes to keep Internet and Real life seperate.

The pay-for-access idea is one I believe is best forgotten. If you feel the forum needs more moderation, then ask members you respect and trust to do the moderation job. Provide a specific set of rules, and don't ask for volunteers. To paraphrase one of the points on an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space 9: The best leaders do not seek power. All most forums I've seen have needed is two or three ACTIVE moderators.

In my opinion, a confirmed email address system is effective in reducing the amount of "throw-away" usernames. It requires some action that takes a bit of time and thought to do. One has to be careful, though, as something that requires too much time or thought will often keep legitimate users away. (Such as blocking free email providers.)

Sad... We're no longer in the information age. We're in the information abuse age.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, December 17, 2004 11:23 PM
As one of my old Erie conductors used to say." 'tis the high harp, lad. Track's clear ahead an' alls right with the world..."

A good man and fun to run with too. I'll always remember the summers on the local with our unit holding the controlled siding while we had an ice cream at the stand a few feet away. Those were the days...

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Posted by tree68 on Friday, December 17, 2004 11:11 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Sterling1

Just looking at all the posts makes me wonder if i am being a hog with all the messages . . .

Nah - You've just got a lot to say.

I guess the bottom line is to recognize the baiters early and just ignore them. I can usually pick them out. Instead of asking "Why is green on top on some signals?", they tend to ask things like "IS THE GREEN LIGHT OF SIGNALS ON TOP BECUASE THE IRISH HAD SO MUCH TO DO WITH BUILIDNG THE RAILROADS?" Note, please, the capitals and the veiled accusation. Never mind the spelling. The body of their message will be a lengthy rant on some topic that may or may not be related to the subject, and will most certainly be something that simple logic or historical knowledge could answer. If they don't get a reply, they'll usually post one of their own wondering why nobody on the forum cares about how the Irish were treated (now it's our fault.) And if nobody takes the bait then, they'll post a new thread complaining about how lousy the people on this forum are.

So what do you do when you see one of those? Pass it by. It'll sink down the forum faster than {Name a sunken ship here}. I suspect that the bulk of our trouble recently has been caused by just one or two pests. Ignore them, and they will more than likely fade into our collective memory.

Mookie - How are those dwarfs getting along?

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Posted by Sterling1 on Friday, December 17, 2004 10:53 PM
Just looking at all the posts makes me wonder if i am being a hog with all the messages . . .
"There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
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Posted by Sterling1 on Friday, December 17, 2004 10:51 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Bergie

QUOTE: Originally posted by Sterling1

There are some who don't access their inboxes too often, or sometimes there are system glitches, so the time day thing may not work. However, how does one unlock an account?

Tell me the account, and I'll take a look and let you know why it was locked.


Bergie, I wasn't seroious, I was just having a what if moment if I ended up with a sudden shutdown.
"There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
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Posted by Sterling1 on Friday, December 17, 2004 10:36 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by FThunder11

Just remeber, you have teenagers and younger people, who, first, dont have credit cards, and second are only here to learn about trains. Yes my parents subscribe to Trains and Modle Railroader, but I know if you make us pay, I'm outta here, because i sure as heck dont have aredit card, and my parents aren't giving it out over the net, so if thats the way its gonna be, then once that comes into play, I'm gone.

You got it there too (I'm a teen currently), but do your other fellow teenagers a big favor, just spell and take the time to type a little slower to correct the spelling problems. It's just a tip, just in case you end up working for some one who desires a person who can spell well. Remember it is only a tip.
"There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
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Posted by Sterling1 on Friday, December 17, 2004 10:24 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by edblysard

Well, well, well....

Be waiting for something like this for a while...was wondering when the pay to play idea would kick in...

First, it will not keep the trolls out, especially the multi named one...he, or she, is here for a personal reason, and wont mind paying a small fee to cause trouble, in fact, once they pay, they will use that fact as a justification to be allowed to do so....

As for me, off the top of my head I can name three members who dont use a made up screen name, myself, Mark Hemphill, and Dan Harmon...

Cant speak for them, but for myself, I figured that if I had an opinion or story I didnt mind sharing in public, then I shouldn't mind my name going with it.

What you see in my profile is real, the railroad where I work is real, my name and email adress are real and got a beef with what I say here, either respond here, or email me and chew me out to your hearts content.

I dont believe in censorship, but I do believe basic common courtsey, good manners, and respect towards others, no matter how far from my point of view they might stand.

Not to say my slate is pristine.

And yes, there are some, not to name names, well, ok, some like Clevelandrocks, who show up here, and stick out their chins, begging someone to pop them a good one, and it would appear there are quite a few who don't mind to oblige them.

Then there are the trainfinder, kissmycaboose, hot and itchy, cinderdick...those who sole purpose was to take the enjoyment out of this place...they succeded quite well at that.

With that in mind, it now appears I will have to pay to read garbarge posted by the trolls...hummm....

They already have managed to drive a few good posters away, and have succeded in making this place no where near as much fun as it was a year ago.

It used to be I logged on to see who was here, and have a good time discussing the hobby and industry which I make a living at...
but now, the first thing I see is the moron page, you know, page 1, where the trolls have managed to creat enough problems and enough dissent that their postings and threads have almost the entire front page to themselves, and the interesting stuff, you know, the real reason most of us came here, are two pages back.

Anyone see wabash1 here?
How about Scottydog? He got tired of it last year and left, hasnt been back since....

If you think about it, quite a few members, who contributed a lot, have quitely left, and not returned, and for good reason.

Remember when Mookie had a whole bunch of interesting questions, and got a whole bunch of interesting replies?
Remember when Matt and Mookie "fought" over the chocolate cake, and both of them won?

When was the last time one of Mookies questions was on the top of page one?

Not for a while, because before anyone got around to answering her question, they would run off to bite on troll bait.

Guess it tasted better than the cake?

Remember when we came here to talk about trains and the people who run them, not tripe and the people who write it?

We, by responding to the bait the trollers throw out, have allowed them to degrade this forum to the level of a teenage chat room, where the only thing of interest is is who is slamming who, and what new insults can we come up with.

It used to be, when you turned on my computer, was the front page, it came up automaticly on default...not any more, I replaced it with Google, because a blank search engine holds more promise of fun...I have to look for this page now.


Because I noticed I dont bother to look as often as I used too, and post even less, after reading Bergies posting on Classic Trains, I realized why.

The trolls have won, if not by sheer numbers, by assimilation...we are becomming them.

I used to come here to have fun, enjoy discussions with people of like interest, and read the intelligent, often funny comments about my was a well kept secret, a place with a good group of smart people who enjoyed each others company...not anymore....

I was going to say if Kalmbach can add their forum fee to my subscriptions,(I take three of their magazines) fine, but after a few minutes thought, I dont think it is worth even that, after all, I can see adults act and speak like children all day long at work, for free.

If the fee idea does happen, then I dont see the sense of paying to have a forum membership on a forum I chose to not read regular anymore...because the people who made it interesting and fun, have all been run off.

I know of at least one person who dosnt have a computer at home, she logs in here from work, so the pay to play wont work, the accounting dept most likely will kick it back at one of the most interesting people here will be gone.

Sad it comes to that.

For what its worth, it was a pretty fun ride, I made some good friends, met a few of you in person, enjoyed it a lot, and, when this was a forum, not a verbal train wreck, I learned a lot I didnt know, about trains, people, and myself..

Sooo...guess I will see ya on the next run, you guys have a safe trip and a good Christmas...stay cut in.


My slate wasn't all that clean either until Hemphill and Limitedclear showed that I needed the maturity indeed.

By the way which Matt are you refereing to with the chocolate cake fight?

My sceen name derives from a pinniped(seal) that I've named for a long time. If I used my real name, I could have identitiy theft by these __________ trolls. If one needs to vent, do so at the thickest wall that one can find. . .
"There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
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Posted by Bergie on Friday, December 17, 2004 10:17 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Sterling1

There are some who don't access their inboxes too often, or sometimes there are system glitches, so the time day thing may not work. However, how does one unlock an account?

Tell me the account, and I'll take a look and let you know why it was locked.

Erik Bergstrom
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Posted by Bergie on Friday, December 17, 2004 10:16 PM
Thanks to everyone who has responded. Let me assure you that the “pay for forum use” has not come up in any meeting. That was simply my idea this morning for a way to help assure quality. I knew I’d get constructive feedback, and I have. Thanks again.

Erik Bergstrom
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Posted by Sterling1 on Friday, December 17, 2004 10:08 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by jeaton


Arriving at the office with ten hours of work to finish by a 5pm deadline and then finding e-mails about trash on the forums doesn't sound like much fun. I wouldn't oppose a modest fee for myself, but I would hate to see that knock out some, especially the school age kids that show genuine interest in railroads.

As far as the moderating function-heck, shoot and ask questions later. If someone felt that you weren't fair you have a mailbox, let them contact you.

Jay Eaton

My relation and I are avid railfans, but I know that both of us would be disheartened to pay for something such as this!!!
"There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
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Posted by Sterling1 on Friday, December 17, 2004 10:01 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon

If there is to be a fee, and I am not promoting that idea, I would prefer the method Mr Fish floated, ie. considered part of the price of a magazine subscription for current Kalmbach subscribers with our subscriber number used to register. Any actual fees would be assessed to non-subscribers..

I agree to some degree of this but would it increase the price of those who already subscribe?
"There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
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Posted by Sterling1 on Friday, December 17, 2004 9:56 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by piouslion

Bergie, No one respects decorum in the forum more than I. From what I have seen, those that come in to cause a "unnessary rukus" are delt with and in the case of most of the three, four and five stars they show a since of class that is rarely out of line. If they do go out line (out of order, to use an antiquated phrase), appologies are often either public or emailed and from what I can see are accepted.

I remember a post I put up and got mature answers which put me in my place. That's one thing I am thankful for from decent, earnest members. I can't stand those who drive Trains forums into the ground now that I've owned up.
"There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
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Posted by Sterling1 on Friday, December 17, 2004 9:47 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by jabrown1971

I have to say, that except for my responses to the Grumpy man from the other night, I have posted what I feel are decent and respectable posts. I never try to purposely put anyone down and try to get them to think outside the boundaries. I apologize for participating the other night and am sorry. Thanks for not tossing me out Bergie. NOW-I like a lot, currently subscribe to MR but Trains lapsed long ago-1991 to be exact, and MR is aboout to expire to. I feel that If I am required to pay by Credit/Debit card, then no thanks. Answering a question that would get you a membership is okay, but you shouldn't have to buy anything to be a member. As for not taking Yahoo, MSN, Hotmail email accts. Well that's not cool either. While I have a valid e-mail account from my employer, I don't think they would be too happy if that was the email I provided for this site. OVerall, I have to say that the few people who come on here to cause trouble is small. Dealing with them on an individual basis is a better choice. Bergie, perhaps a better way to do this is to sift through all known email addresses and ask for a response from that person. If none received in a timely manner-1-3-5 days lock them out. Thanks

There are some who don't access their inboxes too often, or sometimes there are system glitches, so the time day thing may not work. However, how does one unlock an account?
"There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
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Posted by Sterling1 on Friday, December 17, 2004 9:37 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear

As just the token cranky ol' railroad guy on this board, I have to say that if it is going to become another TO style pay per view I'm not interested. This site is generally fun and has a good group of folks overall. Unfortunately, there are a few who need to get with the program or get on down the road...

I already pay enough just to be on the net. Also, although many of you know some things about me I'd prefer not to reveal my true identity for several reasons. If that becomes a prerequisite for membership I'll have to go elserwhere. I don't maintain multiple identities, so that is not the issue.


Same here LC. When I updated my profile I disposed of some information that I decided was too personal and with all the fools that like to blow this place into the drain, I wouldn't know who wasn't _________ freak who wasn't registered. The superhighway isn't all that safe . . .
"There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
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Posted by Modelcar on Friday, December 17, 2004 9:32 PM
....One other thought that was suggested in a previous post....For the moderator of this forum...move into a strict mode of operation....As the person previous said shoot and let them ask questions later to the moderator...{paraphrasing}. Settle it with a priviate conversation on email...Let the moderator weed out the ones with the very rough edges.


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Posted by FThunder11 on Friday, December 17, 2004 9:31 PM
Just remeber, you have teenagers and younger people, who, first, dont have credit cards, and second are only here to learn about trains. Yes my parents subscribe to Trains and Modle Railroader, but I know if you make us pay, I'm outta here, because i sure as heck dont have aredit card, and my parents aren't giving it out over the net, so if thats the way its gonna be, then once that comes into play, I'm gone.
Kevin Farlow Colorado Springs
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Posted by Modelcar on Friday, December 17, 2004 9:17 PM
....I don't put up my actual name on the forum box we write to but it's not because I am ashamed of anything I write...It's just in case someone cares to cause trouble in the background and that's the only reason. I have much data of me on my Bio and is I suppose available for anyone who wants to seek it out and do what ever....
I agree with Ed above... the forum is much lower now in good back and forth data and conversation one to another than it was in the past and perhaps the only defense against what we have now that is making it that way is to completely ignore it.....Just do not answer or rebut any of it...act as though it is not present. After a while surely the invader will tire of his /her caustic blabber with no feedback and simply stop....
It's the only way to act to help it go away I can think of...and.....I too really don't look forward to a pay as one goes to perticipate on a program such as this...and I too am a Kambach subscriber and have been for decades. I'd rather stay and do what we do each day but if the pay function comes, I'll have to reevalluate what to do.


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Posted by conrailman on Friday, December 17, 2004 8:56 PM
Keep it a Free forum.[:)]
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Posted by edblysard on Friday, December 17, 2004 8:45 PM
Well, well, well....

Be waiting for something like this for a while...was wondering when the pay to play idea would kick in...

First, it will not keep the trolls out, especially the multi named one...he, or she, is here for a personal reason, and wont mind paying a small fee to cause trouble, in fact, once they pay, they will use that fact as a justification to be allowed to do so....

As for me, off the top of my head I can name three members who dont use a made up screen name, myself, Mark Hemphill, and Dan Harmon...

Cant speak for them, but for myself, I figured that if I had an opinion or story I didnt mind sharing in public, then I shouldn't mind my name going with it.

What you see in my profile is real, the railroad where I work is real, my name and email adress are real and got a beef with what I say here, either respond here, or email me and chew me out to your hearts content.

I dont believe in censorship, but I do believe basic common courtsey, good manners, and respect towards others, no matter how far from my point of view they might stand.

Not to say my slate is pristine.

And yes, there are some, not to name names, well, ok, some like Clevelandrocks, who show up here, and stick out their chins, begging someone to pop them a good one, and it would appear there are quite a few who don't mind to oblige them.

Then there are the trainfinder, kissmycaboose, hot and itchy, cinderdick...those who sole purpose was to take the enjoyment out of this place...they succeded quite well at that.

With that in mind, it now appears I will have to pay to read garbarge posted by the trolls...hummm....

They already have managed to drive a few good posters away, and have succeded in making this place no where near as much fun as it was a year ago.

It used to be I logged on to see who was here, and have a good time discussing the hobby and industry which I make a living at...
but now, the first thing I see is the moron page, you know, page 1, where the trolls have managed to creat enough problems and enough dissent that their postings and threads have almost the entire front page to themselves, and the interesting stuff, you know, the real reason most of us came here, are two pages back.

Anyone see wabash1 here?
How about Scottydog? He got tired of it last year and left, hasnt been back since....

If you think about it, quite a few members, who contributed a lot, have quitely left, and not returned, and for good reason.

Remember when Mookie had a whole bunch of interesting questions, and got a whole bunch of interesting replies?
Remember when Matt and Mookie "fought" over the chocolate cake, and both of them won?

When was the last time one of Mookies questions was on the top of page one?

Not for a while, because before anyone got around to answering her question, they would run off to bite on troll bait.

Guess it tasted better than the cake?

Remember when we came here to talk about trains and the people who run them, not tripe and the people who write it?

We, by responding to the bait the trollers throw out, have allowed them to degrade this forum to the level of a teenage chat room, where the only thing of interest is is who is slamming who, and what new insults can we come up with.

It used to be, when you turned on my computer, was the front page, it came up automaticly on default...not any more, I replaced it with Google, because a blank search engine holds more promise of fun...I have to look for this page now.


Because I noticed I dont bother to look as often as I used too, and post even less, after reading Bergies posting on Classic Trains, I realized why.

The trolls have won, if not by sheer numbers, by assimilation...we are becomming them.

I used to come here to have fun, enjoy discussions with people of like interest, and read the intelligent, often funny comments about my was a well kept secret, a place with a good group of smart people who enjoyed each others company...not anymore....

I was going to say if Kalmbach can add their forum fee to my subscriptions,(I take three of their magazines) fine, but after a few minutes thought, I dont think it is worth even that, after all, I can see adults act and speak like children all day long at work, for free.

If the fee idea does happen, then I dont see the sense of paying to have a forum membership on a forum I chose to not read regular anymore...because the people who made it interesting and fun, have all been run off.

I know of at least one person who dosnt have a computer at home, she logs in here from work, so the pay to play wont work, the accounting dept most likely will kick it back at one of the most interesting people here will be gone.

Sad it comes to that.

For what its worth, it was a pretty fun ride, I made some good friends, met a few of you in person, enjoyed it a lot, and, when this was a forum, not a verbal train wreck, I learned a lot I didnt know, about trains, people, and myself..

Sooo...guess I will see ya on the next run, you guys have a safe trip and a good Christmas...stay cut in.


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Posted by jeaton on Friday, December 17, 2004 8:24 PM

Arriving at the office with ten hours of work to finish by a 5pm deadline and then finding e-mails about trash on the forums doesn't sound like much fun. I wouldn't oppose a modest fee for myself, but I would hate to see that knock out some, especially the school age kids that show genuine interest in railroads.

As far as the moderating function-heck, shoot and ask questions later. If someone felt that you weren't fair you have a mailbox, let them contact you.

Jay Eaton

"We have met the enemy and he is us." Pogo Possum "We have met the anemone... and he is Russ." Bucky Katt "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future." Niels Bohr, Nobel laureate in physics

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Posted by dwil89 on Friday, December 17, 2004 7:23 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by dougal

I agree, this forum should have more moderators. Honestly, if I have to pay, I'm out of here.
I belong to several Yahoo Railroad discussion groups, and also own one myself. These sites are free, and the ones I belong to, are well run. I can't remember the last time I had to read stuff on those groups from people out to disrupt things. The ones I belong to are well moderated, Members are generally positive and well mannered, on those free forums, they know that if they are out to disrupt, out of the group they go....I don't think that making this a pay site is necessary.....thorough screening of people looking to join will help. New members posts must be approved before appearing on posts may help too. I've been a member for almost a year now on Trains forums, and primarily visit the Railroad forums, and the troublemaking posts such as from the other night are rare compared to the total number of posts. Moderating would be a better answer, than making it a pay site, unless you make the forums free with a subscription to Trains, as others have suggested here.. Dave Williams
David J. Williams

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