You folks accuse me of having a agenda? Well here is my agenda..Guilty as charged!

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 11, 2004 10:43 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan

I only see Cleveland as big of an Amtrak hub as you do obviously. If anything Toledo should be but thats another topic.

The rest of the stuff is just plain stupid. Enough said.

Tell me something. Why do you post stupid and provactive topics like this and than expect the rest of us not to call you on it?

I agree.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 11, 2004 10:46 AM
"I went back to Ohio, but my city was gone,
There was no train station...."

The Pretenders

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Posted by mudchicken on Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:25 AM
...and all this time I thought he was out to eliminate Bill Gates' spellchecker![:-^][:-^][:-^]
Mudchicken Nothing is worth taking the risk of losing a life over. Come home tonight in the same condition that you left home this morning in. Safety begins with ME.... cinscocom-west
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Posted by Junctionfan on Saturday, December 11, 2004 1:17 PM
To make some intelligent conversation out of this retarded topic, can anybody guess why I would choose Toledo to Cleveland? Who would like to call me on the question or speculate my reasoning?
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Posted by edblysard on Saturday, December 11, 2004 1:28 PM
Because it allows sane people to leave Cleveland quicker?


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Posted by mloik on Saturday, December 11, 2004 2:30 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by miniwyo

LA doesnt have much to go through to get thier water.

With all due respect, ***! LA only became the place it is because of notorious water fights, nefarious dealings, backroom politics, jack-booted thuggery, and outright thievery of water.

True, California is part of the Colorado River Compact, but LA takes a big chunk of Nevada and Arizona's allotment. As AZ and NV continue to grow, we are due for another fight, which could be nastier than the last time that guns were set up at the AZ-CA border.

In addition to the Colorado River, much of LA's water comes from the LA Aqueduct, originally built in the early 1900's by William Mulholland, and extended to the Mono Basin (Save Mono Lake!), then expanded again in the 1970's to pump groundwater from the Owens Valley. LA also gets a big chunk of it's water from the Statewide Water Project, which brings water from the Central Valley.

If folks want to hear more about LA and CA water issues, they can e-mail me directly.

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Posted by Junctionfan on Saturday, December 11, 2004 2:58 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by edblysard

Because it allows sane people to leave Cleveland quicker?



Actually I was thinking along the lines of how many mainlines it can access and how many major cities it can get to. If Amtrak is allowed to be successful and grow, Toledo could have trains run to or from New York, Philadelphia, South Western U.S (Florida), Southern U.S, and travel enroute through places like Cleveland, Colombus, Dayton, Akron before heading to Toledo where it will be the hub. They can than terminate and become a different train that can take them to Chicago or some place else for example a Chicago to Toledo train now turns into a Toledo to Philadelphia train, Miami to Toledo train which picks up passengers Columbus turns into a Toledo to Dallas train stoping at Cincinnati along the route.

I am a firm believer that VIA should apply for running rights to cross the boarder into the U.S so I think VIA should run from Toronto to Toledo stopping at Detroit along the way. Also maybe a commuter train should do most of the Detroit to Toledo runs as it will take sometime for VIA to get to Toledo from Toronto because it stops at least 5 times before it reaches Windsor where a boarder check would be required before crossing into Detroit.

VIA does this. Amtrak has too many really long distance trains. VIA only has about 4. The Canadian (2) and the Ocean (2). Everything else either terminates at Toronto before assuming a different train I.D; or Montreal sometimes as well.

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Posted by JoeKoh on Saturday, December 11, 2004 3:00 PM
being closer to where you are?
stay safe

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by BaltACD on Saturday, December 11, 2004 5:53 PM
Somebody has been drinking too much Cuyahoga River water!

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by CSXrules4eva on Saturday, December 11, 2004 5:55 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by mloik

QUOTE: Originally posted by miniwyo

LA doesnt have much to go through to get thier water.

With all due respect, ***! LA only became the place it is because of notorious water fights, nefarious dealings, backroom politics, jack-booted thuggery, and outright thievery of water.

True, California is part of the Colorado River Compact, but LA takes a big chunk of Nevada and Arizona's allotment. As AZ and NV continue to grow, we are due for another fight, which could be nastier than the last time that guns were set up at the AZ-CA border.

In addition to the Colorado River, much of LA's water comes from the LA Aqueduct, originally built in the early 1900's by William Mulholland, and extended to the Mono Basin (Save Mono Lake!), then expanded again in the 1970's to pump groundwater from the Owens Valley. LA also gets a big chunk of it's water from the Statewide Water Project, which brings water from the Central Valley.

If folks want to hear more about LA and CA water issues, they can e-mail me directly.


Yes I also hear that Nevada espually Los Veagas takes up a hugh porsion of the Colorado river's drinking water. That is really a shame. Los Veagas also likes to waste lots of the C river's water. They use it for huge water fountains like the Mariage hotel and casino. That's a shame really. The poor Colorado river doesn't even have an end anymore, it dosen't dump into a body of water, it just ends short of were it's supposed to end. Some envornmentalist aruge "why would you move to a desert and expect a good decent supply of H20, because of LV's constant population growth more water is being ran dry from the beautilful river". Then you have other people who live outside or near LV who have water shortages.

I think in my area (Philadelphia) we're bound to have some water shortages since that oil tanker spilled more that 100,000 gallons into the Delaware River. There is no dought that that oil is [V]going right into the delaware river basin. I wonder what will happen to drinking water in my area.
LORD HELP US ALL TO BE ORIGINAL AND NOT CRISPY!!! please? Sarah J.M. Warner conductor CSX
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 11, 2004 10:18 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan

The rest of the stuff is just plain stupid. Enough said.

Tell me something. Why do you post stupid and provactive topics like this and than expect the rest of us not to call you on it?

"Hello, Kettle? This is the Pot. You're black."
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, December 11, 2004 10:28 PM
On point #5 - The current rail infrastructure should remain under private control, with an allowance for public-private investment and with maintenance tax incentives, once infrastructure-owning and rolling stock operating entities are separated. It should not be taken over by the Corps of Engineers, because that will only open the door to frivolous lawsuits by environmental extremists which would obstruct and delay regular maintenance, such as is occuring on all major U.S. waterways. The Corps could be the lead entity in constructing new rail links such as the Alaskan Rail Link and the Missoula-Lewiston Rail Link, 'cause at least that's better than no new rails at all.
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Posted by lonewoof on Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:08 PM
um, CSXrules4eva: You taking spelling & grammar lessons from clevelandrocks?

Remember: In South Carolina, North is southeast of Due West... HIOAg /Bill

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Posted by jabrown1971 on Sunday, December 12, 2004 1:28 AM
Cleveland-Point 3-Who runs the joint Greyhound Amtrak cooperative effort. The PRIVATE run Greyhound, which wishes it could get government funding, ala post 9-11 airlines, Or the GOVERNMENT run Amtrak? Neither is making money, but Greyhound is owned by private hands- Laidlaw. Do your research ahead of time. Cleveland is a decent city, but Toledo would make a much better hub, the way CHICAGO currently works for Amtrak. Cleveland-you would make an awesome politician-you have no idea how the world works, just like everyone who moves to Washington after they worm their way into office.
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Posted by MP57313 on Sunday, December 12, 2004 3:56 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear

"I went back to Ohio, but my city was gone, There was no train station...." The Pretenders

I think Chrissie was singing about Akron, not Cleveland, but the point is taken...
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Posted by daveklepper on Sunday, December 12, 2004 4:08 AM
Of course a well-run Amtrak would have through ticketing and interchangeability with Greyhound and Trailways and the major commuter authorities. If I want to go from New Haven to Chestnut Hill, a Philly suburb, I should not have to waste time to buy a second ticket at 30th Street Station and then waste more time to find what the schedules are. In the old days, the ticket agent at New Haven would have done the whole job. Similarly, if I wanted to go to State College, PA, I should have a ticket all the way, with the bus connection at Lewistown or Altoona or wherever clearly specified. That is clearly my agenda, a Nationwide Public Transportation System that provides at least one connection a day to EVERY town that has a post office. You mention that the Saudi Royal Family and Bin Laden all received marvelous medical care in Cleveland.
Well, so do terrorist captured by Israeli Police or Military at Hadassa or Sarey Zedick Hospitals in Jerusalem, the same high medical care that I or you would revied. But those terrorists stay in the hands of the POLICE. That is the difference. AND

A recent article by Danial Pipes in the AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE proved to me that if they wanted to, the Saudi Rulers could turn off international terrorism in one day.

If they wanted to.

Another reason for a National Public Transportation System.

I think my agenda agrees with yours, but Boston is a poor example without the North Station - South Station Link. Philadlelphia, despite its current budget problems, is a good example. Lots of passsenger trains in all directions, Even east to Atlantic City!
And freight. And containers to ships. And intermodal.
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Posted by Junctionfan on Sunday, December 12, 2004 8:09 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by futuremodal

QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan

The rest of the stuff is just plain stupid. Enough said.

Tell me something. Why do you post stupid and provactive topics like this and than expect the rest of us not to call you on it?

"Hello, Kettle? This is the Pot. You're black."

Excuse me? You're not exactly an oracle of wisdom either at times but at least we know enough to admit our mistakes when we make them. I've made my mistakes and now have learned; this guy has made them over and over again and has assumed other user names as so he can pretend to kid us that he is "just new here".
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 12, 2004 10:59 AM
The Reason I used Boston as a example is that is is like Cleveland in that both are about the same size in Population Density. Cleveland Metro are has 2.5-2.2 MIllion People in a 60 mile radeus and has about 50 Suburbs in that raduis each with its own mayors. Boston also has about 60 burbs as well and they seem to get alongf as well. NY city has annexed most of the Suburbs into large city controlled Buroughs and Toronto has a few Large Super Suberbs with 100-200 thousand people or more.
Both Boston and Cleveland have large number of Students who are great source of transit passengers(Broke half the time,
Junky cars,need to see mom and dad on the weekends ext.)
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 12, 2004 11:27 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by futuremodal

QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan

The rest of the stuff is just plain stupid. Enough said.

Tell me something. Why do you post stupid and provactive topics like this and than expect the rest of us not to call you on it?

"Hello, Kettle? This is the Pot. You're black."

I'm deeply offended. What is this?!? The OJ trial???

Leave that stuff at the door.

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Posted by mloik on Sunday, December 12, 2004 9:50 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Clevelandrocks

The Reason I used Boston as a example is that is is like Cleveland in that both are about the same size in Population Density. Cleveland Metro are has 2.5-2.2 MIllion People in a 60 mile radeus and has about 50 Suburbs in that raduis each with its own mayors. Boston also has about 60 burbs as well and they seem to get alongf as well. NY city has annexed most of the Suburbs into large city controlled Buroughs and Toronto has a few Large Super Suberbs with 100-200 thousand people or more.
Both Boston and Cleveland have large number of Students who are great source of transit passengers(Broke half the time,
Junky cars,need to see mom and dad on the weekends ext.)

Wow, I don't even know how to respond, but I'm entertained by the prospect.

Let's see, I might even invoke some of the goofy cartoon thingys for the first time [:D][:D][:p][:p][:D][8D]
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Posted by railman on Monday, December 13, 2004 12:06 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear

QUOTE: Originally posted by futuremodal

QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan

The rest of the stuff is just plain stupid. Enough said.

Tell me something. Why do you post stupid and provactive topics like this and than expect the rest of us not to call you on it?

"Hello, Kettle? This is the Pot. You're black."

I'm deeply offended. What is this?!? The OJ trial???

Leave that stuff at the door.


If I'm reading this right, FM was being "clever" with the old expression "the pot calling the kettle black."

If I'm not, and it is as LC thinks, I too am offended.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, December 13, 2004 1:08 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by railman

QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear

QUOTE: Originally posted by futuremodal

QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan

The rest of the stuff is just plain stupid. Enough said.

Tell me something. Why do you post stupid and provactive topics like this and than expect the rest of us not to call you on it?

"Hello, Kettle? This is the Pot. You're black."

I'm deeply offended. What is this?!? The OJ trial???

Leave that stuff at the door.


If I'm reading this right, FM was being "clever" with the old expression "the pot calling the kettle black."

If I'm not, and it is as LC thinks, I too am offended.

Railman, the quote I used is directly from the sitcom "Friends", and as you have derived one would have to be extremely ignorant not to know it is a take off of that old expression to which you refer. LC knows this, but as usual he/she chooses to be overtly and purposefully antagnonistic.

BTW, Junctionfan, you do know I'm just teasing you, right? I remember a while back you complained about people disparaging your posts, and in an ironic twist you did the same to ClevelandRocks! Just for the record, I do enjoy the posts that do not conform to complacency.
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Posted by Junctionfan on Monday, December 13, 2004 6:01 AM
Futermodal: My mistake than; I apologies. About the complaining about people's disparaging others (mine included) posts, that was before the certain few started using fowl language, purposely flaming and linking to inappropriate photos. Even I'm not an Oracle but at least I know what is going to get me in major trouble with Bergie and not do it.
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Posted by zardoz on Monday, December 13, 2004 8:57 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by ValorStorm

"These are not the droids you're looking for."

[(-D][(-D][(-D] FOFLMAO
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Posted by ValleyX on Monday, December 13, 2004 11:13 AM
Fowl language. I like it. Bock, bock, bock, bock, bock, bock, just clucking around.
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Posted by dharmon on Monday, December 13, 2004 11:29 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by ValleyX

Fowl language. I like it. Bock, bock, bock, bock, bock, bock, just clucking around.

Hold on..we'll need to get Mudchicken in to translate...
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Posted by mloik on Monday, December 13, 2004 11:31 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by ValleyX

Fowl language. I like it. Bock, bock, bock, bock, bock, bock, just clucking around.

Me, too. Buck, buck, buck, buck, BUCKOCK!!!!!!!
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Posted by dharmon on Monday, December 13, 2004 11:36 AM
..he he he...."guilty as charged.."

...I wonder if that's an all too familiar phrase...
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Posted by rrnut282 on Monday, December 13, 2004 12:01 PM
You're point (and not the one on the top of your head) about Cleveland having 1/3 of the world's fresh water doesn't hold water. If, as I assume you're trying to infer, you're saying the the entire Great Lakes contains 1/3 of the world's surface fresh water, then I might agree with you except for a few small points. One, a good portion of the Great Lakes belongs to Canada. I doubt the city of Cleveland's water rights trump the nation of Canada's. Then, let's not forget the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New York and Minnesota. They all have a stake in the Great Lakes as well. Then there is the problem of Lake Ontario. It is just a little bit lower, hence, downstream from Cleveland. How do you propose to access and make use of that water?

Do the other points you want to make suffer from this same lack of logic? It looks that way. Making Cleveland a passenger/intermodal hub would result in lines radiating only 180 degrees, at best without duplication to reach some areas. Toledo, as some have suggested would be a better location as lines could radiate about 280 degrees before you would have to re-use a line for a second destination.
Mike (2-8-2)

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