Murray Norm48327 Murray 10. Never speculate, theorize or ask open-ended questions. Only provide the factual information (as you understand it) on a subject. Does that mean a certain someone who loves to speculate will no longer be allowed to post? If the poster would simply come to the point instead of trying to reinvent the wheel with all sorts of mind-numbing "what-ifs" and "yes...but's," it would be a much more pleasant posting experience.
Norm48327 Murray 10. Never speculate, theorize or ask open-ended questions. Only provide the factual information (as you understand it) on a subject. Does that mean a certain someone who loves to speculate will no longer be allowed to post?
Murray 10. Never speculate, theorize or ask open-ended questions. Only provide the factual information (as you understand it) on a subject.
10. Never speculate, theorize or ask open-ended questions. Only provide the factual information (as you understand it) on a subject.
Does that mean a certain someone who loves to speculate will no longer be allowed to post?
If the poster would simply come to the point instead of trying to reinvent the wheel with all sorts of mind-numbing "what-ifs" and "yes...but's," it would be a much more pleasant posting experience.
Yes.... But, what if I am asking a question on a new post, simply because I don't understand the subject?
Couldnt resist it...........
Ricky W.
HO scale Proto-freelancer.
My Railroad rules:
1: It's my railroad, my rules.
2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.
3: Any objections, consult above rules.
8. Just because some new version of railroading is developed (such as monorails, maglev, etc.), that does not necessarily mean the new is better than the old in all --- or any --- cases.
9. Conductors do not operate the locomotive.
7) Tank cars are not tankers.
6) Trains are wonderful things. We love trains. But.. They are not the universal solution to all transportation issues. A train, a truck, a barge, a bus, an airplane, and an automobile are but tools that do the same thing. They get something or someone to a required loacation at a required time. (AKA as time and place utility.) Often something other than a train is the best solution. Having a government agency pick the best solution is not a good way to do the picking.
Your point #2, that PTC hasn't been developed yet isn't quite right. The WABTEC system used as an overlay, and meeting the functionality required by the law is in place and operating in shadow mode on METROLINK in LA. The entire METROLINK network should have it up and running by the deadline. But that PTC that is supposed to increase capacity and provide untold business benefits, does not yet exist.
It is the internet - nothing more and nothing less.
If people don't agree with you. BFD! You will continue breathing and the sun will rise in the East again in the morning.
Never too old to have a happy childhood!
5. The physical factors involved in flying, driving on a highway, and operating a train, are so different that any attempt to interpret one with information from another mode is almost guaranteed to be faulty.
I think it is about time for a new thread. So let's see if we can get another discussion going. I intend this thread as a place where those uneducated on railroad matters can get some insight before posting on news articles. We've all seen some utterly inane postings. I'll start off with a few, others can add, clarify, or correct as needed. I apologize for the font differences, since this is a long post I didn't want it to disappear while I was working on it, so I pasted in the rest of the body. Yes, I know I haven't written 10. I'm confident we'll get there.
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