.....Received my "scam" message via email. Hit the spam button.
Laugh all you want, but when I get my 40% of the $14 million I will be the one laughing!
You know, if I had a nickel for every time I saw this scam, I'd have about $14.5 million right now.
Thanks to Chris / CopCarSS for my avatar.
Modelcar .....Received my "scam" message via email. Hit the spam button.
As already mentioned, if you get email notification of personal messages from the Forum, then that's not wise. You may find that all such notifications from Trains (including those you want to see) could be labelled as spam.
I sent a message to the Trains webmaster. Odds are the spammer hit other forums as well, and if (he) didn't, (he) will...
Larry Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) Everyone goes home; Safety begins with you My Opinion. Standard Disclaimers Apply. No Expiration Date Come ride the rails with me! There's one thing about humility - the moment you think you've got it, you've lost it...
Murphy Siding You know, if I had a nickel for every time I saw this scam, I'd have about $14.5 million right now.
And if you ever need help moving that money out of South Dakota....
It's been fun. But it isn't much fun anymore. Signing off for now.
The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, any other railroad, company, or person.t fun any
tree68 And pasties on a coal scoop.
And pasties on a coal scoop.
I'm glad you provided a link. I had a whole other image in my head.
zugmann Murphy Siding: You know, if I had a nickel for every time I saw this scam, I'd have about $14.5 million right now. And if you ever need help moving that money out of South Dakota....
Murphy Siding: You know, if I had a nickel for every time I saw this scam, I'd have about $14.5 million right now.
zugmann tree68: And pasties on a coal scoop. I'm glad you provided a link. I had a whole other image in my head.
tree68: And pasties on a coal scoop.
The Wiki article tells us that beef pasties must have rutabagas (yellow turnips) in them. I found that rutabagas required long cooking before they were edible, so I seldom used them; instead I added Irish potato and carrot to the onion and beef.
When I was quite young, I enjoyed eating rutabaga--until I learned that they are yellow turnips (and I have never liked white turnips). In later years, I realized that rutabagas not only have a different taste, they are much more nutritional than turnips are.
I think we must be on a similar wave length....
I was thinking they went on pole dancers.
They must be one of those Foreign inventions.
' Better quit before I hear the sirene of the Forum Police.
Seems that just about everyone in Nigeria wants to leave me in their will.....
I have also been told that I won the Hong Kong Lottery about 15 times.........Well over 100 million.......
Word from the customer support folks is that this spammer is long gone.
tree68 Word from the customer support folks is that this spammer is long gone.
Guys and gals,
I am an administrator of an aviation forum. My task is admitting new members while keeping spammers at bay. Some days it feels like a full time job I should be paid for, but that is not the case. I'm very cautious about who I let in.
Simply put, do not respond to any unsolicited emails or PM's. There are many phishers who place some bait out there.
Hopefully the mods have put this dude out of business.
Norm48327 Guys and gals, I am an administrator of an aviation forum. My task is admitting new members while keeping spammers at bay. Some days it feels like a full time job I should be paid for, but that is not the case. I'm very cautious about who I let in. Simply put, do not respond to any unsolicited emails or PM's. There are many phishers who place some bait out there. Hopefully the mods have put this dude out of business.
I miss the BaC-111
I think the traffic is high enough on the Kalmbach forums to make manual admission of new members impractical. The forums are set up to make it easy for newcomers to join and then join in the discussions, which is usually a good thing - this is the first time that I've been spammed in the nearly six years that I've been a member.
One possible way of keeping spammers at bay while encouraging newcomers would be to limit the pm's to one per day for the first week after joining.
- Erik
P.S. It was blindingly obvious that the e-mail I got was a run of the mill Nigerian scam - OTOH, there have been a couple of cases where the scammers got scammed by their intended victim.
Here's how the system is set up: Once you join these forums as a member, all your posts go into a moderator's que, awaiting approval. Once the moderator looks at the post, he can approve, edit or delete it. A new member stays in moderated status until the moderators are comfortable that the new poster is on the up and up. At that point, the member's status is changed to unmoderated, and his posts go directly onto the forums. A fair amount of spammers and troublemakers get caught in the moderator's que and sent packing before anyone else even sees their posts. I'd say something close to 99% of the junk gets weeded out before ever seeing daylight. But, like any system, there's always some trouble-maker trying to figure out how to work around the established rules. When that happens, the powers that be then go and plug the latest hole in the fence. Apparantly, the folks that set up the system didn't see the need to moderate the PM's of new members. Who saw that need coming? I guess with all that money needing to be liberated from Nigeria, this was bound to happen. As the moderator system is set up now, if someone misbehaves badly, the moderators can hide their posts in the moderator's que until a Kalmbach employee can show the troublemaker to the door. Only a Kalmbach employee has the power to ban a member. In the case of what just happened, the moderators couldn't put the new member on moderated status, because, as a new member he was already(still) there. All they could do was put up the bat signal, and wait for the exterminater to arrive. When stuff like this happens, use the *Report Abuse* function to alert the moderators. The function is under the *more* button, upper right, by the *reply* button. Use any post to report it. Once you hit the button, there is a dialog box to type into- just like replying to a post. State what the issue is, and in which thread, or in this case where, the problem lies. Also please give the name of the bad boy, and a time. Example: Oh great and powerful moderators (never hurts to suck up a little ) please look at the post by Murphy Siding in the " Bad Apples" thread. In his post of 10;30a.m. Sept 4th, he said that Zugman eats puppy chow.............etc. If you simply post a problem on the forum, it only receives attention if a moderator happens to see the post. As of right now, the 2 moderators are Model Railroad Forum guys, and may not see it on this forum. Luckily, (or unluckily) the same issue was brought up on the MR forum, so they did see it there. That, and they probably recieved the PM as well.-Norris former moderator on the Trains Forums.
Norris: Or anyone with more experience on puters than my turn it off and on - since I think most people probably opened the e-mail for obvious reasons - could there have been a nasty bug behind the e-mail? Something that waits and infects later?
Or would my anti-virus have taken care of it?
She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw
I'm not a 'puter expert, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night... As I see it, there is no problem. The e-mail I opened was from Kalmbach Publishing, alterting me to the fact that some dork dohene had sent me a PM. When I opened the PM, I was then on Kalmbach's forum system, which would have to have anti-virus protection. *full disclosure here- I'm a computer dummy. I asked our IT guy at work.
Murphy Siding ... When stuff like this happens, use the *Report Abuse* function to alert the moderators. The function is under the *more* button, upper right, by the *reply* button. Use any post to report it. Once you hit the button, there is a dialog box to type into- just like replying to a post. State what the issue is, and in which thread, or in this case where, the problem lies. Also please give the name of the bad boy, and a time. ... If you simply post a problem on the forum, it only receives attention if a moderator happens to see the post. As of right now, the 2 moderators are Model Railroad Forum guys, and may not see it on this forum. Luckily, (or unluckily) the same issue was brought up on the MR forum, so they did see it there. That, and they probably recieved the PM as well.-Norris former moderator on the Trains Forums.
When stuff like this happens, use the *Report Abuse* function to alert the moderators. The function is under the *more* button, upper right, by the *reply* button. Use any post to report it. Once you hit the button, there is a dialog box to type into- just like replying to a post. State what the issue is, and in which thread, or in this case where, the problem lies. Also please give the name of the bad boy, and a time. ...
If you simply post a problem on the forum, it only receives attention if a moderator happens to see the post. As of right now, the 2 moderators are Model Railroad Forum guys, and may not see it on this forum. Luckily, (or unluckily) the same issue was brought up on the MR forum, so they did see it there. That, and they probably recieved the PM as well.-Norris former moderator on the Trains Forums.
Oh great and powerful Norris/Murphy Siding (oh, you're a former moderator ...)
As the one who simply posted the problem on the forum initially, I do apologize for creating the public bru-ha-ha. I did not realize that I could use the "Report Abuse" button to report something not related to the post as hand (since our Nigerian friend had posted no posts), and couldn't find any other non-post-related way of bringing it to someone's attention.
Thanks for the clarification. I'm fairly new to this site (but I do love it!).
Ed Mezvinsky, a former Democratic Congressman from Iowa, is serving a seven-year sentence for fraud after getting caught up in a series of Nigerian e-mail scams.
Some people will take the bait.
Dragoman- No need to apologize. Truth be known, I had just read the PM myself. I tthen opened up the forum, with the intention of starting a sarcastic thread about Nigerian railroads, when I saw your thread. I just figured I could add some insight to the situation. Truth be know, the guy never did mention what county- so I may have sent all my banking information to the wrong place anyway.
I sent my info to the Island of Sodor.
Something about a rich railroad controller trying to bring his assets of steam power to the US but was getting held up by red tape...
Victrola1 Ed Mezvinsky, a former Democratic Congressman from Iowa, is serving a seven-year sentence for fraud after getting caught up in a series of Nigerian e-mail scams. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2006/12/father_of_chels/ Some people will take the bait.
Shortly after Mezvinsky's indictment, psychiatrists diagnosed bipolar disorder.
Mezvinsky sued the drug manufacturer and his physician and friend, Dr. Brad Fenton, who prescribed the anti-malaria drug Lariam for his travels to Africa. Some reports suggest the drug might cause psychiatric side effects.
Better to blame your meds than base your defense on a twinke.
Relevant to nothing at all, Ed Mezvinsky is the father-in-law of Chelsea Clinton. He briefly represented Iowa's most reliably Democratic district in the 1970's. Since then he and his wife have been active in Pennsylvania politics.
Reminds me of this.
Brought to you by Holloran Grade. :)
I received the email last Mon 9/26. A usless piece of walking human trash.
A non railroad topic, a non event, yet here it is still being discussed almost a week after the fact!
RIDEWITHMEHENRY is the name for our almost monthly day of riding trains and transit in either the NYCity or Philadelphia areas including all commuter lines, Amtrak, subways, light rail and trolleys, bus and ferries when warranted. No fees, just let us know you want to join the ride and pay your fares. Ask to be on our email list or find us on FB as RIDEWITHMEHENRY (all caps) to get descriptions of each outing.
henry6 A non railroad topic, a non event, yet here it is still being discussed almost a week after the fact!
Murphy Siding Here's how the system is set up: ...
Here's how the system is set up: ...
Thanks Norris, very informative.
Apparantly, the folks that set up the system didn't see the need to moderate the PM's of new members. Who saw that need coming?
This was my first pm spam since joining several years ago, which is a heck of a lot better than my experience with e-mail... I did send a note to Kalmbach's customer service, more to keep "dohene" from bothering others than as a complaint.
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