You are making a leap of faith here. It seems the assumption is that a company will move it's manufacturing offshore or remain here. There is nothing to guarantee that the domestic company will remain in business here. That is the great divide which requires an enormous amount of faith.
Another provision which I heard today was that if you sell your house, it must pass a government test which insures the house is properly weather proofed. What happens if it doesnt pass the government test? Who determines the factors for the testing?
My house has something like 48 windows. It is nearly 100 years old with many of the original windows that are part of the architecture of the house. Energy efficient? No. However I compensate by burning wood and by keeping the thermostat at 60 degrees during several months. Then, during the summer the 48 windows provide natural cooling. My guess is my energy consumption is quite similar to other houses, but if I dont sell me house soon, I will be penalized, probably severly (moving is in my plans).
Again, I would strongly recommend that anyone listen to the January 8, 2009 interview with then Candidate Obama.