Trains Magazine
General Discussion
Energy Bill's Impact on the Railroads
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<P mce_keep="true">[quote user="henry6"] <P>Americans have always been able to pick and choose their welfare recipients depending on religion, politics, and geography and tell a convinceing story that it is good for the country because it is for defense. Or for holding down prices for the little guy. Or for holding up prices for the farmer. Or for making it possible for businesses to move products to their consumer. The list goes on, but it is all pick and choose for the current purpose, to be paid for later; rationalizing, thats all it is. And it always has been done. We go either far to the left or far to the right, but never enough in the middle.</P> <P>[/quote]</P> <P><FONT face=verdana,geneva>I don't follow what you are saying.</FONT></P>
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