TRAINS's Hometown about to be BURIED

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Posted by MStLfan on Friday, February 8, 2008 5:47 AM
 da Milwaukee beerNut wrote:

 Falls Valley RR wrote:
I ain't happy unless it's 10 feet and 100 miles to go on chains to get to where the load needs to go. (Ok Im stretching the bull a little, bear with me...)

FV RR - not only have you stretched the bull [he cried in pain] Disapprove [V]

and the bear (whimpered)Dead [xx(], but you also applied

a liberal coating of what Cowboy [C):-)] Col. Sherman T. Potter called HORSE-HOCKY Laugh [(-D]

ps: The chains thing is a bit Evil [}:)] sadistic!

ha ha ha ha!Big Smile [:D]


Marc Immeker

For whom the Bell Tolls John Donne From Devotions upon Emergent Occasions (1623), XVII: Nunc Lento Sonitu Dicunt, Morieris - PERCHANCE he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think myself so much better than I am, as that they who are about me, and see my state, may have caused it to toll for me, and I know not that.
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Posted by da Milwaukee beerNut on Friday, February 8, 2008 3:04 AM

 Falls Valley RR wrote:
I ain't happy unless it's 10 feet and 100 miles to go on chains to get to where the load needs to go. (Ok Im stretching the bull a little, bear with me...)

FV RR - not only have you stretched the bull [he cried in pain] Disapprove [V]

and the bear (whimpered)Dead [xx(], but you also applied

a liberal coating of what Cowboy [C):-)] Col. Sherman T. Potter called HORSE-HOCKY Laugh [(-D]

ps: The chains thing is a bit Evil [}:)] sadistic!

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Posted by CNW 6000 on Thursday, February 7, 2008 11:03 PM

 Kevin C. Smith wrote:
Still, I like I've been telling everybody that calls to cancel their rooms because of the weather delays this year...write your Congressman and tell them to fund Amtrak to Green Bay,WI!

I'm not going to hold my breath on that one...


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Posted by strikefour on Thursday, February 7, 2008 4:41 PM

Does this mean more snow photos in Trackside with Trains?Thumbs Up [tup]

Just stay safe.

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Posted by eolafan on Thursday, February 7, 2008 4:27 PM
 Kevin C. Smith wrote:

Still, I like I've been telling everybody that calls to cancel their rooms because of the weather delays this year...write your Congressman and tell them to fund Amtrak to Green Bay,WI!


Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
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Posted by tree68 on Thursday, February 7, 2008 3:58 PM

 Falls Valley RR wrote:
There is a saying, if the Truckers are parking in safe haven with lots of water, food, coffee and such to while away the hours and days of a winterstorm... what are you doing out there with your dinky little 4x4?

Not having to dodge the semi's....  Smile,Wink, & Grin [swg]

(Stop me if I told this before) I was outside the other day during some snowfall when an older SUV blew by the house, obviously feeling that his 4WD and big tires would take care of him.  He sped out of sight and down a small hill, headed for a long bridge.  I heard a loud "TINK" that I knew was him hitting the railing of the bridge, so I walked up the driveway to where I could see him - straightening out and heading on down the road.  The & skid marks in the slush told the story, as did the marker light he left by the side of the road.

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Posted by Kevin C. Smith on Thursday, February 7, 2008 3:15 PM

 eolafan wrote:
When I saw the Wisconsin DOT web site saying I90 from Janesville to Madison was "ice covered and hazardous" I decided to have my meeting via conference call.  Not worth the risk to person and property.  Radio this morning reported one guy working in Beloit and living in Madison took over twelve hours to get home!!!  I94 had over 700 cars in a 30 mile backup on I90 last night and this morning and the National Guard was delivering food and water to those poor drivers and their passengers....NO THANKS.

Yeah, wouldn't you know that half my arrivals to our hotel last night up here in Titletown were coming from or through Chicago....The Dallas Children's Theater did pretty good, actually-they got as far as Sheboygan before the closed Interstate forced them to tie up for the night. But you gotta hand it to the hardy natives. One guy from the Windy City braved it all the way through, seven and a half hours for a normally four hour drive.

Still, like I've been telling everybody that calls to cancel their rooms because of the weather delays this year...write your Congressman and tell them to fund Amtrak to Green Bay,WI!

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Posted by techguy57 on Thursday, February 7, 2008 2:20 PM
 marcimmeker wrote:

Winter, winter, hum. Now, what was it that made winter different from say, later autumn or early spring here in the Netherlands? Oh, I remember, there is a faint chance to see a few snowflakes come out of the sky and melt when they reach the ground.

Man, I am jealous! Just once every 5 years enough snow on the ground so it will stay around for more than a few days would be nice...


Marc Immeker


If you can find a company that handles frozen/refridgerated shipments between Chicago and where you are in the Netherlands, I'd be more than happy to pack a shipping containers worth for you.Big Smile [:D]  We have about 18 inches (10 inches from yesterday) on the ground here and it doesn't appear to be in any hurry to vanish.  I'd be happy to send it elsewhere.


techguy "Beware the lollipop of mediocrity. Lick it once and you suck forever." - Anonymous
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 7, 2008 12:44 PM
 marcimmeker wrote:

Winter, winter, hum. Now, what was it that made winter different from say, later autumn or early spring here in the Netherlands? Oh, I remember, there is a faint chance to see a few snowflakes come out of the sky and melt when they reach the ground.

Man, I am jealous! Just once every 5 years enough snow on the ground so it will stay around for more than a few days would be nice...


Marc Immeker

Dont be jealous.

Snow brings out the worst drivers among us and snarls traffic. People insist on going about thier normal activity ignorning dire warnings of dooms day. Then they get stuck and somehow it's someone else's fault.

Ive had my fill of ice and snow. In fact I recognize that I aint happy unless it is 10 feet and 100 miles to go on chains to get to where the load needs to go. (Ok Im stretching the bull a little, bear with me...)

There is a saying, if the Truckers are parking in safe haven with lots of water, food, coffee and such to while away the hours and days of a winterstorm... what are you doing out there with your dinky little 4x4?

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Posted by jcitron on Thursday, February 7, 2008 10:39 AM
 eolafan wrote:
 eolafan wrote:

 WSOR 4025 wrote:
No school in Madison today!!Big Smile [:D]

I am to be in Madison tomorrow at 11:00 a.m., hope the roads are good enough for that trip by tomorrow morning.

When I saw the Wisconsin DOT web site saying I90 from Janesville to Madison was "snow covered and hazardous" I decided to have my meeting via conference call.  Not worth the risk to person and property.  Radio this morning reported one guy working in Beloit and living in Madison took over twelve hours to get home!!!  I94 had over 700 cars in a 30 mile backup on I90 last night and this morning and the National Guard was delivering food and water to those poor drivers and their passengers....NO THANKS.

No thank you! When I can't see my neighbor's house across the street, I stay home and waste a vacation day. Sitting in traffic for more than an hours is bad enough on a good day. When there's a storm, the trip takes up to 5 hours for the 30 mile trip!

We got 1" of ice after all was said and done. We even had a thunderstorm with very vivid lightning with some very close hits. These bolts were less than a second from the thunder, and I actually levitated from bed a few times because some of them were really really close. The temps are still in the upper 30's but are supposed to drop into the 20's tonight so if anything isn't already frozen in place, it will be by tomorrow morning.

Gotta love winter!


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Posted by MP173 on Thursday, February 7, 2008 10:38 AM


It worked out well this lake effect snow for a change.  My son and his buddies were really counting on the 2 hour delay. In their world that is perfect, they get to sleep in late, but still dont have to make up the school day later in the year.


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Posted by spokyone on Thursday, February 7, 2008 9:06 AM
Remember the thread about road salt being delivered by rail? The Quad Cities are short of salt for this storm. Channel 8 says the salt barge is on the river. Yup. Frozen in the ice.
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Posted by eolafan on Thursday, February 7, 2008 8:51 AM
 eolafan wrote:

 WSOR 4025 wrote:
No school in Madison today!!Big Smile [:D]

I am to be in Madison tomorrow at 11:00 a.m., hope the roads are good enough for that trip by tomorrow morning.

When I saw the Wisconsin DOT web site saying I90 from Janesville to Madison was "ice covered and hazardous" I decided to have my meeting via conference call.  Not worth the risk to person and property.  Radio this morning reported one guy working in Beloit and living in Madison took over twelve hours to get home!!!  I94 had over 700 cars in a 30 mile backup on I90 last night and this morning and the National Guard was delivering food and water to those poor drivers and their passengers....NO THANKS.
Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
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Feb. snow dump affect on Amtrak?
Posted by da Milwaukee beerNut on Thursday, February 7, 2008 8:51 AM
 Kevin C. Smith wrote:

How is this affecting the Hiawathas? Anywhere near on time?

If I had to be travelling through Milwaukee, it would be nice to no longer have to schlep between the old Greyhound station and Amtrak. How's the nice, shiny, new "Intermodal Center" (I'll still call it Union Station, thank you)?

No idea on Hiawathas - the only rail option for commuting Brewtown to da Windy City.
BUT - overheard CP dispatch tell Amtrak #7, which has a 15:55 departure on the schedule, he'd try to work them into the flow - at 19:14 7:14 pm - 3.25 hours late. And #8 from the left coast, suffering loco problems again - for about the 15th time in 2008, was even further behind. #8's "performance" could make a saint swear!
BTW - anywhere from 12 to 20 inches of snow. Butler dragon ran out of FIRE around 2:35 am - a 4.5 hour mission rescuing frogs.
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Posted by MStLfan on Thursday, February 7, 2008 6:23 AM

Winter, winter, hum. Now, what was it that made winter different from say, later autumn or early spring here in the Netherlands? Oh, I remember, there is a faint chance to see a few snowflakes come out of the sky and melt when they reach the ground.

Man, I am jealous! Just once every 5 years enough snow on the ground so it will stay around for more than a few days would be nice...


Marc Immeker

For whom the Bell Tolls John Donne From Devotions upon Emergent Occasions (1623), XVII: Nunc Lento Sonitu Dicunt, Morieris - PERCHANCE he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think myself so much better than I am, as that they who are about me, and see my state, may have caused it to toll for me, and I know not that.
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Posted by fuzzybroken on Thursday, February 7, 2008 4:58 AM
 mudchicken wrote:

I'd tow a few snow clouds down there Ed, but FORDS are alergic to working.

Mine managed to get moving down the roads rather nicely, once I got it un-stuck from my parking space!  Didn't like the slight hill up to the gas pumps at the corner station; had to back out, and stop at another station.

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Posted by Kevin C. Smith on Thursday, February 7, 2008 3:17 AM

How is this affecting the Hiawathas? Anywhere near on time?

If I had to be travelling through Milwaukee, it would be nice to no longer have to schlep between the old Greyhound station and Amtrak. How's the nice, shiny, new "Intermodal Center" (I'll still call it Union Station, thank you)?

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Update2: TRAIN's hometown Chill'in
Posted by da Milwaukee beerNut on Thursday, February 7, 2008 12:21 AM
 da Milwaukee beerNut wrote:
UP Butler Yard at 14:40 planned to roust BELCH, the BUTLER DRAGON Laugh [(-D] from hibernation - but not til the storm tapers off.

20:09 Jet pilot and operator receive warrant for take off in Belch, the Butler Dragon ! Wink [;)]

.... still hearing Peter, Paul and Mary! 

Approve [^] Da missing Butler Frogs won't be buried for long! Tongue [:P]

23:00 Dragon update: Primary tasks - yard ladders and main crossovers cleared.

Should have 2-3 hours of NOSE fuel left. 

23:55 One crossover frog broken - guess he froze before the dragon could rescue him. FrozenFrog and his partner have been locked out of their misery.

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Posted by Modelcar on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 9:44 PM

Hello Cannonball:

All there is to contend with here from this weather system has been rain and lots of it.  White River rose 7' yesterday and today it's out of it's banks many places.  Flooding for some.  Not us, we're outside of town north of Yorktown and above the flood plane area.

River was to crest sometime today and lots of people will have water to contend with.

No snow in our area with this system but it's getting colder now {the rain has moved on}, and perhaps some snow flurries sometime tomorrow.  Colder Sunday.    Temp right now 33 degrees.

Yes, White River was up on it's flood plane area and out into fields, other areas.  South of Indy some have had it pretty bad.   Much damage.


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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 9:20 PM

Let it snow.

Winter is a time of staying indoors and enjoying trains getting ready for the new year's season.

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Posted by railfan619 on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 9:12 PM
Man it's only the beginning of February and we are already near breaking the record. But of course we would only get into the top 5 we won't get all that close to the number one spot. But anywho We also had no school here in milwaukee today first snow day all year I was really happy that they made that call this morning. Last time I watched the news which was 6:00 West Allis had 12.0 inches of snow. But with the blowing and drifting it was more like 14 or higher. And actually MCTS has cancelled bus service before it was right around January of 1999 or 2000 when we got walloped with a major snow storm and I only remember that is because. I was out riding with my uncle that day and they sent out a message to all buses saying at 8:30 all buses are to pull in. Unlike tonight when they made the call at 5:30 for the buses to pull in. Which was a bad call if you ask me cause that would have left alot of people out there that ride the. Freeway Flyer Service. But anywho It would be a really cool thing to see the plow in action but of course I'm so tired from snow blowing all day long that I'm ready for nite nite and hope and pray that MPS calls another snow day so I can relax tomorrow from all of the work I had today. OH well have a good nite and I will be talking to you all soon.
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Posted by switch7frg on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 8:54 PM

  Quentin; Guess you didnt' want to go tubing down the Wabash  or White river anyhow LOL HEH HEH 

 Stay warm and dry Smile [:)]    Cannonball

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Posted by da Milwaukee beerNut on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 8:14 PM

 da Milwaukee beerNut wrote:
UP Butler Yard at 14:40 planned to roust BELCH, the BUTLER DRAGON Laugh [(-D] from hibernation - but not til the storm tapers off.

20:09 Jet pilot and operator receive warrant to take off in Belch, the Butler Dragon ! Wink [;)]

Why'm I reminded of Peter, Paul and Mary? 

Approve [^] Da missing Butler Frogs won't be buried for long! Tongue [:P]

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Posted by n012944 on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 7:15 PM

 Krazykat112079 wrote:
We got dumped on up here in Marengo.  Probably 8 inches, but now it seems to just be blowing around more than falling.

Wow, and those of us in the "snow belt" that is NW Indiana, do not even have a dusting!

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Update: TRAIN's hometown pretty well BURIED
Posted by da Milwaukee beerNut on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 6:04 PM

Frozen news: from the home igloo in balmy east Butler Cool [8D]

12-15" across SE WI & Milwaukee  21 degrees  15-35 mph winds - and its NOT over!
Storm warning extended to 21:00 for lakeside counties - its feeding on LAKE MICHShock [:O]

Mitchell airport closed for the day  * all runways closed since 13:30.Confused [%-)]

MCTS transit surrendered - the buses have been cancelled - a rare move Tongue [:P]
actually a
LACK of MOVE - 12-15 hung-up 40-seat limos - they're tough to UN-stuck!

UP Butler Yard at 14:40 planned to roust BELCH, the BUTLER DRAGON Laugh [(-D] from hibernation - but not til the storm tapers off.

Approve [^] Butler frogs are invisible yet audible - KNEE deep!

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Posted by Krazykat112079 on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 4:41 PM
We got dumped on up here in Marengo.  Probably 8 inches, but now it seems to just be blowing around more than falling.
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Posted by eolafan on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 4:35 PM

Looks like the six to twelve inches predicted here in Aurora will not materialize and we are more likely to get about three or four total...that's OK with me.  As I get older I like snow less and less each year.

Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
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Posted by CShaveRR on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 4:23 PM

Several inches of white slop on the ground at this point.  We had an hour or two of sleet this morning before things changed over.  It didn't cause me any problems at work (my retarder broke for another reason, and my relief was late for another reason).

I hope the slush is cleared off the streets by tomorrow, or it will be there for a while.  Ice would only slightly add to the woes we have from recently-developed potholes of the tire-chomping variety.


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Posted by jcitron on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 11:54 AM

We don't have any snow out of the storm yet; only very heavy rain that has changed to drizzle. This is supposed to change back to heavy rain just in time for the trip home during rush hour. Tonight will be a different story. The rain is supposed to change to snow, sleet, and freezing rain by tomorrow morning.

There's supposed to be "little or no accumulation" with this storm, but the last time the weatherman said that we got 10-inches of the heaviest snow I ever shoveled! The rotten part is I live on a hill and my house is down in the valley. My driveway has a 5% grade (no exageration I measured it), and any vehicles caught in the driveway are stuck there until it thaws because they can't make it up the slope. I park on the street, but get plowed in up to my antenna every time the snow plows go by.

Got to love winter up in New England. I feel bad for the people down south with those terrible storms.


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