Don't ever try this at Home.

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Posted by art11758 on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 11:10 AM
Trainspotting was about heroin addicts. I saw it and don't recall that being an outtake.
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Posted by chad thomas on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 12:14 PM
[{(-_-)}]....Blame it on Marylin and on the heroin where were the parents when middle America now it's a tragedy now it's so sad to see....

Sorry, I couldn't resist
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 12:36 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by zardoz

QUOTE: Originally posted by solzrules

Originally posted by zardoz

Of course I saw the photo at the top of this thread. How long does it take to get off the tracks? A few seconds? Big deal! Even I can move that fast. And my first paragraph may be a generalization, but the 'factual' support is available any time you actually pay attention to the news (unless you are brain-dead from watching the Fox network). For instance:
We are at war because of........what? "They" told us WMD's were everywhere in Iraq.

We had the so-called "Patriot" Act rammed down our once-free throats because of .....what? "They" told us terrorists were lurking around every corner ready to steal our children and blow up our BMW's and our health clubs and our trains

Global warming is of no concern because of.......what? "They" told us it has nothing to do with the billions of tons of carbon dioxide we are pumping into the atmosphere every year due to fossil fuels (which our current administration has much financila interest in).
And that is just the tip of the (melting) iceberg. Shall I go on, or do you get the point yet?

Perhaps if you would stop having your world-view shaped by what you see on tv, you would realize that there are other ways of defining a person or a generation by what the mass-media feeds into your brain (hence my comment about the brain-dead adults). Or if you must use tv as your source, try PBS occassionally; it might stimulate some latent information-gathering brain cells.

And who said anything about fighting the system? There are other ways around a problem other than fighting. There is a difference between fighting the system and working within the system to effect change. But it would be difficult to see the need for change if one has become a part of the system that needs changing. In time, you will hopefully see that too.

BTW, thaks for the back-handed compliment. I am comforted by the fact that you feel there is still hope for me.

Preach it brotha man!!! Nice to see someone who can think for himself.
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Posted by zardoz on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 2:05 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by farmer03
Preach it brotha man!!! Nice to see someone who can think for himself.

Thank you!
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Posted by mloik on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 2:39 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by farmer03
Preach it brotha man!!! Nice to see someone who can think for himself.

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Posted by edbenton on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 3:03 PM
Zardoz you are a breath of fresh air on this forum. I am growing sick of those who just beacuse we do not agree with them think we are the scum of the earth. I am not going to name names but they know who they are. As for the pick we have another darwin award winner on our hands.
Always at war with those that think OTR trucking is EASY.
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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 3:33 PM

What's the Patriot Act got to do with a young guy laying on what appears to be Class 4 (60 mph) track? So, because it takes just a few seconds to get off the track, what this guy is doing is O.K? Not a big deal? Wow! Let's see....had it been me and my parents found out about it..................I would have winded up in some serious pain, for sure!

Sorry if I seem puzzled, but years back I'll NEVER forget the day I went railfanning with my new Olympus OM-1 camera. I went to Dover, Florida where the SCL/L&N intermodals whipped by at 65 m.p.h.

I was standing just 2 feet away from the track......I looked both ways--no train. I looked down at my camera and fiddled with the aperature ring. I looked up and there was a train coming at me flying! What blew me away is that I didn't hear it coming!

I stepped back and 10 seconds later, three GE B23-7 locomotives blast by with a 50 car intermodal. The engineer gave me a friendly "toot" as I took the photo. I don't think he had even seen me since the sky had a hazy glare to it and my clothes blended in with the scenery.

Guys, I railfanned for years. When the wind is and weather conditions are just right, even 4 cycle diesel locomotives can sneak up on you on a well kept mainline; especially with welded rail. No clickety-clack warning unless he rolls over a nearby switch.

Point Brotha Man, Sista Girl, Jail Bird, or Congress Man, liberal, conservative. We can argue about PBS, latent brain cells, Iraq, media, Islamic terrorism, etc, (which by the way, is a real threat) ................ What this guy did is incredibly stupid!

Had he not been able to get off in time because

1. He didn't hear a train coming,
2. Engineer didn't see him because at the crucial moment he was looking at gauges.
3. This guy tripped / hit his head / slipped and fell back down / got his foot caught
4. He barely makes, getting his leg cut off or is hit by the locomotive's snow plow.

It would have been "The Big Bad Railroad" that was at fault if his parent(s) are losers that don't believe in accountability but have their lawyer's phone number etched permantly on the kitchen wall.

As for the engineer..........who cares that he or she might have to deal with the mental anguish of knowing that a young human was sliced up and mangled with a huge machine that could not stop in time. Who cares that the train crew must get out and look at the a blob of blood, lymph, bone, and clothes that was alive seconds before.

Sorry Zardoz, Farmer, Mloik, I respect your views but in reality it just does not wash.

BTW: Funny, I didn't see anyone mention that he was also trespassing.

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Posted by CSXrules4eva on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 3:54 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by AntonioFP45

Good points, friends!

BTW: CSXRules4eva, you don't listen to modern jazz? Hmmmmmm. I got the impression that you did. ( I've noticed that most deep thinkers with cool, laid back personalities are usually jazz fans)


Thanks for the complement [:D] [:I] I guess you might be able to conclude that my deep thinking, layed back personality comes from classical, because that happens to be one of the main things that I do listen to.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 4:49 PM
Image As Per;

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Posted by solzrules on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 5:50 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by zardoz

Of course I saw the photo at the top of this thread. How long does it take to get off the tracks? A few seconds? Big deal! Even I can move that fast.

Sorry, doesn't change the fact that he is a moron. Just because you THINK that you can move fast enough doesn't mean you can. Wheels cut flesh in fractions of a second, not seconds. No one can move that fast.

And my first paragraph may be a generalization, but the 'factual' support is available any time you actually pay attention to the news (unless you are brain-dead from watching the Fox network). For instance:
We are at war because of........what? "They" told us WMD's were everywhere in Iraq.

They were. Sadam used them on his own people. Tens of thousands of them. Maybe even hundreds of thousands of them. It all depends how many more mass graves they find. The neat thing about Sadam's regime was that it didn't need bio weapons to kill lots of people (even though they used them). Wood chippers worked just fine in a pinch. I absolutely refuse to feel bad about taking this guy out. I have yet to hear what the better alternative was. UN sanctions? The French had their hands rammed into that cookie jar. UN military action? Yeah, that worked great in Rawanda. Only 100,000 or so people died there while the UN was 'keeping the peace'.
We had the so-called "Patriot" Act rammed down our once-free throats because of .....what? "They" told us terrorists were lurking around every corner ready to steal our children and blow up our BMW's and our health clubs and our trains

I am still free to express myself, go to church, read any news media I want, and assemble where I want. I fail to see what rights were lost. What rights have you lost? Reading about some scenario that a lawyer thought of were you might have to go to a military tribunal insted of a civil court system doesn't count. That is predicated on you doing something illegal, in which case you should lose rights anyway. As for blowing up health clubs and trains, well, it seems to me there is legitimit concern about that.

Global warming is of no concern because of.......what? "They" told us it has nothing to do with the billions of tons of carbon dioxide we are pumping into the atmosphere every year due to fossil fuels (which our current administration has much financila interest in).
And that is just the tip of the (melting) iceberg. Shall I go on, or do you get the point yet?

Unless we start implementing massive population controls (i.e. communism) you are going to have to deal with carbon dioxide. Again, the neat thing about carbon dioxide is that plants need it to survive. As for having financial interest in oil - it is a great investment right now. Michel Moore must agree with me, he owns shares of Haliburton. Or at least he did until he got found out on his tax return (sniff sniff, a new documentary maybe?) Teddy the Kennedy must also like oil because the Kennedy family has interests in several oil wells out east. Apparently if there is money to be made no industry is sacred. Smells like capitalism to me.

Perhaps if you would stop having your world-view shaped by what you see on tv, you would realize that there are other ways of defining a person or a generation by what the mass-media feeds into your brain (hence my comment about the brain-dead adults). Or if you must use tv as your source, try PBS occassionally; it might stimulate some latent information-gathering brain cells.

I gather news from multiple sources, including this forum. I also gather news from the newspaper, online, tv, radio, and word of mouth. The real talent comes in deciphering what is garbage and what is good. Most of it is unimportant garbage about how you should live your life or how the government lies to us. When the anchor comes on TV and says that (change to very dramatic voice) " has been discovered in the latest Zogby poll that 64% of Americans think president Bush is stupid...." I tend to write that off as a very useless poll about nothing. Why did they re-elect him? Who is the stupid one? The president or the people who voted him in?


And who said anything about fighting the system? There are other ways around a problem other than fighting. There is a difference between fighting the system and working within the system to effect change. But it would be difficult to see the need for change if one has become a part of the system that needs changing. In time, you will hopefully see that too.

BTW, thaks for the back-handed compliment. I am comforted by the fact that you feel there is still hope for me.

I am certainly no part of any system. Just look at all the people who responded in support of you. If you want to be independent, try supporting your government when everyone insists the president is retarded. You'll find who your real 'friends' are in a jiffy. How can I be brainwashed when I am the only one saying these things? All that aside, no hard feelings, Zardoz. As a union member, I have been able to cope with being ridiculed for many a year before this forum and I am sure that I will be ridiculed for many more. No sense to get angry about it, but I will still disagree.

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Posted by vsmith on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 6:06 PM
Took a litle jogging but YES this image is from "Trainspoting" Danny Boyle's hilarious and horrifying at the same time account of a heroin addicts life with addiction, GREAT FILM!

If I remember right this image is near the end of the film where one of the characters has POed a dealer off so badly that "he had to catch a train"

This movie is highly recommended to show that even though the main character says that heroin is like 10,000 orgasms the end effects on his life and friends are so horrible that only an idiot would do the stuff in the first place.

2 things stand in my memory, one the modern lament of all Scot's, "I firmly believe that all English are wankers, but what about us? We were conquered by wankers.."

trust me...this scene cannot be explained in words, un-[censored]-beleivable!

   Have fun with your trains

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Posted by james saunders on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 6:10 PM
how silly, tsk tsk.

James, Brisbane Australia

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 6:33 PM
His Hands are tied behind his back. His neck is tied to the Track and his legs are also tied to the Track. That's just crazy.
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Posted by vsmith on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 6:39 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by BNSFrailfan

His Hands are tied behind his back. His neck is tied to the Track and his legs are also tied to the Track. That's just crazy.

Its from a movie, Trainspotting, that why. see comments and links on previous page[:)]

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Posted by vsmith on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 6:42 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by SDR_North

Image As Per;



TRAINSPOTTING with Ewan McGregor
Open the above links and check it out for yourself.

Thanks SDR_North for posting the links.

   Have fun with your trains

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 6:45 PM
Incredible that in this post warren commission, post watergate, post "I never inhaled", post Monicagate, post "faulty intelligence" world that we live in, there are still some who refuse to acknowledge that our government has lied to us, only whenever conveniant...

I doubt that those were the only times, either. Just the tip of the iceberg, I'm sure.
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Posted by solzrules on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 6:54 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by TheAntiGates

Incredible that in this post warren commission, post watergate, post "I never inhaled", post Monicagate, post "faulty intelligence" world that we live in, there are still some who refuse to acknowledge that our government has lied to us, only whenever conveniant...

I doubt that those were the only times, either. Just the tip of the iceberg, I'm sure.

Yes and because of these instances we have justification to assume everything from the government is lies and all politicians are liars. I love this logic! In that case, just about everything you hear from any source anywhere regarding anything is suspect. 100 percent of humanity is false if I follow this one. Great. Keep em coming.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 7:36 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by solzrules

Yes and because of these instances we have justification to assume everything from the government is lies and all politicians are liars. I love this logic! .

You should love that logic, for it is only your own.No one but you has said such a thing.

At the same time, given the demonstrated past willingness to mislead the american public, it would be even more absurd to pretend "oh they are our government, and only care about what's best for us"

As Zardoz was saying though, the demonstrated willingness of our government to lie to us, time and again, is where our youth learns disrespect for authority, and derives their will to rebel.

Why heed to someone who you cannot trust? is at the root of it.

I'm old enough to remember the Gov't cooking faux news spin that we were winning the war in Vietnam, because they thought voter support for the cause was crucial to their agenda. Totally in opposition to the truth.

Funny, but they were sending WAY more 18 year olds than 50 year old politicians into the combat zone, so I wonder where the kids get this screwy idea to rebel?

Anyway, the kid obviously is NOT trespassing, movie production companies pay well for temporary use of other people's property, and clearly it was just a stunt. So sorry to cheat fate, but there will be no Darwin award this time.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:20 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by TheAntiGates

QUOTE: Originally posted by solzrules

Yes and because of these instances we have justification to assume everything from the government is lies and all politicians are liars. I love this logic! .

You should love that logic, for it is only your own.No one but you has said such a thing.

At the same time, given the demonstrated past willingness to mislead the american public, it would be even more absurd to pretend "oh they are our government, and only care about what's best for us"

As Zardoz was saying though, the demonstrated willingness of our government to lie to us, time and again, is where our youth learns disrespect for authority, and derives their will to rebel.

Why heed to someone who you cannot trust? is at the root of it.

I'm old enough to remember the Gov't cooking faux news spin that we were winning the war in Vietnam, because they thought voter support for the cause was crucial to their agenda. Totally in opposition to the truth.

Funny, but they were sending WAY more 18 year olds than 50 year old politicians into the combat zone, so I wonder where the kids get this screwy idea to rebel?

Anyway, the kid obviously is NOT trespassing, movie production companies pay well for temporary use of other people's property, and clearly it was just a stunt. So sorry to cheat fate, but there will be no Darwin award this time.
In other words. It's nothing more than a put on movie stunt,Correct?
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Posted by solzrules on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:53 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by TheAntiGates

QUOTE: Originally posted by solzrules

Yes and because of these instances we have justification to assume everything from the government is lies and all politicians are liars. I love this logic! .

You should love that logic, for it is only your own.No one but you has said such a thing.

At the same time, given the demonstrated past willingness to mislead the american public, it would be even more absurd to pretend "oh they are our government, and only care about what's best for us"

As Zardoz was saying though, the demonstrated willingness of our government to lie to us, time and again, is where our youth learns disrespect for authority, and derives their will to rebel.

Why heed to someone who you cannot trust? is at the root of it.

I'm old enough to remember the Gov't cooking faux news spin that we were winning the war in Vietnam, because they thought voter support for the cause was crucial to their agenda. Totally in opposition to the truth.

Funny, but they were sending WAY more 18 year olds than 50 year old politicians into the combat zone, so I wonder where the kids get this screwy idea to rebel?

Anyway, the kid obviously is NOT trespassing, movie production companies pay well for temporary use of other people's property, and clearly it was just a stunt. So sorry to cheat fate, but there will be no Darwin award this time.

You obviously missed my sarcasm. I completely disagree with that logic. If any entity is wrong 100 percent of the time because they are guilty of lying part of the time, you best hide in your basement because no one anywhere is telling the truth about anything. Truth is not relative. Neither is objectivity. And where did you hear we were losing the Vietnam war? Jane Fonda? Comrade Mao? Some hippie from Frisco? Sorry, but news from those sources are tainted by the sources themselves. We lost Vietnam because the will to win disappeared thanks to defeatist drug addicts. When political support is withdrawn it doesn't matter what kind of weapons you have. When our soldiers come home and get spit on by people who think they got enlightened by their college professor than there is no hope for this country. We will be intimidated every time.

As for this kid, movies are no exscuse for illegal behavior. Some kids are dumb enough to think that trains will stop in time. One of my mom's students thought it would be great to walk down railroad tracks with his hood up and his MP3 player on. Amtrak nailed him at 79 MPH. That wasn't from a movie. He flew 90 some feet and was still alive when they found him. Check it out yourself. Watertown,WI. Do you think the picture would have shown this young inquisitive genious that trains are dangerous if you aren't paying attention? I think not.
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Posted by zardoz on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 10:10 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by solzrules

QUOTE: Originally posted by zardoz

Of course I saw the photo at the top of this thread. How long does it take to get off the tracks? A few seconds? Big deal! Even I can move that fast.

1. Sorry, doesn't change the fact that he is a moron. Just because you THINK that you can move fast enough doesn't mean you can. Wheels cut flesh in fractions of a second, not seconds. No one can move that fast.

And my first paragraph may be a generalization, but the 'factual' support is available any time you actually pay attention to the news (unless you are brain-dead from watching the Fox network). For instance:
We are at war because of........what? "They" told us WMD's were everywhere in Iraq.

2. They were. Sadam used them on his own people. Tens of thousands of them. Maybe even hundreds of thousands of them. It all depends how many more mass graves they find. The neat thing about Sadam's regime was that it didn't need bio weapons to kill lots of people (even though they used them). Wood chippers worked just fine in a pinch. I absolutely refuse to feel bad about taking this guy out. I have yet to hear what the better alternative was. UN sanctions? The French had their hands rammed into that cookie jar. UN military action? Yeah, that worked great in Rawanda. Only 100,000 or so people died there while the UN was 'keeping the peace'.
We had the so-called "Patriot" Act rammed down our once-free throats because of .....what? "They" told us terrorists were lurking around every corner ready to steal our children and blow up our BMW's and our health clubs and our trains

3. I am still free to express myself, go to church, read any news media I want, and assemble where I want. I fail to see what rights were lost. What rights have you lost? Reading about some scenario that a lawyer thought of were you might have to go to a military tribunal insted of a civil court system doesn't count. That is predicated on you doing something illegal, in which case you should lose rights anyway. As for blowing up health clubs and trains, well, it seems to me there is legitimit concern about that.

Global warming is of no concern because of.......what? "They" told us it has nothing to do with the billions of tons of carbon dioxide we are pumping into the atmosphere every year due to fossil fuels (which our current administration has much financila interest in).
And that is just the tip of the (melting) iceberg. Shall I go on, or do you get the point yet?

4. Unless we start implementing massive population controls (i.e. communism) you are going to have to deal with carbon dioxide. Again, the neat thing about carbon dioxide is that plants need it to survive. As for having financial interest in oil - it is a great investment right now. Michel Moore must agree with me, he owns shares of Haliburton. Or at least he did until he got found out on his tax return (sniff sniff, a new documentary maybe?) Teddy the Kennedy must also like oil because the Kennedy family has interests in several oil wells out east. Apparently if there is money to be made no industry is sacred. Smells like capitalism to me.

Perhaps if you would stop having your world-view shaped by what you see on tv, you would realize that there are other ways of defining a person or a generation by what the mass-media feeds into your brain (hence my comment about the brain-dead adults). Or if you must use tv as your source, try PBS occassionally; it might stimulate some latent information-gathering brain cells.

5. I gather news from multiple sources, including this forum. I also gather news from the newspaper, online, tv, radio, and word of mouth. The real talent comes in deciphering what is garbage and what is good. Most of it is unimportant garbage about how you should live your life or how the government lies to us. When the anchor comes on TV and says that (change to very dramatic voice) " has been discovered in the latest Zogby poll that 64% of Americans think president Bush is stupid...." I tend to write that off as a very useless poll about nothing. Why did they re-elect him? Who is the stupid one? The president or the people who voted him in?


And who said anything about fighting the system? There are other ways around a problem other than fighting. There is a difference between fighting the system and working within the system to effect change. But it would be difficult to see the need for change if one has become a part of the system that needs changing. In time, you will hopefully see that too.

BTW, thaks for the back-handed compliment. I am comforted by the fact that you feel there is still hope for me.

I am certainly no part of any system. Just look at all the people who responded in support of you. If you want to be independent, try supporting your government when everyone insists the president is retarded. You'll find who your real 'friends' are in a jiffy. How can I be brainwashed when I am the only one saying these things? All that aside, no hard feelings, Zardoz. As a union member, I have been able to cope with being ridiculed for many a year before this forum and I am sure that I will be ridiculed for many more. No sense to get angry about it, but I will still disagree.


1. I am well aware of how wheels cut flesh. I've pulled the pieces of what were once humans out from under my locomotive.

2. I agree. Saddam needed to be ousted. However, that fact hardly justifies the US killing tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens. If Saddam killed 100,000 and we kill "only" 20,000, are we less evil or is Saddam more evil? At what body count do we become the "good guys". Our country was in no direct danger from Iraq. There had to have been a better way to get rid of Saddam; it would hve just taken more planning.

3.What rights have I lost? The right to freely assemble to protest (you now must have a permit, authorized by the very administration you are seeking to protest against. Any other picketing is now illegal under the "patriot" act. I have lost the right to be free of unreasonable searches of my person and property.Have you ever read of any of the accounts of railfans hassled by the cops. Cameras confiscated. Film destroyed. Arrest records. A cop can use the fact that you are not wearing a seatbelt as justification to search your vehicle; and if you refuse, the make you wait until the K9 unit arrives and they do a "walk-around" with the dog. What f*cking justification can you possibly give to that?!? The fact tat I am not wearing a seatbelt make me a drug-runner? PLEASE! Shall I go on?

Sure, right now you still have some freedoms left, and as long as you focus on what you have (exactly what "they" want you to do), you lose sight of what you have lost. What "legitimate concern" do you really have about the potential of a terrorist attack? Do you really think a terrorism act is going to happen to you? Do you worry that unless the government consider everyone "guilty until proven innocent", and wiretaps thousands of American citizens, that Armageddon is just around the corner?

4. Population controls? It's not the number of people that are the problem. It is that a certain segment of Western society is so self-indulgent, that they never consider the effects their actions have on anyone else. Does the soccer mom really need a Hummer to drive her brats all over the place?

It is that a select few rich countries thumb their noses at Mother Earth thinking that they are above natural law, and that it is more important that corporations get rich, than it is that we are going to leave our kids a planet so messed up climatalogically that they will never know "normal" weather. Yes, the plants need carbon dioxide to survive; however, we are producing it so fast the neither the plants nor the oceans can absorb it fast enough. The rest ends up in the atmosphere.
BTW..Did you know that the Gulf Stream's flow has been reduced by almost 20% in the last few years? Do you know what will happen to the climate of Northern Europe when the Gulf Stream circulation stops? Look at the latitude of England or Ireland, then compare that number with Siberia or Northern Canada. THAT is the climate Europe is going to have. Europe is warm ONLY beause of the warm water the Gulf circulation provides. Why is the flow slowing? Due to the dilution of seawater by the melting of fresh-water icepacks above the Arctic circle, which has been proven to be caused by the recent warming of the Earth's climate.
5. I am glad you gather info from many sources. Perhaps there is still hope for you yet.
Quoted from your post: "Most of it is unimportant garbage the government lies to us.". Egad! Do you really feel that "how our government lies to us" is unimportant? You've stumped me there! I don't know how to even respond to that.

Solzrules, I have no intention to ridicule you. Like you, I am agreeing to disagree. You seem like a thoughtful, intelligent person, and I guess I am surprised by some of your replies. I bear you no hard feelings. It's just that I'm rather passionate when it comes to the way the citizens of not only the US, but all over the world are being manipulated and abused by their respective governments. And hardly anyone seems to notice or care.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 10:30 PM
It's good to see we're not ALL lemmings here.

Preach on brotha Zardoz!
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 10:39 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by solzrules

You obviously missed my sarcasm.

Yeah, obviously.

QUOTE: I completely disagree with that logic.

That certainly is within your rights.

If any entity is wrong 100 percent of the time because they are guilty of lying part of the time,

Again, no one has said that.

If ( for instance) you lied to me, I could choose to hate you ever after (rebel against you,what ever) notwithstanding whether I think you are correct or incorrect on subsequent matters.

Try to think of it in terms of "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"

Once an entity has betrayed a trust, there is no longer any obligation to give that entity the benefit of the doubt on subsequent occasion, IMO.

And where did you hear we were losing the Vietnam war?

U'mmm, I think I made up my mind when they were airlifting the last Americans out of Saigon...

As for this kid, movies are no exscuse for illegal behavior. Do you think the picture would have shown this young inquisitive genious that trains are dangerous if you aren't paying attention?

I'm not sure that the creators of this movie were under any obligation to teach that message. Maybe that is what YOU think the message should be, but I suspect the movie's creator had other plans.

Maybe the kid just saw the movie "Dark Territory", and is determined to not let Steven Seagal ruin yet another 125 minutes of his life? [:D][:D]
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Posted by zardoz on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 10:41 PM
Gotta throw this out there. I don't know why, but I gotta.

By MICHELLE SPITZER, Associated Press Writer

MIAMI - The deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was arrested Tuesday for using the Internet to seduce what he thought was a teenage girl, authorities said.

Brian J. Doyle, 55, was arrested at his residence in Maryland on charges of use of a computer to seduce a child and transmission of harmful material to a minor. The charges were issued out of Polk County, Fla.

Doyle, of Silver Spring, Md., had a sexually explicit conversation with what he believed was a 14-year-old girl whose profile he saw on the Internet on March 14, the Polk County Sheriff's Office said in a statement.

The girl was an undercover Polk County Sheriff's Computer Crimes detective, the sheriff's office said.

Doyle sent the girl pornographic movie clips and had sexually explicit conversations via the Internet, the statement said.

During other online conversations, Doyle revealed his name, that he worked for the Homeland Security Department and offered his office and government issued cell phone numbers, the sheriff's office said.

Doyle also sent photos of himself to the girl, but authorities said they were not sexually explicit.

On several occasions, Doyle instructed her to perform a sexual act while thinking of him and described explicit activities he wanted to have with her, investigators said.

Doyle later had a telephone conversation with an undercover deputy posing as the teenager and encouraged her to purchase a web camera to send graphic images of herself to him, the sheriff's office said.

He was booked into Maryland's Montgomery County jail where he was waiting to be extradited to Florida, the sheriff's office said.

There was no immediate response to messages left on Doyle's government-issued cell phone and his e-mail, and he could not be reached by phone at the jail for comment.

Homeland Security press secretary Russ Knocke in Washington said he could not comment on the details of the investigation. "We take these allegations very seriously, and we will cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation," Knocke said.
It's good to know our "security" is in such capable hands.
I wonder what else is in those hands.....
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Posted by solzrules on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 11:06 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by zardoz

1. I am well aware of how wheels cut flesh. I've pulled the pieces of what were once humans out from under my locomotive.

Alright, then at least we can agree that this is not a wise activity to take pictures of, movie or no movie.

2. I agree. Saddam needed to be ousted. However, that fact hardly justifies the US killing tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens. If Saddam killed 100,000 and we kill "only" 20,000, are we less evil or is Saddam more evil? At what body count do we become the "good guys". Our country was in no direct danger from Iraq. There had to have been a better way to get rid of Saddam; it would hve just taken more planning.

Civilian casualties are a terrible consequence of war. Death is a terrible consequence of war. War is hell. That is why you don't go to war unless you are ***ed sure of what you are fighting for. If 9/11 hadn't happened and if Saddam didn't have an avenue to get back at America with WMD's through al-quaeda then there would be no reason for war. If we went to Iraq for oil then I would have voted for impeachment myself. But after 9/11 I don't want to leave that to chance. We didn't go there for oil we went there to eliminate a very serious threat. The threat has been eliminated but now we are trying to get the country back on its feet. Sadly, this may be something that America can't do. We are the only country in the world that will try to help another country rebuild after we have waged war against it. And sometimes this hurts both the countries even more. As for another option what other option would you suggest? What would you have done? Leave it to the UN? I will never trust my safety or the safety of my family to a toothless debating society that has trouble convicting dictators for war crimes when the bodies are strewn about the country (i.e. Milisovic). If they don't care about those people what makes you think they care about us?

3.What rights have I lost? The right to freely assemble to protest (you now must have a permit, authorized by the very administration you are seeking to protest against. Any other picketing is now illegal under the "patriot" act. I have lost the right to be free of unreasonable searches of my person and property.Have you ever read of any of the accounts of railfans hassled by the cops. Cameras confiscated. Film destroyed. Arrest records. A cop can use the fact that you are not wearing a seatbelt as justification to search your vehicle; and if you refuse, the make you wait until the K9 unit arrives and they do a "walk-around" with the dog. What f*cking justification can you possibly give to that?!? The fact tat I am not wearing a seatbelt make me a drug-runner? PLEASE! Shall I go on?

As a union member I can tell you that you have not lost the right to picket or to assemble. As for getting permits you have to get permits for anything you want to do that affects other people. Have you ever tried to build a house? You'd think you were trying to rename the state or something. As for the cops, if you have nothing to hide then why worry? I would get a kick out of a cop trying to find drugs in my truck. He will come back red-faced and empty handed every time. Maybe I will take his picture with my camera![:D] They cannot simply confiscate and destroy film. I have read the instances with METRA in Chicago were they tried that and that practice was quickly stopped when the media found out about it. Not only that is wasn't the cops that did it I think it was a security gaurd. I could be wrong on that, though. If you aren't on private property or doing anything illegal then how can they confiscate anything? Tell them they'll be hearing from your lawyer. It isn't illegal to take pictures.

Sure, right now you still have some freedoms left, and as long as you focus on what you have (exactly what "they" want you to do), you lose sight of what you have lost. What "legitimate concern" do you really have about the potential of a terrorist attack? Do you really think a terrorism act is going to happen to you? Do you worry that unless the government consider everyone "guilty until proven innocent", and wiretaps thousands of American citizens, that Armageddon is just around the corner?

Yes I have legitimate terrorism concerns and everyone should. 9/11 wasn't a fluke. They will do it again when they have the opportunity. Fanatical Islam has been at war with infidels since the time of Mohommad. That will not stop. I have studied the religion and just like every other religion there are fanatics. They are right, everyone else is wrong. Death is meaningless to them as long as they do Allahs work. It's pretty scary stuff. Christians used the same reasoning during the crusades and the Spainish inquisition. I have every reason to be concerned about it because the past speaks for itself. If you are an American citizen and you are talking to a known terrorist group then I want the government to wiretap you with everything they have. I could care less how offended you get. Why are you talking to an enemy that wants ALL of your rights taken away? I have no problem with the government trying to find out.

4. Population controls? It's not the number of people that are the problem. It is that a certain segment of Western society is so self-indulgent, that they never consider the effects their actions have on anyone else. Does the soccer mom really need a Hummer to drive her brats all over the place?

Well now here I agree with you. Our society is very self indulgent. Our constant focus on material things has led to many people buying things they don't really need. Unless you pass laws to limit what people get with the money they have (communism), there is no easy solution to this.

It is that a select few rich countries thumb their noses at Mother Earth thinking that they are above natural law, and that it is more important that corporations get rich, than it is that we are going to leave our kids a planet so messed up climatalogically that they will never know "normal" weather. Yes, the plants need carbon dioxide to survive; however, we are producing it so fast the neither the plants nor the oceans can absorb it fast enough. The rest ends up in the atmosphere.
BTW..Did you know that the Gulf Stream's flow has been reduced by almost 20% in the last few years? Do you know what will happen to the climate of Northern Europe when the Gulf Stream circulation stops? Look at the latitude of England or Ireland, then compare that number with Siberia or Northern Canada. THAT is the climate Europe is going to have. Europe is warm ONLY beause of the warm water the Gulf circulation provides. Why is the flow slowing? Due to the dilution of seawater by the melting of fresh-water icepacks above the Arctic circle, which has been proven to be caused by the recent warming of the Earth's climate.

What is natural law? Who authors that? Mother earth? Where is that written down? As for global warming- I have read that the last ice age was brought about by an increase in greenhouse gases. If you subscribe to the current theory of the history of the earth, and I don't but I will play along for the sake of argument, and you believe that the last ice age was thousands of years ago (before any oil exploitation) where did those gases come from? 5 billion people weren't driving cars around so what caused that? Volcanic action? So if we worry about greenhouse gases today and a volcano blows up in Yellowstone Park and plunges us into the next ice age anyway what difference does it make?
5. I am glad you gather info from many sources. Perhaps there is still hope for you yet.
Quoted from your post: "Most of it is unimportant garbage the government lies to us.". Egad! Do you really feel that "how our government lies to us" is unimportant? You've stumped me there! I don't know how to even respond to that.

I was trying to interject a little humor into tense debate. I usually link people who claim the government lied to us with unimportant garbage unless they can back it up. I usually don't see that.
Solzrules, I have no intention to ridicule you. Like you, I am agreeing to disagree. You seem like a thoughtful, intelligent person, and I guess I am surprised by some of your replies. I bear you no hard feelings. It's just that I'm rather passionate when it comes to the way the citizens of not only the US, but all over the world are being manipulated and abused by their respective governments. And hardly anyone seems to notice or care.

Well, I do appreciate that. It wasn't my intent to debate the past 10000 years of our existence but I guess we got a little off topic there.....[:)] And I do thank you for the compliment. And I appreciate your passion with respect to citizens and gorvernment. That is a debate that could fill 80 more pages, but I think some others may object to the long windedness of that. Rest assured, you are not the only one that watches how citizens and governments react.
You think this is bad? Just wait until inflation kicks in.....
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Posted by solzrules on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 11:09 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by zardoz

Gotta throw this out there. I don't know why, but I gotta.

By MICHELLE SPITZER, Associated Press Writer

MIAMI - The deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was arrested Tuesday for using the Internet to seduce what he thought was a teenage girl, authorities said.

Brian J. Doyle, 55, was arrested at his residence in Maryland on charges of use of a computer to seduce a child and transmission of harmful material to a minor. The charges were issued out of Polk County, Fla.

Doyle, of Silver Spring, Md., had a sexually explicit conversation with what he believed was a 14-year-old girl whose profile he saw on the Internet on March 14, the Polk County Sheriff's Office said in a statement.

The girl was an undercover Polk County Sheriff's Computer Crimes detective, the sheriff's office said.

Doyle sent the girl pornographic movie clips and had sexually explicit conversations via the Internet, the statement said.

During other online conversations, Doyle revealed his name, that he worked for the Homeland Security Department and offered his office and government issued cell phone numbers, the sheriff's office said.

Doyle also sent photos of himself to the girl, but authorities said they were not sexually explicit.

On several occasions, Doyle instructed her to perform a sexual act while thinking of him and described explicit activities he wanted to have with her, investigators said.

Doyle later had a telephone conversation with an undercover deputy posing as the teenager and encouraged her to purchase a web camera to send graphic images of herself to him, the sheriff's office said.

He was booked into Maryland's Montgomery County jail where he was waiting to be extradited to Florida, the sheriff's office said.

There was no immediate response to messages left on Doyle's government-issued cell phone and his e-mail, and he could not be reached by phone at the jail for comment.

Homeland Security press secretary Russ Knocke in Washington said he could not comment on the details of the investigation. "We take these allegations very seriously, and we will cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation," Knocke said.
It's good to know our "security" is in such capable hands.
I wonder what else is in those hands.....

Yuck. Point taken. If he is guilty I hope they nail him.
You think this is bad? Just wait until inflation kicks in.....
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Posted by solzrules on Tuesday, April 4, 2006 11:25 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by TheAntiGates

If ( for instance) you lied to me, I could choose to hate you ever after (rebel against you,what ever) notwithstanding whether I think you are correct or incorrect on subsequent matters.

Try to think of it in terms of "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"

Once an entity has betrayed a trust, there is no longer any obligation to give that entity the benefit of the doubt on subsequent occasion, IMO.

Fair enough, I have a similar philosophy when I encounter this. I do give people the benefit of the doubt though. My point is if I got mad at everyone who lied to me I would be pissed at the whole world. Everyone lies. Life is too short to fill your pants every times this happens.

U'mmm, I think I made up my mind when they were airlifting the last Americans out of Saigon...

I think that war was over two or three years before that. At that point we went from trying to win to looking for an 'exit stratedy' i.e. losing honorably. Kind of what people think we should do in Iraq. Give up but say we are still serious about winning.

I'm not sure that the creators of this movie were under any obligation to teach that message. Maybe that is what YOU think the message should be, but I suspect the movie's creator had other plans.

Maybe the kid just saw the movie "Dark Territory", and is determined to not let Steven Seagal ruin yet another 125 minutes of his life? [:D][:D]

Yes, I am well aware of what the movie creators were trying to do there. I thought that picture looked familiar when I first saw it but I wasn't sure until I read a couple entries here. More family friendly entertainment, just like brokeback moutain.

On a lighter note- what do you have against Steven Seagal?? At the least the movie had a train in it! Other than that I found the movie to be completely plausible![:D][:D][:D] I was able to make it through the movie after a nice glass of whiskey and a nap (during the movie). At least Seagal didn't get out and stop the train with a couple of ninja moves. That might be a little too much.
You think this is bad? Just wait until inflation kicks in.....
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 5, 2006 12:54 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by solzrules

On a lighter note- what do you have against Steven Seagal??

At least Seagal didn't get out and stop the train with a couple of ninja moves. That might be a little too much.

Obviously you understand quite well what I have against Seagal.....or you wouldn't have joked about his superhuman self adoration.

It's really disturbing to realize there are people with views like yours out there, virtually guaranteeing that my vote on election day, will be cancelled out in balance.

But at least there is consolation in knowing that I can return the favor, and you can bet I will.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 5, 2006 1:30 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by TheAntiGates

QUOTE: Originally posted by solzrules

It's really disturbing to realize there are people with views like yours out there, virtually guaranteeing that my vote on election day, will be cancelled out in balance.

But at least there is consolation in knowing that I can return the favor, and you can bet I will.



You know what's REALLY sad, is that more people will vote for the next American "Idol" than vote for the next leader of the free world.

Now, while I understand that more than a few 'idol' voters are not quite voting age...But that either shows mainstream (the people who actually make the country tick, not the people who the electorate panders to on election day) Americans' disgust with government or Americans' complete disconnection from whole governmental process.

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Posted by Bergie on Wednesday, April 5, 2006 9:01 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by BNSFrailfan

I was searching the TV Guide web site to see if there where gona be any Train programs coming on. And I happen to come accross this. Why someone would do somthing like this is beyond me. I just thought Id show you guys.

And why someone would post that photo here is beyond me. In the future, do me a favor and resist the temptation to do so. We don't want that kind of moronic behavior to be glorified here. I know, you didn't intend to glorify it, but by posting it you did.

Erik Bergstrom

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