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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 12:40 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by SchemerBob

QUOTE: Originally posted by TheAntiGates

I think they should force the guy to live and make him be the one to take a putty knife and a mop out to crossing gate accidents and clean up the mess,,, his new "second job" for life... THAT would be justice in my book.

That might be interesting!

Heh, Well, just being honest.....Suppose i commtted a crime like that. I'm 47 years old.

Would I prefer Death or to spend "life" in prison? I'd rather get it over quick.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 4:03 PM
OH goodie, my turn to take the Mickey out of your mouse.

No Civilised countryencorprates suchpathetic,and allbeit stupid laws saying... If I try to kill myself and suddenly change my mind and cause a massive accident,my punishemnt should reflect directly what the crime was related to.

SoIf I rob a bank, Does that mean I have to wash bank Tiles for the restof my life???

wait wait,i'mjsut warming up...

If I start a forest fire,does that mean my sentace should be that I have to dressup like Smokey the bear and convey a message on TV about fires?

wouldn't that be the single most stupid thing you have ever seen or heard of?

yes it would- If you want to commit a SERIOUS crime like that, derailing 3 trains, two trains, 4 trains,or one point six six repeating trains, You get killed or you get life in prison. End of story.

Not only is cleaning up every crossing that an accident occurs the most morbid,and unwaranted trhing I have ever heard of, it is also just plain stupid.

That is NOT justice in my book, and my book compares to others.

Don't be a writer and don't ever publish "your book"

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Posted by AlcoRS11Nut on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 5:00 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by espeefoamer

It wasn't a suicide attempt! The idiot was trying to impress his girlfriend[:(!][:(!][:(!]!

BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....TO THE CHAIR!!!!!!!!!
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Posted by SchemerBob on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 5:08 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

If you want to commit a SERIOUS crime like that, derailing 3 trains, two trains, 4 trains,or one point six six repeating trains, You get killed or you get life in prison. End of story.

Okay, fine! That brings me back to what I was saying...if they're going to kill him, put him on the tracks as soon as Amtrak goes through at 100 miles an hour. It would be a much faster death than anything else. Hey, if you wreck a train and kill others that is the way you should be killed if you are found guilty. One thing's for sure, it would be a lot more meaningfull.
Long live the BNSF .... AND its paint scheme. SchemerBob
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 5:22 PM
SoCal's got the gas chamber. Just toss the guy in a padded cell where he can rot indefinately. Or dispatch Gov. Ah-nold Schwarzenegger to "terminate" him.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 6:34 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

OH goodie, my turn to take the Mickey out of your mouse.

No Civilised countryencorprates suchpathetic,and allbeit stupid laws saying... If I try to kill myself and suddenly change my mind and cause a massive accident,my punishemnt should reflect directly what the crime was related to.

SoIf I rob a bank, Does that mean I have to wash bank Tiles for the restof my life???

wait wait,i'mjsut warming up...

If I start a forest fire,does that mean my sentace should be that I have to dressup like Smokey the bear and convey a message on TV about fires?

wouldn't that be the single most stupid thing you have ever seen or heard of?

yes it would- If you want to commit a SERIOUS crime like that, derailing 3 trains, two trains, 4 trains,or one point six six repeating trains, You get killed or you get life in prison. End of story.

Not only is cleaning up every crossing that an accident occurs the most morbid,and unwaranted trhing I have ever heard of, it is also just plain stupid.

That is NOT justice in my book, and my book compares to others.

Don't be a writer and don't ever publish "your book"

My point was, if the guy wanted to die, but lost his nerve, executing him would be doing him a favor, wouldn't it?

Forcing him to live, but in such a capacity to make him deal regularly with the kinda mallady that he caused would be much greater punishment than doing the job for him that he himself could not do..

Now of course, i offered that suggestion entirely tongue in cheek, but I wouldm't expect some beer swilling hick to recognize that. So, if it's a name calling contest you want, bring it on...[xx(]
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 6:51 PM
Now this is getting interesting! I LIKE IT Flame Retardant suits at 20 keyboards. Turn and Submit replies!
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 7:52 PM
I have more worthwile and important people to call names, and Idon't intend to waste my time with you. We already know that you have it in for the younger members of this forum, as the past would indicate.

I have only two real-world suggestions for you:

You have a big mouth, and in life that will get you in trouble. One day somebody will help you shut it, and just because that hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't

I'd watch what you say, ecen more so around people who are bigger then you, that means perhaps 5%-65% of the world physically, and 98.7% of the world mentally.

SECOND: In the famous words of Albert Einstein, he said that there was only one thing worse then ignorance, or arogance, and that was blatent and deliberate combination of them both, which you exert in all manerisims.

When you feel like conducting yourself like a 47 year old and not a 4.7 or .47 year old like you have to-date demonstrated, i'll be somewhat intrested in your general presence and possibly what you have to say..

Until then... (and "then" could be a long time)

Side note, calling me a hick is a compliment for the livestyle I

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Posted by Train Guy 3 on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:59 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Cris Helt

SoCal's got the gas chamber. Just toss the guy in a padded cell where he can rot indefinately. Or dispatch Gov. Ah-nold Schwarzenegger to "terminate" him.

"Terminate" him ehh.... is that mutiple shots from a 12 gauge?

TG3 LOOK ! LISTEN ! LIVE ! Remember the 3.

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Posted by garr on Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:45 PM
If it was a failed suicide attempt, the guy would have been in the suv when the impact occurred and lived. The guy obviously changed his mind and decided to live since he was very clear of the impact zone. So there is no irony if he is put to death. He wants to live. If everything proves as reported, bring on the death penalty--the sooner, the better.

BTW, even if it was a failed suicide attempt, I would still vote death if I was on the jury.

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 1, 2005 12:24 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

I have more worthwile and important people to call names, and Idon't intend to waste my time with you. We already know that you have it in for the younger members of this forum, as the past would indicate.

I have only two real-world suggestions for you:

You have a big mouth, and in life that will get you in trouble. One day somebody will help you shut it, and just because that hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't

I'd watch what you say, ecen more so around people who are bigger then you, that means perhaps 5%-65% of the world physically, and 98.7% of the world mentally.

SECOND: In the famous words of Albert Einstein, he said that there was only one thing worse then ignorance, or arogance, and that was blatent and deliberate combination of them both, which you exert in all manerisims.

When you feel like conducting yourself like a 47 year old and not a 4.7 or .47 year old like you have to-date demonstrated, i'll be somewhat intrested in your general presence and possibly what you have to say..

Until then... (and "then" could be a long time)

Side note, calling me a hick is a compliment for the livestyle I

And yanno what? If you hadn't already demonstrated time and again that you rather enjioy seeingh yourself as a cauldron stirring hothead, maybe I would take your insults more seriously. but i remember that you see yourself as some kind of "tough" so, I guess it's just par for the course.

I guess you REALLY told me, huh?
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 1, 2005 12:41 AM
Alright folks, this ones for my buddy.

Murder one is what the death penalty is prescribed for. Pre meditated murder.

Now, did this lunatic actually plan for a passenger train to hit his car, or was that part of the episode merely an 'accident'?...[}:)]

That is a question we need an answer to, before the death penalty can be applied. (IMO)

True, True, he did plan to put his vehicle on the tracks where SOME train would hit it, but how often do you hear about a train hitting a regular passenger vehicle, where there is a fatality on the train?

For the perpetrator to be thinking about his measly vehicle to be killing somone on the train,...well the guy would have to be crazy... So we run into the insanity defense...[:X][:X][:X]

I think the guy was just stupid, and wanted to see his car get crushed like a penny on the track by some big SD70-mac, and was therefore criminally negligent for failing to properly understand the full consequences of his actions, and therefor is guilty of second degree murder, because his actions UNINTENTIONALLY caused death to unforseen bystanders...

Sorta like if a railroad fails to maintain it's tracks, there is a derailment that kills several people in trackside houses....the railroad INTENTIONALLY sent a train through there, and although perhaps was not intentionally causing the poorly maintained track to fall apart....but the track did, nonetheless, and deaths resulted,from it and the rail road was solely responsible for do we line up the President and CEO of the railroad for murder 1? After all he SHOULDA known the consequences of sending a train through improperly maintained track right?

What do you think Kevin? this one's for you... [8)][8)]
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Posted by oltmannd on Thursday, September 1, 2005 6:38 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by garr

If it was a failed suicide attempt, the guy would have been in the suv when the impact occurred and lived. The guy obviously changed his mind and decided to live since he was very clear of the impact zone. So there is no irony if he is put to death. He wants to live. Bring on the death penalty--the sooner, the better.

BTW, even if it was a failed suicide attempt, I would still vote death if I was on the jury.


You mean you would have no need to listen to testimony at the trail? You have already decided he's guilty and deserves death?

Why have a trial then? Let's just get a mob together and kill the guy. It's fast, simple and cheap. Democracy in action! Why waste all that time developing and presenting facts when a TV journalist can give you all you need in two minutes of 3rd grade prose?

-Don (Random stuff, mostly about trains - what else?

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 1, 2005 4:39 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by TheAntiGates

QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

I have more worthwile and important people to call names, and Idon't intend to waste my time with you. We already know that you have it in for the younger members of this forum, as the past would indicate.

I have only two real-world suggestions for you:

You have a big mouth, and in life that will get you in trouble. One day somebody will help you shut it, and just because that hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't

I'd watch what you say, ecen more so around people who are bigger then you, that means perhaps 5%-65% of the world physically, and 98.7% of the world mentally.

SECOND: In the famous words of Albert Einstein, he said that there was only one thing worse then ignorance, or arogance, and that was blatent and deliberate combination of them both, which you exert in all manerisims.

When you feel like conducting yourself like a 47 year old and not a 4.7 or .47 year old like you have to-date demonstrated, i'll be somewhat intrested in your general presence and possibly what you have to say..

Until then... (and "then" could be a long time)

Side note, calling me a hick is a compliment for the livestyle I

And yanno what? If you hadn't already demonstrated time and again that you rather enjioy seeingh yourself as a cauldron stirring hothead, maybe I would take your insults more seriously. but i remember that you see yourself as some kind of "tough" so, I guess it's just par for the course.

I guess you REALLY told me, huh?

Yeah, oh you bet, darn tootin'... that was exact idea, to REALLY tell you.

I guess you missed the point of that..

Who did you hire to type up your other post? That was perhaps the single most intelligent thing I have read to be typed by your fingers.

So, yes actually I did like it, jus t let me know who the genuine author was-
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 1, 2005 5:18 PM
If the railroad would have put a Y in at both ends of the metro link railroad so the engine would have been in the lead, no one would be dead. In my opinion the ceo of metro link should be the one who should be prosecuted. It is total insanity for any passenger service anywhere in the country not to have the engines first out on there trains. The difference in weight is almost 5 fold. 40 tons, the weight of a passenger car, 220 tons the weight of the engine. Out of all the crossing at grade accidents that I have ever scene involving automobiles, not big rig trucks mind you, I have never seen the train derail with the engines in front. So let’s put the ceo on trial for not creating a safe work environment for the employees and not having a safe environment for the passengers.

From my experience in railroading there is not a proactive safety environment, when it is going to cost the railroad company any money to fix the problem. The only way the problem ever gets fixed is when someone gets hurt and/or someone gets killed! Thus the ceo of metro link is the person, in my opinion, to blame.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 1, 2005 9:54 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

Who did you hire to type up your other post? That was perhaps the single most intelligent thing I have read to be typed by your fingers.

So, yes actually I did like it, jus t let me know who the genuine author was-

Oh it was me, I just had second thoughts about entering into a battle of wits with an unarmed man......I'm just an old softy I suppose. [^]
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 2, 2005 5:45 PM
i'll let that last punch slide..
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Posted by Junctionfan on Friday, September 2, 2005 6:53 PM
Good heavens, I should have worned my asbestos suit before going into this thread.

Ouch! Ouch! Hot! Hot![:D][:-^]
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Posted by espeefoamer on Friday, September 2, 2005 7:26 PM
I still think the SOB should fry[:(!]!!!!!
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Posted by railfan619 on Friday, September 2, 2005 7:29 PM
YOU are so right he should be put in a big ole fryer and cooked until he is brown and crispy and then. He should be spread about the tracks for all of them little birdes that are always around the tracks looking for spilled grain from rail cars. [:D][:D]
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Posted by SchemerBob on Saturday, September 3, 2005 5:52 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by

If the railroad would have put a Y in at both ends of the metro link railroad so the engine would have been in the lead, no one would be dead. In my opinion the ceo of metro link should be the one who should be prosecuted. It is total insanity for any passenger service anywhere in the country not to have the engines first out on there trains. The difference in weight is almost 5 fold. 40 tons, the weight of a passenger car, 220 tons the weight of the engine. Out of all the crossing at grade accidents that I have ever scene involving automobiles, not big rig trucks mind you, I have never seen the train derail with the engines in front. So let’s put the ceo on trial for not creating a safe work environment for the employees and not having a safe environment for the passengers.

From my experience in railroading there is not a proactive safety environment, when it is going to cost the railroad company any money to fix the problem. The only way the problem ever gets fixed is when someone gets hurt and/or someone gets killed! Thus the ceo of metro link is the person, in my opinion, to blame.

Partly, yes. "Push-pulling" as it is called is when the engine pulls the train one way, and then pushes the train the other way and the engineer is in the cab car. Most commuter railroads use this practice now, and it isn't very safe when you think of road/rail accidents. Maybe they should come out with some new cars that have permanently fixed locomotives on each end? Might be too expensive, but it's something to think about.
Long live the BNSF .... AND its paint scheme. SchemerBob
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, September 3, 2005 6:29 PM
Gee, I always thought the Cops/courts/government were the menace to my general well being.

I never realized (until about 5 years ago, anyway) that it is my own peers among my fellow citizens who are the real "menace" [:(!]
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Posted by klahm on Saturday, September 3, 2005 9:34 PM
w/r/t the failed suicide idiot, the last thing I would do is plant him in front of a fast oncoming train. The image of his final moment would haunt the loco crew for many years, certainly an unfair burden to them. 'Spose they could know about it and look the other way, but things never go as expected and they could endure scattered remains and/or stench that would have the same result as seeing the impact directly. Their burdens are substantial enough without this.

I don't have the stats, but expect that the overall safety record of push-pull commuter ops is pretty good. I occasionally use Chicago's Metra and have never had reason to fear being in a lead car. The crews on my line (BNSF) seem fully safety-conscious. Of course, their diligence wouldn't prefent a lunatic from presenting them with a situation that the laws of physics don't allow them to minimize. Would a retired F40, ballasted, on the point, improve train solidity? Perhaps, but it would increase fuel consumption and costs. The trade-off point is difficult to define exactly, but, an ounce of prevention is always a pound of cure, so perhaps the investment is better spent on 4-quadrant gates or euro-style fence gates. Those would not have stopped this bozo, who drove his car down the tracks from the street, but they would lessen the "don't delay me" accidents that shut down the railroad for too long while the i's are dotted and t's crossed by police etc.

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Posted by garr on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 11:25 AM

You are right. I have added a key prepositional phrase to my post--If everything proves as reported...

Everyone should know how incorrect the media can be (just read or listen to almost any news story about railroads in the major media). However, in this news story, there would have to be some major differences from what has been reported brought out in trail to change my opinion.

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Posted by oltmannd on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 12:59 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by garr


You are right. I have added a key prepositional phrase to my post--If everything proves as reported...

Everyone should know how incorrect the media can be (just read or listen to almost any news story about railroads in the major media). However, in this news story, there would have to be some major differences from what has been reported brought out in trail to change my opinion.


....that's why journalism and law are two entirely different disciplines. (and TV news might even be a third!)

-Don (Random stuff, mostly about trains - what else?

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Posted by SALfan on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 3:44 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear

Too bad they don't still have the electric chair...


The electric chair is quick, and therefore far too kind to this . . . . lowlife (can't say what I'd like to about this murdering scum, this is a family forum).

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