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rail fanning blues

  • hey guys,

     i've been saveing up for a camra so i can take some pics when i go railfannig. i haven't bought it yet but my dad said i can use his camra in the mean time. we only live 2 min from the tracks and i told my mom that me and my dad were going to go railfanning but she said "no" it's too dangerouse i told her i won't get closer than 50 feet and she still ressisted have any suggestions on how to sofften her up? thanks


    What do you call a freight train full of bubble gum? A chew chew train! :] T.R. quote: "A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad." visit:
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  • You do not want to know. Trust me.Sign - Welcome [#welcome]
  • huh? and thanks but i'm not new.


    What do you call a freight train full of bubble gum? A chew chew train! :] T.R. quote: "A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad." visit:
  • I would suggest you go with your dad or mom the first few times.  When I was starting out, my mom didn't want to let me go, but my dad went with me (and sometimes I eve got my mom to go).  With my mom, when she saw how I behaved around the tracks, and realized that she was bored, she started to let me go by myself.  (Of course, this was all 30 years ago.)
    Charles Freericks
  • That's the answer. Let 'em go with you a few times, they see you behaving, they get bored and tell you to go by yourself.

    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • I don't know what to say, except for as long as you are being safe, and avoiding Railway Police and Tresspass zones, you should be fine. Where i live i can get pretty close to the tracks without being on railway property, which is cool. Check out my Youtube site on my profile to see some vids.
    TMC (CNR Mixed train GMD1 1063 with combine coach) (Remember always at Railway X-ing's, (Stop, Look and Listen!)
  •   As long as your not near the tracks thats cool. Take your mom with you like posted before,and show her you can be safe.

      Heck make a contract with her. put in it you wont go nearer than 50 feet ( this is a great idea as a piece of banding bouncing along will take your head off )youll only railfan in certain areas ( ones that dont have crack houses nearby and gang shootings) and anything else youd like to add. If you break it you are banned for a few months or whatever.

      As a working rail I dont mind railfans if they are being safe. I have seen some at Pequot Illinois that always wave and its a father and son. Seen a ton at Toluca filming and they are way back. Never had a problem with any of them. I actually try to wavew back ( when i see them) and yell hi.A good fan will call the ds when your train is having an issue. will give you a ride to the rear and make you feel like a rockstar.

      So give her some time,be honest, adn most of all show her how much your hobby means to you. I would love to know my kids are having a good time doing something nice and legal then worry about them being in trouble.

    Yes we are on time but this is yesterdays train